Research Article
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Phytochemical investigation of Helianthemum lippii l. aerial Dum.Cours part and evaluation for its antioxidant activities

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 229 - 237, 15.06.2022


Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the phytochemical contents and the antioxidant activity of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Dum.Cours. crude extract.
Methods: For preliminary phytochemical analysis, standard procedures were applied, while identification and quantification of individual phenolic compounds were performed by HPLC analysis. The Folin–Ciocalteu method was used to evaluate the total phenolic acid content of the plant extracts, The total flavonoid content was determined using the aluminum chloride colorimetric assay. The FTIR spectroscopy method was used to examine the chemical makeup of the organic extracts. The antioxidant activities were assessed using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl and reducing power assays.
Results: Chemical analysis revealed the presence of numerous secondary metabolites, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, anthocyanins, cardiac glycosides, leuco anthocyanins steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, and mucilage. For the HPLC analysis, we obtained 65 peaks and we identified 6 major elements of bioactive compounds. The total concentration of polyphenols and flavonoids was varied respectively 183.12±2.84 mg gallic acid eq/g dry wt and 72.00±1.03 mg quercetin eq/g dry wt /mg. The general concentration of condensed tannin and hydrolyzable tannin compounds were expressed in terms of catechin equivalent (5.88±1.58 mg Ca eq/g dry extract) and gallic acid (2.818±0.138 mgTA eq/g dry wt) respectively. FTIR spectroscopy investigation indicated several characteristic peak values in the extract with diverse functional groups such as amide, alcohol, and phenol groups. Concerning the antioxidant activity, we found that this extract has high inhibitory percentages equivalent to IC50 3.085±0.001 for DPPH and 1.724±0.021 for reduction power (µg/mL).
Conclusion: Our study proved that the aqueous extract of the H lippii is very rich in secondary metabolites; in addition, it has a tremendous anti-oxidant capacity, which leads us forward to introduce it for medical use.

Supporting Institution

the Faculty of Sciences of Nature and Life, University of El-Oued

Project Number



This study was funded by the Faculty of Sciences of Nature and Life, University of El-Oued, Algeria.Laboratory of Biology, Environment and Health (LBEH), El Oued University.


  • Ahmad, S., Ahmad, S., Bibi, A., Ishaq, M.S., Afridi, M.S., Kanwal, F., Zakir, M., & Fatima, F. (2014). Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity, fatty acids composition, and functional group analysis of Heliotropium bacciferum. The Scientific World Journal, 2014.
  • Ahn, M.-R., Kumazawa, S., Usui, Y., Nakamura, J., Matsuka, M., Zhu, F., & Nakayama, T. (2007). Antioxidant activity and constituents of propolis collected in various areas of China. Food Chemistry, 101(4), 1383-1392.
  • Alarcón, E., Campos, A., Edwards, A., Lissi, E., & López-Alarcón, C. (2008). Antioxidant capacity of herbal infusions and tea extracts: A comparison of ORAC-fluorescein and ORAC-pyrogallol red methodologies. Food Chemistry, 107(3), 1114-1119.
  • Ali-Rachedi, F., Meraghni, S., Touaibia, N., & Mohamed, S. (2018). Quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds of an algerian endemic Scabiosa atropurpurea sub. Maritima L. Bull Company R Sci Liège, 87, 13-21.
  • Aluko, B. (2017). Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Solanum erianthum. Science World Journal, 12(1), 5-8.
  • Broadhurst, R.B., & Jones, W.T. (1978). Analysis of condensed tannins using acidified vanillin. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 29(9), 788-794.
  • Bruck de Souza, L., Leitão Gindri, A., de Andrade Fortes, T., Felli Kubiça, T., Enderle, J., Roehrs, R., Moura e Silva, S., Manfredini, V., & Gasparotto Denardin, E.L. (2020). Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity, and cytotoxicity of chaptalia nutans leaves. Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020.
  • Cai, Y., Sun, M., & Corke, H. (2003). Antioxidant activity of betalains from plants of the Amaranthaceae. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 51(8), 2288-2294.
  • Carro, R.T., D'almeida, R.E., Isla, M.I., & Alberto, M.R. (2016). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Frankenia triandra (J. Rémy) extracts. South African Journal of Botany, 104, 208-214.
  • Ćetković, G.S., Djilas, S. M., Čanadanović-Brunet, J. M., & Tumbas, V. T. (2004). Antioxidant properties of marigold extracts. Food Research International, 37(7), 643-650.
  • Chaouche, T.M., Haddouchi, F., Boudjemai, O., & Ghellai, I. (2020). Antioxidant and hemolytic activity of Ziziphus jujuba Mill and Rhamnus alaternus L (Rhamnaceae) extracts from Algeria. Activité antioxydante et hémolytique des extraits de Ziziphus jujuba Mill et Rhamnus alaternus (Rhamnaceae) d’Algérie. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège.
  • Farahpour, M.R. (2014). Antioxidant activity, Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of Pot marigold hydroalcoholic extract on experimental animals. Inter. J. Pharm. Tech. Res, 1, 974-4304.
  • Ghani, M.A., Barril, C., Bedgood, D.R., & Prenzler, P.D. (2019). Development of a method suitable for high-throughput screening to measure antioxidant activity in a linoleic acid emulsion. Antioxidants, 8(9), 366.
  • Girola, N., Figueiredo, C.R., Farias, C.F., Azevedo, R.A., Ferreira, A.K., Teixeira, S.F., Capello, T.M., Martins, E.G., Matsuo, A.L., & Travassos, L.R. (2015). Camphene isolated from essential oil of Piper cernuum (Piperaceae) induces intrinsic apoptosis in melanoma cells and displays antitumor activity in vivo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 467(4), 928-934.
  • Głód, B.K., Wantusiak, P.M., Piszcz, P., Lewczuk, E., & Zarzycki, P.K. (2015). Application of micro-TLC to the total antioxidant potential (TAP) measurement. Food Chemistry, 173, 749-754.
  • Granato, E.M., Granato, M.M., Gerenutti, M., Silva, M.G., Ferraz, H.O., & Vila, M. (2013). Prospecção fitoquímica da espécie vegetal Trixisantimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze. Revista Brasileira de Farmácia, 94(2), 130-135. Kına, E., Uysal, İ., Mohammed, F.S., Doğan, M., & Sevindik, M. (2021). In-vitro antioxidant and oxidant properties of Centaurea rigida. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(10), 1905-1907.
  • Li, H.-B., Cheng, K.-W., Wong, C.-C., Fan, K.-W., Chen, F., & Jiang, Y. (2007). Evaluation of antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of different fractions of selected microalgae. Food Chemistry, 102(3), 771-776.
  • Mansouri, A., Embarek, G., Kokkalou, E., & Kefalas, P. (2005). Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of the Algerian ripe date palm fruit (Phoenix dactylifera). Food Chemistry, 89(3), 411-420.
  • Matos, F.d.A. (1997). Introdução à fitoquímica experimental. edições UFC.
  • Miliauskas, G., Venskutonis, P., & Van Beek, T. (2004). Screening of radical scavenging activity of some medicinal and aromatic plant extracts. Food Chemistry, 85(2), 231-237.
  • Mohammed, F.S., Kına, E., Sevindik, M., Doğan, M., & Pehlivan, M. (2021). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanol extract of Helianthemum salicifolium (Cistaceae). Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (IJNPR)[Formerly Natural Product Radiance (NPR)], 12(3), 459-462.
  • Mohammed, F.S., Korkmaz, N., Doğan, M., Şabik, A. E., & Sevindik, M. (2021). Some medicinal properties of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice). Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University, 45(3), 524-534.
  • Mubashar Sabir, S., Khan, M.F., Rocha, J.B.T., Boligon, A.A., & Athayde, M.L. (2015). Phenolic profile, antioxidant activities and genotoxic evaluations of C alendula officinalis. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 39(3), 316-324.
  • Murugan, R., & Parimelazhagan, T. (2014). Comparative evaluation of different extraction methods for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties from Osbeckia parvifolia Arn.–An in vitro approach. Journal of King Saud University-Science, 26(4), 267-275.
  • Oraiza, M. (1986). Studies on product of browning reaction prepared from glucosamine. Japanese J Nutr, 44, 307-315.
  • Pehlivan, M., Mohammed, F. S., Şabik, A.E., Kına, E., Dogan, M., Yumrutaş, Ö., & Sevindik, M. (2021). Some Biological activities of ethanol extract of Marrubium globosum. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(6), 1129-1132.
  • Poudel, M., & Rajbhandari, M. (2020). Phytochemical Analysis of Ampelopteris Prolifera (Retzius) Copeland. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 19(1), 78-88.
  • Rotta, E.M., Haminiuk, C.W.I., Maldaner, L., & Visentainer, J.V. (2017). Determination of antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of Muntingia calabura Linn. peel by HPLC‐DAD and UPLC‐ESI‐MS/MS. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 52(4), 954-963.
  • Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Pehlivan, M., & Selamoglu, Z. (2017). Determination of therapeutic potential of Mentha longifolia ssp. longifolia. Fresen Environ Bull, 26(7), 4757-4763.
  • Uysal, İ., Mohammed, F.S., Şabik, A.E., Kına, E., & Sevindik, M. (2021). Antioxidant and Oxidant status of medicinal plant Echium italicum collected from different regions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(10), 1902-1904.
  • Valdés, L.C.,A.; Salazar, N.; Ruas-Madiedo, P.; Gueimonde, M.; González, S. (2015). The relationship between phenolic compounds from diet and microbiota: impact on human health. Food & Function, 6, 2424-2439.

Phytochemical investigation of Helianthemum lippii l. aerial Dum.Cours part and evaluation for its antioxidant activities

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 229 - 237, 15.06.2022


Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the phytochemical contents and the antioxidant activity of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Dum.Cours. crude extract.
Methods: For preliminary phytochemical analysis, standard procedures were applied, while identification and quantification of individual phenolic compounds were performed by HPLC analysis. The Folin–Ciocalteu method was used to evaluate the total phenolic acid content of the plant extracts, The total flavonoid content was determined using the aluminum chloride colorimetric assay. The FTIR spectroscopy method was used to examine the chemical makeup of the organic extracts. The antioxidant activities were assessed using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl and reducing power assays.
Results: Chemical analysis revealed the presence of numerous secondary metabolites, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, anthocyanins, cardiac glycosides, leuco anthocyanins steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, and mucilage. For the HPLC analysis, we obtained 65 peaks and we identified 6 major elements of bioactive compounds. The total concentration of polyphenols and flavonoids was varied respectively 183.12±2.84 mg gallic acid eq/g dry wt and 72.00±1.03 mg quercetin eq/g dry wt /mg. The general concentration of condensed tannin and hydrolyzable tannin compounds were expressed in terms of catechin equivalent (5.88±1.58 mg Ca eq/g dry extract) and gallic acid (2.818±0.138 mgTA eq/g dry wt) respectively. FTIR spectroscopy investigation indicated several characteristic peak values in the extract with diverse functional groups such as amide, alcohol, and phenol groups. Concerning the antioxidant activity, we found that this extract has high inhibitory percentages equivalent to IC50 3.085±0.001 for DPPH and 1.724±0.021 for reduction power (µg/mL).
Conclusion: Our study proved that the aqueous extract of the H lippii is very rich in secondary metabolites; in addition, it has a tremendous anti-oxidant capacity, which leads us forward to introduce it for medical use.

Project Number



  • Ahmad, S., Ahmad, S., Bibi, A., Ishaq, M.S., Afridi, M.S., Kanwal, F., Zakir, M., & Fatima, F. (2014). Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity, fatty acids composition, and functional group analysis of Heliotropium bacciferum. The Scientific World Journal, 2014.
  • Ahn, M.-R., Kumazawa, S., Usui, Y., Nakamura, J., Matsuka, M., Zhu, F., & Nakayama, T. (2007). Antioxidant activity and constituents of propolis collected in various areas of China. Food Chemistry, 101(4), 1383-1392.
  • Alarcón, E., Campos, A., Edwards, A., Lissi, E., & López-Alarcón, C. (2008). Antioxidant capacity of herbal infusions and tea extracts: A comparison of ORAC-fluorescein and ORAC-pyrogallol red methodologies. Food Chemistry, 107(3), 1114-1119.
  • Ali-Rachedi, F., Meraghni, S., Touaibia, N., & Mohamed, S. (2018). Quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds of an algerian endemic Scabiosa atropurpurea sub. Maritima L. Bull Company R Sci Liège, 87, 13-21.
  • Aluko, B. (2017). Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Solanum erianthum. Science World Journal, 12(1), 5-8.
  • Broadhurst, R.B., & Jones, W.T. (1978). Analysis of condensed tannins using acidified vanillin. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 29(9), 788-794.
  • Bruck de Souza, L., Leitão Gindri, A., de Andrade Fortes, T., Felli Kubiça, T., Enderle, J., Roehrs, R., Moura e Silva, S., Manfredini, V., & Gasparotto Denardin, E.L. (2020). Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity, and cytotoxicity of chaptalia nutans leaves. Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020.
  • Cai, Y., Sun, M., & Corke, H. (2003). Antioxidant activity of betalains from plants of the Amaranthaceae. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 51(8), 2288-2294.
  • Carro, R.T., D'almeida, R.E., Isla, M.I., & Alberto, M.R. (2016). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Frankenia triandra (J. Rémy) extracts. South African Journal of Botany, 104, 208-214.
  • Ćetković, G.S., Djilas, S. M., Čanadanović-Brunet, J. M., & Tumbas, V. T. (2004). Antioxidant properties of marigold extracts. Food Research International, 37(7), 643-650.
  • Chaouche, T.M., Haddouchi, F., Boudjemai, O., & Ghellai, I. (2020). Antioxidant and hemolytic activity of Ziziphus jujuba Mill and Rhamnus alaternus L (Rhamnaceae) extracts from Algeria. Activité antioxydante et hémolytique des extraits de Ziziphus jujuba Mill et Rhamnus alaternus (Rhamnaceae) d’Algérie. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège.
  • Farahpour, M.R. (2014). Antioxidant activity, Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of Pot marigold hydroalcoholic extract on experimental animals. Inter. J. Pharm. Tech. Res, 1, 974-4304.
  • Ghani, M.A., Barril, C., Bedgood, D.R., & Prenzler, P.D. (2019). Development of a method suitable for high-throughput screening to measure antioxidant activity in a linoleic acid emulsion. Antioxidants, 8(9), 366.
  • Girola, N., Figueiredo, C.R., Farias, C.F., Azevedo, R.A., Ferreira, A.K., Teixeira, S.F., Capello, T.M., Martins, E.G., Matsuo, A.L., & Travassos, L.R. (2015). Camphene isolated from essential oil of Piper cernuum (Piperaceae) induces intrinsic apoptosis in melanoma cells and displays antitumor activity in vivo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 467(4), 928-934.
  • Głód, B.K., Wantusiak, P.M., Piszcz, P., Lewczuk, E., & Zarzycki, P.K. (2015). Application of micro-TLC to the total antioxidant potential (TAP) measurement. Food Chemistry, 173, 749-754.
  • Granato, E.M., Granato, M.M., Gerenutti, M., Silva, M.G., Ferraz, H.O., & Vila, M. (2013). Prospecção fitoquímica da espécie vegetal Trixisantimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze. Revista Brasileira de Farmácia, 94(2), 130-135. Kına, E., Uysal, İ., Mohammed, F.S., Doğan, M., & Sevindik, M. (2021). In-vitro antioxidant and oxidant properties of Centaurea rigida. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(10), 1905-1907.
  • Li, H.-B., Cheng, K.-W., Wong, C.-C., Fan, K.-W., Chen, F., & Jiang, Y. (2007). Evaluation of antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of different fractions of selected microalgae. Food Chemistry, 102(3), 771-776.
  • Mansouri, A., Embarek, G., Kokkalou, E., & Kefalas, P. (2005). Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of the Algerian ripe date palm fruit (Phoenix dactylifera). Food Chemistry, 89(3), 411-420.
  • Matos, F.d.A. (1997). Introdução à fitoquímica experimental. edições UFC.
  • Miliauskas, G., Venskutonis, P., & Van Beek, T. (2004). Screening of radical scavenging activity of some medicinal and aromatic plant extracts. Food Chemistry, 85(2), 231-237.
  • Mohammed, F.S., Kına, E., Sevindik, M., Doğan, M., & Pehlivan, M. (2021). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanol extract of Helianthemum salicifolium (Cistaceae). Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (IJNPR)[Formerly Natural Product Radiance (NPR)], 12(3), 459-462.
  • Mohammed, F.S., Korkmaz, N., Doğan, M., Şabik, A. E., & Sevindik, M. (2021). Some medicinal properties of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice). Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University, 45(3), 524-534.
  • Mubashar Sabir, S., Khan, M.F., Rocha, J.B.T., Boligon, A.A., & Athayde, M.L. (2015). Phenolic profile, antioxidant activities and genotoxic evaluations of C alendula officinalis. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 39(3), 316-324.
  • Murugan, R., & Parimelazhagan, T. (2014). Comparative evaluation of different extraction methods for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties from Osbeckia parvifolia Arn.–An in vitro approach. Journal of King Saud University-Science, 26(4), 267-275.
  • Oraiza, M. (1986). Studies on product of browning reaction prepared from glucosamine. Japanese J Nutr, 44, 307-315.
  • Pehlivan, M., Mohammed, F. S., Şabik, A.E., Kına, E., Dogan, M., Yumrutaş, Ö., & Sevindik, M. (2021). Some Biological activities of ethanol extract of Marrubium globosum. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(6), 1129-1132.
  • Poudel, M., & Rajbhandari, M. (2020). Phytochemical Analysis of Ampelopteris Prolifera (Retzius) Copeland. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 19(1), 78-88.
  • Rotta, E.M., Haminiuk, C.W.I., Maldaner, L., & Visentainer, J.V. (2017). Determination of antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of Muntingia calabura Linn. peel by HPLC‐DAD and UPLC‐ESI‐MS/MS. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 52(4), 954-963.
  • Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Pehlivan, M., & Selamoglu, Z. (2017). Determination of therapeutic potential of Mentha longifolia ssp. longifolia. Fresen Environ Bull, 26(7), 4757-4763.
  • Uysal, İ., Mohammed, F.S., Şabik, A.E., Kına, E., & Sevindik, M. (2021). Antioxidant and Oxidant status of medicinal plant Echium italicum collected from different regions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(10), 1902-1904.
  • Valdés, L.C.,A.; Salazar, N.; Ruas-Madiedo, P.; Gueimonde, M.; González, S. (2015). The relationship between phenolic compounds from diet and microbiota: impact on human health. Food & Function, 6, 2424-2439.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Ibtissam Laib

Ali Boutlelis Djahra 0000-0001-6046-6804

Project Number 1
Early Pub Date May 19, 2022
Publication Date June 15, 2022
Submission Date September 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Laib, I., & Djahra, A. B. (2022). Phytochemical investigation of Helianthemum lippii l. aerial Dum.Cours part and evaluation for its antioxidant activities. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 9(2), 229-237.

Cited By

International Journal of Secondary Metabolite

e-ISSN: 2148-6905