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Determination of heavy metal concentrations and soil samples of Betula pendula and Populus tremula in Nemrut Crater Lake

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 4, 504 - 512, 21.12.2022


The concentrations of Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and As heavy metals and the heavy metal accumulation levels of these plants were determined in Betula pendula and Populus tremula trees, which are the characteristic trees of Nemrut Crater Lake, the second largest crater lake in the world, and the soil samples surrounding them. Heavy metals are considered to be one of the most dangerous and priority pollutants due to their high persistence and toxicity to plant and animal life in the environment. For this reason, the results obtained will contribute to the studies carried out to determine the uptake of heavy metal pollutants in the environment and the self-healing effort of the polluted environments by applying the phytoremediation method.


  • Akbıyık, F. (2012). An investigation on the accumulations of macro and microelements on biotic and abiotic components of feline stream [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Anadolu University.
  • Allen, S.E. (1989). Chemical Analysis of Ecological Material. 2nd edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 368 pp.
  • Baker, A.J.M., & Brooks, R.R. (1989). Terrestrial higher plants which hyperaccumulate metallic elements - a review of their distribution, ecology and phytochemistry. Biorecovery, 1, 81-126.
  • Baycu, G., Tolunay, D., Ozden, H., Csatari, I., Karadag, S., Agba, T., & Rognes, S.E. (2014). An abandoned copper mining site in Cyprus and assessment of metal concentrations in plants and soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17(7), 622–631.
  • Blaylock, M.J., & Huang, J.W. (2000). Phytoextraction of metals. In: Raskin, I. ve Ensley, B.D. (eds.), Phytoremediation of Toxic Metals: Using plants to clean-up the environment. Wiley, New York, 53-70.
  • Chen, Y., Shen, Z., & Li, X. (2004). The use of Vetiver Grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) in the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Applied Geochemistry, 19, 1553–1565.
  • FAO/WHO (1996). Biotechnology and food safety. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper No. 61. Rome, FAO.
  • GKGM (2016). Betula sp. özsuyunun (usaresi) gıdalarda kullanımının güvenilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi hakkında bilimsel görüş. Gıda ve Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü Risk Değerlendirme Daire Başkanlığı (Bilimsel Rapor).(in Turkish). [Betula sp. Scientific opinion on the evaluation of the safety of the use of the juice (usaresi) in food.General Directorate of Food and Control Risk Assesment Department]
  • Halim, M., Conte, P., & Piccolo, A. (2003). Potential availability of heavy metals to phytoextraction from contaminated soils by exogenous humic substances. Chemosphere, 52, 265.
  • Hamutoğlu, R., Dinçsoy, A.B., Cansaran-Duman, D., & Aras, S. (2012). Biyosorpsiyon, adsorpsiyon ve fitoremediasyon yöntemleri ve uygulamaları. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 69(4), 235-53. (in Turkish). [Biosorption, adsorption, phytoremediation methods and applications. [Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and experimental Biology].
  • Kabata-Pendias, A., & Mukherjee, A. (2007). Trace elements from soil to human. Springer-verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Kayacık, H. (1981). Orman ve park ağaçları özel sistematiği. II. Cilt Angiospermae (Kapalı Tohumlular), İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayın No: 2766, İstanbul, s 52-53, 1981. (in Turkish). [Special systematic of forest and park trees. Volume II Angiospermae. Istanbul University Pulication No: 2766, Istanbul, 52-53, 1981.]
  • Kastori, R., Petrović, N., & Arsenijević-Maksimović, I. (1997). Heavy metals and plants. In: R kastori (ed.), Heavy Metals in the environment. Institute of Field and vegetable Crops, novi Sad. 196-257.
  • Korkut, A.B., Şişman E, & Özyavuz, E. (2010). Peyzaj Mimarlığı [Landscape architecture]. Ada Ofset Matbaacılık. ISBN: 978-605-88381-0-9. İstanbul.
  • Long, X.X., Yang, X.E., & Ni, W.Z. (2002). Current status and perspective on phytoremediation of heavy metal polluted soils. Journal of Applied Ecology, 13, 757-762.
  • Misra, S.G., & Mani, D. (1991). Soil pollution. Ashish Publishing House, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi, India.
  • Niess, D.H. (1999). Microbial heavy-metal resistance. Applied Microbiol. Biotech., 51, 730-750.
  • Padmavathiamma, P.K., & Li, L.Y. (2007). Phytoremediation technology: hyper-accumulation metals in plants. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 184(1-4), 105-126.
  • Park, S., Kim, K.S., Kim, J. T., Kang, D., & Sung, K. (2011). Effects of humic acid on phytodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil simultaneously contaminated with heavy metals. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(12), 2034-2041.
  • Prasad, M. N. V., & Freitas, H. M. D. O. (2003). Metal hyperaccumulation in plants biodiversity prospecting for phytoremediation technology. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 6(3), 275–321.
  • Prasad, M.N.V. (2003). Phytoremediation of metal-polluted ecosystems: Hype for commercialization. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 50(5), 686–700.
  • Samarghandi, M.R., Nouri, J., Mesdaghinia, A.R., Mahvi, A.H., Nasseri, S., & Vaezi, F. (2007). Efficiency removal of phenol, lead and cadmium by means of UV/TiO2/H2O2 Processes. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4, 19-25.
  • Schulze, E.D., Beck, E., Müller-Hohenstein, K., Lawlor, D., Lawlor, K., & Lawlor, G. (2005). Plant Ecology. Springerverlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Seaward, M.R.D., & Richardson, D.H.S. (1989). Atmospheric sources of metal pollution an effects on vegatation, In: SHAW A.J. (ed.) Heavy metal tolerance in plants. pp. 75-92.
  • Singh, A., & Prasad, S.M. (2011). Reduction of heavy metal load in food chain: technology assessment, Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 10(3), 199–214.
  • Uzunoğlu, O. (1999). Determining some heavy metal concentrations in water and sediments samples taken from Gediz river [Unpublished Master thesis]. Celal Bayar University.
  • Vanlı, Ö., & Yazgan, M. (2008). Phytormediation technique in cleaning soils contaminated with heavy metals. http://www.tarimsal.com. (Accesss date: 05.04.2018).
  • Wei, C.Y., Chen, T.B., & Huang, Z.C. (2002). Cretan bake (Pteris cretica L): an arsenic accumulating plant. Acta Ecology Sinica, 22, 777-782.
  • Yaltırık, F. (1993). Dendroloji Ders Kitabı II Angiospermae (Kapalı Tohumlular) [Dendrology Textbook II Angiospermae]., Bölüm I, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, s 46-48, 1993.(in Turkish).
  • Zhai, G. (2013). Phytoremediation: Green Weapon to Fight Pollution. Journal of Bioremediation and Biodegradation, 7, 56-65.
  • Zhao, S., & Duo, L. (2015). Bioaccumulation of cadmium, copper, zinc, and nickel by weed species from municipal solid waste compost. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(1), 413-417.

Determination of heavy metal concentrations and soil samples of Betula pendula and Populus tremula in Nemrut Crater Lake

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 4, 504 - 512, 21.12.2022


The concentrations of Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and As heavy metals and the heavy metal accumulation levels of these plants were determined in Betula pendula and Populus tremula trees, which are the characteristic trees of Nemrut Crater Lake, the second largest crater lake in the world, and the soil samples surrounding them. Heavy metals are considered to be one of the most dangerous and priority pollutants due to their high persistence and toxicity to plant and animal life in the environment. For this reason, the results obtained will contribute to the studies carried out to determine the uptake of heavy metal pollutants in the environment and the self-healing effort of the polluted environments by applying the phytoremediation method.


  • Akbıyık, F. (2012). An investigation on the accumulations of macro and microelements on biotic and abiotic components of feline stream [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Anadolu University.
  • Allen, S.E. (1989). Chemical Analysis of Ecological Material. 2nd edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 368 pp.
  • Baker, A.J.M., & Brooks, R.R. (1989). Terrestrial higher plants which hyperaccumulate metallic elements - a review of their distribution, ecology and phytochemistry. Biorecovery, 1, 81-126.
  • Baycu, G., Tolunay, D., Ozden, H., Csatari, I., Karadag, S., Agba, T., & Rognes, S.E. (2014). An abandoned copper mining site in Cyprus and assessment of metal concentrations in plants and soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17(7), 622–631.
  • Blaylock, M.J., & Huang, J.W. (2000). Phytoextraction of metals. In: Raskin, I. ve Ensley, B.D. (eds.), Phytoremediation of Toxic Metals: Using plants to clean-up the environment. Wiley, New York, 53-70.
  • Chen, Y., Shen, Z., & Li, X. (2004). The use of Vetiver Grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) in the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Applied Geochemistry, 19, 1553–1565.
  • FAO/WHO (1996). Biotechnology and food safety. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper No. 61. Rome, FAO.
  • GKGM (2016). Betula sp. özsuyunun (usaresi) gıdalarda kullanımının güvenilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi hakkında bilimsel görüş. Gıda ve Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü Risk Değerlendirme Daire Başkanlığı (Bilimsel Rapor).(in Turkish). [Betula sp. Scientific opinion on the evaluation of the safety of the use of the juice (usaresi) in food.General Directorate of Food and Control Risk Assesment Department]
  • Halim, M., Conte, P., & Piccolo, A. (2003). Potential availability of heavy metals to phytoextraction from contaminated soils by exogenous humic substances. Chemosphere, 52, 265.
  • Hamutoğlu, R., Dinçsoy, A.B., Cansaran-Duman, D., & Aras, S. (2012). Biyosorpsiyon, adsorpsiyon ve fitoremediasyon yöntemleri ve uygulamaları. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 69(4), 235-53. (in Turkish). [Biosorption, adsorption, phytoremediation methods and applications. [Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and experimental Biology].
  • Kabata-Pendias, A., & Mukherjee, A. (2007). Trace elements from soil to human. Springer-verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Kayacık, H. (1981). Orman ve park ağaçları özel sistematiği. II. Cilt Angiospermae (Kapalı Tohumlular), İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayın No: 2766, İstanbul, s 52-53, 1981. (in Turkish). [Special systematic of forest and park trees. Volume II Angiospermae. Istanbul University Pulication No: 2766, Istanbul, 52-53, 1981.]
  • Kastori, R., Petrović, N., & Arsenijević-Maksimović, I. (1997). Heavy metals and plants. In: R kastori (ed.), Heavy Metals in the environment. Institute of Field and vegetable Crops, novi Sad. 196-257.
  • Korkut, A.B., Şişman E, & Özyavuz, E. (2010). Peyzaj Mimarlığı [Landscape architecture]. Ada Ofset Matbaacılık. ISBN: 978-605-88381-0-9. İstanbul.
  • Long, X.X., Yang, X.E., & Ni, W.Z. (2002). Current status and perspective on phytoremediation of heavy metal polluted soils. Journal of Applied Ecology, 13, 757-762.
  • Misra, S.G., & Mani, D. (1991). Soil pollution. Ashish Publishing House, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi, India.
  • Niess, D.H. (1999). Microbial heavy-metal resistance. Applied Microbiol. Biotech., 51, 730-750.
  • Padmavathiamma, P.K., & Li, L.Y. (2007). Phytoremediation technology: hyper-accumulation metals in plants. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 184(1-4), 105-126.
  • Park, S., Kim, K.S., Kim, J. T., Kang, D., & Sung, K. (2011). Effects of humic acid on phytodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil simultaneously contaminated with heavy metals. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(12), 2034-2041.
  • Prasad, M. N. V., & Freitas, H. M. D. O. (2003). Metal hyperaccumulation in plants biodiversity prospecting for phytoremediation technology. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 6(3), 275–321.
  • Prasad, M.N.V. (2003). Phytoremediation of metal-polluted ecosystems: Hype for commercialization. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 50(5), 686–700.
  • Samarghandi, M.R., Nouri, J., Mesdaghinia, A.R., Mahvi, A.H., Nasseri, S., & Vaezi, F. (2007). Efficiency removal of phenol, lead and cadmium by means of UV/TiO2/H2O2 Processes. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4, 19-25.
  • Schulze, E.D., Beck, E., Müller-Hohenstein, K., Lawlor, D., Lawlor, K., & Lawlor, G. (2005). Plant Ecology. Springerverlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Seaward, M.R.D., & Richardson, D.H.S. (1989). Atmospheric sources of metal pollution an effects on vegatation, In: SHAW A.J. (ed.) Heavy metal tolerance in plants. pp. 75-92.
  • Singh, A., & Prasad, S.M. (2011). Reduction of heavy metal load in food chain: technology assessment, Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 10(3), 199–214.
  • Uzunoğlu, O. (1999). Determining some heavy metal concentrations in water and sediments samples taken from Gediz river [Unpublished Master thesis]. Celal Bayar University.
  • Vanlı, Ö., & Yazgan, M. (2008). Phytormediation technique in cleaning soils contaminated with heavy metals. http://www.tarimsal.com. (Accesss date: 05.04.2018).
  • Wei, C.Y., Chen, T.B., & Huang, Z.C. (2002). Cretan bake (Pteris cretica L): an arsenic accumulating plant. Acta Ecology Sinica, 22, 777-782.
  • Yaltırık, F. (1993). Dendroloji Ders Kitabı II Angiospermae (Kapalı Tohumlular) [Dendrology Textbook II Angiospermae]., Bölüm I, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, s 46-48, 1993.(in Turkish).
  • Zhai, G. (2013). Phytoremediation: Green Weapon to Fight Pollution. Journal of Bioremediation and Biodegradation, 7, 56-65.
  • Zhao, S., & Duo, L. (2015). Bioaccumulation of cadmium, copper, zinc, and nickel by weed species from municipal solid waste compost. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(1), 413-417.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Şükrü Hayta 0000-0003-1008-487X

Elif Fırat This is me 0000-0001-8363-3951

Publication Date December 21, 2022
Submission Date March 4, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 4


APA Hayta, Ş., & Fırat, E. (2022). Determination of heavy metal concentrations and soil samples of Betula pendula and Populus tremula in Nemrut Crater Lake. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 9(4), 504-512. https://doi.org/10.21448/ijsm.1082781
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite

e-ISSN: 2148-6905