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Aroma profile of the essential oils from different parts of Pycnocycla aucherana Decne. ex Boiss.

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 535 - 544, 01.12.2023


The current study focused on the essential oil concentration and aroma profile in different parts of wild Pycnocycla aucherana Decne from Iran during two years 2017 and 2018. Plant samples of P. aucherana were collected from HajiAbad area located in Hormozgan province, Iran at reproductive stage on June 7, 2017 and 2018. Essential oil isolation was done by hydro-distillation method for 3 hours. For the qualification and quantification of components, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was applied. Results showed that the averages of essential oil percentage of shoot and leaf (SL) and seed in the first and second year were (0.13, 0.23%) and (0.4, 0.3%) respectively. The main chemotype was namely -phellandrene (5.96-16%), p-cymene (3.07-27.4%), Limonene (0.72-6.80%), γ-cadinene (0.8-4.33%), Spathulenol (1.90-8.64%), Elemol (0.3-6.69%), b-eudesmol (0.8-9.27), and Bulnesol (0.91-3.40%). The highest amount of -phellandrene (16%) and p-cymene (27.4%) was observed in the seed and (SL) of essential oils in the first year respectively. Elemol and Elemicin content increased during the second year in the seed of essential oils with amount of (6.69 %) and (25.69 %), respectively. Overall, the results showed that the geographic origin greatly influenced the chemical composition of P. aucherana.


  • Adams, R.P. (2017). Identification of essential oils by ion trap mass spectroscopy, identification of essential oils by ion trap mass spectroscopy. Academic Press.
  • Alimirzaloo, F., & Asgarpanah, J. (2017). Chemical composition of the volatile oils from the fruits and seeds of the medicinal plant Pycnocycla aucherana Decne Ex Boiss. From Iran. Farmacia, 65(4), 591–595.
  • Asgarpanah, J., Mohammad, N.K., & Behbahani, P. (2014). Essential oil composition of the endemic species of Pycnocycla caespitosa Boiss. & Hausskn. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 17, 633–637.
  • Asghari Gh.R., & Houshfar, Gh. (2001). Composition of the essential oil of Pycnocycla spinosa Decne Ex Boiss from Isfahan. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 9 (3-4), 28-29.
  • Asghari, G., Houshfar, G., Mahmoudi, Z., & Asghari, M. (2014). Diurnal variation of essential of the oil components of Pycnocycla spinosa Decne ex Boiss. Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Product, 9, 35–38.
  • Askari, F., Sefidkon, F., Soltanipour, M.A., Mirza, M., & Fekri Qomi, S. (2022). Chemical compounds of essential oil in Pycnocycla flabellifolia Boiss. and P. nodiflora Decne ex. Boiss. In Iran. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research, 38, 192-199.
  • Aziz, E., Badawy, E., Zheljazkov, V., Nicola, S., & Fouad, H. (2018). Yield and chemical composition of essential oil of Achillea millefolium L. as affected by harvest time. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 62(3), 533-540.
  • Debbabi, H., Mokni, R., El, Nardoni, S., Chaieb, I., Maggi, F., Nzekoue, F.K., Caprioli, G., & Hammami, S. (2020). Chemical diversity and biological activities of essential oils from native populations of Clinopodium menthifolium subsp. ascendens (Jord.) Govaerts. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 13624 13633.
  • Delfine, S., Marrelli, M., Conforti, F., Formisano, C., Rigano, D., Menichini, F., & Senatore, F. (2017). Variation of Malva sylvestris essential oil yield, chemical composition and biological activity in response to different environments across Southern Italy. Industrial. Crops and Products, 98, 29–37.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Siadat, S.A., Torabi, M., Bakhshandeh, A., Alami Saeid KH., & Shiresmaeeli, H. (2012). Influence of plant density on light absorption and light extinction coefficient in sunflower cultivars. Research on Crop, 13, 174-179.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Siadat, S.A., Bakhshandeh, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., & Hashemi, M. (2017a). Interactive effects of drought stress and chitosan application on physiological characteristics and essential oil yield of Thymus daenensis Celak. Crop Journal, 2017, 407-415.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Siadat, S.A., Bakhshandeh, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., & Hashemi, M. (2017b). Morpho-physiological and phytochemical traits of (Thymus daenensis Celak.) in response to deficit irrigation and chitosan application. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 39, 231.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Siadat, S.A., Bakhshandeh, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., Hashemi, M., Maggi, F., & Morshedloo, M.R. (2018). Application of combined fertilizers improves biomass, essential oil yield, aroma profile, and antioxidant properties of Thymus daenensis Celak. Industrial. Crops and Products, 121, 434 440.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., & Sefidkon, F. (2019). Review on ethnobotany, phytochemical, molecular and pharmacological activity of Thymus daenensis Celak. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 22, 101400.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Hashemi, M., DaCosta, M., Filippo, M., Craker, L., & Morshedloo, M.R. (2019). Effect of salinity stress on the physiological characteristics, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Thymus vulgaris L. and Thymus daenensis Celak. Industrial Crops and Products, 135, 311–320.
  • Fallah, S., Mouguee, S., Rostaei, M., Adavi, Z., & Lorigooini, Z. (2020). Chemical compositions and antioxidant activity of essential oil of wild and cultivated Dracocephalum kotschyi grown in different ecosystems: A comparative study. Industrial. Crops and Products, 143, 111885.
  • Ghasemi, A., Hashemi, M., & Taherian, F. (2013). Essential oil and chemical compositions of wild and cultivated Thymus daenensis Celak and Thymus vulgaris L. Industrial. Crops and Products,48, 43–48.
  • Heidarpour, O., Souri, M.K. & Omidbaigi, R. (2013). Changes in content and constituents of essential oil in different plant parts of Lovage (Levisticum officinale Koch. Cv. Budakalaszi) Cultivated in Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 16, 318–322.
  • Figueredo, G., Özcan, M. M., Chalchat, J.C., Chalard, P., Çelik, B., Özcan, & Mustafa, M. (2017). The Effect of harvest years on chemical composition of essential oil of Basil (Ocimum minimum L.) Leaves. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 20, 864–868.
  • Jahandar, F., Asgarpanah, J., Najafizadeh, P., & Mousavi, Z. (2018). Anti-inflammatory activity and chemical composition of Pycnocycla bashagardiana fruit’s essential oil in animal models. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 21, 188–193.
  • Jamzad, Z. (2009). Thymus and Satureja species of Iran. Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands publisher, Tehran, Iran.
  • Janaćković, P., Rajčević, N., Gavrilović, M., & Novaković, J. (2019). Essential oil composition of five Artemisia (Compositae) species in regards to chemophenetics. Biochemical Systematic and Ecology., 87,103960.
  • Jung, C.H., Seog, H.M., Choi, I.W., & Cho, H.Y. (2005). Antioxidant activities of cultivated and wild Korean ginseng leaves. Food Chemistry, 92, 535 540.
  • İnan, M., Kirpik, M., Kaya, M., & Kirici, S. (2011). Effect of harvest time on essential oil composition of Thymbra spicata L. Growing in Flora of Adıyaman. Advance in Environmental Biology, 5, 356–358.
  • Khodaei, M. (2012). Assessment effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Pycnocycla caespitosa on karajynan inflammation in male paws rat [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Jundishapur University of Medical Science.
  • Liu, W., Liu, J., Yin, D., & Zhao, X. (2015). Influence of ecological factors on the production of active substances in the anti-cancer plant Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) TS Ying. PLoS One, 10(4), 1-22. https://doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122981
  • Mahboubi, M., Mahdizadeh, E., & Heidary Tabar, R. (2016). The chemical composition, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities of Pycnocycla spinosa and Pycnocyla flabellifolia essential oils. Zeitschrift für Naturforsch C, 71(11 12), 403 408.
  • Mitić, Z.S., Jovanović, B., Jovanović, S.Č., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Stojanović-Radić, Z.Z., Cvetković, V.J., Mitrović, T.L., Marin, P.D., Zlatković, B.K., & Stojanović, G.S. (2018). Comparative study of the essential oils of four Pinus species: Chemical composition, antimicrobial and insect larvicidal activity. Industrial. Crops and Products, 111, 55–62.
  • Moghaddam, M., & Farhadi, N. (2015). Influence of environmental and genetic factors on resin yield, essential oil content and chemical composition of Ferula assa-foetida L. populations. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2, 69-76.
  • Morshedloo, M.R., Craker, L.E., Salami, A., Nazeri, V., Sang, H., & Maggi, F. (2017). Effect of prolonged water stress on essential oil content, compositions and gene expression patterns of mono- and sesquiterpene synthesis in two oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) subspecies. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Journal, 111, 119 128.
  • Mozaffarian., V. (1996). A Dictionary of Iranian Plants Names. Farhang Moaser press.
  • Mozaffarian, V. (2007). Flora of Iran Umbelliferae Family. Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands publisher.
  • Nasr, M., & Asgarpanah, J. (2014). Volatile constituents of the seeds and fruit of Pycnocycla nodiflora. Natural Product Communication, 9(12). 1781 1782.
  • Oueslati, M.H., Abutaha, N., Al-Ghamdi, F., Arbi Nehdi, I., Nasr, F.A., Mansour, L., AL-Zharani, M., & Harrath, A.H. (2019). Analysis of the chemical composition and in vitro cytotoxic activities of the essential oil of the aerial parts of Lavandula atriplicifolia Benth. Journal of King Saud University Science, 32, 1476 1481.
  • Petropoulos, S.A., Fernandes, Â., Dias, M.I., Pereira, C., Calhelha, R., Di Gioia, F., Tzortzakis, N., Ivanov, M., Sokovic, M., Barros, L., & Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2020). Wild and cultivated Centaurea raphanina subsp. mixta: A valuable source of bioactive compounds. Antioxidants, 15(4),1-23.
  • Reddy, D.N. (2019). Essential oils extracted from medicinal plants and their applications, in: natural bioactive compounds. Springer Singapore publication,
  • Sadraei, H., Asghari, G., & Alipour, M. (2016). Anti-spasmodic assessment of hydroalcoholic extract and essential oil of aerial part of ycnocycla caespitosa Boiss. & Hausskn on rat ileum contractions. Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11, 33–42.
  • Sefidkon, F., Emami Bistgani, Z. (2021). Integrative review on ethnobotany, essential oil, phytochemical, agronomy, molecular and pharmacological properties of Satureja species. Journal of essential oil Research. 33, 114 132.
  • Soriano-Melgar,, Alcaraz-Meléndez, L., Méndez-Rodríguez, L.C., Puente, M.E., Rivera-Cabrera, F., & Zenteno-Savín, T. (2012). Antioxidant and trace element content of damiana (Turnera diffusa Willd) under wild and cultivated conditions in semi-arid zones. Industrial. Crops and Products., 37, 321 327.
  • Teimouri, M.B., Shaabani, A., & Sefidkon, F. (2005). Composition of the Essential Oils of Pycnocycla aucherana Decne ex Boiss. var. aucherana and Pycnocycla musiformis Hedge et Lamond from Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 17(5), 473 474.
  • Tholl, D. (2015). Biosynthesis and biological functions of terpenoids in plants biotechnology of isoprenoids. Springer publisher.
  • Zawiślak, G. (2014). Yield and chemical composition of essential oil from Salvia officinalis L. in third year of cultivation. Herba Polonica, 60(3), 13-22

Aroma profile of the essential oils from different parts of Pycnocycla aucherana Decne. ex Boiss.

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 535 - 544, 01.12.2023


The current study focused on the essential oil concentration and aroma profile in different parts of wild Pycnocycla aucherana Decne from Iran during two years 2017 and 2018. Plant samples of P. aucherana were collected from HajiAbad area located in Hormozgan province, Iran at reproductive stage on June 7, 2017 and 2018. Essential oil isolation was done by hydro-distillation method for 3 hours. For the qualification and quantification of components, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was applied. Results showed that the averages of essential oil percentage of shoot and leaf (SL) and seed in the first and second year were (0.13, 0.23%) and (0.4, 0.3%) respectively. The main chemotype was namely -phellandrene (5.96-16%), p-cymene (3.07-27.4%), Limonene (0.72-6.80%), γ-cadinene (0.8-4.33%), Spathulenol (1.90-8.64%), Elemol (0.3-6.69%), b-eudesmol (0.8-9.27), and Bulnesol (0.91-3.40%). The highest amount of -phellandrene (16%) and p-cymene (27.4%) was observed in the seed and (SL) of essential oils in the first year respectively. Elemol and Elemicin content increased during the second year in the seed of essential oils with amount of (6.69 %) and (25.69 %), respectively. Overall, the results showed that the geographic origin greatly influenced the chemical composition of P. aucherana.


  • Adams, R.P. (2017). Identification of essential oils by ion trap mass spectroscopy, identification of essential oils by ion trap mass spectroscopy. Academic Press.
  • Alimirzaloo, F., & Asgarpanah, J. (2017). Chemical composition of the volatile oils from the fruits and seeds of the medicinal plant Pycnocycla aucherana Decne Ex Boiss. From Iran. Farmacia, 65(4), 591–595.
  • Asgarpanah, J., Mohammad, N.K., & Behbahani, P. (2014). Essential oil composition of the endemic species of Pycnocycla caespitosa Boiss. & Hausskn. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 17, 633–637.
  • Asghari Gh.R., & Houshfar, Gh. (2001). Composition of the essential oil of Pycnocycla spinosa Decne Ex Boiss from Isfahan. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 9 (3-4), 28-29.
  • Asghari, G., Houshfar, G., Mahmoudi, Z., & Asghari, M. (2014). Diurnal variation of essential of the oil components of Pycnocycla spinosa Decne ex Boiss. Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Product, 9, 35–38.
  • Askari, F., Sefidkon, F., Soltanipour, M.A., Mirza, M., & Fekri Qomi, S. (2022). Chemical compounds of essential oil in Pycnocycla flabellifolia Boiss. and P. nodiflora Decne ex. Boiss. In Iran. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research, 38, 192-199.
  • Aziz, E., Badawy, E., Zheljazkov, V., Nicola, S., & Fouad, H. (2018). Yield and chemical composition of essential oil of Achillea millefolium L. as affected by harvest time. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 62(3), 533-540.
  • Debbabi, H., Mokni, R., El, Nardoni, S., Chaieb, I., Maggi, F., Nzekoue, F.K., Caprioli, G., & Hammami, S. (2020). Chemical diversity and biological activities of essential oils from native populations of Clinopodium menthifolium subsp. ascendens (Jord.) Govaerts. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 13624 13633.
  • Delfine, S., Marrelli, M., Conforti, F., Formisano, C., Rigano, D., Menichini, F., & Senatore, F. (2017). Variation of Malva sylvestris essential oil yield, chemical composition and biological activity in response to different environments across Southern Italy. Industrial. Crops and Products, 98, 29–37.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Siadat, S.A., Torabi, M., Bakhshandeh, A., Alami Saeid KH., & Shiresmaeeli, H. (2012). Influence of plant density on light absorption and light extinction coefficient in sunflower cultivars. Research on Crop, 13, 174-179.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Siadat, S.A., Bakhshandeh, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., & Hashemi, M. (2017a). Interactive effects of drought stress and chitosan application on physiological characteristics and essential oil yield of Thymus daenensis Celak. Crop Journal, 2017, 407-415.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Siadat, S.A., Bakhshandeh, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., & Hashemi, M. (2017b). Morpho-physiological and phytochemical traits of (Thymus daenensis Celak.) in response to deficit irrigation and chitosan application. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 39, 231.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Siadat, S.A., Bakhshandeh, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., Hashemi, M., Maggi, F., & Morshedloo, M.R. (2018). Application of combined fertilizers improves biomass, essential oil yield, aroma profile, and antioxidant properties of Thymus daenensis Celak. Industrial. Crops and Products, 121, 434 440.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., & Sefidkon, F. (2019). Review on ethnobotany, phytochemical, molecular and pharmacological activity of Thymus daenensis Celak. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 22, 101400.
  • Emami Bistgani, Z., Hashemi, M., DaCosta, M., Filippo, M., Craker, L., & Morshedloo, M.R. (2019). Effect of salinity stress on the physiological characteristics, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Thymus vulgaris L. and Thymus daenensis Celak. Industrial Crops and Products, 135, 311–320.
  • Fallah, S., Mouguee, S., Rostaei, M., Adavi, Z., & Lorigooini, Z. (2020). Chemical compositions and antioxidant activity of essential oil of wild and cultivated Dracocephalum kotschyi grown in different ecosystems: A comparative study. Industrial. Crops and Products, 143, 111885.
  • Ghasemi, A., Hashemi, M., & Taherian, F. (2013). Essential oil and chemical compositions of wild and cultivated Thymus daenensis Celak and Thymus vulgaris L. Industrial. Crops and Products,48, 43–48.
  • Heidarpour, O., Souri, M.K. & Omidbaigi, R. (2013). Changes in content and constituents of essential oil in different plant parts of Lovage (Levisticum officinale Koch. Cv. Budakalaszi) Cultivated in Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 16, 318–322.
  • Figueredo, G., Özcan, M. M., Chalchat, J.C., Chalard, P., Çelik, B., Özcan, & Mustafa, M. (2017). The Effect of harvest years on chemical composition of essential oil of Basil (Ocimum minimum L.) Leaves. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 20, 864–868.
  • Jahandar, F., Asgarpanah, J., Najafizadeh, P., & Mousavi, Z. (2018). Anti-inflammatory activity and chemical composition of Pycnocycla bashagardiana fruit’s essential oil in animal models. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 21, 188–193.
  • Jamzad, Z. (2009). Thymus and Satureja species of Iran. Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands publisher, Tehran, Iran.
  • Janaćković, P., Rajčević, N., Gavrilović, M., & Novaković, J. (2019). Essential oil composition of five Artemisia (Compositae) species in regards to chemophenetics. Biochemical Systematic and Ecology., 87,103960.
  • Jung, C.H., Seog, H.M., Choi, I.W., & Cho, H.Y. (2005). Antioxidant activities of cultivated and wild Korean ginseng leaves. Food Chemistry, 92, 535 540.
  • İnan, M., Kirpik, M., Kaya, M., & Kirici, S. (2011). Effect of harvest time on essential oil composition of Thymbra spicata L. Growing in Flora of Adıyaman. Advance in Environmental Biology, 5, 356–358.
  • Khodaei, M. (2012). Assessment effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Pycnocycla caespitosa on karajynan inflammation in male paws rat [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Jundishapur University of Medical Science.
  • Liu, W., Liu, J., Yin, D., & Zhao, X. (2015). Influence of ecological factors on the production of active substances in the anti-cancer plant Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) TS Ying. PLoS One, 10(4), 1-22. https://doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122981
  • Mahboubi, M., Mahdizadeh, E., & Heidary Tabar, R. (2016). The chemical composition, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities of Pycnocycla spinosa and Pycnocyla flabellifolia essential oils. Zeitschrift für Naturforsch C, 71(11 12), 403 408.
  • Mitić, Z.S., Jovanović, B., Jovanović, S.Č., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Stojanović-Radić, Z.Z., Cvetković, V.J., Mitrović, T.L., Marin, P.D., Zlatković, B.K., & Stojanović, G.S. (2018). Comparative study of the essential oils of four Pinus species: Chemical composition, antimicrobial and insect larvicidal activity. Industrial. Crops and Products, 111, 55–62.
  • Moghaddam, M., & Farhadi, N. (2015). Influence of environmental and genetic factors on resin yield, essential oil content and chemical composition of Ferula assa-foetida L. populations. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2, 69-76.
  • Morshedloo, M.R., Craker, L.E., Salami, A., Nazeri, V., Sang, H., & Maggi, F. (2017). Effect of prolonged water stress on essential oil content, compositions and gene expression patterns of mono- and sesquiterpene synthesis in two oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) subspecies. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Journal, 111, 119 128.
  • Mozaffarian., V. (1996). A Dictionary of Iranian Plants Names. Farhang Moaser press.
  • Mozaffarian, V. (2007). Flora of Iran Umbelliferae Family. Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands publisher.
  • Nasr, M., & Asgarpanah, J. (2014). Volatile constituents of the seeds and fruit of Pycnocycla nodiflora. Natural Product Communication, 9(12). 1781 1782.
  • Oueslati, M.H., Abutaha, N., Al-Ghamdi, F., Arbi Nehdi, I., Nasr, F.A., Mansour, L., AL-Zharani, M., & Harrath, A.H. (2019). Analysis of the chemical composition and in vitro cytotoxic activities of the essential oil of the aerial parts of Lavandula atriplicifolia Benth. Journal of King Saud University Science, 32, 1476 1481.
  • Petropoulos, S.A., Fernandes, Â., Dias, M.I., Pereira, C., Calhelha, R., Di Gioia, F., Tzortzakis, N., Ivanov, M., Sokovic, M., Barros, L., & Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2020). Wild and cultivated Centaurea raphanina subsp. mixta: A valuable source of bioactive compounds. Antioxidants, 15(4),1-23.
  • Reddy, D.N. (2019). Essential oils extracted from medicinal plants and their applications, in: natural bioactive compounds. Springer Singapore publication,
  • Sadraei, H., Asghari, G., & Alipour, M. (2016). Anti-spasmodic assessment of hydroalcoholic extract and essential oil of aerial part of ycnocycla caespitosa Boiss. & Hausskn on rat ileum contractions. Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11, 33–42.
  • Sefidkon, F., Emami Bistgani, Z. (2021). Integrative review on ethnobotany, essential oil, phytochemical, agronomy, molecular and pharmacological properties of Satureja species. Journal of essential oil Research. 33, 114 132.
  • Soriano-Melgar,, Alcaraz-Meléndez, L., Méndez-Rodríguez, L.C., Puente, M.E., Rivera-Cabrera, F., & Zenteno-Savín, T. (2012). Antioxidant and trace element content of damiana (Turnera diffusa Willd) under wild and cultivated conditions in semi-arid zones. Industrial. Crops and Products., 37, 321 327.
  • Teimouri, M.B., Shaabani, A., & Sefidkon, F. (2005). Composition of the Essential Oils of Pycnocycla aucherana Decne ex Boiss. var. aucherana and Pycnocycla musiformis Hedge et Lamond from Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 17(5), 473 474.
  • Tholl, D. (2015). Biosynthesis and biological functions of terpenoids in plants biotechnology of isoprenoids. Springer publisher.
  • Zawiślak, G. (2014). Yield and chemical composition of essential oil from Salvia officinalis L. in third year of cultivation. Herba Polonica, 60(3), 13-22
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Fatemeh Askari Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6937-433X

Fatemeh Sefidkon Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7170-0002

Zohreh Emami Bistgani 0000-0002-0325-4263

Mohamad Amin Soltanipour Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5738-3693

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 11 Kasım 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Askari, F., Sefidkon, F., Emami Bistgani, Z., Soltanipour, M. A. (2023). Aroma profile of the essential oils from different parts of Pycnocycla aucherana Decne. ex Boiss. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 10(4), 535-544.
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite
e-ISSN: 2148-6905