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Conference Paper
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Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 23 - 45, 21.12.2018



  • 1. Amable B., Verspagen B. (1995), “The Role of Technology in Market Shares Dynamics, Applied Economics”, 27 (2), pp. 197–204.
  • 2. Beata K. Bierut, Kamila Kuziemska-Pawlak (2016) “Competitiveness and export performance of CEE countries” NBP Working Paper No. 248 Economic Institute Warsaw, 2016
  • 3. Bournakis I., Tsoukis Ch. (2013), “Government Size, Institutions, and Export Performance among OECD Economies”, Middlesex University, Working Paper.
  • 4. Carlin W., Glyn A., Van Reenen J. (2001), Export Market Performance of OECD Countries: “ Empirical Examination of the Role of Cost Competitiveness”, Economic Journal, 111 (468), pp. 128-162.
  • 5. ECB (2005), ”Competitiveness and the Export Performance of the Euro Area”, Occasional Paper Series, 30.
  • 6. ECB (2012), “Competitiveness and External Imbalances within the Euro Area”, Occasional Paper Series, 139.
  • 7. Krugman P. (1994). Competitiveness: A dangerous obsession. Foreign Affairs, 73(2), 28–44.
  • 8. OECD (1992), Technology and the Economy: the Key Relationships, Paris, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  • 9. OECD (2002), “ Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experimental Development, Paris, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • 10. Turner , Van’t Dak (1993)“ Measuring international price and cost competiveness” , BIS Economic Paper, No.32, Nov. 1993
  • 11. State Statistical Office of Republic of Macedonia data base retrieved from http://www.stat.gov.mk/Default_en.aspx
  • 12. World Economic Forum-“Global competitiveness reports, retrieved from http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GlobalCompetitivenessReport.pdf
  • 13. World Bank data base retrieved from http://databank.bancomundial.org/data/reports.aspx?source=2&country=MKD


Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 23 - 45, 21.12.2018


benefits of the increased competitiveness are discussed in the context of the
superior national productivity, achieving higher GDP growth, but as well higher
export with positive implications on the trade and current account balance. 
The Republic of Macedonia, as a small an open
economy, continuously works on improving its national competitiveness, which i
n parallel with the aspiration
towards the EU accession process, became its
interest too. 
in the recent decade, there is a trend of improved competitiveness in Republic
of Macedonia, the progress is much slower than in other EU countries with
limited impact on its export performance. Therefore,
the aim of this paper is to analyze
  if the competitiveness made an impact on different
aspect of export performance such as: export growth, export market size growth,
as well as trade and current account balance. 
the trend and regression analysis, for the period 2005-2015, this paper
presents that there is still positive correlation between competitiveness and
the exports of goods and services but close to the critical level of t-value
(2,25) and the statistical significance of 95%.However the exports  growth and other export performance indicators
show  some discrepancies from the basic
findings,  which are in details presented
in the paper.


  • 1. Amable B., Verspagen B. (1995), “The Role of Technology in Market Shares Dynamics, Applied Economics”, 27 (2), pp. 197–204.
  • 2. Beata K. Bierut, Kamila Kuziemska-Pawlak (2016) “Competitiveness and export performance of CEE countries” NBP Working Paper No. 248 Economic Institute Warsaw, 2016
  • 3. Bournakis I., Tsoukis Ch. (2013), “Government Size, Institutions, and Export Performance among OECD Economies”, Middlesex University, Working Paper.
  • 4. Carlin W., Glyn A., Van Reenen J. (2001), Export Market Performance of OECD Countries: “ Empirical Examination of the Role of Cost Competitiveness”, Economic Journal, 111 (468), pp. 128-162.
  • 5. ECB (2005), ”Competitiveness and the Export Performance of the Euro Area”, Occasional Paper Series, 30.
  • 6. ECB (2012), “Competitiveness and External Imbalances within the Euro Area”, Occasional Paper Series, 139.
  • 7. Krugman P. (1994). Competitiveness: A dangerous obsession. Foreign Affairs, 73(2), 28–44.
  • 8. OECD (1992), Technology and the Economy: the Key Relationships, Paris, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  • 9. OECD (2002), “ Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experimental Development, Paris, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • 10. Turner , Van’t Dak (1993)“ Measuring international price and cost competiveness” , BIS Economic Paper, No.32, Nov. 1993
  • 11. State Statistical Office of Republic of Macedonia data base retrieved from http://www.stat.gov.mk/Default_en.aspx
  • 12. World Economic Forum-“Global competitiveness reports, retrieved from http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GlobalCompetitivenessReport.pdf
  • 13. World Bank data base retrieved from http://databank.bancomundial.org/data/reports.aspx?source=2&country=MKD
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Violeta Madzova

Publication Date December 21, 2018
Submission Date September 17, 2018
Acceptance Date December 9, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Madzova, V. (2018). THE IMPACT OF COMPETITIVENESS ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. InTraders International Trade Academic Journal, 1(1), 23-45.