Year 2006,
Issue: 3, 1 - 22, 27.08.2011
Arş. Gör. Sabiha Oltulular
Prof. Dr. Harun Terzi
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye ekonomisinin 1987:01-2005:06 döneminde enflasyon ve enflasyon
belirsizliği arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Enflasyon belirsizliğinin ölçülmesinde EGARCH
yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Hsiao ve Granger nedensellik testlerine göre çift yönlü nedensellik
ilişkisi olmasına rağmen, Granger nedensellik testine göre enflasyon belirsizliğinden
enflasyona doğru olan nedenselliğin işareti istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı
görülmektedir. VAR analizi sonuçlarına göre de tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi mevcut ve
bu ilişkinin yönü de enflasyondan enflasyon belirsizliğine doğrudur. Kısaca enflasyonun
enflasyon belirsizliği üzerinde güçlü bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Granger
nedensellik testi ve VAR analizine dayanarak elde edilen sonuçlar, incelenilen bu
dönemde, Friedman-Ball hipotezini desteklemektedir
- Apergis, N., (2004) “Inflation, Output Growth, Volatility and Causality: Evidence from Panel Data and the G7 Countries”, Economics Letters, 83, s.185-91.
- Baillie, R., Chung, C. F. ve Tieslau, Y. M., (1996) “Analysing Inflation by the Fractionally Integrated ARFIMA-GARCH Model”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, s.23-40.
- Ball, L., (1992) “Why Does High Inflation Raise Inflation Uncertainty?”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 29, s.371-88.
- Berument, H., Kıvılcım, M. ve Neyaptı, B., (2001) “Modelling Inflation Uncertainty Using EGARCH: an Application to Turkey”, http://www.econturk.org/Turkisheconomy/ kivil2.pdf.
- Bollerslev, T., (1986) ‘‘Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity’’, Journal of Econometrics, 31, s.307-27.
- Conrad, C. ve Karanasos, M., (2004) “On the Inflation-Uncertainty Hypothesis in the USA, Japan and the UK: a Dual Long Memory Approach”, Japan and the World Economy, forthcoming.
- Cukierman, A. ve Meltzer, A. H., (1986) “A Theory of Ambiguity, Credibility, and Inflation under Discretion and Asymmetric Information”, Econometrica, 54, s.409-21.
- Davis, G., K. ve Kanago, B. E., (2000) “The Level and Uncertainty of Inflation: Results from OECD Forecasts”, Economic Inquiry, 38, s.58-72.
- Dickey, D. A. ve Fuller, W. A., (1979) “Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, s.427-31.
- Engle, R. F., (1983) “Estimates of the Variance of U. S. Inflation based upon the ARCH Model”, Money, Credit and Banking, 15, s.286-301.
- Evans, M., (1991) “Discovering the Link between Inflation Rates and Inflation Uncertainty”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 23, s.169-84.
- Evans, M. ve Wachtel, P., (1993) “Inflation Regimes and the Sources of Inflation Uncertainty”, Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, s.475-520.
- Foster, E., (1978) “The Variability of Inflation”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 60, s.346-50.
- Fountas, S., (2001) “The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the UK: 1885-1998”, Economics Letters, 74, s.77-83.
- Fountas, S., Ioannidis, A. ve Karanasos, M., (2004) “Inflation, Inflation Uncertainty and a Common European Monetary Policy”, Manchester School, 72, s.221-42.
- Friedman, M., (1977) “Nobel Lecture: Inflation and Unemployment”, Journal of Political Economy, 85, s.451-72.
- Gordon, R., (1971) “Steady Anticipated Inflation: Mirage or Oasis?”, BPEA, 2, s.499-510.
- Gökçe, A. (2001) “İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası Getirilerindeki Volatilite ve ARCH Modelleri”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt. 3, sayı:1.
- Granger, C. W. J., (1969) “ Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross Spectral Methods”, Econometrica, 37, s.424-95.
- _______ (1986) “Developments in the Study of Co-integrated Economic Variables”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 48, s.226-46.
- Grier, K. ve Perry, M. J., (1998) “On Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the G7 Countries”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 17, s.671-89.
- Higgins, M. L., Bera, A. K., (1992) “A Class of Nonlinear ARCH Models”, International Economic Review, 33,1, p.137-58.
- Hsiao, C., (1979) “Causality Tests in Econometrics”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, s.321-46.
- ________ (1981) “Autoregressive Modeling and Money Income Causality Detection”, Journal of Monetary Economics, s.85-106.
- Holland, S., (1995) “Inflation and Uncertainty: Test for Temporal Ordering”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27, s.827-37.
- Katsimbris, G. M., (1985) “The Relationship between the Inflation Rate, its Variability, and Output Growth Variability: Disaggregated International Evidence”, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 17, s.79-88.
- Katsimbris, G. ve Miller, S., (1982) “The Relation Between the Rate and Variability of Inflation: Further Comments”, Kyklos, 35, s.456-67.
- Kirmanoğlu, H., (2001) Is there Inflation-Growth Trade off in the Turkish Economy. Available from:http://www.econ.queensu.ca/cea2001/papers/kirmanoglu.pdf [Accessed February 28, 2004].
- MacKinnon, J. G., (1991) “Critical Values for Cointegration Tests”, Chapter 13 in Long-run Economic Relationships: Readings in Cointegration, edited by R.F. Engle and C.W.J. Granger, Oxford University Press.
- Nas, T. F. ve Perry, M. J., (2000) “Inflation, Inflation Uncertainty and Monetary Policy in Turkey: 1960-1998”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 18, s.170-80.
- Neyaptı, B., (2000) “Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Turkey: Evidence from the Past Two Decade”, http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~neyapti/shortstudies/012000.pdf
- Okun, A., (1971) “The Mirage of Steady Inflation”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, s.485-98.
- Phillips, P. ve Perron, P., (1988) “Testing for a Unit Root in Time Series Regression”, Biometrica, p.335-46.
Year 2006,
Issue: 3, 1 - 22, 27.08.2011
Arş. Gör. Sabiha Oltulular
Prof. Dr. Harun Terzi
- Apergis, N., (2004) “Inflation, Output Growth, Volatility and Causality: Evidence from Panel Data and the G7 Countries”, Economics Letters, 83, s.185-91.
- Baillie, R., Chung, C. F. ve Tieslau, Y. M., (1996) “Analysing Inflation by the Fractionally Integrated ARFIMA-GARCH Model”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, s.23-40.
- Ball, L., (1992) “Why Does High Inflation Raise Inflation Uncertainty?”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 29, s.371-88.
- Berument, H., Kıvılcım, M. ve Neyaptı, B., (2001) “Modelling Inflation Uncertainty Using EGARCH: an Application to Turkey”, http://www.econturk.org/Turkisheconomy/ kivil2.pdf.
- Bollerslev, T., (1986) ‘‘Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity’’, Journal of Econometrics, 31, s.307-27.
- Conrad, C. ve Karanasos, M., (2004) “On the Inflation-Uncertainty Hypothesis in the USA, Japan and the UK: a Dual Long Memory Approach”, Japan and the World Economy, forthcoming.
- Cukierman, A. ve Meltzer, A. H., (1986) “A Theory of Ambiguity, Credibility, and Inflation under Discretion and Asymmetric Information”, Econometrica, 54, s.409-21.
- Davis, G., K. ve Kanago, B. E., (2000) “The Level and Uncertainty of Inflation: Results from OECD Forecasts”, Economic Inquiry, 38, s.58-72.
- Dickey, D. A. ve Fuller, W. A., (1979) “Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, s.427-31.
- Engle, R. F., (1983) “Estimates of the Variance of U. S. Inflation based upon the ARCH Model”, Money, Credit and Banking, 15, s.286-301.
- Evans, M., (1991) “Discovering the Link between Inflation Rates and Inflation Uncertainty”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 23, s.169-84.
- Evans, M. ve Wachtel, P., (1993) “Inflation Regimes and the Sources of Inflation Uncertainty”, Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, s.475-520.
- Foster, E., (1978) “The Variability of Inflation”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 60, s.346-50.
- Fountas, S., (2001) “The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the UK: 1885-1998”, Economics Letters, 74, s.77-83.
- Fountas, S., Ioannidis, A. ve Karanasos, M., (2004) “Inflation, Inflation Uncertainty and a Common European Monetary Policy”, Manchester School, 72, s.221-42.
- Friedman, M., (1977) “Nobel Lecture: Inflation and Unemployment”, Journal of Political Economy, 85, s.451-72.
- Gordon, R., (1971) “Steady Anticipated Inflation: Mirage or Oasis?”, BPEA, 2, s.499-510.
- Gökçe, A. (2001) “İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası Getirilerindeki Volatilite ve ARCH Modelleri”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt. 3, sayı:1.
- Granger, C. W. J., (1969) “ Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross Spectral Methods”, Econometrica, 37, s.424-95.
- _______ (1986) “Developments in the Study of Co-integrated Economic Variables”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 48, s.226-46.
- Grier, K. ve Perry, M. J., (1998) “On Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the G7 Countries”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 17, s.671-89.
- Higgins, M. L., Bera, A. K., (1992) “A Class of Nonlinear ARCH Models”, International Economic Review, 33,1, p.137-58.
- Hsiao, C., (1979) “Causality Tests in Econometrics”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, s.321-46.
- ________ (1981) “Autoregressive Modeling and Money Income Causality Detection”, Journal of Monetary Economics, s.85-106.
- Holland, S., (1995) “Inflation and Uncertainty: Test for Temporal Ordering”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27, s.827-37.
- Katsimbris, G. M., (1985) “The Relationship between the Inflation Rate, its Variability, and Output Growth Variability: Disaggregated International Evidence”, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 17, s.79-88.
- Katsimbris, G. ve Miller, S., (1982) “The Relation Between the Rate and Variability of Inflation: Further Comments”, Kyklos, 35, s.456-67.
- Kirmanoğlu, H., (2001) Is there Inflation-Growth Trade off in the Turkish Economy. Available from:http://www.econ.queensu.ca/cea2001/papers/kirmanoglu.pdf [Accessed February 28, 2004].
- MacKinnon, J. G., (1991) “Critical Values for Cointegration Tests”, Chapter 13 in Long-run Economic Relationships: Readings in Cointegration, edited by R.F. Engle and C.W.J. Granger, Oxford University Press.
- Nas, T. F. ve Perry, M. J., (2000) “Inflation, Inflation Uncertainty and Monetary Policy in Turkey: 1960-1998”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 18, s.170-80.
- Neyaptı, B., (2000) “Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Turkey: Evidence from the Past Two Decade”, http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~neyapti/shortstudies/012000.pdf
- Okun, A., (1971) “The Mirage of Steady Inflation”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, s.485-98.
- Phillips, P. ve Perron, P., (1988) “Testing for a Unit Root in Time Series Regression”, Biometrica, p.335-46.