Conference Paper
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Year 2013, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 33 - 83, 24.03.2014


The sixth check-list of the series entitled “Check-list of Additional taxa to the Flora of Turkey” comprises a total of 228 taxa based on the data given in 140 papers published the period between January 2011-November 2013. Additionally taxa which have not been recorded neither in the 11 volumes of the Flora of Turkey nor in the five previously published supplementary check-lists. With this paper the following are added to the Turkish flora: 186 taxa new to science and 42 taxa new record.Turkey is one of the most important temperature countries on earth in terms of plant diversity. The diversity of vascular plants of the country has been documented in the Flora of Turkey and the Eastern Aegean Islands edited by Prof. Peter H. Davis and published in nine volumes between 1965 and 1985. With the publication of this flora, so interest in Turkey’s rich plant diversity has been brought to the attention of Turkish and foreign botanists, and subsequent study has greatly increased our knowledge of the flora resulting in the addition of many new taxa.


  • Akalın E, Akpulat A Rhabdosciadium urusakii sp. nov. (Umbelliferae) from east Anatolia (Turkey), Nord J Bot 30: 560-564 (2012).
  • Akalın Uruşak E, Özhatay F.N, Güler N, Ersoy H, Başak N, Yeşil Y, Oral D, Demrici S. The flora of Yıldız Mountains (Kırklareli ) Biosphere Project area. Turk J Bot, 37: 225-269 (2013).
  • Akaydın G. A New Species of Limonium Mill. (Plumaginaceae) from the Central Anatolian Salt Steppe, Turkey. World Appl. Sci. J. 2 (4): 406-411 (2007).
  • Akçiçek E, Dirmenci T, Dündar E. Taxonomical notes on Stachys sect. Eriostomum (Lamiaceae) in Turkey. Turk J Bot 36: 217-234 (2012).
  • Arabacı T, Dirmenci T. Cirsium yildizianum (Asteraceae: Cynareae) a new species from east Anatolia, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 503-506 (2011).
  • Aykurt C, Sümbül H. A new natural hybrid of Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae) from central Anatolia, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 428-434 (2011). Aykurt C, Sümbül H. New natural hybrids of Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:408-416 (2011).
  • Aytaç Z, Akgül G, Ekici M. A new species of Marrubium (Lamiaceae) from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 36: 443-449 (2012).
  • Aytaç Z, Duman H. A new species and 2 new records from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37: 1055-1060 (2013).
  • Aytaç Z, Duman H. Verbascum hasbenlii (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Turkey, Turk J Bot 36: 322-327 (2012).
  • Aytaç Z, Türkmen Z. A new Onosma (Boraginaceae) species from southern Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 35: 269-274 (2011).
  • Bagherpour S, Celep F, Kahraman A, Doğan M. Salvia brachyantha subsp. tankutiana (Lamiaceae), a new subspecies from Central Anatolia. Turk J Bot 35:343-350 (2011).
  • Bağcı Y, Savran A, Düşen O.D, Tutar L. Ornithogalum beyazoglui (Hyacinthaceae), a new species from West Anatolia, Turkey. Bangl J. Plant Taxon 18(1): 51-55 (2011).
  • Bani B, Degtjarena GV, Pimenov MG, Kluykov EV, Adıgüzel N. Bunium allioides (Apiaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 49:412416 (2012).
  • Behçet L, Kaval İ, Rüstemoğlu M. Three new records for Turkey: Allium giganteum (Liliaceae), Grammosciadium scabridum, and Ferulago angulata subsp. carduchorum (Apiaceae). Turk J Bot 36:637-643 (2012).
  • Behçet L, Rüstemoğlu M. Allium shirnakiense, sect. Melanocrommyum (Liliaceae), a new species from South-eastern Turkey. Turk J Bot 36: 450-454 (2012).
  • Belyaeva I. Nomenclature of Salix fragilis L. and a new species, S. euxina (Salicaceae). Taxon 58(4): 1344-1348 (2009).
  • Bilgili B, Coppi A, Selvi F. Nonea dumani sp. nov. (Boraginaceae) from the Taurus mountains (south Turkey). Nord J Bot 30: 546-552 (2012).
  • Budak Ü, Koç M. Silene hamzaoglui (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Çekerek (Yozgat, Turkey). Turk J Bot 35: 285-289 (2011).
  • Budak Ü. Gypsophila yusufeliensis (Caryophyllaceae), a New Species from Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 49(5-6): 425-427 (2012).
  • Cabi E, Doğan M. A new variety record and a new variety of Hordeum spontaneum K. Koch in Turkey. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(2): 53-66 (2012). Candan F, Özhatay N. Crocus chrysanthus s. lato (Iridaceae) in Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 50: 423-430 (2013).
  • Celep F, Kahraman A, Doğan M. A new taxon of the genus Salvia (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Pl Ecol Evol 144 (1): 111-114 (2011).
  • Coşkunçelebi K, Makbul S, Gültepe M, Onat D, Güzel M, Okur S. A new Scorzonera (Asteraceae) species from South Anatolia, Turkey, and its taxonomic position based on molecular data. Turk J Bot 36: 299-310 (2012).
  • Çakan H, Scholz. A new variety of Bromus (Poaceae) from Turkey: Bromus psammophilus var. robutus var. nova. Turk J Bot 35: 713-716 (2011). Çetin Ö, Duran A, Martin E, Tustas S. A taxonomic study of the genus Fibigia Medik. (Brassicaceae). Afr J Biotechnol 11(1): 109-119 (2012).
  • Çiçek M, Ketenoglu O. Scutellaria anatolica (Lamiaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 48: 276–279 (2011).
  • Çiçek M, Yaprak AE. A new natural hybrid of Scutellaria (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Phytotaxa 29:51-55 (2011).
  • Çiçek M, Yaprak AE. Scutellaria yildirimlii (Lamiaceae), a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa 132 (1):53-58 (2013).
  • Daşkın R, Kaynak G. Angelica archangelica (Apiaceae) a new species to Turkey: a contrubition to its taxonomy and distribution. Phytologia Balcanica 18(1):5-9 (2012).
  • Daşkın R. Arabis kaynakiae (Brassicaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 126 (1): 43-48 (2013).
  • Davis P.H., Tan K, Mill R.R. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol.10. University Press, Edinburgh (1988).
  • Demirci S, Özhatay N, Koçyiğit M. Muscari erdalii (Asparagaceae, Scilloideae), a new species from Southern Turkey. Phytotaxa 154(1): 38-46 (2013).
  • Dinç M, Aytaç Z, Doğu S. A new species of Astragalus (Fabaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37: 841-846 (2013).
  • Dirmenci T, Yıldız B, Akçiçek E, Martin E, Dündar E. Stachys vuralii (Lamiaceae) a new species from North Anatolia, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 401-408 (2011).
  • Doğan B, Duran A, Makbul S. Scorzonera tuzgoluensis sp. nov. (Asteraceae) a new halophytic species from central Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29: 20-25 (2011).
  • Doğan B, Duran A, Öztürk M. Jurinea cataonica subsp. mardinensis subsp. nov. (Asteraceae) from southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29: 366-369 (2011).
  • Dönmez AA. Cicer uludereensis Dönmez: a new species of Cicer (Chickpea) (Fabaceae) from around the Fertile Crescent, SE Turkey. Turk J Bot 35:71-76 (2011).
  • Duran A, Doğan B, Ay H. Bilacunaria aksekiensis (Apiaceae) a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 361-367 (2011).
  • Duran A, Doğan B, Hamzaoğlu E, Aksoy A. Scorzonera coriacea A. Duran & Aksoy (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Candollea 66(2): 353-359 (2011).
  • Duran A, Öztürk M, Ay H. Bilacunaria anatolica sp. nov. (Apiaceae) from southwest Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29: 652-659 (2011).
  • Duran A, Öztürk M, Çetin Ö. Scorzonera aksekiensis sp. nov. (Asteraceae) from south Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 31: 704-710 (2013).
  • Ecevit Genç G, Akalın Uruşak E, Wörz A. A new species of Eryngium (Apiaceae) from Turkey: Eryngium babadaghensis. Turk J Bot 36: 1-8 (2012).
  • Eker I, Koyuncu M. Allium oliveri Boiss. (Alliaceae), a new taxon to Turkey, with contributions to its taxonomy, Acta Soc Bot Pol 80(4): 275277 (2011).
  • Eminağaoğlu Ö, Özcan M, Kültür Ş. Contributions to the leaf and stem anatomy of Tradescantia fluminensis an alien species new to the flora of Turkey. AÇÜ Orman Fak. Derg. 13(2):270-277 (2012).
  • Eminağaoğlu Ö, Özkaya MS, Akpulat HA. A new record fort he flora of Turkey: Sorbus caucasica var. caucasica (Rosaceae). Turk J Bot 36:426 (2012). Erol O, Can L, Şık L. Crocus demirizianus sp. nov. From Northwestern Turkey. Nord J Bot 30: 665-667 (2012).
  • Erol O, Şık L, Kaya B H, Tanyolaç B, Küçüker O. Genetic diversity of Crocus antalyensis B. Mathew (Iridaceae) and a new subspecies from southern Anatolia. Plant Syst Evol 294: 281-287 (2011).
  • Faurholdt N. Ophrys fuciflora subsp. pallidiconi a new subspecies from Turkey. J. Eur. Orch. 43(3):560-566 (2011).
  • Foley M.J.Y, Southam M.J. Oenanthe incrassans Bory &Chaub. (Apiaceae), a distinctive plant of the Aegean region. Candollea 62(2): 125-130 (2007).
  • Gemici Y, Tan K, Yıldırım H, Pirhan A. Saponaria emineneana (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from inner Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 30:45-52 (2011).
  • Genç H, Şahin A. A new species of Lathyrus L. (Fabaceae) from Turkey. J Syst Evol 49(5):505-508 (2011).
  • Genç İ, Özhatay N, Koyuncu M. Allium purpureoviride sp. nov. (Liliaceae), from east Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 30:333-336 (2012).
  • Genç İ, Özhatay N. Allium serpentinicum and A. kandemirii (Alliaceae) two new species from East Anatolia, Turkey. Ann Bot. Fenn 50:50-54 (2013).
  • Göktürk RS, Sümbül H, Çelebi A, Açık L. Two new species of Cephalaria (Caprifoliaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:311-321 (2012).
  • Greuter W, Raab-Straube E. (ed.). Euro-Med Notulae, 5. Willdenowia 41:129-138 (2011).
  • Greuter W, Raus T. (ed.). Med-Checklist Notulae, 30. Willdenowia 41:311-328 (2011).
  • Greuter W, Raus T. (ed.). Med-Checklist Notulae, 31. Willdenowia 42: 287-295 (2012).
  • Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç MT. (edlr.). Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını (2012).
  • Güner A., Özhatay N, Ekim T, Başer K.H.C. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol.11. University Press, Edinburgh (2000).
  • Güneş F, Çırpıcı AH. A new record for the of Turkey: Lathyrus atropatanus (Leguminosae). Turk J Bot 36:425 (2012).
  • Güzel Y, Kayıkçı S, Yıldız S. Scorzonera pacis (Asteraceae), a new species from Hatay, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 50:417-422 (2013).
  • Hamzaoğlu E, Budak Ü, Aksoy A. A new genus, Turanecio, of the Asteraceae (tribe Senecioneae). Turk J Bot 35: 479-508 (2011).
  • Hamzaoğlu E, Budak Ü, Koç M. A new taxon of Anthemis L. (Asteraceae) from Turkey: Anthemis pauciloba Boiss. var. alba Hamzaoğlu & Budak var. nova. Turk J Bot 35:85-88 (2011).
  • Hamzaoğlu E, Koç M, Budak U. Galatella anatolica sp. nov. (Asteraceae: Astereae) from Osmaniye, Turkey. Nord J Bot 31:087-089 (2013). Hamzaoğlu E, Koç M, Budak Ü. A new species of Silene (Caryophyllaceae) from East Anatolia (Turkey): Silene gevasica Hamzaoğlu sp. nova. Turk J Bot 35: 67-70 (2011).
  • Hamzaoğlu E. A new species of Gypsophila and a new name for Silene (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:135-139 (2012).
  • İlçim A, Behçet L, Mükemre M. Dianthus vanensis (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:219-224 (2013).
  • İlçim A, Behçet L, Tel A. Campanula hacerae (Campanulaceae) a new species from Turkey, Ann Bot Fenn 48: 507-510 (2011).
  • İlçim A, Behçet L. Bufonia yildirimhanii sp. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 31:084-086 (2013).
  • İlçim A, Özçelik H, Çenet M. A new natural hybrid of Cousinia Cass. (Asteraceae) from Türkiye. BioDiCon 6/1: 71-75 (2013).
  • Jessen S, Lehmann L, Bujnoch W. Cryptogramma bithynica sp. nov. (Pteridaceae, Pteridophyta) a new fern species from northwestern Anatolia/ Turkey. Fern Gaz. 19(2):47–54 (2012).
  • Kahraman A, Doğan M, Celep F. Salvia siirtica sp. nov. (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:397-401(2011).
  • Karabacak O, Öztürk M, Duran A. Aethionema anatolica (Brassicaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 50:183-186 (2013). Karaer F, Terzioğlu S. A new alien record for the flora of Turkey: Sigesbeckia pubescens (Compositae). Turk J Bot 37:188-190 (2013).
  • Karaer F. Draba cemileae (Brassiceae), a new species from NE Anatolia, Turkey, Ann. Bot. Fenn 49:111-116 (2012).
  • Karavelioğulları FA, Çelik S, Başer B, Yavru A. Verbascum erginhamzaoglui (Scrophulariaceae) a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 35: 275-283 (2011).
  • Kaya ÖF, Ertekin S. A new hybrid record for Turkey: Phlomis x praetervisa Rech. f. (Lamiaceae). Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(2): 67-74 (2012).
  • Kerndorff E, Pasche E. Two new taxa of Crocus (Liliiflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Sapfia 95: 2-5 (2011).
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E, Harpke D, Blattner FR. Seven new species of Crocus (Liliiflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Stapfia 97: 3-16 (2012).
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E, Harpke D, Blattner FR. Three new species of Crocus (Liliiflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Stapfia 95: 99-105 (2011).
  • Keskin M. Türkiye florasına katkılar. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 18(1):29-39 (2011).
  • Koç M, Aksoy A, Hamzaoğlu E. A new species of Minuartia (Caryophyllaceae) from northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 35:337-341 (2011). Koç M, Aksoy A. Minuartia hamzaoglui (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:428-433 (2013).
  • Koç M, Hamzaoğlu E, Budak Ü. Minuartia aksoyi sp. nov. and M. buschiana subsp. artvinica subsp. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 30:337-342 (2012).
  • Koç M. Gypsophila torulensis (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 50: 149-150 (2013).
  • Koçyiğit M, Özhatay N. Allium maraschicum sp. nov. (Alliaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 30:553-559 (2012).
  • Koyuncu M, Eker I. Allium arsuzense sp. nov. and A. roseum subsp. gulekense subsp. nov. from Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:391-396 (2011).
  • Koyuncu M. A new spevies of Vinca (Apocynaceae) from eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:247-251 (2012).
  • Koyuncu O, Yaylacı Ö.K, Özgişi K, Sezer O, Öztürk D. A new Onosma (Boraginaceae) species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Plant Syst Evol. 299:1839–1847 (2013).
  • Köse BY, Alan S. Centaurea baseri (Compositae), a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa 117(1):23-29 (2013).
  • Kreutz CAJ. Beitrag zur Kenntnis europäischer, mediterraner und vorderasiatischer Orchideen. Ber. Arbeitskrs. Heim. Orchid. 28 (2): 263– 299 (2011).
  • Kurşat M, Türkoğlu İ, Civelek Ş,Tabur S. A new subspecies record for the flora of Turkey: Artemisia santonicum L. subsp. patens (Neilr.) K.M.Perss. (Asteraceae). Turk J Bot 35:89 (2011).
  • Makbul S, Coskuncelebi K, Gültepe M, Okur S, Güzel ME. Scorzonera ahmet-duranii sp. nov. (Asteraceae) from southwest Anatolia, and its phylogenetic position. Nord J Bot 30: 2-11 (2012).
  • Makbul S, Hamzaoğlu E, Aksoy A. Linaria turcica (Scrophulariaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 177–181 (2011).
  • Mill RR. A new subspecies of Omphalodes luciliae (Boraginaceae)from Turkey. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 68(2):159-163 (2011).
  • Mutlu B, Karakuş Ş. A new species of Ornithogalum (Liliaceae) from East Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:125-133 (2012).
  • Özbek MU, Vural M, Daşkın R. A new species of the genus Cota (Asteraceae) from Uludağ, Turkey. Turk J Bot 35:331-336 (2011).
  • Özhatay FN, Genç İ. Allium cyrilli complex (sect. Melanocrommyum) in Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:39-45 (2013).
  • Özhatay FN, Koçyiğit M, Akalın Uruşak E. One more Allium species for the Turkish flora: Allium saxatile (Liliceae). Turk J Bot 36:644-649 (2012).
  • Öztürk M, Çetin Ö. Inula tuzgoluensis (Asteraceae) a new species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:825-835 (2013).
  • Öztürk M, Duran A, Hakkı EE. Cicer floribundum var. amanicola (Fabaceae), a new variety from South Anatolia, Turkey. BioDiCon 4/3: 44-51 (2011). Öztürk M. Asperula anatolica (Rubiaceae), a new species from southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:46-54 (2013).
  • Özüdoğru B, Erik S, Taeb F. Astragalus pseudopinetorum (Fabaceae), a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48:84-86 (2011).
  • Pimenov M, Kljyuykov E, Degtjareva G. Survey of the genus Diplotaenia (Umbelliferae), with description of two new species from Turkey. Willdenowia 41: 67-74 (2011).
  • Pimenov MG, Kjuykov EV. Two new species and a new combination in Turkish Dichoropetalum (Apiaceae). Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 337-342 (2011). Pimenov MG, Kljuykov EV. Ferula divaricata (Umbelliferae) a new species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 99(1): 35-39 (2013).
  • Podlech D, Zarre Sh. A Taxonomic Revision of Astragalus L. (Leguminosae) in the Old World. Taxon. Rev. Gen. Astragalus L. (Leguminosae) Old World 1-3 (2013).
  • Podlech D. New species of Astragalus L. (Leguminosae), mainly from Iran. Ann Naturhist. Mus. Wien 105B: 565-596 (2004).
  • Ruksans J. A revision of Crocus speciosus in Turkey and Iran. The Alpine Gardener p.206-211 (2012).
  • Ruksans J. Crocuses. A complete quide to the genus. Timber Pres, Inc. (2010).
  • Ruksans J. Seven new Crocuses from the Balkans and Turkey. The Alpine Garden Society p.2-28 (2013).
  • Sağıroğlu M, Akgül G. Gladiolus osmaniyensis (Iridaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot DOI:10.3906/bot-1209-60 (2013).
  • Speta F. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Loncomelos narbonensis-Verwandtschaft (Hyacinthaceae-Ornithogaloideae). Verh.zool.-bot.Ges. Wien 147:125-157 (2010).
  • Şenol S. G, Yıldırım H, Seçmen Ö. Prangos hulusii sp. nov. (Apiaceae) from West Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:402-407 (2011).
  • Şenol SG, Seçmen Ö, Öztürk B, Galbany-Casals M. Helichrysum unicapitatum (Asteraceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48:145–154 (2011).
  • Taeb F, Uzunhisarcıklı ME. Astragalus argentophyllus (Fabaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 49: 259-262 (2012). Tan K, Yıldırım H, Zielinski J. Establishment of Rosa sect. Caninae subsect. Orientales (Rosaceae) and the recognition of an unusual variety of Rosa vanheurckiana from eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 54: 26-36 (2012).
  • Terzioğlu S, Coşkunçelebi K, Gültepe M. Primula x uzungolensis (Primulaceae): a new natural hybrid from NE Anatolia. Turk J Bot 36:9-19 (2012).
  • Tuzlacı E, Bulut G. Türkiye Florası için üç yeni kayıt. XX. Bitkisel İlaç Hammaddeleri Toplantısı (Bihat 2012) Bildiri Kitabı s.121 (2012). 1 Uzunhisarcıklı ME, Duman H, Yılmaz S. A new species of Bellevalia (Hyacinthaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:651-655 (2013). 1 Vural C, Şapcı H. Five new records of the genus Echinops (Asteraceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:151-160 (2012). 1 Vural C. Two new species of Echinops sect. Ritropsis (Asteraceae) from Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 49:95-98 (2012). 1 Vural M, Duman H, Aytaç Z, Adıgüzel N. A new genus and three new species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:427-433 (2012). 1 Yaprak AE. Sarcocornia obclavata (Amaranthaceae) a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa 49: 55-60 (2012). 1 Yıldırım H, Bingöl Ö, Armağan M. Crepis gemici sp. nov. (Compositae) from east Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:14-19 (2011). 1 Yıldırım H, Erol O. Crocus yakarianus sp. nov. from eastern Turkey. Nord J Bot 31:426-429 (2013). 1 Yıldırım H, Gemici Y, Wilkin P. Scilla vardaria (Asparagaceae subfamily Scilloideae): a threatened new species of Scilla L. from Northeast Turkey with a floral corona. Phytotaxa 91(2):50-60 (2013). 1 Yıldırım H, Şenol SG, Pirhan AF. Pinguicula habilii (Lentibulariaceae), a new carnivorous species from South-West Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 64:46–58 (2012). 1 Yıldırım H. Campanula mugeana sp. nov. (Campanulaceae) from western Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 31(4):419–425 (2013). 1 Yıldırımlı Ş. Four new species of Asteraceae family from Turkey. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 18(2):1-24 (2011). 1 Yıldırımlı Ş. Nine new species from Kaz dağları, Munzur dağları, Bolkar dağları and Karçal dağları, Turkey. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(1): 1-34 (2012). 1 Yıldırımlı Ş. The heaven of gypsophilous phytodiversity of Turkey: Kepen, Sivrihisar, Eskişehir, Turkey, 13 taxa as new. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(2): 1-51 (2012). 1 Yıldırımlı Ş. Three new species from Turkey. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 18(1):1-13 (2011). 1 Yıldız B, Arabacı T, Dirmenci T, Çelenk S. Cirsium sivasicum sp. nov. and C. peshmenianum sp. nov. (Asteraceae) and their allies from Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:26-37 (2011). 1 Yıldız B, Arabacı T, Dirmenci T. Two new species of Cirsium (Asteraceae) and notes on allies from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:1045-1054 (2013). 1 Yılmaz Ö, Kaynak G, Daşkın R, Meriçlioğlu A. Dianthus goekayi (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fennici 48:7478 (2011). 1 Yılmaz Ö, Kaynak G. A new taxon of Linum (Linaceae) from Southwest Anatolia, Turkey. Novon 20:507-511 (2010). 1 Yılmaz Ö. Alyssum kaynakiae sp. nov. (sect. Gamosepalum, Brassiceae) from southwest Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 30:190-194 (2012). 1 Zare G, Dönmez AA. Two new records of the genus Orobanche (Orobanchaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:597-603 (2013). 1 Zare G, Yıldırımlı Ş. A new record for the flora of Turkey: Orobanche longibracteata Schiman-Czeika (Orobanchaceae). Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(2): 75-82 (2012). 1 Zielinski J, Tan K. Clematis austroanatolica (Ranunculaceae) an unusual new species from southern Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 24:28-32 (2011).


Year 2013, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 33 - 83, 24.03.2014


“Türkiye Florasına İlave Taksonların Listesi ” adlı seri halinde
yayınlanmakta olan çalışmanın altıncısı, Ocak 2011 ile Kasım 2013
tarihleri arasında yayınlanan 140 çalışmada yer alan 228 taksondan
oluşmaktadır. Bunlardan 186 adedi bitki bilim dünyasına yeni olarak, 42
adedi ise Türkiye florasına yeni kayıt olarak ilave edilmektedir. Aynı zamanda,
bu çalışma, 11 cilltlik Türkiye Florasında ve bu seri çalışmanın ilk
beşinde bulunmayan taksonları da içermektedir.

“Türkiye Florasına İlave Taksonların Listesi ” adlı seri halinde yayınlanmakta olan çalışmanın altıncısı, Ocak 2011 ile Kasım 2013 tarihleri arasında yayınlanan 140 çalışmada yer alan 228 taksondan oluşmaktadır. Bunlardan 186 adedi bitki bilim dünyasına yeni olarak, 42 adedi ise Türkiye florasına yeni kayıt olarak ilave edilmektedir. Aynı zamanda, bu çalışma, 11 cilltlik Türkiye Florasında ve bu seri çalışmanın ilk beşinde bulunmayan taksonları da içermektedir.


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  • Akaydın G. A New Species of Limonium Mill. (Plumaginaceae) from the Central Anatolian Salt Steppe, Turkey. World Appl. Sci. J. 2 (4): 406-411 (2007).
  • Akçiçek E, Dirmenci T, Dündar E. Taxonomical notes on Stachys sect. Eriostomum (Lamiaceae) in Turkey. Turk J Bot 36: 217-234 (2012).
  • Arabacı T, Dirmenci T. Cirsium yildizianum (Asteraceae: Cynareae) a new species from east Anatolia, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 503-506 (2011).
  • Aykurt C, Sümbül H. A new natural hybrid of Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae) from central Anatolia, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 428-434 (2011). Aykurt C, Sümbül H. New natural hybrids of Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:408-416 (2011).
  • Aytaç Z, Akgül G, Ekici M. A new species of Marrubium (Lamiaceae) from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 36: 443-449 (2012).
  • Aytaç Z, Duman H. A new species and 2 new records from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37: 1055-1060 (2013).
  • Aytaç Z, Duman H. Verbascum hasbenlii (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Turkey, Turk J Bot 36: 322-327 (2012).
  • Aytaç Z, Türkmen Z. A new Onosma (Boraginaceae) species from southern Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 35: 269-274 (2011).
  • Bagherpour S, Celep F, Kahraman A, Doğan M. Salvia brachyantha subsp. tankutiana (Lamiaceae), a new subspecies from Central Anatolia. Turk J Bot 35:343-350 (2011).
  • Bağcı Y, Savran A, Düşen O.D, Tutar L. Ornithogalum beyazoglui (Hyacinthaceae), a new species from West Anatolia, Turkey. Bangl J. Plant Taxon 18(1): 51-55 (2011).
  • Bani B, Degtjarena GV, Pimenov MG, Kluykov EV, Adıgüzel N. Bunium allioides (Apiaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 49:412416 (2012).
  • Behçet L, Kaval İ, Rüstemoğlu M. Three new records for Turkey: Allium giganteum (Liliaceae), Grammosciadium scabridum, and Ferulago angulata subsp. carduchorum (Apiaceae). Turk J Bot 36:637-643 (2012).
  • Behçet L, Rüstemoğlu M. Allium shirnakiense, sect. Melanocrommyum (Liliaceae), a new species from South-eastern Turkey. Turk J Bot 36: 450-454 (2012).
  • Belyaeva I. Nomenclature of Salix fragilis L. and a new species, S. euxina (Salicaceae). Taxon 58(4): 1344-1348 (2009).
  • Bilgili B, Coppi A, Selvi F. Nonea dumani sp. nov. (Boraginaceae) from the Taurus mountains (south Turkey). Nord J Bot 30: 546-552 (2012).
  • Budak Ü, Koç M. Silene hamzaoglui (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Çekerek (Yozgat, Turkey). Turk J Bot 35: 285-289 (2011).
  • Budak Ü. Gypsophila yusufeliensis (Caryophyllaceae), a New Species from Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 49(5-6): 425-427 (2012).
  • Cabi E, Doğan M. A new variety record and a new variety of Hordeum spontaneum K. Koch in Turkey. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(2): 53-66 (2012). Candan F, Özhatay N. Crocus chrysanthus s. lato (Iridaceae) in Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 50: 423-430 (2013).
  • Celep F, Kahraman A, Doğan M. A new taxon of the genus Salvia (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Pl Ecol Evol 144 (1): 111-114 (2011).
  • Coşkunçelebi K, Makbul S, Gültepe M, Onat D, Güzel M, Okur S. A new Scorzonera (Asteraceae) species from South Anatolia, Turkey, and its taxonomic position based on molecular data. Turk J Bot 36: 299-310 (2012).
  • Çakan H, Scholz. A new variety of Bromus (Poaceae) from Turkey: Bromus psammophilus var. robutus var. nova. Turk J Bot 35: 713-716 (2011). Çetin Ö, Duran A, Martin E, Tustas S. A taxonomic study of the genus Fibigia Medik. (Brassicaceae). Afr J Biotechnol 11(1): 109-119 (2012).
  • Çiçek M, Ketenoglu O. Scutellaria anatolica (Lamiaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 48: 276–279 (2011).
  • Çiçek M, Yaprak AE. A new natural hybrid of Scutellaria (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Phytotaxa 29:51-55 (2011).
  • Çiçek M, Yaprak AE. Scutellaria yildirimlii (Lamiaceae), a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa 132 (1):53-58 (2013).
  • Daşkın R, Kaynak G. Angelica archangelica (Apiaceae) a new species to Turkey: a contrubition to its taxonomy and distribution. Phytologia Balcanica 18(1):5-9 (2012).
  • Daşkın R. Arabis kaynakiae (Brassicaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 126 (1): 43-48 (2013).
  • Davis P.H., Tan K, Mill R.R. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol.10. University Press, Edinburgh (1988).
  • Demirci S, Özhatay N, Koçyiğit M. Muscari erdalii (Asparagaceae, Scilloideae), a new species from Southern Turkey. Phytotaxa 154(1): 38-46 (2013).
  • Dinç M, Aytaç Z, Doğu S. A new species of Astragalus (Fabaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37: 841-846 (2013).
  • Dirmenci T, Yıldız B, Akçiçek E, Martin E, Dündar E. Stachys vuralii (Lamiaceae) a new species from North Anatolia, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 401-408 (2011).
  • Doğan B, Duran A, Makbul S. Scorzonera tuzgoluensis sp. nov. (Asteraceae) a new halophytic species from central Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29: 20-25 (2011).
  • Doğan B, Duran A, Öztürk M. Jurinea cataonica subsp. mardinensis subsp. nov. (Asteraceae) from southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29: 366-369 (2011).
  • Dönmez AA. Cicer uludereensis Dönmez: a new species of Cicer (Chickpea) (Fabaceae) from around the Fertile Crescent, SE Turkey. Turk J Bot 35:71-76 (2011).
  • Duran A, Doğan B, Ay H. Bilacunaria aksekiensis (Apiaceae) a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 361-367 (2011).
  • Duran A, Doğan B, Hamzaoğlu E, Aksoy A. Scorzonera coriacea A. Duran & Aksoy (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Candollea 66(2): 353-359 (2011).
  • Duran A, Öztürk M, Ay H. Bilacunaria anatolica sp. nov. (Apiaceae) from southwest Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29: 652-659 (2011).
  • Duran A, Öztürk M, Çetin Ö. Scorzonera aksekiensis sp. nov. (Asteraceae) from south Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 31: 704-710 (2013).
  • Ecevit Genç G, Akalın Uruşak E, Wörz A. A new species of Eryngium (Apiaceae) from Turkey: Eryngium babadaghensis. Turk J Bot 36: 1-8 (2012).
  • Eker I, Koyuncu M. Allium oliveri Boiss. (Alliaceae), a new taxon to Turkey, with contributions to its taxonomy, Acta Soc Bot Pol 80(4): 275277 (2011).
  • Eminağaoğlu Ö, Özcan M, Kültür Ş. Contributions to the leaf and stem anatomy of Tradescantia fluminensis an alien species new to the flora of Turkey. AÇÜ Orman Fak. Derg. 13(2):270-277 (2012).
  • Eminağaoğlu Ö, Özkaya MS, Akpulat HA. A new record fort he flora of Turkey: Sorbus caucasica var. caucasica (Rosaceae). Turk J Bot 36:426 (2012). Erol O, Can L, Şık L. Crocus demirizianus sp. nov. From Northwestern Turkey. Nord J Bot 30: 665-667 (2012).
  • Erol O, Şık L, Kaya B H, Tanyolaç B, Küçüker O. Genetic diversity of Crocus antalyensis B. Mathew (Iridaceae) and a new subspecies from southern Anatolia. Plant Syst Evol 294: 281-287 (2011).
  • Faurholdt N. Ophrys fuciflora subsp. pallidiconi a new subspecies from Turkey. J. Eur. Orch. 43(3):560-566 (2011).
  • Foley M.J.Y, Southam M.J. Oenanthe incrassans Bory &Chaub. (Apiaceae), a distinctive plant of the Aegean region. Candollea 62(2): 125-130 (2007).
  • Gemici Y, Tan K, Yıldırım H, Pirhan A. Saponaria emineneana (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from inner Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 30:45-52 (2011).
  • Genç H, Şahin A. A new species of Lathyrus L. (Fabaceae) from Turkey. J Syst Evol 49(5):505-508 (2011).
  • Genç İ, Özhatay N, Koyuncu M. Allium purpureoviride sp. nov. (Liliaceae), from east Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 30:333-336 (2012).
  • Genç İ, Özhatay N. Allium serpentinicum and A. kandemirii (Alliaceae) two new species from East Anatolia, Turkey. Ann Bot. Fenn 50:50-54 (2013).
  • Göktürk RS, Sümbül H, Çelebi A, Açık L. Two new species of Cephalaria (Caprifoliaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:311-321 (2012).
  • Greuter W, Raab-Straube E. (ed.). Euro-Med Notulae, 5. Willdenowia 41:129-138 (2011).
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  • Güneş F, Çırpıcı AH. A new record for the of Turkey: Lathyrus atropatanus (Leguminosae). Turk J Bot 36:425 (2012).
  • Güzel Y, Kayıkçı S, Yıldız S. Scorzonera pacis (Asteraceae), a new species from Hatay, Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 50:417-422 (2013).
  • Hamzaoğlu E, Budak Ü, Aksoy A. A new genus, Turanecio, of the Asteraceae (tribe Senecioneae). Turk J Bot 35: 479-508 (2011).
  • Hamzaoğlu E, Budak Ü, Koç M. A new taxon of Anthemis L. (Asteraceae) from Turkey: Anthemis pauciloba Boiss. var. alba Hamzaoğlu & Budak var. nova. Turk J Bot 35:85-88 (2011).
  • Hamzaoğlu E, Koç M, Budak U. Galatella anatolica sp. nov. (Asteraceae: Astereae) from Osmaniye, Turkey. Nord J Bot 31:087-089 (2013). Hamzaoğlu E, Koç M, Budak Ü. A new species of Silene (Caryophyllaceae) from East Anatolia (Turkey): Silene gevasica Hamzaoğlu sp. nova. Turk J Bot 35: 67-70 (2011).
  • Hamzaoğlu E. A new species of Gypsophila and a new name for Silene (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:135-139 (2012).
  • İlçim A, Behçet L, Mükemre M. Dianthus vanensis (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:219-224 (2013).
  • İlçim A, Behçet L, Tel A. Campanula hacerae (Campanulaceae) a new species from Turkey, Ann Bot Fenn 48: 507-510 (2011).
  • İlçim A, Behçet L. Bufonia yildirimhanii sp. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 31:084-086 (2013).
  • İlçim A, Özçelik H, Çenet M. A new natural hybrid of Cousinia Cass. (Asteraceae) from Türkiye. BioDiCon 6/1: 71-75 (2013).
  • Jessen S, Lehmann L, Bujnoch W. Cryptogramma bithynica sp. nov. (Pteridaceae, Pteridophyta) a new fern species from northwestern Anatolia/ Turkey. Fern Gaz. 19(2):47–54 (2012).
  • Kahraman A, Doğan M, Celep F. Salvia siirtica sp. nov. (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:397-401(2011).
  • Karabacak O, Öztürk M, Duran A. Aethionema anatolica (Brassicaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 50:183-186 (2013). Karaer F, Terzioğlu S. A new alien record for the flora of Turkey: Sigesbeckia pubescens (Compositae). Turk J Bot 37:188-190 (2013).
  • Karaer F. Draba cemileae (Brassiceae), a new species from NE Anatolia, Turkey, Ann. Bot. Fenn 49:111-116 (2012).
  • Karavelioğulları FA, Çelik S, Başer B, Yavru A. Verbascum erginhamzaoglui (Scrophulariaceae) a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 35: 275-283 (2011).
  • Kaya ÖF, Ertekin S. A new hybrid record for Turkey: Phlomis x praetervisa Rech. f. (Lamiaceae). Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(2): 67-74 (2012).
  • Kerndorff E, Pasche E. Two new taxa of Crocus (Liliiflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Sapfia 95: 2-5 (2011).
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E, Harpke D, Blattner FR. Seven new species of Crocus (Liliiflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Stapfia 97: 3-16 (2012).
  • Kerndorff H, Pasche E, Harpke D, Blattner FR. Three new species of Crocus (Liliiflorae, Iridaceae) from Turkey. Stapfia 95: 99-105 (2011).
  • Keskin M. Türkiye florasına katkılar. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 18(1):29-39 (2011).
  • Koç M, Aksoy A, Hamzaoğlu E. A new species of Minuartia (Caryophyllaceae) from northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 35:337-341 (2011). Koç M, Aksoy A. Minuartia hamzaoglui (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:428-433 (2013).
  • Koç M, Hamzaoğlu E, Budak Ü. Minuartia aksoyi sp. nov. and M. buschiana subsp. artvinica subsp. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 30:337-342 (2012).
  • Koç M. Gypsophila torulensis (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 50: 149-150 (2013).
  • Koçyiğit M, Özhatay N. Allium maraschicum sp. nov. (Alliaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 30:553-559 (2012).
  • Koyuncu M, Eker I. Allium arsuzense sp. nov. and A. roseum subsp. gulekense subsp. nov. from Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:391-396 (2011).
  • Koyuncu M. A new spevies of Vinca (Apocynaceae) from eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:247-251 (2012).
  • Koyuncu O, Yaylacı Ö.K, Özgişi K, Sezer O, Öztürk D. A new Onosma (Boraginaceae) species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Plant Syst Evol. 299:1839–1847 (2013).
  • Köse BY, Alan S. Centaurea baseri (Compositae), a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa 117(1):23-29 (2013).
  • Kreutz CAJ. Beitrag zur Kenntnis europäischer, mediterraner und vorderasiatischer Orchideen. Ber. Arbeitskrs. Heim. Orchid. 28 (2): 263– 299 (2011).
  • Kurşat M, Türkoğlu İ, Civelek Ş,Tabur S. A new subspecies record for the flora of Turkey: Artemisia santonicum L. subsp. patens (Neilr.) K.M.Perss. (Asteraceae). Turk J Bot 35:89 (2011).
  • Makbul S, Coskuncelebi K, Gültepe M, Okur S, Güzel ME. Scorzonera ahmet-duranii sp. nov. (Asteraceae) from southwest Anatolia, and its phylogenetic position. Nord J Bot 30: 2-11 (2012).
  • Makbul S, Hamzaoğlu E, Aksoy A. Linaria turcica (Scrophulariaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48: 177–181 (2011).
  • Mill RR. A new subspecies of Omphalodes luciliae (Boraginaceae)from Turkey. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 68(2):159-163 (2011).
  • Mutlu B, Karakuş Ş. A new species of Ornithogalum (Liliaceae) from East Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:125-133 (2012).
  • Özbek MU, Vural M, Daşkın R. A new species of the genus Cota (Asteraceae) from Uludağ, Turkey. Turk J Bot 35:331-336 (2011).
  • Özhatay FN, Genç İ. Allium cyrilli complex (sect. Melanocrommyum) in Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:39-45 (2013).
  • Özhatay FN, Koçyiğit M, Akalın Uruşak E. One more Allium species for the Turkish flora: Allium saxatile (Liliceae). Turk J Bot 36:644-649 (2012).
  • Öztürk M, Çetin Ö. Inula tuzgoluensis (Asteraceae) a new species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:825-835 (2013).
  • Öztürk M, Duran A, Hakkı EE. Cicer floribundum var. amanicola (Fabaceae), a new variety from South Anatolia, Turkey. BioDiCon 4/3: 44-51 (2011). Öztürk M. Asperula anatolica (Rubiaceae), a new species from southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:46-54 (2013).
  • Özüdoğru B, Erik S, Taeb F. Astragalus pseudopinetorum (Fabaceae), a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48:84-86 (2011).
  • Pimenov M, Kljyuykov E, Degtjareva G. Survey of the genus Diplotaenia (Umbelliferae), with description of two new species from Turkey. Willdenowia 41: 67-74 (2011).
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  • Podlech D, Zarre Sh. A Taxonomic Revision of Astragalus L. (Leguminosae) in the Old World. Taxon. Rev. Gen. Astragalus L. (Leguminosae) Old World 1-3 (2013).
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  • Sağıroğlu M, Akgül G. Gladiolus osmaniyensis (Iridaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot DOI:10.3906/bot-1209-60 (2013).
  • Speta F. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Loncomelos narbonensis-Verwandtschaft (Hyacinthaceae-Ornithogaloideae). Verh.zool.-bot.Ges. Wien 147:125-157 (2010).
  • Şenol S. G, Yıldırım H, Seçmen Ö. Prangos hulusii sp. nov. (Apiaceae) from West Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:402-407 (2011).
  • Şenol SG, Seçmen Ö, Öztürk B, Galbany-Casals M. Helichrysum unicapitatum (Asteraceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fenn 48:145–154 (2011).
  • Taeb F, Uzunhisarcıklı ME. Astragalus argentophyllus (Fabaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 49: 259-262 (2012). Tan K, Yıldırım H, Zielinski J. Establishment of Rosa sect. Caninae subsect. Orientales (Rosaceae) and the recognition of an unusual variety of Rosa vanheurckiana from eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 54: 26-36 (2012).
  • Terzioğlu S, Coşkunçelebi K, Gültepe M. Primula x uzungolensis (Primulaceae): a new natural hybrid from NE Anatolia. Turk J Bot 36:9-19 (2012).
  • Tuzlacı E, Bulut G. Türkiye Florası için üç yeni kayıt. XX. Bitkisel İlaç Hammaddeleri Toplantısı (Bihat 2012) Bildiri Kitabı s.121 (2012). 1 Uzunhisarcıklı ME, Duman H, Yılmaz S. A new species of Bellevalia (Hyacinthaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:651-655 (2013). 1 Vural C, Şapcı H. Five new records of the genus Echinops (Asteraceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:151-160 (2012). 1 Vural C. Two new species of Echinops sect. Ritropsis (Asteraceae) from Turkey. Ann Bot Fenn 49:95-98 (2012). 1 Vural M, Duman H, Aytaç Z, Adıgüzel N. A new genus and three new species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Turk J Bot 36:427-433 (2012). 1 Yaprak AE. Sarcocornia obclavata (Amaranthaceae) a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa 49: 55-60 (2012). 1 Yıldırım H, Bingöl Ö, Armağan M. Crepis gemici sp. nov. (Compositae) from east Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:14-19 (2011). 1 Yıldırım H, Erol O. Crocus yakarianus sp. nov. from eastern Turkey. Nord J Bot 31:426-429 (2013). 1 Yıldırım H, Gemici Y, Wilkin P. Scilla vardaria (Asparagaceae subfamily Scilloideae): a threatened new species of Scilla L. from Northeast Turkey with a floral corona. Phytotaxa 91(2):50-60 (2013). 1 Yıldırım H, Şenol SG, Pirhan AF. Pinguicula habilii (Lentibulariaceae), a new carnivorous species from South-West Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 64:46–58 (2012). 1 Yıldırım H. Campanula mugeana sp. nov. (Campanulaceae) from western Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 31(4):419–425 (2013). 1 Yıldırımlı Ş. Four new species of Asteraceae family from Turkey. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 18(2):1-24 (2011). 1 Yıldırımlı Ş. Nine new species from Kaz dağları, Munzur dağları, Bolkar dağları and Karçal dağları, Turkey. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(1): 1-34 (2012). 1 Yıldırımlı Ş. The heaven of gypsophilous phytodiversity of Turkey: Kepen, Sivrihisar, Eskişehir, Turkey, 13 taxa as new. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(2): 1-51 (2012). 1 Yıldırımlı Ş. Three new species from Turkey. Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 18(1):1-13 (2011). 1 Yıldız B, Arabacı T, Dirmenci T, Çelenk S. Cirsium sivasicum sp. nov. and C. peshmenianum sp. nov. (Asteraceae) and their allies from Turkey. Nord J Bot 29:26-37 (2011). 1 Yıldız B, Arabacı T, Dirmenci T. Two new species of Cirsium (Asteraceae) and notes on allies from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:1045-1054 (2013). 1 Yılmaz Ö, Kaynak G, Daşkın R, Meriçlioğlu A. Dianthus goekayi (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey. Ann. Bot. Fennici 48:7478 (2011). 1 Yılmaz Ö, Kaynak G. A new taxon of Linum (Linaceae) from Southwest Anatolia, Turkey. Novon 20:507-511 (2010). 1 Yılmaz Ö. Alyssum kaynakiae sp. nov. (sect. Gamosepalum, Brassiceae) from southwest Anatolia, Turkey. Nord J Bot 30:190-194 (2012). 1 Zare G, Dönmez AA. Two new records of the genus Orobanche (Orobanchaceae) from Turkey. Turk J Bot 37:597-603 (2013). 1 Zare G, Yıldırımlı Ş. A new record for the flora of Turkey: Orobanche longibracteata Schiman-Czeika (Orobanchaceae). Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 19(2): 75-82 (2012). 1 Zielinski J, Tan K. Clematis austroanatolica (Ranunculaceae) an unusual new species from southern Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 24:28-32 (2011).
There are 110 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal Section Makaleler

N. Özhatay, Ş. Kültür B. Gürdal This is me

N. Özhatay This is me

Ş. Kültür This is me

B. Gürdal This is me

Publication Date March 24, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 43 Issue: 1


APA B. Gürdal, N. Ö. Ş. K., Özhatay, N., Kültür, Ş., Gürdal, B. (2014). CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, 43(1), 33-83.
AMA B. Gürdal NÖŞK, Özhatay N, Kültür Ş, Gürdal B. CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. March 2014;43(1):33-83.
Chicago B. Gürdal, N. Özhatay, Ş. Kültür, N. Özhatay, Ş. Kültür, and B. Gürdal. “CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University 43, no. 1 (March 2014): 33-83.
EndNote B. Gürdal NÖŞK, Özhatay N, Kültür Ş, Gürdal B (March 1, 2014) CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University 43 1 33–83.
IEEE N. Ö. Ş. K. B. Gürdal, N. Özhatay, Ş. Kültür, and B. Gürdal, “CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI”, Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 33–83, 2014.
ISNAD B. Gürdal, N. Özhatay, Ş. Kültür et al. “CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University 43/1 (March 2014), 33-83.
JAMA B. Gürdal NÖŞK, Özhatay N, Kültür Ş, Gürdal B. CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. 2014;43:33–83.
MLA B. Gürdal, N. Özhatay, Ş. Kültür et al. “CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, vol. 43, no. 1, 2014, pp. 33-83.
Vancouver B. Gürdal NÖŞK, Özhatay N, Kültür Ş, Gürdal B. CHECK-LIST OF ADDITIONAL TAXA TO THE SUPPLEMENT FLORA OF TURKEY VI. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. 2014;43(1):33-8.