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Evaluation of the medicinal potential of a traditionally important plant from Turkey: Cerinthe minor L.

Yıl 2022, , 80 - 89, 28.04.2022


Background and Aims: Cerinthe minor L. has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes in Turkey. Since the plant has remained uninvestigated pharmacognostically, this study aims to provide data on the phytochemical profile and in vitro biological activities of the ethanol extract prepared from the aerial and root parts of Cerinthe minor L.
Methods: The phytochemical profile of the extract was determined by LC-MS/MS. Total phenolic and total flavonoid contents of Cerinthe minor ethanol extract were determined as pyrocatechol, and quercetin equivalents, respectively. Antioxidant ac- tivity of the extract was investigated by DPPH, and ABTS cation radical scavenging activity, and CUPRAC activity assays. Enzyme inhibitory activity assays were used to investigate anticholinesterase, antityrosinase, and antiurease activities. Cy- totoxic potential of the plant was clarified by using the XTT method, and antimicrobial activity of the extract was established by the microbroth dilution technique.
Results: According to the LC-MS/MS results, 11 different constituents were present in the extract, and the major com- pounds were, malic acid (5392.18±60.93 μg/g extract), fumaric acid (4730.99±58.66 μg/g extract), and rosmarinic acid (2470.07±176.12 μg/g extract). Total phenolic and flavonoid contents were found as 10.39±0.73 μg PEs/mg extract, and 0.75±0.07 μg QEs/mg extract, respectively. The extract demonstrated moderate antioxidant activity, whereas no enzyme in- hibitory activity was exerted against the tested enzymes. No cytotoxic activity was observed on human renal (A498, UO-31) or human colon (COLO205, KM12) cancer cell lines. The extract was shown to possess low-moderate antimicrobial activity against C. tropicalis with a MIC value of 78.12 μg/mL.
Conclusion: Having several pharmacologically valuable compounds, and not causing any toxicity on studied cell lines, Cerin- the minor is a plant that requires attention with its medicinal potential.

Destekleyen Kurum

Research Fund of Dicle University (DUBAP)

Proje Numarası



The authors are thankful to the Research Fund of Dicle University (DUBAP: ECZACILIK.19.003) for the partial supports. LC-MS/MS analysis was performed by Dicle University Science and Technology Research and Application Center (DUBTAM), thanks to project number DUBAP: ECZACILIK.19.003 to pay the analysis fee.


  • Al Jitan, S., Alkhoori, S. A., & Yousef, L. F. (2018). Phenolic acids from plants: Extraction and application to human health. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, 58, 389-417.
  • Altundağ, E., & Özhatay, N. (2009). Local names of some useful plants from Iğdir province (East Anatolia). Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, 4, 101-116.
  • Atwan, A., Ingram, J. R., Abbott, R., Kelson, M. J., Pickles, T., Bauer, A., & Piguet, V. (2015). Oral fumaric acid esters for psoriasis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 8.
  • Boğa, M., Özkan, E. E., Ersoy, E., Tuncay, E., Cantürk, Y. Y., Çınar, E. … Zengin, G. (2021a). Identification and quantification of phenolic and volatile constituents in five different Anatolian Thyme spe- cies using LC–MS/MS and GC-MS, with biological activities. Food Bioscience, 101141.
  • Boğa, M., Ersoy, E., Özkan, E. E., Çınar, E., Kara, E. M., Cantürk, Y. Y., & Zengin, G. (2021b). Volatile and phenolic profiling of a traditional medicinal plant, Hypericum empetrifolium with in vitro biological activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 272, 113933.
  • Boğa, M., Ertaş, A., Eroglu-Özkan, E., Kızıl, M., Çeken, B., & Topçu, G (2016). Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticho- linesterase and DNA protective effects of Hypericum capitatum var. capitatum extracts. South African Journal of Botany, 104, 249–257.
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (1997). Reference method for broth dilution antifungal susceptibility testing of yeasts; Approved standard–Second Edition; M27-A2. Wayne, PA: Author.
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (2006). Methods for di- lution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobi- cally, 7th ed.; Approved standard M7-A7. Wayne, PA: Author.
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (2008). Reference method for broth dilution antifungal susceptibility testing of yeasts. Approved standard-third edition. document M27- A3. Wayne, PA: CLSI
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (2010). Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing: 7th informational supplement; M100-S20. Wayne, PA: Author.
  • Dalar, A., Mukemre, M., Unal, M., & Ozgokce, F. (2018). Traditional medicinal plants of Ağrı province, Turkey. Journal of Ethnophar- macology, 226, 56-72.
  • Dickel, H., Bruckner, T., & Altmeyer, P. (2018). Long‐term real‐life safety profile and effectiveness of fumaric acid esters in psoriasis patients: A single‐centre, retrospective, observational study. Jour- nal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 32(10), 1710-1727.
  • Doğan, A., & Tuzlacı, E. (2015). Wild edible plants of Pertek (Tunce- li-Turkey). Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 19(2), 126-135.
  • Dresler, S., Szymczak, G., & Wójcik, M. (2017). Comparison of some secondary metabolite content in the seventeen species of the Boraginaceae family. Pharmaceutical Biology, 55(1), 691-695.
  • El-Shazly, A., & Wink, M. (2014). Diversity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the Boraginaceae structures, distribution, and biological prop- erties. Diversity, 6(2), 188-282.
  • Eroğlu-Özkan, E., Boğa, M., Yılmaz, M. A., Kara, E. M., & Yeşil, Y. (2020). LC-MS/MS analyses of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. from Turkey: Antioxidant, anticholinesterase, antimicrobial and anti- cancer activities. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 50(1), 33-41.
  • Ersoy, E., Özkan, E. E., Boğa, M., & Mat, A. (2020). Evaluation of in vitro biological activities of three Hypericum species (H. calycinum,H. confertum, and H. perforatum) from Turkey. South African Jour- nal of Botany, 130, 141-147.
  • Ersoy, E., Ozkan, E. E., Boğa, M., Yılmaz, M. A., & Mat, A. (2019). Anti- aging potential and anti-tyrosinase activity of three Hypericum species with focus on phytochemical composition by LC–MS/ MS. Industrial Crops and Products, 141, 111735.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (2012). Türkiye bitkilerinin listesi (Damarlı bitkiler) [Turkey Plant List (Vascular Plants)]. Istanbul, Turkey: Flora Araştırmaları Derneği ve Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayını.
  • Jacobo‐Velázquez, D. A., & Cisneros‐Zevallos, L. (2009). Correla- tions of antioxidant activity against phenolic content revisited: a new approach in data analysis for food and medicinal plants. Journal of Food Science, 74(9), R107-R113.
  • Jetter, R., & Riederer, M. (1999). Homologous long-chain δ-lactones in leaf cuticular waxes of Cerinthe minor. Phytochem- istry, 50(8), 1359-1364.
  • Kadıoğlu, S., Kadıoğlu, B., & Sezer, K. K. (2021). Ethnobotanical properties of natural plant in Kop Pass (Bayburt/Turkey). Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 14(2), 264-276.
  • Kadıoğlu, Z., Çukadar, K., Kandemir, A., Kalkan, N. N., Vurgun, H., & Dönderalp, V. (2020). Kars İlinde Sebze Olarak Tüketilen Yabani Bitki Türlerinin Tespiti ve Kullanım Şekilleri. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30(1), 11-32.
  • Khojasteh, A., Mirjalili, M. H., Alcalde, M. A., Cusido, R. M., Eibl, R., & Palazon, J. (2020). Powerful plant antioxidants: a new bio-sustain- able approach to the production of rosmarinic acid. Antioxidants, 9(12), 1273.
  • Korkmaz, M., & Karakuş, S. (2015). Traditional uses of medicinal plants of Üzümlü district, Erzincan, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(1), 125-134.
  • Kövilein, A., Kubisch, C., Cai, L., & Ochsenreither, K. (2020). Malic acid production from renewables: a review. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 95(3), 513-526.
  • Moreno, M. I. N., Isla, M. I., Sampietro, A. R., & Vattuone, M. A. (2000). Comparison of the free radical-scavenging activity of propolis from several regions of Argentina. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 71(1–2), 109–114.
  • Mroczek, T., Baj, S., Chrobok, A., & Glowniak, K. (2004). Screening for pyrrolizidine alkaloids in plant materials by electron ionization RP/HPLC/MS with thermabeam interface. Biomedical Chromatog- raphy, 18(9), 745-751.
  • Niklander, S., Fuentes, F., Sanchez, D., Araya, V., Chiappini, G., Mar- tinez, R., & Marshall, M. (2018). Impact of 1% malic acid spray on the oral health-related quality of life of patients with xerostomia. Journal of Oral Science, 60(2), 278-284.
  • Schippmann, U., Leaman, D. J., & Cunningham, A. B. (2002). Impact of cultivation and gathering of medicinal plants on biodiversity: global trends and issues. Biodiversity and the ecosystem approach in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. (Published in FAO. 2002. Bio- diversity and the Ecosystem Approach in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Satellite event on the occasion of the Ninth Regular Ses- sion of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Ag- riculture. Rome, 12-13 October 2002. Inter-Departmental Working Group on Biological Diversity for Food and Agriculture. Rome)
  • Selvi, F., Cecchi, L., & Coppi, A. (2009). Phylogeny, karyotype evo- lution and taxonomy of Cerinthe L. (Boraginaceae). Taxon, 58(4), 1307-1325.
  • Şimşek, B., Aksoy, D. Y., Başaran, N. C., Tas, D., Albasan, D., & Kalaycı,M. Z. (2017). Mapping traditional and complementary medicine in Turkey. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 15, 68–72.
  • Smith, D. (2017). Fumaric acid esters for psoriasis: A systematic review. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 186(1), 161-177.
  • Şöhretoğlu, D., Sarı, S., Barut, B., & Özel, A. (2018). Tyrosinase inhibi- tion by some flavonoids: Inhibitory activity, mechanism by in vitro and in silico studies. Bioorganic Chemistry, 81, 168-174.
  • Süntar, I. (2020). Importance of ethnopharmacological studies in drug discovery: Role of medicinal plants. Phytochemistry Reviews, 19(5), 1199-1209.
  • Tamariz, J., Burgueño-Tapia, E., Vázquez, M. A., & Delgado, F. (2018). Pyrrolizidine alkaloids. The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology, 80, 1-314.
  • Taneri, P. E., Akis, N., & Karaalp, A. (2021). Herbal product use pat- terns and possible herb-drug interactions among older adults in Turkey. Journal of Herbal Medicine, 100487.
  • Tang, X., Liu, J., Dong, W., Li, P., Li, L., Lin, C. & Li, D. (2013). The car-dioprotective effects of citric acid and L-malic acid on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID: 820695
  • Terpinc, P., Čeh, B., Ulrih, N. P., & Abramovič, H. (2012). Studies of the correlation between antioxidant properties and the total phenolic content of different oil cake extracts. Industrial Crops and Products, 39, 210-217.
  • Yeşil, Y. & İnal, İ. (2019). Traditional knowledge of wild edible plants in Hasankeyf (Batman Province, Turkey). Acta Societatis Botanico- rum Poloniae, 88(3), 3633.
  • Yeşil, Y. & İnal, İ. (2021) Ethnomedicinal plants of Hasankeyf (Bat- man-Turkey). Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11, 624710.
  • Yilmaz, M. A., Ertaş, A., Yener, I., Akdeniz, M., Çakır, O., Altun, M… . Temel,H. (2018). A comprehensive LC–MS/MS method validation for the quantitative investigation of 37 fingerprint phytochemicals in Achillea species: A detailed examination of A. coarctata and A. monocephala. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 154, 413-424.
  • Zahid, H., Rizwani, G. H., Kamil, A., Shareef, H., Tasleem, S., & Khan,A. (2015). Anti-urease activity of Mimusops elengi Linn (Sapotace- ae). European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 6(4), 223–230.
  • Zengin, G., Nithiyanantham, S., Locatelli, M., Ceylan, R., Uysal, S., Aktumsek, A., Selvi, P. K., & Maskovic, P. (2016). Screening of in vitro antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory activities of different extracts from two uninvestigated wild plants: Centranthus longiflorus subsp. longiflorus and Cerinthe minor subsp. auriculata.European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 8(3), 286-292.
Yıl 2022, , 80 - 89, 28.04.2022


Proje Numarası



  • Al Jitan, S., Alkhoori, S. A., & Yousef, L. F. (2018). Phenolic acids from plants: Extraction and application to human health. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, 58, 389-417.
  • Altundağ, E., & Özhatay, N. (2009). Local names of some useful plants from Iğdir province (East Anatolia). Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, 4, 101-116.
  • Atwan, A., Ingram, J. R., Abbott, R., Kelson, M. J., Pickles, T., Bauer, A., & Piguet, V. (2015). Oral fumaric acid esters for psoriasis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 8.
  • Boğa, M., Özkan, E. E., Ersoy, E., Tuncay, E., Cantürk, Y. Y., Çınar, E. … Zengin, G. (2021a). Identification and quantification of phenolic and volatile constituents in five different Anatolian Thyme spe- cies using LC–MS/MS and GC-MS, with biological activities. Food Bioscience, 101141.
  • Boğa, M., Ersoy, E., Özkan, E. E., Çınar, E., Kara, E. M., Cantürk, Y. Y., & Zengin, G. (2021b). Volatile and phenolic profiling of a traditional medicinal plant, Hypericum empetrifolium with in vitro biological activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 272, 113933.
  • Boğa, M., Ertaş, A., Eroglu-Özkan, E., Kızıl, M., Çeken, B., & Topçu, G (2016). Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticho- linesterase and DNA protective effects of Hypericum capitatum var. capitatum extracts. South African Journal of Botany, 104, 249–257.
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (1997). Reference method for broth dilution antifungal susceptibility testing of yeasts; Approved standard–Second Edition; M27-A2. Wayne, PA: Author.
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (2006). Methods for di- lution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobi- cally, 7th ed.; Approved standard M7-A7. Wayne, PA: Author.
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (2008). Reference method for broth dilution antifungal susceptibility testing of yeasts. Approved standard-third edition. document M27- A3. Wayne, PA: CLSI
  • Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (2010). Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing: 7th informational supplement; M100-S20. Wayne, PA: Author.
  • Dalar, A., Mukemre, M., Unal, M., & Ozgokce, F. (2018). Traditional medicinal plants of Ağrı province, Turkey. Journal of Ethnophar- macology, 226, 56-72.
  • Dickel, H., Bruckner, T., & Altmeyer, P. (2018). Long‐term real‐life safety profile and effectiveness of fumaric acid esters in psoriasis patients: A single‐centre, retrospective, observational study. Jour- nal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 32(10), 1710-1727.
  • Doğan, A., & Tuzlacı, E. (2015). Wild edible plants of Pertek (Tunce- li-Turkey). Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 19(2), 126-135.
  • Dresler, S., Szymczak, G., & Wójcik, M. (2017). Comparison of some secondary metabolite content in the seventeen species of the Boraginaceae family. Pharmaceutical Biology, 55(1), 691-695.
  • El-Shazly, A., & Wink, M. (2014). Diversity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the Boraginaceae structures, distribution, and biological prop- erties. Diversity, 6(2), 188-282.
  • Eroğlu-Özkan, E., Boğa, M., Yılmaz, M. A., Kara, E. M., & Yeşil, Y. (2020). LC-MS/MS analyses of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. from Turkey: Antioxidant, anticholinesterase, antimicrobial and anti- cancer activities. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 50(1), 33-41.
  • Ersoy, E., Özkan, E. E., Boğa, M., & Mat, A. (2020). Evaluation of in vitro biological activities of three Hypericum species (H. calycinum,H. confertum, and H. perforatum) from Turkey. South African Jour- nal of Botany, 130, 141-147.
  • Ersoy, E., Ozkan, E. E., Boğa, M., Yılmaz, M. A., & Mat, A. (2019). Anti- aging potential and anti-tyrosinase activity of three Hypericum species with focus on phytochemical composition by LC–MS/ MS. Industrial Crops and Products, 141, 111735.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (2012). Türkiye bitkilerinin listesi (Damarlı bitkiler) [Turkey Plant List (Vascular Plants)]. Istanbul, Turkey: Flora Araştırmaları Derneği ve Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayını.
  • Jacobo‐Velázquez, D. A., & Cisneros‐Zevallos, L. (2009). Correla- tions of antioxidant activity against phenolic content revisited: a new approach in data analysis for food and medicinal plants. Journal of Food Science, 74(9), R107-R113.
  • Jetter, R., & Riederer, M. (1999). Homologous long-chain δ-lactones in leaf cuticular waxes of Cerinthe minor. Phytochem- istry, 50(8), 1359-1364.
  • Kadıoğlu, S., Kadıoğlu, B., & Sezer, K. K. (2021). Ethnobotanical properties of natural plant in Kop Pass (Bayburt/Turkey). Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 14(2), 264-276.
  • Kadıoğlu, Z., Çukadar, K., Kandemir, A., Kalkan, N. N., Vurgun, H., & Dönderalp, V. (2020). Kars İlinde Sebze Olarak Tüketilen Yabani Bitki Türlerinin Tespiti ve Kullanım Şekilleri. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30(1), 11-32.
  • Khojasteh, A., Mirjalili, M. H., Alcalde, M. A., Cusido, R. M., Eibl, R., & Palazon, J. (2020). Powerful plant antioxidants: a new bio-sustain- able approach to the production of rosmarinic acid. Antioxidants, 9(12), 1273.
  • Korkmaz, M., & Karakuş, S. (2015). Traditional uses of medicinal plants of Üzümlü district, Erzincan, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(1), 125-134.
  • Kövilein, A., Kubisch, C., Cai, L., & Ochsenreither, K. (2020). Malic acid production from renewables: a review. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 95(3), 513-526.
  • Moreno, M. I. N., Isla, M. I., Sampietro, A. R., & Vattuone, M. A. (2000). Comparison of the free radical-scavenging activity of propolis from several regions of Argentina. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 71(1–2), 109–114.
  • Mroczek, T., Baj, S., Chrobok, A., & Glowniak, K. (2004). Screening for pyrrolizidine alkaloids in plant materials by electron ionization RP/HPLC/MS with thermabeam interface. Biomedical Chromatog- raphy, 18(9), 745-751.
  • Niklander, S., Fuentes, F., Sanchez, D., Araya, V., Chiappini, G., Mar- tinez, R., & Marshall, M. (2018). Impact of 1% malic acid spray on the oral health-related quality of life of patients with xerostomia. Journal of Oral Science, 60(2), 278-284.
  • Schippmann, U., Leaman, D. J., & Cunningham, A. B. (2002). Impact of cultivation and gathering of medicinal plants on biodiversity: global trends and issues. Biodiversity and the ecosystem approach in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. (Published in FAO. 2002. Bio- diversity and the Ecosystem Approach in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Satellite event on the occasion of the Ninth Regular Ses- sion of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Ag- riculture. Rome, 12-13 October 2002. Inter-Departmental Working Group on Biological Diversity for Food and Agriculture. Rome)
  • Selvi, F., Cecchi, L., & Coppi, A. (2009). Phylogeny, karyotype evo- lution and taxonomy of Cerinthe L. (Boraginaceae). Taxon, 58(4), 1307-1325.
  • Şimşek, B., Aksoy, D. Y., Başaran, N. C., Tas, D., Albasan, D., & Kalaycı,M. Z. (2017). Mapping traditional and complementary medicine in Turkey. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 15, 68–72.
  • Smith, D. (2017). Fumaric acid esters for psoriasis: A systematic review. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 186(1), 161-177.
  • Şöhretoğlu, D., Sarı, S., Barut, B., & Özel, A. (2018). Tyrosinase inhibi- tion by some flavonoids: Inhibitory activity, mechanism by in vitro and in silico studies. Bioorganic Chemistry, 81, 168-174.
  • Süntar, I. (2020). Importance of ethnopharmacological studies in drug discovery: Role of medicinal plants. Phytochemistry Reviews, 19(5), 1199-1209.
  • Tamariz, J., Burgueño-Tapia, E., Vázquez, M. A., & Delgado, F. (2018). Pyrrolizidine alkaloids. The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology, 80, 1-314.
  • Taneri, P. E., Akis, N., & Karaalp, A. (2021). Herbal product use pat- terns and possible herb-drug interactions among older adults in Turkey. Journal of Herbal Medicine, 100487.
  • Tang, X., Liu, J., Dong, W., Li, P., Li, L., Lin, C. & Li, D. (2013). The car-dioprotective effects of citric acid and L-malic acid on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID: 820695
  • Terpinc, P., Čeh, B., Ulrih, N. P., & Abramovič, H. (2012). Studies of the correlation between antioxidant properties and the total phenolic content of different oil cake extracts. Industrial Crops and Products, 39, 210-217.
  • Yeşil, Y. & İnal, İ. (2019). Traditional knowledge of wild edible plants in Hasankeyf (Batman Province, Turkey). Acta Societatis Botanico- rum Poloniae, 88(3), 3633.
  • Yeşil, Y. & İnal, İ. (2021) Ethnomedicinal plants of Hasankeyf (Bat- man-Turkey). Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11, 624710.
  • Yilmaz, M. A., Ertaş, A., Yener, I., Akdeniz, M., Çakır, O., Altun, M… . Temel,H. (2018). A comprehensive LC–MS/MS method validation for the quantitative investigation of 37 fingerprint phytochemicals in Achillea species: A detailed examination of A. coarctata and A. monocephala. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 154, 413-424.
  • Zahid, H., Rizwani, G. H., Kamil, A., Shareef, H., Tasleem, S., & Khan,A. (2015). Anti-urease activity of Mimusops elengi Linn (Sapotace- ae). European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 6(4), 223–230.
  • Zengin, G., Nithiyanantham, S., Locatelli, M., Ceylan, R., Uysal, S., Aktumsek, A., Selvi, P. K., & Maskovic, P. (2016). Screening of in vitro antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory activities of different extracts from two uninvestigated wild plants: Centranthus longiflorus subsp. longiflorus and Cerinthe minor subsp. auriculata.European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 8(3), 286-292.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eczacılık ve İlaç Bilimleri
Bölüm Original Article

Ezgi Ersoy 0000-0002-6913-1952

Selim Karahan 0000-0001-5784-7091

Mehmet Boğa 0000-0003-4163-9962

Ercan Çınar 0000-0003-0419-7798

Sevcan İzgi Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8799-2043

Emel Mataracı Kara 0000-0003-4541-1893

Yeter Yeşil 0000-0002-4458-7881

Esra Eroğlu Özkan 0000-0002-1569-2535

Proje Numarası ECZACILIK.19.003
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Ersoy, E., Karahan, S., Boğa, M., Çınar, E., vd. (2022). Evaluation of the medicinal potential of a traditionally important plant from Turkey: Cerinthe minor L. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 52(1), 80-89.
AMA Ersoy E, Karahan S, Boğa M, Çınar E, İzgi S, Mataracı Kara E, Yeşil Y, Eroğlu Özkan E. Evaluation of the medicinal potential of a traditionally important plant from Turkey: Cerinthe minor L. iujp. Nisan 2022;52(1):80-89. doi:10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2022.1001685
Chicago Ersoy, Ezgi, Selim Karahan, Mehmet Boğa, Ercan Çınar, Sevcan İzgi, Emel Mataracı Kara, Yeter Yeşil, ve Esra Eroğlu Özkan. “Evaluation of the Medicinal Potential of a Traditionally Important Plant from Turkey: Cerinthe Minor L”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 52, sy. 1 (Nisan 2022): 80-89.
EndNote Ersoy E, Karahan S, Boğa M, Çınar E, İzgi S, Mataracı Kara E, Yeşil Y, Eroğlu Özkan E (01 Nisan 2022) Evaluation of the medicinal potential of a traditionally important plant from Turkey: Cerinthe minor L. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 52 1 80–89.
IEEE E. Ersoy, “Evaluation of the medicinal potential of a traditionally important plant from Turkey: Cerinthe minor L”., iujp, c. 52, sy. 1, ss. 80–89, 2022, doi: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2022.1001685.
ISNAD Ersoy, Ezgi vd. “Evaluation of the Medicinal Potential of a Traditionally Important Plant from Turkey: Cerinthe Minor L”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 52/1 (Nisan 2022), 80-89.
JAMA Ersoy E, Karahan S, Boğa M, Çınar E, İzgi S, Mataracı Kara E, Yeşil Y, Eroğlu Özkan E. Evaluation of the medicinal potential of a traditionally important plant from Turkey: Cerinthe minor L. iujp. 2022;52:80–89.
MLA Ersoy, Ezgi vd. “Evaluation of the Medicinal Potential of a Traditionally Important Plant from Turkey: Cerinthe Minor L”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, c. 52, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 80-89, doi:10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2022.1001685.
Vancouver Ersoy E, Karahan S, Boğa M, Çınar E, İzgi S, Mataracı Kara E, Yeşil Y, Eroğlu Özkan E. Evaluation of the medicinal potential of a traditionally important plant from Turkey: Cerinthe minor L. iujp. 2022;52(1):80-9.