Call for Papers

In pharmacy education, there have been great developments especially in the last decade. New developments in education and professional requirements have increased the importance of quality assurance system. The visionary perspective of pharmacy faculties towards education has fundamentally changed and mission updates have emerged in this direction. In Turkey, the
quality of education in many pharmacy faculties is assured by the National Accreditation Board of Pharmacy Education (ECZAKDER). For this reason, Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy has decided to publish a thematic special issue on "Pharmacy Education" in order to further develop the vision and spread the culture of quality in pharmacy education and to ensure the sustainability of quality.
As the guest editor of this thematic issue, it will be my great pleasure and privilege to invite you to submit your articles on pharmacy education. Possible subject areas are as follows, but similar topics may include:

1) Quality assurance in pharmacy education
2) Competency and skill-based training
3) Curriculum development
4) Developments and new techniques in pharmacy education
5) Novel education models in pharmacy faculties
6) Sectoral collaborations related to pharmaceutical fields.
7) Other topics in pharmacy education

The articles can be theoretically based, as well as cases and good practices involving the faculties' own experiences. However, theoretically based writings will need to bring a new visionary view. The language of articles will be English.
We look forward to receiving your contributions.
Guest editors
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Öztürk
Prof. Dr. Gül Özhan

The submission deadline is 01 May 2023
Author guidelines via
Submission via
It should be stated that submission is for the special issue in the cover letter.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 2.11.2020 10:08:54