Research Article
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Digital Authority and the Reproduction of Gender Inequality: Addressing Gender Bias in Voice Assistant Development

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 13 - 31


Gender and technology are deeply intersectional, with significant disparities in representation and influence. In Türkiye, only 24.3% of the workforce in technology consists of women, while globally, women make up just 26% of artificial intelligence professionals, a figure that drops to 11% in Silicon Valley. This paper critically examines the gendered design of digital voice assistants through the lens of feminist technoscience theory, arguing that AI and software development reflect and reinforce societal gender inequalities. The predominance of female voices in voice assistants, often coded with submissive and accommodating traits, is a manifestation of patriarchal cultural transmission into technology. This phenomenon is conceptualized as “digital authority” a term introduced by the author to describe the gendered power dynamics embedded in AI interactions. This study explores the interplay of gender, power, and technology as it is emphasized in international reports that deals with gender inequality in digital skills through education. The research highlights how male-dominated software development teams embed gender stereotypes into voice assistants, and how these stereotypes shape linguistic and behavioral characteristics. Additionally, this study presents findings from a small-scale survey conducted in Istanbul with 56 participants aged 30–60, all holding university degrees and belonging to middle- to upper-class economic backgrounds. The survey results align with UNESCO’s findings, demonstrating similar usage patterns and reinforcing concerns about the reproduction of gender biases in AI driven assistants. To address these challenges, the paper advocates for increasing women’s participation in AI development through digital education, greater visibility of female role models, gender-sensitive training for software developers, and policy interventions by governments, NGOs, and municipalities. Without immediate efforts to dismantle male dominance in the digital space, gender biases in AI will persist and deepen. A feminization of artificial intelligence where women transition from users to creators of technology is imperative for fostering a more inclusive and equitable digital future.


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  • Mitchell, N. (2017). Alexa, Siri, Cortana: Our virtual assistants say a lot about sexism. ABC News: Science Friction. discriminatory/8784588
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  • Natale, S. (2021) A Critical Analysis of AI voice assistants in Deceitful Media: Artificial Intelligence and social life after the Turing test. New York, Oxford University Press
  • National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2024-2025 Action Plan (2024) Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Dijital Dönüşüm Ofisi.,
  • Poushneh, A. (2021). Humanizing voice assistant: The impact of voice assistant personality on consumers’ attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, 102283.
  • She Codes (2025). SheCodes Foundation.
  • STEM Institute (2025). The City College of New York’s STEM Institute.
  • Stephens, K. (2021). Are Non-Binary Voice Assistants on the Horizon? SoundHound Inc.
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  • Tolmeijer, S., Zierau, N., Janson, A., Wahdatehagh, J. S., Leimeister, J. M. M., & Bernstein, A. (2021, May). Female by default?–exploring the effect of voice assistant gender and pitch on trait and trust attribution. In Extended abstracts of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1-7).
  • Türkiye’nin Mühendis Kızları (2025) TMK Hakkında.
  • Tyers-Chowdhury, A., & Binder, G. (2021). What we know about the gender digital divide for girls: A literature review. UNICEF Gender and Innovation Evidence Briefs-Insights into the Gender Digital Divide for Girls..
  • Wagman, K. B., & Parks, L. (2021). Beyond the command: feminist STS research and critical issues for the design of social machines. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW1), 1-20.
  • Wajcman, J. (2004) TechnoFeminism Oxford: Polity Press, Cambridge, UK
  • Walby, S. (1990) Theorizing Patriarchy Basic Blackwell Ltd Press., UK
  • West, M., Kraut, R., & Ei Chew, H. (2019). I'd blush if I could: closing gender divides in digital skills through education. UNESCO.
  • Women’s Rights Online and Web Foundation. (2020) Digital Gender Gap Audit Scorecard Toolkit.
  • World Wide Web Foundation. (2015). Is the Web Really Empowering Women? Geneva, Web Foundation.
  • Yoo, T. (2014). Why Women Make the Best Tech Investments. 20 January 2014. Cologny, Switzerland, World Economic Forum.
Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 13 - 31



  • 11th Development Plan (2019). Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı, 100. Yıl Türkiye Planı On Birinci Kalkınma Planı 2019-2023.
  • Aeschlimann, S., Bleiker, M., Wechner, M., & Gampe, A. (2020). Communicative and social consequences of interactions with voice assistants. Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106466.
  • Alpkökin Olgunsoy, İ. (2021). Bu yapay zekaya dikkat!.. INBUSINESS.
  • Campolo, A., Sanfilippo, M. R., Whittaker, M., & Crawford, K. (2017). AI now 2017 report. AI Institute, New York University.
  • Corbett, C. (2011). Growth mindsets Benefit Girls and Women in STEM. Women in Science Forum, 25 May 2011.
  • Crawford, K., Dobbe, R., Dryer, T., Fried, G., Green, B., Kaziunas, E., ... & Whittaker, M. (2019). AI Now 2019 Report. New York: AI Now Institute.
  • Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (2014). Annual activity report 2013 - Research and Innovation. European Commission.
  • FemTechNet (2025). FemTechNet ­- The Network. FemTechNet Website.
  • Fisher, Ella. (2021). Gender Bias in AI: Why Voice Assistants Are Female
  • Haraway, D. (1991). A cyborg manifesto: Science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late twentieth century. In Simians, Cyborgs, and Woman: The Reinvention of Nature. (pp. 149-182). Routledge.
  • Hipólito, I., Winkle, K., & Lie, M. (2023). Enactive artificial intelligence: subverting gender norms in human-robot interaction. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 17, 1149303. Doi:
  • Klein, L., & D'Ignazio, C. (2024, June). Data Feminism for AI. In The 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (pp. 100-112).
  • Law, N. W. Y., Woo, D. J., De la Torre, J., & Wong, K. W. G. (2018). A global framework of reference on digital literacy skills for indicator 4.4. 2.
  • Lee, E.J., Nass, C. & Brave, S. (2000). Can Computer-Generated Speech Have Gender? An Experimental Test of Gender Stereotype. In CHI'00 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 289-290). Doi:
  • Mitchell, N. (2017). Alexa, Siri, Cortana: Our virtual assistants say a lot about sexism. ABC News: Science Friction. discriminatory/8784588
  • Nass, C. & Brave, S. (2005). Wired for Speech: How Voice Activates and Advances the Human–Computer Relationship. (pp.451-452). MIT Press: Cambridge.
  • Natale, S. (2020). To believe in Siri: A critical analysis of AI voice assistants. Communicative Figurations. Working Paper, No:32. 1-17.
  • Natale, S. (2021) A Critical Analysis of AI voice assistants in Deceitful Media: Artificial Intelligence and social life after the Turing test. New York, Oxford University Press
  • National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2024-2025 Action Plan (2024) Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Dijital Dönüşüm Ofisi.,
  • Poushneh, A. (2021). Humanizing voice assistant: The impact of voice assistant personality on consumers’ attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, 102283.
  • She Codes (2025). SheCodes Foundation.
  • STEM Institute (2025). The City College of New York’s STEM Institute.
  • Stephens, K. (2021). Are Non-Binary Voice Assistants on the Horizon? SoundHound Inc.
  • Teknolojide Kadın Derneği (2025) Hakkımızda.
  • Tolmeijer, S., Zierau, N., Janson, A., Wahdatehagh, J. S., Leimeister, J. M. M., & Bernstein, A. (2021, May). Female by default?–exploring the effect of voice assistant gender and pitch on trait and trust attribution. In Extended abstracts of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1-7).
  • Türkiye’nin Mühendis Kızları (2025) TMK Hakkında.
  • Tyers-Chowdhury, A., & Binder, G. (2021). What we know about the gender digital divide for girls: A literature review. UNICEF Gender and Innovation Evidence Briefs-Insights into the Gender Digital Divide for Girls..
  • Wagman, K. B., & Parks, L. (2021). Beyond the command: feminist STS research and critical issues for the design of social machines. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW1), 1-20.
  • Wajcman, J. (2004) TechnoFeminism Oxford: Polity Press, Cambridge, UK
  • Walby, S. (1990) Theorizing Patriarchy Basic Blackwell Ltd Press., UK
  • West, M., Kraut, R., & Ei Chew, H. (2019). I'd blush if I could: closing gender divides in digital skills through education. UNESCO.
  • Women’s Rights Online and Web Foundation. (2020) Digital Gender Gap Audit Scorecard Toolkit.
  • World Wide Web Foundation. (2015). Is the Web Really Empowering Women? Geneva, Web Foundation.
  • Yoo, T. (2014). Why Women Make the Best Tech Investments. 20 January 2014. Cologny, Switzerland, World Economic Forum.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Artificial Intelligence (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Başak Ovacık 0000-0003-3014-2280

Early Pub Date February 23, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date November 3, 2024
Acceptance Date February 22, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Ovacık, B. (2025). Digital Authority and the Reproduction of Gender Inequality: Addressing Gender Bias in Voice Assistant Development. Journal of AI, 9(1), 13-31.

Journal of AI
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Izmir Academy Association

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