1. Maree Holtshausen T, Styrdom J. Generation Y consumers: behavioural patterns of selected South African students. Bus Rev Cambridge 2006;5:314–318.
2. NAS Recruitment Communications. Recruiting & Managing the Generations; 2006. http://www.zuniversity.org/pdf/ RecruitingManagingTheGenerationsWhitePaper.pdf
3. Özvarış ŞB. Health education and health development, 1st ed. Ankara: Hacettepe Public Health Foundation; 2001.
4. Turkey’s Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies. Ankara, Turkey; 2018. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr/tnsa2018/rapor/TNSA2018_ana_ Rapor.pdf
5. TUİK. Information Technology Usage Survey 2018. http://www.tuik. gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=24862
6. Blank D, Neto GH, Grando E, et al. Web-based survey on students’ conceptions of ‘accident’. Inform Health Soc Care 2009;34:189–208. [CrossRef]
7. Ponto J. Understanding and evaluating survey research. J Adv Pract Oncol 2015;6:168–171. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC4601897/
8. Oltuluoğlu H, Başer M. The evalution of birth control methods and causes of mehhod preference among married women in Malatya. J Inonu University Medical Faculty 2012;19:167–174. [CrossRef]
9. Gür Çalışkan B, Doğan B, Güngör Olçum G. The effect of age and educational status on the family planning method choice of women living in a rural area. TAHUD 2014;18:189–194. [CrossRef]
10. Öner C, Güneri MC, Kars B, Çatak B, Telatar B. Awareness of women and related factors on emergency contraception. Nobel Med 2016;12;20–25. https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/303124263_Awareness_of_women_and_related_factors_ on_emergency_contraception
11. Fan X. Statistical significance and effect size in education research: Two sides of a coin. J Educ Res 2001;94;275–283. [CrossRef]
12. Özsoy S, Ozsoy G. Effect size reporting in educational research. Element Educ Online 2013;12:334–346. https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/ documentViewer/viewer.xhtml?ext=pdf&path=iszyC6h_XyiCkvth yLGCVRTchtIskUQfVwjAQNJNHl4tlkWzY9NapXmT9830RsmZTE7ApZkecYWC9UqPys_gjnTsNvETc-0GlyYb2rKgMc=
13. Aksu H, Akdolun Balkaya NB, Özsoy S, Demirsoy G. Women’s knowledge and opinions of least frequently used contraceptives. KASHED 2015;2;59–57. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/articlefile/207496
14. Aydın S. Reproductive health for men. Van Med J 2007;7117–119. https://www.journalagent.com/vtd/pdfs/VTD_7_3_117_119.pdf
15. Rahnama P, Hidarnia A, Shokravi FA, Kazemnejad A, Oakley D, Montazeri A. Why Iranian married women use withdrawal instead of oral contraceptives? A qualitative study from Iran. BMC Pub Health 2010;10:289. [CrossRef]
16. Khalaf IA, Abu-Moghli FA, Callister L, Rasheed R. Jordanian women’s experiences with the use of traditional family planning. Health Care Women Int 2008;29:527–38. [CrossRef]
17. Öztürk İnal Z, İnal HA, Küçükkendirci H, Oruç AS, Günenç O. The level of using family planning methods and factors that influence the preference of methods in the Konya-Meram area. J Turkish German Gynecol Assoc 2017;18:72–76. [CrossRef]
18. Sak ME, Evsen MS, Sak S, Çaça F. The effectiveness of contraception methods and educational level of women: A sample from Southeast Anatolia. Dicle Med J 2008;35:265–270. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/ download/article-file/53936
19. Tanrıverdi G, Ozkan A and Senveli S. The choice reason of contraceptives methods on women in Canakkale. Fırat Med J 2008;13:251–254. http://www.firattipdergisi.com/pdf/pdf_FTD_517. pdf
20. Kitapçıoğlu G, Yanıkkerem E. Reproductive history, family planning behaviour and postpartum counseling of the women who had delivery in Manisa Maternity and Childcare Hospital. Ege J Med 2008;47:87–92. http://egetipdergisi.com.tr/tr/download/articlefile/350332
21. Altay B, Gonener D. Recognize and utilization of the family planning method among married males and the factors that affect the utilization of these services. Fırat Med J 2009;14;56–64. http://www. firattipdergisi.com/pdf/pdf_FTD_546.pdf
22. Ertop N, Altay B. Investigation of the effect on marital adjustment of family planning method used by married women aged between 15–49. J Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine 2012;14:1–8. https:// dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/106536
23. Zhang XJ, Wang GY, Shen Q, et al. Current status of contraceptive use among rural married women in Anhui Province of China. BJOG 2009;116:1640–1645. [CrossRef]
24. Kavanaugh ML, Jerman J. Contraceptive method use in the United States: trends and characteristics between 2008, 2012, and 2014. Contraception 2018;97:14–21. [CrossRef]
25. Jones RK, Jerman J. Population group abortion rates and lifetime incidence of abortion: United States, 2008–2014. Am J Pub Health 2017;107:1904–1909. [CrossRef]
26. Sundaram A, Vaughan B, Kost K, et al. Contraceptive failure in the United States: estimates from the 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth. Persp Sexual Reprod Health 2017;49:7–16. [CrossRef]
27. Marafie N, Ball DE, Abahussain E. Awareness of hormonal emergency contraception among married women in a Kuwaiti family social network. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2007;130:216–222. [CrossRef]
28. Palermo T, Bleck J, Westley E. Knowledge and use of emergency contraception: A multicountry analysis. Int Pers Sex and Repr Health 2014;40:79–86. [CrossRef]
29. Rahman H, Khalda E, Kar S, Kharka L, Bhutia GP. Knowledge of, attitudes toward, and barriers to the practice of emergency contraception among women in Sikkim, India. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2013;122:99–103. [CrossRef]
30. Ak M, Turan S, Canbal M. Determination of knowledge levels of emergency contraceptives of reproductive women in a district hospital. New Med J 2010;27:213–215.
31. Ege E, Akın B, Altuntuğ K, Kal HE, Bıçakçı H. Knowledge and practices of emergency contraception of women who apply for induced abortion policlinic. Gen Med J 2011;21:5–10. http://www.geneltip. org/upload/sayi/67/GTD-00540.pdf
32. Bilgili N, Ayaz S. Emergency contraception: knowledge and experiences of women. TAF Prev Med Bull 2009;8:251–258. https:// app.trdizin.gov.tr/publication/paper/detail/T1RNeU16azU=
33. Belayihun B, Kassie G, Asnake M, Zerihun H, Ali I. Utilization and determinants of modern family planning among women of reproductive age group in Ethiopia: results from Integrated Family Health Program. Ethiop J Health Dev 2016;30:4–10. https://www.ajol. info/index.php/ejhd/article/view/147292
34. Endriyas M, Eshete A, Mekonnen E, Misganaw T, Shiferaw M, Ayele Ş. Contraceptive utilization and associated factors among women of reproductive age group in Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ Region, Ethiopia: crosssectional survey, mixed-methods. Contracept Reprod Med 2017;2:10. [CrossRef]
35. Bongaarts J, Cleland J, Townsend JW, Bertrand JT, Gupta MD. Family planning programs for the 21st century: rationale and design. New York: Population Council; 2012. [CrossRef]
Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study
Purpose: The study is aimed to investigate the use and reveal differences of family planning methods of X and Y generations by using social media. Methods: Research data was collected via social media through internet based survey software, including totally of 642 persons, who are in X and Y generations. In the collection of research data, was used the questionnaire about the socio-demographic characteristics and the use of ‘Family Planning Method’ for the individuals. Results: It was specified that 28.6% condom, and 21.4% tubal ligation of X generation, 63% condom and, 13.5% withdrawal of Y generation was used and there was a significant difference between the groups p
1. Maree Holtshausen T, Styrdom J. Generation Y consumers: behavioural patterns of selected South African students. Bus Rev Cambridge 2006;5:314–318.
2. NAS Recruitment Communications. Recruiting & Managing the Generations; 2006. http://www.zuniversity.org/pdf/ RecruitingManagingTheGenerationsWhitePaper.pdf
3. Özvarış ŞB. Health education and health development, 1st ed. Ankara: Hacettepe Public Health Foundation; 2001.
4. Turkey’s Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies. Ankara, Turkey; 2018. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr/tnsa2018/rapor/TNSA2018_ana_ Rapor.pdf
5. TUİK. Information Technology Usage Survey 2018. http://www.tuik. gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=24862
6. Blank D, Neto GH, Grando E, et al. Web-based survey on students’ conceptions of ‘accident’. Inform Health Soc Care 2009;34:189–208. [CrossRef]
7. Ponto J. Understanding and evaluating survey research. J Adv Pract Oncol 2015;6:168–171. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC4601897/
8. Oltuluoğlu H, Başer M. The evalution of birth control methods and causes of mehhod preference among married women in Malatya. J Inonu University Medical Faculty 2012;19:167–174. [CrossRef]
9. Gür Çalışkan B, Doğan B, Güngör Olçum G. The effect of age and educational status on the family planning method choice of women living in a rural area. TAHUD 2014;18:189–194. [CrossRef]
10. Öner C, Güneri MC, Kars B, Çatak B, Telatar B. Awareness of women and related factors on emergency contraception. Nobel Med 2016;12;20–25. https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/303124263_Awareness_of_women_and_related_factors_ on_emergency_contraception
11. Fan X. Statistical significance and effect size in education research: Two sides of a coin. J Educ Res 2001;94;275–283. [CrossRef]
12. Özsoy S, Ozsoy G. Effect size reporting in educational research. Element Educ Online 2013;12:334–346. https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/ documentViewer/viewer.xhtml?ext=pdf&path=iszyC6h_XyiCkvth yLGCVRTchtIskUQfVwjAQNJNHl4tlkWzY9NapXmT9830RsmZTE7ApZkecYWC9UqPys_gjnTsNvETc-0GlyYb2rKgMc=
13. Aksu H, Akdolun Balkaya NB, Özsoy S, Demirsoy G. Women’s knowledge and opinions of least frequently used contraceptives. KASHED 2015;2;59–57. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/articlefile/207496
14. Aydın S. Reproductive health for men. Van Med J 2007;7117–119. https://www.journalagent.com/vtd/pdfs/VTD_7_3_117_119.pdf
15. Rahnama P, Hidarnia A, Shokravi FA, Kazemnejad A, Oakley D, Montazeri A. Why Iranian married women use withdrawal instead of oral contraceptives? A qualitative study from Iran. BMC Pub Health 2010;10:289. [CrossRef]
16. Khalaf IA, Abu-Moghli FA, Callister L, Rasheed R. Jordanian women’s experiences with the use of traditional family planning. Health Care Women Int 2008;29:527–38. [CrossRef]
17. Öztürk İnal Z, İnal HA, Küçükkendirci H, Oruç AS, Günenç O. The level of using family planning methods and factors that influence the preference of methods in the Konya-Meram area. J Turkish German Gynecol Assoc 2017;18:72–76. [CrossRef]
18. Sak ME, Evsen MS, Sak S, Çaça F. The effectiveness of contraception methods and educational level of women: A sample from Southeast Anatolia. Dicle Med J 2008;35:265–270. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/ download/article-file/53936
19. Tanrıverdi G, Ozkan A and Senveli S. The choice reason of contraceptives methods on women in Canakkale. Fırat Med J 2008;13:251–254. http://www.firattipdergisi.com/pdf/pdf_FTD_517. pdf
20. Kitapçıoğlu G, Yanıkkerem E. Reproductive history, family planning behaviour and postpartum counseling of the women who had delivery in Manisa Maternity and Childcare Hospital. Ege J Med 2008;47:87–92. http://egetipdergisi.com.tr/tr/download/articlefile/350332
21. Altay B, Gonener D. Recognize and utilization of the family planning method among married males and the factors that affect the utilization of these services. Fırat Med J 2009;14;56–64. http://www. firattipdergisi.com/pdf/pdf_FTD_546.pdf
22. Ertop N, Altay B. Investigation of the effect on marital adjustment of family planning method used by married women aged between 15–49. J Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine 2012;14:1–8. https:// dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/106536
23. Zhang XJ, Wang GY, Shen Q, et al. Current status of contraceptive use among rural married women in Anhui Province of China. BJOG 2009;116:1640–1645. [CrossRef]
24. Kavanaugh ML, Jerman J. Contraceptive method use in the United States: trends and characteristics between 2008, 2012, and 2014. Contraception 2018;97:14–21. [CrossRef]
25. Jones RK, Jerman J. Population group abortion rates and lifetime incidence of abortion: United States, 2008–2014. Am J Pub Health 2017;107:1904–1909. [CrossRef]
26. Sundaram A, Vaughan B, Kost K, et al. Contraceptive failure in the United States: estimates from the 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth. Persp Sexual Reprod Health 2017;49:7–16. [CrossRef]
27. Marafie N, Ball DE, Abahussain E. Awareness of hormonal emergency contraception among married women in a Kuwaiti family social network. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2007;130:216–222. [CrossRef]
28. Palermo T, Bleck J, Westley E. Knowledge and use of emergency contraception: A multicountry analysis. Int Pers Sex and Repr Health 2014;40:79–86. [CrossRef]
29. Rahman H, Khalda E, Kar S, Kharka L, Bhutia GP. Knowledge of, attitudes toward, and barriers to the practice of emergency contraception among women in Sikkim, India. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2013;122:99–103. [CrossRef]
30. Ak M, Turan S, Canbal M. Determination of knowledge levels of emergency contraceptives of reproductive women in a district hospital. New Med J 2010;27:213–215.
31. Ege E, Akın B, Altuntuğ K, Kal HE, Bıçakçı H. Knowledge and practices of emergency contraception of women who apply for induced abortion policlinic. Gen Med J 2011;21:5–10. http://www.geneltip. org/upload/sayi/67/GTD-00540.pdf
32. Bilgili N, Ayaz S. Emergency contraception: knowledge and experiences of women. TAF Prev Med Bull 2009;8:251–258. https:// app.trdizin.gov.tr/publication/paper/detail/T1RNeU16azU=
33. Belayihun B, Kassie G, Asnake M, Zerihun H, Ali I. Utilization and determinants of modern family planning among women of reproductive age group in Ethiopia: results from Integrated Family Health Program. Ethiop J Health Dev 2016;30:4–10. https://www.ajol. info/index.php/ejhd/article/view/147292
34. Endriyas M, Eshete A, Mekonnen E, Misganaw T, Shiferaw M, Ayele Ş. Contraceptive utilization and associated factors among women of reproductive age group in Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ Region, Ethiopia: crosssectional survey, mixed-methods. Contracept Reprod Med 2017;2:10. [CrossRef]
35. Bongaarts J, Cleland J, Townsend JW, Bertrand JT, Gupta MD. Family planning programs for the 21st century: rationale and design. New York: Population Council; 2012. [CrossRef]
Ozturk, R., Guner, O., Gumussoy, S., Kavlak, O. (2020). Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, 4(3), 335-341. https://doi.org/10.30621/jbachs.2020.1252
Ozturk R, Guner O, Gumussoy S, Kavlak O. Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study. JBACHS. September 2020;4(3):335-341. doi:10.30621/jbachs.2020.1252
Ozturk, Rusen, Ozlem Guner, Sureyya Gumussoy, and Oya Kavlak. “Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 4, no. 3 (September 2020): 335-41. https://doi.org/10.30621/jbachs.2020.1252.
Ozturk R, Guner O, Gumussoy S, Kavlak O (September 1, 2020) Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 4 3 335–341.
R. Ozturk, O. Guner, S. Gumussoy, and O. Kavlak, “Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study”, JBACHS, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 335–341, 2020, doi: 10.30621/jbachs.2020.1252.
Ozturk, Rusen et al. “Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 4/3 (September 2020), 335-341. https://doi.org/10.30621/jbachs.2020.1252.
Ozturk R, Guner O, Gumussoy S, Kavlak O. Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study. JBACHS. 2020;4:335–341.
Ozturk, Rusen et al. “Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, vol. 4, no. 3, 2020, pp. 335-41, doi:10.30621/jbachs.2020.1252.
Ozturk R, Guner O, Gumussoy S, Kavlak O. Investigating Generation Differences in The Use of Family Planning Method: A Cross-Sectional Study. JBACHS. 2020;4(3):335-41.