Research Article
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nvestigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 188 - 194, 31.01.2025



  • Little T, Williams AG. Effects of sprint duration and exercise: rest ratio on repeated sprint performance and physiological responses in professional soccer players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2007;21(2):646-648.
  • Drust B, Atkinson G, Reilly T. Future perspectives in the evaluation of the physiological demands of soccer. Sports Medicine 2007;37:783-805.
  • Guchan Z, Bayramlar K, Ergun N. Determination of the effects of playing soccer on physical fitness in individuals with transtibial amputation. The Journal of sports medicine and physical Fitness 2017;57(6): 879-886.
  • Chin T, Sawamura S, Fujita H, et al. Physical fitness of lower limb amputees. American Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation 2002;81(5):321-325.
  • Yazicioglu K, Taskaynatan MA, Guzelkucuk U, & Tugcu I. Effect of playing football (soccer) on balance, strength, and quality of life in unilateral below-knee amputees. American journal of physical medicine & Rehabilitation 2007:86(10);800-805.
  • Buckley JG, O’Driscoll D, Bennett S. Postural sway and active balance performance in highly active lower-limb amputees. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2022;81(1): 13-20.
  • Simim MA, Silva BV, Marocolo Júnior M, Mendes EL, Mello MT, Mota G. Anthropometric profile and physical performance characteristic of the Brazilian amputee football (soccer) team. Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 2013;19:641-648.
  • Buchheit M, Laursen PB. High-intensity interval training, solutions to the programming puzzle: part i: cardiopulmonary emphasis. Sports Med 2013;43:313–338.
  • Rudarlı G, Tutar M, Kayıtken B. Effects of Different Endurance Training Models on Players’ Fitness Levels during the National Break in the Football Season. Acta Kinesiologica, 2024;18(3):69–77.
  • Meriçli S, Tutar M. Voleybolcularda Farklı Isınma Protokollerinin Patlayıcı Kuvvet Üzerine Etkileri. Sportif Bakış: Spor ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 2024;11(1):1-11.
  • Düking P. Ruf L, Altmann S, Thron M, Kunz P, Sperlich B. Assessment of Maximum Oxygen Uptake in Elite Youth Soccer Players: A Comparative Analysis of Smartwatch Technology, Yoyo Intermittent Recovery Test 2, and Respiratory Gas Analysis. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine 2024;23(2):351.
  • Nowak AM. Match performance in Polish amputee soccer Extra Ligue – a pilot study. Advances in Rehabilitation 2020;34(2):16-25.
  • Nowak AM, Marszalek J, Molik B. Sports performance tests for amputee football players: a scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(7):4386.
  • Fujishita H, Urabe Y, Maeda N, Komiya M, Sakai S, Hirata K. Kimura H. Biomechanics of single-leg running using lofstrand crutches in amputee soccer. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2018;30(12):1483-1487.
  • Ersoy N, Uygun S, Ersoy G. Ampute milli futbol takımının beslenme durumu ve antropometrik ölçümlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon 2013;24(1):26-32.
  • Arguz A, Sanioğlu A, Abdelkader G. Ampute Futbol Oyuncularında Spor Yaralanmalarının Mevkilere Göre İncelenmesi. Ulusal Kinesyoloji Dergisi 2023;4(1):17-23.
  • Yıldız HACI, Biçer M, Akcan F, Mendeş B. Ampute futbolcularda hazirlik dönemi çalişmalarinin fiziksel ve fizyolojik parametreler üzerine etkileri. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi 2016;7(1):45-52.
  • Kamar A. Sporda yetenek beceri ve performans testleri. Ankara: Nobel Yayın; 2003
  • Maehana H, Miyamoto A, Kiuchi M, Koshiyama K, Suzuki K, Yoshimura M. The comparison of attacking aspects between the international level and domestic level in amputee soccer tournament. International Journal Of Sport And Health Science 2018;16:1-9.
  • Mikami Y, Fukuhara K, Kawae T, Sakamitsu T, Kamijo Y, Tajima H, Adachi N. Exercise loading for cardiopulmonary assessment and evaluation of endurance in amputee football players. Journal Of Physical Therapy Science 2018;30(8):960-965.
  • Sarıgöz AO, Kayıhan G, Erkılıç AO, Özkan A. Türkiye'de ampute futbol’un kısa tarihçesi. Uluslararası Kültürel ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 2017;3(2):53-60.
  • Tatar Y, Gercek N, Ramazanoglu N, Gulmez I, Uzun S, Sanli G, Cotuk HB. Load distribution on the foot and lofstrand crutches of amputee football players. Gait & Posture 2018;64:169-173.
  • Kavounoudias A, Tremblay C, Gravel D, Iancu A, Forget R. Bilateral changes in somatosensory sensibility after unilateral below-knee amputation. Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 2005;86(4):633-640.
  • Mills JD, Taunton JE, Mills WA. The effect of a 10-week training regimen on lumbo-pelvic stability and athletic performance in female athletes: a randomized-controlled trial. Physical Therapy in Sport 2005;6(2):60-66.
  • Guchan Z, Bayramlar K, Ergun N. Determination of the effects of playing soccer on physical fitness in individuals with transtibial amputation. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2017;57(6):879-886.

Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 188 - 194, 31.01.2025


Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 8-week tabata training on physical performance in amputee football players. For this purpose, 24 male football players who played in amputee football Super league and had at least 5 years of amputee football history participated in the study voluntarily.
Material and Methods: The athletes participating in the study were divided into 2 groups of 12 each as control group (CG) and tabata group (TG) by simple random method. While the TG applied an 8-week tabata exercise protocol during the normal football season, the CG continued only football training. Tabata protocol was applied as 4 sets 2 times a week for 8 weeks. Height, weight, waist, hip, standing long jump, vertical jump and yoyo tests were performed as pre-test before 8 weeks and post-test after 8 weeks. Dependent sample t test was used to determine whether there was a difference between the pre-test and post-test of each group.
Results: According to the pre-post test data between the groups; statistically significant differences were found in the final weight (-1.92±0.38), final VKI (-1.05±0.19), final SLJ (33.91±7.51), final VJ (7.66±1.54), and final Yoyo (1.437±0.26) measurements of TG and KG (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Tabata protocol applied for 8 weeks will be very useful to be used more in the development of aerobic and anaerobic endurance skills which are very important in amputee football players.


  • Little T, Williams AG. Effects of sprint duration and exercise: rest ratio on repeated sprint performance and physiological responses in professional soccer players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2007;21(2):646-648.
  • Drust B, Atkinson G, Reilly T. Future perspectives in the evaluation of the physiological demands of soccer. Sports Medicine 2007;37:783-805.
  • Guchan Z, Bayramlar K, Ergun N. Determination of the effects of playing soccer on physical fitness in individuals with transtibial amputation. The Journal of sports medicine and physical Fitness 2017;57(6): 879-886.
  • Chin T, Sawamura S, Fujita H, et al. Physical fitness of lower limb amputees. American Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation 2002;81(5):321-325.
  • Yazicioglu K, Taskaynatan MA, Guzelkucuk U, & Tugcu I. Effect of playing football (soccer) on balance, strength, and quality of life in unilateral below-knee amputees. American journal of physical medicine & Rehabilitation 2007:86(10);800-805.
  • Buckley JG, O’Driscoll D, Bennett S. Postural sway and active balance performance in highly active lower-limb amputees. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2022;81(1): 13-20.
  • Simim MA, Silva BV, Marocolo Júnior M, Mendes EL, Mello MT, Mota G. Anthropometric profile and physical performance characteristic of the Brazilian amputee football (soccer) team. Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 2013;19:641-648.
  • Buchheit M, Laursen PB. High-intensity interval training, solutions to the programming puzzle: part i: cardiopulmonary emphasis. Sports Med 2013;43:313–338.
  • Rudarlı G, Tutar M, Kayıtken B. Effects of Different Endurance Training Models on Players’ Fitness Levels during the National Break in the Football Season. Acta Kinesiologica, 2024;18(3):69–77.
  • Meriçli S, Tutar M. Voleybolcularda Farklı Isınma Protokollerinin Patlayıcı Kuvvet Üzerine Etkileri. Sportif Bakış: Spor ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 2024;11(1):1-11.
  • Düking P. Ruf L, Altmann S, Thron M, Kunz P, Sperlich B. Assessment of Maximum Oxygen Uptake in Elite Youth Soccer Players: A Comparative Analysis of Smartwatch Technology, Yoyo Intermittent Recovery Test 2, and Respiratory Gas Analysis. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine 2024;23(2):351.
  • Nowak AM. Match performance in Polish amputee soccer Extra Ligue – a pilot study. Advances in Rehabilitation 2020;34(2):16-25.
  • Nowak AM, Marszalek J, Molik B. Sports performance tests for amputee football players: a scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(7):4386.
  • Fujishita H, Urabe Y, Maeda N, Komiya M, Sakai S, Hirata K. Kimura H. Biomechanics of single-leg running using lofstrand crutches in amputee soccer. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2018;30(12):1483-1487.
  • Ersoy N, Uygun S, Ersoy G. Ampute milli futbol takımının beslenme durumu ve antropometrik ölçümlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon 2013;24(1):26-32.
  • Arguz A, Sanioğlu A, Abdelkader G. Ampute Futbol Oyuncularında Spor Yaralanmalarının Mevkilere Göre İncelenmesi. Ulusal Kinesyoloji Dergisi 2023;4(1):17-23.
  • Yıldız HACI, Biçer M, Akcan F, Mendeş B. Ampute futbolcularda hazirlik dönemi çalişmalarinin fiziksel ve fizyolojik parametreler üzerine etkileri. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi 2016;7(1):45-52.
  • Kamar A. Sporda yetenek beceri ve performans testleri. Ankara: Nobel Yayın; 2003
  • Maehana H, Miyamoto A, Kiuchi M, Koshiyama K, Suzuki K, Yoshimura M. The comparison of attacking aspects between the international level and domestic level in amputee soccer tournament. International Journal Of Sport And Health Science 2018;16:1-9.
  • Mikami Y, Fukuhara K, Kawae T, Sakamitsu T, Kamijo Y, Tajima H, Adachi N. Exercise loading for cardiopulmonary assessment and evaluation of endurance in amputee football players. Journal Of Physical Therapy Science 2018;30(8):960-965.
  • Sarıgöz AO, Kayıhan G, Erkılıç AO, Özkan A. Türkiye'de ampute futbol’un kısa tarihçesi. Uluslararası Kültürel ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 2017;3(2):53-60.
  • Tatar Y, Gercek N, Ramazanoglu N, Gulmez I, Uzun S, Sanli G, Cotuk HB. Load distribution on the foot and lofstrand crutches of amputee football players. Gait & Posture 2018;64:169-173.
  • Kavounoudias A, Tremblay C, Gravel D, Iancu A, Forget R. Bilateral changes in somatosensory sensibility after unilateral below-knee amputation. Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 2005;86(4):633-640.
  • Mills JD, Taunton JE, Mills WA. The effect of a 10-week training regimen on lumbo-pelvic stability and athletic performance in female athletes: a randomized-controlled trial. Physical Therapy in Sport 2005;6(2):60-66.
  • Guchan Z, Bayramlar K, Ergun N. Determination of the effects of playing soccer on physical fitness in individuals with transtibial amputation. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2017;57(6):879-886.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Özkan Sarı 0009-0007-6307-6466

Murat Tutar 0009-0009-1726-7581

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date October 16, 2024
Acceptance Date December 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Sarı, Ö., & Tutar, M. (2025). Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, 9(1), 188-194.
AMA Sarı Ö, Tutar M. Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players. JBACHS. January 2025;9(1):188-194. doi:10.30621/jbachs.1568553
Chicago Sarı, Özkan, and Murat Tutar. “Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 9, no. 1 (January 2025): 188-94.
EndNote Sarı Ö, Tutar M (January 1, 2025) Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 9 1 188–194.
IEEE Ö. Sarı and M. Tutar, “Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players”, JBACHS, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 188–194, 2025, doi: 10.30621/jbachs.1568553.
ISNAD Sarı, Özkan - Tutar, Murat. “Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 9/1 (January 2025), 188-194.
JAMA Sarı Ö, Tutar M. Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players. JBACHS. 2025;9:188–194.
MLA Sarı, Özkan and Murat Tutar. “Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, 2025, pp. 188-94, doi:10.30621/jbachs.1568553.
Vancouver Sarı Ö, Tutar M. Investigation of the Effects of 8-Week Tabata Training on Physical Performance in Amputee Football Players. JBACHS. 2025;9(1):188-94.