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Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 5 - 17, 01.03.2014



  • guino . and Byron . (2002) “Dominating nterpersonal Behavior and Perceived ictimization in roups:Evidende for a Curvilinear elationship”, Journal of Management, 28(1), 69-87.
  •  k a, B., . rmiş, (2006) “ ıldırma Davranışının lgılama Boyutu: niversite rencileri zerine Bir raş rma”, 14. t bı, tat rk niversitesi, Erzurum, 181-189.
  •  ktop, .N. (2006), “ t ı ı , ayınlanmamış ksek Lisans Tezi, nadolu niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens t s , Eskişehir ltuntaş, C. (2010). “Mobbing kavramı ve rnekleri zerine uygulamalı bir alışma”, Journal of Yasar University, 18(5) 2995-3015.
  •  Beth A. Allen, (2005), “ Sp b f M R p tf W p , Royal Roads University, Master Thesis, 33
  •  rpacıo lu, . (2005). “ St ı: Z b ı , <>,(04.03.2005).
  •  Baldry A.C. and Farrington D. P. (2000). Bullies and Delinquents: Personal Characteristics and Parental Styles, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology,10,17-31.
  •  Bayrak- k, S. (2006). “ ş aşamında Psiko-şiddet Sarmalı Olarak ıldırma Olgusu ve Nedenleri”, tat rk niversitesi . .B.F. Erzurum 14. Organizasyon Kongresi, 25-27.
  •  Buttıgıeg, Donna M., Melanıe Bryant, lennıs Hanley and Jıe Lıu, (2011), “The Causes and Consequences of Workplace bullying and discrimination: Results from an e ploratory study”, Labour and Industry 22:1/2 August/December, 117–142
  •  alışkan, O. (2005). “ t ı pı ı ı ı ı , ayınlanmamış ksek Lisans Tezi, Mersin niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens t s , Mersin.
  •  Davenport, N., . D. Schwartz, P. ve ail E. (1 ). “M bb : 1.Baskı, stanbul, Sistem ayıncılık.  Einarsen, S. and akness, B (1 ). “Harassment in The Workplace and Victimization of Men”, Violance and Victims, 12, 247-263.  Einarsen, S. (1 ). “The Nature and Causes of Bullying at Work”, International Journal of Manpower, 20 (1/2), 16-27. Employee ights Quarterly (E Q) (2000). “Workplace Bullying: The Silent Epidemic”.
  •  k e, . T.(2006). “ ı ı : t pı , ayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara niversitesi E i m Bilimleri Ens t s , Ankara.
  •  şık, E. (200 ). “ t M bb ı St , ayınlanmamış ksek Lisans Tezi, ıldız Teknik niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens t s , stanbul. lhan, . (2010). “ şyerinde Psikolojik Tacizin (Mobbing) Tarihsel rka Planı ve T rk Hukuk Sisteminde eri”. ı / ı R ı w, 10(4), 117511
  •  aracao lu, ., M. eyhano lu, (2006). “ şyerinde ıldırma, TC’deki Sa lık Sekt r nde alışanlara nelik bir ygulama”, 14. t bı, tat rk niversitesi, Erzurum, 171-179.
  •  ılı , T. S. (2006). “M bb t) S S t M bb ı, t , t p M t ,” ayınlanmamış ksek lisans Tezi, nadolu niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens t s , Eskişehir.
  •  udielka, B. (200 ). “Cortisol Day Profiles in ictims of Mobbing”, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, No: 56, 149-150.  Lewıs, D. (200 ). “Bullying t Work: The mpact Of Shame mong niversity nd College Lecturers”, British Journal Of Guidance & Counselling, 32(3), 281-299.  Leymann, H. (1 6). “The Content and development of Mobbinf at Work”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 165-184.  Leymann, H. (1 0). “Mobbing and Psychological Terror at Workplace”, Violance and Victims, 5(2).119-126.  Lacey M. Sloan, Tom Matyók, Cathryne L. Schmitz, lenda F. Lester Short, (2010), A Story to Tell: Bullying and Mobbing in the Workplace, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 3, 87-97
  •  Salın, D. (200 ). “Workplace Bullying among Business Professionals, Prevelance, Organizational A t t ff , Academic Dissertation, Helsingfors,
  •  Stock, (1 6). “ t ' f , Paris, (ISBN2-234-04648-3). (ISBN9782234046481)
  •  Tano lu, . . (2006). “ t ı ı ı M bb ) , ayınlanmamış ksek Lisans Tezi, Sel uk niversitesi en Bilimleri Ens t s , Konya.
  •  Tınaz, P. (2006). “ , ı ve Toplum, No: 4, 13-28.
  •  Tınaz, P. (2006). “ M bb ) , Beta Basım ayım: stanbul.
  • Tutar, H. (200 ). “ t , .Baskı, Platin ayıncılık: nkara.  ickers, Margaret H., (2010), “The Shifting Sands of “ cceptable” iolence”, Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 7–24.

The Perception And Causes of Mobbing: Turkey Example

Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 5 - 17, 01.03.2014


Mobbing is an important problem which workers in both industrial societies and the new economic period face. The study carried out within this context has the characteristics of a literature review. The aim of this study is find out the relationship between mobbing and resources of mobbing. To achieve this aim we conducted a survey at a public institution in Turkey. We used SPSS 20.0 statistical package for analyses. In order to test the hypothesis, factor analyses for structure validity, correlations and regression analyses to test the hypothesis is conducted. As a result of research we found that, there is a positive relation between causes of mobbing and personal dignity, job dignity and physical pressure.


  • guino . and Byron . (2002) “Dominating nterpersonal Behavior and Perceived ictimization in roups:Evidende for a Curvilinear elationship”, Journal of Management, 28(1), 69-87.
  •  k a, B., . rmiş, (2006) “ ıldırma Davranışının lgılama Boyutu: niversite rencileri zerine Bir raş rma”, 14. t bı, tat rk niversitesi, Erzurum, 181-189.
  •  ktop, .N. (2006), “ t ı ı , ayınlanmamış ksek Lisans Tezi, nadolu niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens t s , Eskişehir ltuntaş, C. (2010). “Mobbing kavramı ve rnekleri zerine uygulamalı bir alışma”, Journal of Yasar University, 18(5) 2995-3015.
  •  Beth A. Allen, (2005), “ Sp b f M R p tf W p , Royal Roads University, Master Thesis, 33
  •  rpacıo lu, . (2005). “ St ı: Z b ı , <>,(04.03.2005).
  •  Baldry A.C. and Farrington D. P. (2000). Bullies and Delinquents: Personal Characteristics and Parental Styles, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology,10,17-31.
  •  Bayrak- k, S. (2006). “ ş aşamında Psiko-şiddet Sarmalı Olarak ıldırma Olgusu ve Nedenleri”, tat rk niversitesi . .B.F. Erzurum 14. Organizasyon Kongresi, 25-27.
  •  Buttıgıeg, Donna M., Melanıe Bryant, lennıs Hanley and Jıe Lıu, (2011), “The Causes and Consequences of Workplace bullying and discrimination: Results from an e ploratory study”, Labour and Industry 22:1/2 August/December, 117–142
  •  alışkan, O. (2005). “ t ı pı ı ı ı ı , ayınlanmamış ksek Lisans Tezi, Mersin niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens t s , Mersin.
  •  Davenport, N., . D. Schwartz, P. ve ail E. (1 ). “M bb : 1.Baskı, stanbul, Sistem ayıncılık.  Einarsen, S. and akness, B (1 ). “Harassment in The Workplace and Victimization of Men”, Violance and Victims, 12, 247-263.  Einarsen, S. (1 ). “The Nature and Causes of Bullying at Work”, International Journal of Manpower, 20 (1/2), 16-27. Employee ights Quarterly (E Q) (2000). “Workplace Bullying: The Silent Epidemic”.
  •  k e, . T.(2006). “ ı ı : t pı , ayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara niversitesi E i m Bilimleri Ens t s , Ankara.
  •  şık, E. (200 ). “ t M bb ı St , ayınlanmamış ksek Lisans Tezi, ıldız Teknik niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens t s , stanbul. lhan, . (2010). “ şyerinde Psikolojik Tacizin (Mobbing) Tarihsel rka Planı ve T rk Hukuk Sisteminde eri”. ı / ı R ı w, 10(4), 117511
  •  aracao lu, ., M. eyhano lu, (2006). “ şyerinde ıldırma, TC’deki Sa lık Sekt r nde alışanlara nelik bir ygulama”, 14. t bı, tat rk niversitesi, Erzurum, 171-179.
  •  ılı , T. S. (2006). “M bb t) S S t M bb ı, t , t p M t ,” ayınlanmamış ksek lisans Tezi, nadolu niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens t s , Eskişehir.
  •  udielka, B. (200 ). “Cortisol Day Profiles in ictims of Mobbing”, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, No: 56, 149-150.  Lewıs, D. (200 ). “Bullying t Work: The mpact Of Shame mong niversity nd College Lecturers”, British Journal Of Guidance & Counselling, 32(3), 281-299.  Leymann, H. (1 6). “The Content and development of Mobbinf at Work”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 165-184.  Leymann, H. (1 0). “Mobbing and Psychological Terror at Workplace”, Violance and Victims, 5(2).119-126.  Lacey M. Sloan, Tom Matyók, Cathryne L. Schmitz, lenda F. Lester Short, (2010), A Story to Tell: Bullying and Mobbing in the Workplace, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 3, 87-97
  •  Salın, D. (200 ). “Workplace Bullying among Business Professionals, Prevelance, Organizational A t t ff , Academic Dissertation, Helsingfors,
  •  Stock, (1 6). “ t ' f , Paris, (ISBN2-234-04648-3). (ISBN9782234046481)
  •  Tano lu, . . (2006). “ t ı ı ı M bb ) , ayınlanmamış ksek Lisans Tezi, Sel uk niversitesi en Bilimleri Ens t s , Konya.
  •  Tınaz, P. (2006). “ , ı ve Toplum, No: 4, 13-28.
  •  Tınaz, P. (2006). “ M bb ) , Beta Basım ayım: stanbul.
  • Tutar, H. (200 ). “ t , .Baskı, Platin ayıncılık: nkara.  ickers, Margaret H., (2010), “The Shifting Sands of “ cceptable” iolence”, Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 7–24.
There are 21 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

A Emin Serin This is me

M. Onur Balkan This is me

Husna Dogan This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Serin, A. E., Balkan, M. O., & Dogan, H. (2014). The Perception And Causes of Mobbing: Turkey Example. Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 3(1), 5-17.

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