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Organizational Change: The Effects Of Trust In Organization and Psychological Capital During Change Process

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 13 - 35, 01.09.2013


Due to dynamic business environments, organizations must implement changes in their strategies, structures and/or processes when existing conditions are not sufficient to create a competitive advantage in the market. According to Kotter and Schlesinger (1978), most companies must undertake moderate organizational changes at least once a year and major changes every four or five years because of increasing demands from government, growth, competition, technological development, and changes in workforce. With all this movement, organizational change has become a very popular topic for scholars. In this research, factors affecting an individual’s response to organizational change were investigated in order to determine how organizational changes can be more successful. The contribution of psychological capital on resistance to change through trust in organization was explored. The research was conducted among 583 employees. The result of the regression analysis showed that psychological capital plays a mediating role between trust in organization to resistance to change.


  • Armenakis, A., & Bedeian A. G. (1999). Organizational change: A review of theoryand research in the 1990s. Journal of Management, Vol. 25, pp. 293–315.
  • Armenakis, A.A. , Harris S. G., and Mossholder, K.W. (1993). Creating Readiness for Organizational Change. Human Relations. Vol.46 , No.6 , pp. 681-703.
  • Armenakis, A.A. & Harris, S.G. (2002). Crafting a Change Message to CreateTransformational Readiness. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.15, No. 2, pp. 169-183.
  • Avey,J.B., Wernsing T.S. Luthans & F. ( 2008). Can Positive Employees Help PositiveOrganizational Change? Impact of Psychological Capital and Emotions on Relevant Attitudes and Behaviors. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 44, No.1, pp. 48-70.
  • Baron, R.M. & Kenny D.A. (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction inSocial Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 1173-1182.
  • Beer, M. (1987). Revitalizing organizations: Change Process and Emergent Model.Academy of Management Executives, Vol.1, No.1,pp. 51-55.
  • Beer, M., Eisenstat ,R.A. & Spector, B. ( 1990). Why Change Programs don’t ProduceChange. Harvard Business Review,Vol. 68, No.6,pp. 158-166.
  • Bernerth, J.B, Armenakis A. A., Feild, H. S. & Walker, H. J. (2007). Justice , Cynicism,Commitment: A Study of Important Organizational Change Variables. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Vol.43, pp.303- 327.
  • Boon, S.D. & Holmes, J.G. (1991). The Dynamics of Interpersonal Trust: ResolvingUncertainty in the Face of Risk, in: R:A. Hinde and J. Groebel (Eds) Cooperation and Prosocial Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bovey, W. and Hede, A. (2001). Resistance to Organizational Change: The Role of Cognitive and Affective Processes. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. Vol. 22, No.8, pp. 3723
  • Bridges, W. (1991). Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. Reading, MA:Wesley Publishing Company.
  • Burke, P.j. & Stets, J.E. (1999). Trust and Commitment Through Self-verification.Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol.62, pp. 347-366.
  • Cashman, K. ( 1998). Authentic Leaders. Executive Excellence, 15, (11), 6-13.
  • Cetin, F. ( 2011). The Effect of the Organizational Psychological Capital on theAttitudes of Commitment and Satisfaction: a Public Sample in Turkey. European Journal of Social Science, Vol. 21, No:3, pp. 373-380.
  • Chawla, A. and E.K. Kelloway (2004). Predicting Openness and Commitment toChange. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal. 25, (6), 385-498.
  • Clapp-Smith, R., Avey ,G.R. &Vogelgesang, J. (2009). Authentic Leadership andPositive Psychological Capital: the Mediating Role of Trust at the Group Level Analysis. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Vol. 15, No.3, pp. 227-240.
  • Cobb, A.T., Folger, R. & Wooten, K. (1995). The Role Justice Play in Organizational Change. Public Administration Quarterly, Vol.3, pp. 135-151.
  • Conner, D.(1992). Managing at the Speed of Change: How Resilient Managers Succeedand Prosper Where Others Fail (1 st ed.). New York: Villard Books.
  • Dent, E. B. & Goldberg, S.G. (1999). Challenging “Resistance to Change”. TheJournal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol.35, No.1, pp. 25-41.
  • Devos, G., Buelens, M. & Boucenooghe, D. (2007). Contribution of Content, Contextand Process to Understanding Openness to Organizational Change: Two Experimental Simulation Studies. The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 147, No. 6, pp. 607- 629.
  • Dirks, K.T. (1999). The Effects of Interpersonal Trust on Work Group Performance.Journal of Applied Psychology,Vol. 84, pp. 445-455.
  • Foster, R.D. (2008). Individual Resistance, Organizational Justice and EmployeeCommitment to Planned Organizational Change. Unpublished doctoral dissertation ,The University of Minnesota.
  • Foster, R.D. (2010). Resistance, Justice and Commitment to Change. Human Resources Development Quarterly, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 3-39.
  • Gambetta,D.(1988). Can We Trust ? In Diego Gambetta (ed.) Trust: Making andBreaking Cooperative Relations. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
  • George, J.M. & Jones, G.R. (2001). Towards a Process Model of Individual Change inOrganizations. Human Relations, Vol.54, pp. 419-444.
  • Gilbert, J.A. & T.P. Tang (1998). An Examination of Organizational Trust Antecedents.Public Personnel Management, 27, (3), 321-338.
  • Hair, F.J., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. & Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Hannan, M. & Freeman, J. (1984). Structural Inertia and Organizational Change.American Sociological Review, Vol.49, pp.149-164.
  • Holoviak, S.J. (1999). Building Trust. Executive Excellence, vol.16, No.2,pp. 13- 19.
  • Islamoglu, G., Birsel, M. ve Boru, D. (2007). Kurum Icinde Güven. Birinci Baskı.
  • Istanbul: Inkılap Kitabevi Kaneshiro, P. (2008). Analyzing the Organizational Justice, Trust and CommitmentRelationship in a Public Organization. Unpublished doctoral dissertation Northcentral Unversity.
  • Kim,W.C., & Mauborgne, R. (1993). Procedural Justice, Attitudes and Subsidiary topManagement Compliance with Multinationals’ Corporate Strategic Decisions. Academic Management Journal, Vol.36,pp. 502-526.
  • Kotter, J. P. & Schlesinger, L. A. (1979). Choosing Strategies for Change. HarvardBusiness Review.Vol. 57,No. 2, pp. 106-114.
  • Kotter, J.(1995). Leading Change: Why Transformation Fail. Harward BuisnessReview. Vol.73,pp. 59LaClair, j.& R. Rao, (2002). Helping Employees Embrace Change. The MckinseyQuarterly, 4. Retrieved March 15, 2008. http:// embrace_change_ 12
  • Larkin, T.J. & Larkin, S. (1994). Communicating Change. How to Win EmployeeSupport for New Business Directions. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Lines, R., Selart, M., Espedal, B. & Johansen, S.T. ( 2005). The Production of TrustDuring Organizational Change. Journal of Change Management, Vol.5, No. 2, pp. 221-245.
  • Luthans, F. (2002a). The Need for and Meaning of Positive Organizational Behavior.Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.23, pp. 696-706.
  • Luthans, F. (2002b). Positive Organizational Behavior: Developing and ManagingPsychological Strengths. Academy of Management Executives, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 57-72.
  • Luthans, F. & Youssef , C.M. ( 2007). Emerging Positive Organizational Behavior.Journal of Management, Vol. 33, pp.321-349.
  • Luthans, F., Youssef, C.M., & Avolio, B. J. (2007). Psychological Capital. New York:Oxford University Press.
  • Luthans, F., Avolio, B. J., Avey, J.B. & Norman, S. M. (2007). Positive Psychological Capital: Measurement and Relationship with Performance and Satisfaction.Personnel Psychology, Vol.60, No.3, pp. 541-572
  • Mayer, R. C., & Davis, J. H. (1999). The Effect of the Performance Appraisal Systemon Trust for Management: A Field Quasi- experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.84, pp.123– 136.
  • McCauley, D.P.& Kuhnert, K.W. (1992). A Theoretical Review and EmpiricalInvestigation of Employee Trust in Management. Public Administration Quarterly, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 265-285.
  • Morgan, D.E.& Zaffane, R. (2003). Employee Involvement, Organizational Changeand Trust in Management. The International Journal of Human Resources Management. Vol.14, No. 1,pp. 5575
  • Morin, W.J. (1990). Trust Me. New York: Drake Beam Morin.
  • Oldham, G. (1975). The Impact of Supervisor Characteristics on Goal Acceptance.Academic Management Journal, Vol.18, pp.461-475
  • Oreg, S.(2003). Resistance to Change: Developing an Individual Difference Measure.Journal of Applied Psychology , Vol.88, No. 4, pp. 680-693.
  • Oreg, S. (2006). Personality, Context and Resistence to Organizational Change.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.15, No. 1, pp. 73-101.
  • Oreg, S., Vakola, M., Armenakis, A., Bozionelos, N., Gonzalez, L., Hrebickova, M.; Kordacova, J., Mlacic, b., Saksvik, P.; Bayazıt, M., Arciniega, L., Barkauskiene, R., Fujimoto, Y., Han, J., Jimmieson, N., Mitsuhashi, H.; Ohly, S.; Hetland, H. (2008). Dispositional Resistance to Change: Measurement Equivalence and the Link to Personal Value Across 17 Nations. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.93, No. 4, pp. 935-944.
  • Oreg, S. & Sverdlik, N. (2011). Ambivalence Toward Imposed Change: The Conflictbetween Dispositional Resistance to Change and the Orientation Toward the Change Agent. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 96, No. 2, pp. 337-349.
  • Peterson S.J., Luthans, F. , Avolio, B.J. , Walumbwa F.O. & Zhang, Z. ( 2011).
  • Psychological Capital and Employee Performance: a Latent Growth Modeling Approach. Personnel Psychology, Vol.64,pp. 427-450. Piderit, S.K. (2000). Rethinking Resistance and Recognizing Ambivalence: AMultidimensional View of Attitudes Toward an Organizational Change. Academy of Management Review, Vol.10,pp. 783–794.
  • Porras,J.I. & Silvers, R.C. ( 1994). Organizational Development and Transformation. InW.L. French, C.H. Bell & R.A.Zawacki (Eds.) Organizational Development and Transformation: Managing Effective Change (pp.82-110). New York: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
  • Porter, T. & Lilly, B. ( 1996). The Effect of Conflict, Trust, and Task Commitment onProject Team Performance. International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 7, pp. 361-376.
  • Rich, G. (1997). The Sales Manager as a Role Model: Effects on Trust , JobSatisfaction, and Performance of Salespeople. Journal of Academic Marketing Science, Vol. 25, pp. 319-328.
  • Schneider, B., Brief, A. P., & Guzzo, R. A. (1996). Creating a climate and culture for sustainable organizational change. Organizational Dynamics, 24, 7–19.
  • Self, D.R., Armenakis, A.A. & Schraeder, M. (2007). Organizational Change Content, Process and Context: A simultaneous Analysis of Employee Reactions. Journal of Change Management, Vol.7, No.2,pp. 211-229.
  • Shaw, R.B. (1997). Trust in the Balance: Building Successful Organizations on Results,Integrity and Concern. San Francisco: Jossey- Bas Publishers.
  • Sipahi, B., E.S. Yurtkoru, M. Cinko ( 2008). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi. Beta basım.
  • Stanley,D.J. , Meyer, J.P. & Topolntsky, L. (2005). Employee Cynicism and Resistanceto Organizational Change. Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 19, pp.429-459.
  • Strebel, P. (1996). Why do Employees Resist Change? Harward Business Review, Vol.74, No.3,pp. 86Tan, H.H.& Tan, C.S.F. (2000). Toward the Differentiation of Trust in Supervisor andTrust in Organization. Genetics, Social, and General Psychology Monographs. Vol.126 , pp. 241-260
  • Tichy, N.M. (1983). Management Strategic Change: Technical, Political and CulturalDynamics. New York: Wiley.
  • Wanberg,C.R.& Banas, J.T. (2000).Predictors and Outcomes of Openness to Changesin a Reorganizing Workplace. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 85, pp. 132-142.
  • Waterman, R.H. (1987). The Renewal Factor. New York: Bantam Books.
  • Youssef, C.M. & F. Luthans (2007). Positive Organizational Behavior in the Workplace: The Impact of Hope, Optimism and Resiliency. Journal of Management, 33, 774-800.
  • Zaheer, A., McEvily, B.& Perrone, V. ( 1997). Does Trust Matter? Exploring theEffects of Inter organizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance. Organizational Science,Vol. 4, pp. 1411
  • Zander, A.(1950). Resistance to Change- its Analysis and Prevention. AdvancedManagement Journal, Vol. 15, pp. 9-11.
Yıl 2013, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 13 - 35, 01.09.2013



  • Armenakis, A., & Bedeian A. G. (1999). Organizational change: A review of theoryand research in the 1990s. Journal of Management, Vol. 25, pp. 293–315.
  • Armenakis, A.A. , Harris S. G., and Mossholder, K.W. (1993). Creating Readiness for Organizational Change. Human Relations. Vol.46 , No.6 , pp. 681-703.
  • Armenakis, A.A. & Harris, S.G. (2002). Crafting a Change Message to CreateTransformational Readiness. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.15, No. 2, pp. 169-183.
  • Avey,J.B., Wernsing T.S. Luthans & F. ( 2008). Can Positive Employees Help PositiveOrganizational Change? Impact of Psychological Capital and Emotions on Relevant Attitudes and Behaviors. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 44, No.1, pp. 48-70.
  • Baron, R.M. & Kenny D.A. (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction inSocial Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 1173-1182.
  • Beer, M. (1987). Revitalizing organizations: Change Process and Emergent Model.Academy of Management Executives, Vol.1, No.1,pp. 51-55.
  • Beer, M., Eisenstat ,R.A. & Spector, B. ( 1990). Why Change Programs don’t ProduceChange. Harvard Business Review,Vol. 68, No.6,pp. 158-166.
  • Bernerth, J.B, Armenakis A. A., Feild, H. S. & Walker, H. J. (2007). Justice , Cynicism,Commitment: A Study of Important Organizational Change Variables. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Vol.43, pp.303- 327.
  • Boon, S.D. & Holmes, J.G. (1991). The Dynamics of Interpersonal Trust: ResolvingUncertainty in the Face of Risk, in: R:A. Hinde and J. Groebel (Eds) Cooperation and Prosocial Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bovey, W. and Hede, A. (2001). Resistance to Organizational Change: The Role of Cognitive and Affective Processes. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. Vol. 22, No.8, pp. 3723
  • Bridges, W. (1991). Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. Reading, MA:Wesley Publishing Company.
  • Burke, P.j. & Stets, J.E. (1999). Trust and Commitment Through Self-verification.Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol.62, pp. 347-366.
  • Cashman, K. ( 1998). Authentic Leaders. Executive Excellence, 15, (11), 6-13.
  • Cetin, F. ( 2011). The Effect of the Organizational Psychological Capital on theAttitudes of Commitment and Satisfaction: a Public Sample in Turkey. European Journal of Social Science, Vol. 21, No:3, pp. 373-380.
  • Chawla, A. and E.K. Kelloway (2004). Predicting Openness and Commitment toChange. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal. 25, (6), 385-498.
  • Clapp-Smith, R., Avey ,G.R. &Vogelgesang, J. (2009). Authentic Leadership andPositive Psychological Capital: the Mediating Role of Trust at the Group Level Analysis. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Vol. 15, No.3, pp. 227-240.
  • Cobb, A.T., Folger, R. & Wooten, K. (1995). The Role Justice Play in Organizational Change. Public Administration Quarterly, Vol.3, pp. 135-151.
  • Conner, D.(1992). Managing at the Speed of Change: How Resilient Managers Succeedand Prosper Where Others Fail (1 st ed.). New York: Villard Books.
  • Dent, E. B. & Goldberg, S.G. (1999). Challenging “Resistance to Change”. TheJournal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol.35, No.1, pp. 25-41.
  • Devos, G., Buelens, M. & Boucenooghe, D. (2007). Contribution of Content, Contextand Process to Understanding Openness to Organizational Change: Two Experimental Simulation Studies. The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 147, No. 6, pp. 607- 629.
  • Dirks, K.T. (1999). The Effects of Interpersonal Trust on Work Group Performance.Journal of Applied Psychology,Vol. 84, pp. 445-455.
  • Foster, R.D. (2008). Individual Resistance, Organizational Justice and EmployeeCommitment to Planned Organizational Change. Unpublished doctoral dissertation ,The University of Minnesota.
  • Foster, R.D. (2010). Resistance, Justice and Commitment to Change. Human Resources Development Quarterly, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 3-39.
  • Gambetta,D.(1988). Can We Trust ? In Diego Gambetta (ed.) Trust: Making andBreaking Cooperative Relations. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
  • George, J.M. & Jones, G.R. (2001). Towards a Process Model of Individual Change inOrganizations. Human Relations, Vol.54, pp. 419-444.
  • Gilbert, J.A. & T.P. Tang (1998). An Examination of Organizational Trust Antecedents.Public Personnel Management, 27, (3), 321-338.
  • Hair, F.J., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. & Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Hannan, M. & Freeman, J. (1984). Structural Inertia and Organizational Change.American Sociological Review, Vol.49, pp.149-164.
  • Holoviak, S.J. (1999). Building Trust. Executive Excellence, vol.16, No.2,pp. 13- 19.
  • Islamoglu, G., Birsel, M. ve Boru, D. (2007). Kurum Icinde Güven. Birinci Baskı.
  • Istanbul: Inkılap Kitabevi Kaneshiro, P. (2008). Analyzing the Organizational Justice, Trust and CommitmentRelationship in a Public Organization. Unpublished doctoral dissertation Northcentral Unversity.
  • Kim,W.C., & Mauborgne, R. (1993). Procedural Justice, Attitudes and Subsidiary topManagement Compliance with Multinationals’ Corporate Strategic Decisions. Academic Management Journal, Vol.36,pp. 502-526.
  • Kotter, J. P. & Schlesinger, L. A. (1979). Choosing Strategies for Change. HarvardBusiness Review.Vol. 57,No. 2, pp. 106-114.
  • Kotter, J.(1995). Leading Change: Why Transformation Fail. Harward BuisnessReview. Vol.73,pp. 59LaClair, j.& R. Rao, (2002). Helping Employees Embrace Change. The MckinseyQuarterly, 4. Retrieved March 15, 2008. http:// embrace_change_ 12
  • Larkin, T.J. & Larkin, S. (1994). Communicating Change. How to Win EmployeeSupport for New Business Directions. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Lines, R., Selart, M., Espedal, B. & Johansen, S.T. ( 2005). The Production of TrustDuring Organizational Change. Journal of Change Management, Vol.5, No. 2, pp. 221-245.
  • Luthans, F. (2002a). The Need for and Meaning of Positive Organizational Behavior.Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.23, pp. 696-706.
  • Luthans, F. (2002b). Positive Organizational Behavior: Developing and ManagingPsychological Strengths. Academy of Management Executives, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 57-72.
  • Luthans, F. & Youssef , C.M. ( 2007). Emerging Positive Organizational Behavior.Journal of Management, Vol. 33, pp.321-349.
  • Luthans, F., Youssef, C.M., & Avolio, B. J. (2007). Psychological Capital. New York:Oxford University Press.
  • Luthans, F., Avolio, B. J., Avey, J.B. & Norman, S. M. (2007). Positive Psychological Capital: Measurement and Relationship with Performance and Satisfaction.Personnel Psychology, Vol.60, No.3, pp. 541-572
  • Mayer, R. C., & Davis, J. H. (1999). The Effect of the Performance Appraisal Systemon Trust for Management: A Field Quasi- experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.84, pp.123– 136.
  • McCauley, D.P.& Kuhnert, K.W. (1992). A Theoretical Review and EmpiricalInvestigation of Employee Trust in Management. Public Administration Quarterly, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 265-285.
  • Morgan, D.E.& Zaffane, R. (2003). Employee Involvement, Organizational Changeand Trust in Management. The International Journal of Human Resources Management. Vol.14, No. 1,pp. 5575
  • Morin, W.J. (1990). Trust Me. New York: Drake Beam Morin.
  • Oldham, G. (1975). The Impact of Supervisor Characteristics on Goal Acceptance.Academic Management Journal, Vol.18, pp.461-475
  • Oreg, S.(2003). Resistance to Change: Developing an Individual Difference Measure.Journal of Applied Psychology , Vol.88, No. 4, pp. 680-693.
  • Oreg, S. (2006). Personality, Context and Resistence to Organizational Change.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.15, No. 1, pp. 73-101.
  • Oreg, S., Vakola, M., Armenakis, A., Bozionelos, N., Gonzalez, L., Hrebickova, M.; Kordacova, J., Mlacic, b., Saksvik, P.; Bayazıt, M., Arciniega, L., Barkauskiene, R., Fujimoto, Y., Han, J., Jimmieson, N., Mitsuhashi, H.; Ohly, S.; Hetland, H. (2008). Dispositional Resistance to Change: Measurement Equivalence and the Link to Personal Value Across 17 Nations. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.93, No. 4, pp. 935-944.
  • Oreg, S. & Sverdlik, N. (2011). Ambivalence Toward Imposed Change: The Conflictbetween Dispositional Resistance to Change and the Orientation Toward the Change Agent. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 96, No. 2, pp. 337-349.
  • Peterson S.J., Luthans, F. , Avolio, B.J. , Walumbwa F.O. & Zhang, Z. ( 2011).
  • Psychological Capital and Employee Performance: a Latent Growth Modeling Approach. Personnel Psychology, Vol.64,pp. 427-450. Piderit, S.K. (2000). Rethinking Resistance and Recognizing Ambivalence: AMultidimensional View of Attitudes Toward an Organizational Change. Academy of Management Review, Vol.10,pp. 783–794.
  • Porras,J.I. & Silvers, R.C. ( 1994). Organizational Development and Transformation. InW.L. French, C.H. Bell & R.A.Zawacki (Eds.) Organizational Development and Transformation: Managing Effective Change (pp.82-110). New York: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
  • Porter, T. & Lilly, B. ( 1996). The Effect of Conflict, Trust, and Task Commitment onProject Team Performance. International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 7, pp. 361-376.
  • Rich, G. (1997). The Sales Manager as a Role Model: Effects on Trust , JobSatisfaction, and Performance of Salespeople. Journal of Academic Marketing Science, Vol. 25, pp. 319-328.
  • Schneider, B., Brief, A. P., & Guzzo, R. A. (1996). Creating a climate and culture for sustainable organizational change. Organizational Dynamics, 24, 7–19.
  • Self, D.R., Armenakis, A.A. & Schraeder, M. (2007). Organizational Change Content, Process and Context: A simultaneous Analysis of Employee Reactions. Journal of Change Management, Vol.7, No.2,pp. 211-229.
  • Shaw, R.B. (1997). Trust in the Balance: Building Successful Organizations on Results,Integrity and Concern. San Francisco: Jossey- Bas Publishers.
  • Sipahi, B., E.S. Yurtkoru, M. Cinko ( 2008). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi. Beta basım.
  • Stanley,D.J. , Meyer, J.P. & Topolntsky, L. (2005). Employee Cynicism and Resistanceto Organizational Change. Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 19, pp.429-459.
  • Strebel, P. (1996). Why do Employees Resist Change? Harward Business Review, Vol.74, No.3,pp. 86Tan, H.H.& Tan, C.S.F. (2000). Toward the Differentiation of Trust in Supervisor andTrust in Organization. Genetics, Social, and General Psychology Monographs. Vol.126 , pp. 241-260
  • Tichy, N.M. (1983). Management Strategic Change: Technical, Political and CulturalDynamics. New York: Wiley.
  • Wanberg,C.R.& Banas, J.T. (2000).Predictors and Outcomes of Openness to Changesin a Reorganizing Workplace. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 85, pp. 132-142.
  • Waterman, R.H. (1987). The Renewal Factor. New York: Bantam Books.
  • Youssef, C.M. & F. Luthans (2007). Positive Organizational Behavior in the Workplace: The Impact of Hope, Optimism and Resiliency. Journal of Management, 33, 774-800.
  • Zaheer, A., McEvily, B.& Perrone, V. ( 1997). Does Trust Matter? Exploring theEffects of Inter organizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance. Organizational Science,Vol. 4, pp. 1411
  • Zander, A.(1950). Resistance to Change- its Analysis and Prevention. AdvancedManagement Journal, Vol. 15, pp. 9-11.
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

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APA Saruhan, N. (2013). Organizational Change: The Effects Of Trust In Organization and Psychological Capital During Change Process. Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 2(3), 13-35.

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