Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 198 - 208, 30.12.2019



  • Ashton, K. (2009). That ‘internet of things’ thing. RFID Journal. Available at:
  • Balakarthiga M, (2018). Top 7 Applications of IoT For Business. [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 23.10.2019].
  • Barreto, L., Amaral, A., & Pereira, T. (2017). Industry 4.0 implications in logistics: an overview. Procedia Manufacturing.
  • Ben-Daya, M., Hassini, E., & Bahroun, Z. (2017). Internet of things and supply chain management: a literature review. International Journal of Production Research.
  • Bi, Z., Xu, L. D., & Wang, C. (2014). Internet of things for enterprise systems of modern manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
  • Buyya, R., & Dastjerdi, A. V. (2016). Internet of Things: Principles and Paradigms. Internet of Things: Principles and Paradigms.
  • Caro, F., & Sadr, R. (2019). The Internet of Things (IoT) in retail: Bridging supply and demand. Business Horizons.
  • Chandi, N., (2017). The Internet Of Things For Accountants. Forbes Now. [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 17 October 2019].
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems.
  • Digiteum (2019). How IoT is Changing Financial Services and Banking [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 28.10.2019].
  • Dorey, P. (2017). Securing the internet of things. In Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and Applications: Second Edition.
  • Gao, L., & Bai, X. (2014). A unified perspective on the factors influencing consumer acceptance of internet of things technology. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
  • Gürün F. (2019) Endüstri 4.0 ve Beşeri Sermayenin Geleceği, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi/Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 76: 67–88.
  • Ha, S., & Stoel, L. (2009). Consumer e-shopping acceptance: Antecedents in a technology acceptance model. Journal of Business Research.
  • Haddud, A., DeSouza, A., Khare, A., & Lee, H. (2017). Examining potential benefits and challenges associated with the Internet of Things integration in supply chains. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management.
  • Haller, S., Karnouskos, S., & Schroth, C. (2009). The Internet of things in an enterprise context. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
  • Hamdani, M. (2019). Technology Acceptance in the Use of Social Networks by Teachers and Employees of Education Offices in Ahwaz. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET.
  • Hasselblatt, M., Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M., & Nickell, D. (2018). Modeling manufacturer’s capabilities for the Internet of Things. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.
  • Herrenkind, B., Brendel, A. B., Nastjuk, I., Greve, M., & Kolbe, L. M. (2019). Investigating end-user acceptance of autonomous electric buses to accelerate diffusion. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
  • Jackson, S.L. (2011) “Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Approach”, 4th edition, Cengage Learning, p.17
  • Jing, Q., Vasilakos, A. V., Wan, J., Lu, J., & Qiu, D. (2014). Security of the Internet of Things: perspectives and challenges. Wireless Networks.
  • Kim, Y., Park, Y., & Choi, J. (2017). A study on the adoption of IoT smart home service: using Value-based Adoption Model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
  • King, W. R., & He, J. (2006). A meta-analysis of the technology acceptance model. Information and Management.
  • Komsuoglu Yilmaz N. & Boydas Hazar H. (2019) The Rise of Internet Of Things (Iot) And Its Applications In Finance And Accounting, Istanbul Finance Congress, November 1, 2019
  • Kumar, Dr & Raza, Z. (2017). Internet of Things: Possibilities and Challenges. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering. 7. 32-52. 10.4018/IJSSOE.2017070103.
  • Lee, I., & Lee, K. (2015). The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises. Business Horizons.
  • Lee, Y., Kozar, K. A., & Larsen, K. R. T. (2003). The Technology Acceptance Model: Past, Present, and Future. Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
  • Lin, C. H., Shih, H. Y., & Sher, P. J. (2007). Integrating technology readiness into technology acceptance: The TRAM model. Psychology and Marketing.
  • Löffler, M., & Tschiesner, A. (2013). The Internet of Things and the future of manufacturing. McKinsey on Business Technology.
  • Lu, J., Yu, C. S., Liu, C., & Yao, J. E. (2003). Technology acceptance model for wireless Internet. Internet Research.
  • Macaulay, J., Buckalew, L., & Chung, G. (2015). Internet of Things in Logistics. DHL Trend Research.
  • Mathaba, S., Adigun, M., Oladosu, J., & Oki, O. (2017). On the use of the Internet of Things and Web 2.0 in inventory management. In Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems.
  • Morienyane L. & Marnevick A. (2019) Technology Acceptance Model of Internet of Things for Water Management at a local municipality, IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)
  • Nunnally, J.C. and Bernstein, I.H. (1994) The Assessment of Reliability. Psychometric Theory, 3, 248-292.
  • Park, E., Cho, Y., Han, J., & Kwon, S. J. (2017). Comprehensive Approaches to User Acceptance of Internet of Things in a Smart Home Environment. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  • Pavlou, P. A. (2003). Consumer acceptance of electronic commerce: Integrating trust and risk with the technology acceptance model. International Journal of Electronic Commerce.
  • Perera, C., Liu, C. H., Jayawardena, S., & Chen, M. (2015). A Survey on Internet of Things from Industrial Market Perspective. IEEE Access.
  • Rafiee, M., & Abbasian-Naghneh, S. (2019). E-learning: development of a model to assess the acceptance and readiness of technology among language learners. Computer Assisted Language Learning.
  • Rathore, H., (2019). How Will IoT Impact the Accounting and Billing System? DZone. [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 20 October 2019].
  • Riahi Sfar, A., Natalizio, E., Challal, Y., & Chtourou, Z. (2018). A roadmap for security challenges in the Internet of Things. Digital Communications and Networks.
  • Samaila, M. G., Neto, M., Fernandes, D. A. B., Freire, M. M., & Inácio, P. R. M. (2017). Security challenges of the Internet of Things. In Internet of Things.
  • Shariatzadeh, N., Lundholm, T., Lindberg, L., & Sivard, G. (2016). Integration of Digital Factory with Smart Factory Based on Internet of Things. In Procedia CIRP.
  • Sicari, S., Rizzardi, A., Grieco, L. A., & Coen-Porisini, A. (2015). Security, privacy and trust in Internet of things: The road ahead. Computer Networks.
  • Stankovic, J. A. (2014). Research directions for the internet of things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Storey, H. (2014). Industrial internet of things. In ISA Process Control and Safety Symposium 2014, PCS 2014.
  • Sun, C. (2012). Application of RFID Technology for Logistics on Internet of Things. AASRI Procedia.
  • Suo, H., Wan, J., Zou, C., & Liu, J. (2012). Security in the internet of things: A review. In Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, ICCSEE 2012.
  • Surendran, P. (2012). Technology Acceptance Model : A Survey of Literature. International Journal of Business and Social Research.
  • Tan, L., & Wang, N. (2010). Future internet: The Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE).
  • Tjahjono, B., Esplugues, C., Ares, E., & Pelaez, G. (2017). What does Industry 4.0 mean to Supply Chain? Procedia Manufacturing.
  • Tucker, A., (2017). How the IoT will impact the accounting sector. Accountants Daily. [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 20 October 2019].
  • Verdouw, C. N., Wolfert, J., Beulens, A. J. M., & Rialland, A. (2016). Virtualization of food supply chains with the internet of things. Journal of Food Engineering.
  • Walczuch, R., Lemmink, J., & Streukens, S. (2007). The effect of service employees’ technology readiness on technology acceptance. Information and Management.
  • Weber, R. H. (2010). Internet of Things - New security and privacy challenges. Computer Law and Security Review.
  • Weinberg, B. D., Milne, G. R., Andonova, Y. G., & Hajjat, F. M. (2015). Internet of Things: Convenience vs. privacy and secrecy. Business Horizons.
  • Willner, A. (2018). The Industrial Internet of Things. In Internet of Things A to Z.
  • Xu, Y., & Chen, M. (2016). Improving Just-in-Time Manufacturing Operations by Using Internet of Things Based Solutions. In Procedia CIRP.
  • Zhao, K., & Ge, L. (2013). A survey on the internet of things security. In Proceedings - 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2013.
  • Zhou, L., Chong, A. Y. L., & Ngai, E. W. T. (2015). Supply chain management in the era of the internet of things. International Journal of Production Economics.


Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 198 - 208, 30.12.2019


Purpose- The purpose of this study is to test technology acceptance model for internet of things (IoT) among accounting and finance students. Internet of things refers the interconnection between devices via internet including mechanical and digital objects. The advancements in internet technology, wireless communication, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and radio frequency identification (RFID) created a world of interconnected devices. The term IoT is used in conjunction with all the devices that send data to each other, including appliances which are used in our daily lives. Since IoT has a wide range of use in Finance and Accounting, its acceptance among accounting and finance students is important.
Methodology- In this study, a quantitative research has been conducted by using survey method. In this research, following a literature review, technology acceptance of IoT among Accounting and Finance students have been tested by using appropriate statistical techniques.
Findings- Findings of the study imply that there is positive correlation between research variables. This result shows that participants are ready to accept technological developments in IoT.
Conclusion- As a result of the study, it is tested technology acceptance among accounting and finance students for Internet of Things (IoT). The technological advancements in IoT increase the level of automation and have a wide range of usage in accounting and finance, primarily in banking. Therefore, its level of acceptance between accountants and finance managers is important.


  • Ashton, K. (2009). That ‘internet of things’ thing. RFID Journal. Available at:
  • Balakarthiga M, (2018). Top 7 Applications of IoT For Business. [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 23.10.2019].
  • Barreto, L., Amaral, A., & Pereira, T. (2017). Industry 4.0 implications in logistics: an overview. Procedia Manufacturing.
  • Ben-Daya, M., Hassini, E., & Bahroun, Z. (2017). Internet of things and supply chain management: a literature review. International Journal of Production Research.
  • Bi, Z., Xu, L. D., & Wang, C. (2014). Internet of things for enterprise systems of modern manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
  • Buyya, R., & Dastjerdi, A. V. (2016). Internet of Things: Principles and Paradigms. Internet of Things: Principles and Paradigms.
  • Caro, F., & Sadr, R. (2019). The Internet of Things (IoT) in retail: Bridging supply and demand. Business Horizons.
  • Chandi, N., (2017). The Internet Of Things For Accountants. Forbes Now. [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 17 October 2019].
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems.
  • Digiteum (2019). How IoT is Changing Financial Services and Banking [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 28.10.2019].
  • Dorey, P. (2017). Securing the internet of things. In Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and Applications: Second Edition.
  • Gao, L., & Bai, X. (2014). A unified perspective on the factors influencing consumer acceptance of internet of things technology. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
  • Gürün F. (2019) Endüstri 4.0 ve Beşeri Sermayenin Geleceği, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi/Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 76: 67–88.
  • Ha, S., & Stoel, L. (2009). Consumer e-shopping acceptance: Antecedents in a technology acceptance model. Journal of Business Research.
  • Haddud, A., DeSouza, A., Khare, A., & Lee, H. (2017). Examining potential benefits and challenges associated with the Internet of Things integration in supply chains. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management.
  • Haller, S., Karnouskos, S., & Schroth, C. (2009). The Internet of things in an enterprise context. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
  • Hamdani, M. (2019). Technology Acceptance in the Use of Social Networks by Teachers and Employees of Education Offices in Ahwaz. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET.
  • Hasselblatt, M., Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M., & Nickell, D. (2018). Modeling manufacturer’s capabilities for the Internet of Things. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.
  • Herrenkind, B., Brendel, A. B., Nastjuk, I., Greve, M., & Kolbe, L. M. (2019). Investigating end-user acceptance of autonomous electric buses to accelerate diffusion. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
  • Jackson, S.L. (2011) “Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Approach”, 4th edition, Cengage Learning, p.17
  • Jing, Q., Vasilakos, A. V., Wan, J., Lu, J., & Qiu, D. (2014). Security of the Internet of Things: perspectives and challenges. Wireless Networks.
  • Kim, Y., Park, Y., & Choi, J. (2017). A study on the adoption of IoT smart home service: using Value-based Adoption Model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
  • King, W. R., & He, J. (2006). A meta-analysis of the technology acceptance model. Information and Management.
  • Komsuoglu Yilmaz N. & Boydas Hazar H. (2019) The Rise of Internet Of Things (Iot) And Its Applications In Finance And Accounting, Istanbul Finance Congress, November 1, 2019
  • Kumar, Dr & Raza, Z. (2017). Internet of Things: Possibilities and Challenges. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering. 7. 32-52. 10.4018/IJSSOE.2017070103.
  • Lee, I., & Lee, K. (2015). The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises. Business Horizons.
  • Lee, Y., Kozar, K. A., & Larsen, K. R. T. (2003). The Technology Acceptance Model: Past, Present, and Future. Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
  • Lin, C. H., Shih, H. Y., & Sher, P. J. (2007). Integrating technology readiness into technology acceptance: The TRAM model. Psychology and Marketing.
  • Löffler, M., & Tschiesner, A. (2013). The Internet of Things and the future of manufacturing. McKinsey on Business Technology.
  • Lu, J., Yu, C. S., Liu, C., & Yao, J. E. (2003). Technology acceptance model for wireless Internet. Internet Research.
  • Macaulay, J., Buckalew, L., & Chung, G. (2015). Internet of Things in Logistics. DHL Trend Research.
  • Mathaba, S., Adigun, M., Oladosu, J., & Oki, O. (2017). On the use of the Internet of Things and Web 2.0 in inventory management. In Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems.
  • Morienyane L. & Marnevick A. (2019) Technology Acceptance Model of Internet of Things for Water Management at a local municipality, IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)
  • Nunnally, J.C. and Bernstein, I.H. (1994) The Assessment of Reliability. Psychometric Theory, 3, 248-292.
  • Park, E., Cho, Y., Han, J., & Kwon, S. J. (2017). Comprehensive Approaches to User Acceptance of Internet of Things in a Smart Home Environment. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  • Pavlou, P. A. (2003). Consumer acceptance of electronic commerce: Integrating trust and risk with the technology acceptance model. International Journal of Electronic Commerce.
  • Perera, C., Liu, C. H., Jayawardena, S., & Chen, M. (2015). A Survey on Internet of Things from Industrial Market Perspective. IEEE Access.
  • Rafiee, M., & Abbasian-Naghneh, S. (2019). E-learning: development of a model to assess the acceptance and readiness of technology among language learners. Computer Assisted Language Learning.
  • Rathore, H., (2019). How Will IoT Impact the Accounting and Billing System? DZone. [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 20 October 2019].
  • Riahi Sfar, A., Natalizio, E., Challal, Y., & Chtourou, Z. (2018). A roadmap for security challenges in the Internet of Things. Digital Communications and Networks.
  • Samaila, M. G., Neto, M., Fernandes, D. A. B., Freire, M. M., & Inácio, P. R. M. (2017). Security challenges of the Internet of Things. In Internet of Things.
  • Shariatzadeh, N., Lundholm, T., Lindberg, L., & Sivard, G. (2016). Integration of Digital Factory with Smart Factory Based on Internet of Things. In Procedia CIRP.
  • Sicari, S., Rizzardi, A., Grieco, L. A., & Coen-Porisini, A. (2015). Security, privacy and trust in Internet of things: The road ahead. Computer Networks.
  • Stankovic, J. A. (2014). Research directions for the internet of things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Storey, H. (2014). Industrial internet of things. In ISA Process Control and Safety Symposium 2014, PCS 2014.
  • Sun, C. (2012). Application of RFID Technology for Logistics on Internet of Things. AASRI Procedia.
  • Suo, H., Wan, J., Zou, C., & Liu, J. (2012). Security in the internet of things: A review. In Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, ICCSEE 2012.
  • Surendran, P. (2012). Technology Acceptance Model : A Survey of Literature. International Journal of Business and Social Research.
  • Tan, L., & Wang, N. (2010). Future internet: The Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE).
  • Tjahjono, B., Esplugues, C., Ares, E., & Pelaez, G. (2017). What does Industry 4.0 mean to Supply Chain? Procedia Manufacturing.
  • Tucker, A., (2017). How the IoT will impact the accounting sector. Accountants Daily. [online] Available at: [] [Accessed 20 October 2019].
  • Verdouw, C. N., Wolfert, J., Beulens, A. J. M., & Rialland, A. (2016). Virtualization of food supply chains with the internet of things. Journal of Food Engineering.
  • Walczuch, R., Lemmink, J., & Streukens, S. (2007). The effect of service employees’ technology readiness on technology acceptance. Information and Management.
  • Weber, R. H. (2010). Internet of Things - New security and privacy challenges. Computer Law and Security Review.
  • Weinberg, B. D., Milne, G. R., Andonova, Y. G., & Hajjat, F. M. (2015). Internet of Things: Convenience vs. privacy and secrecy. Business Horizons.
  • Willner, A. (2018). The Industrial Internet of Things. In Internet of Things A to Z.
  • Xu, Y., & Chen, M. (2016). Improving Just-in-Time Manufacturing Operations by Using Internet of Things Based Solutions. In Procedia CIRP.
  • Zhao, K., & Ge, L. (2013). A survey on the internet of things security. In Proceedings - 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2013.
  • Zhou, L., Chong, A. Y. L., & Ngai, E. W. T. (2015). Supply chain management in the era of the internet of things. International Journal of Production Economics.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Finance, Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Nurgun Komsuoglu Yilmaz 0000-0002-9050-9796

Hulya Boydas Hazar This is me 0000-0002-7115-1899

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 4


APA Yilmaz, N. K., & Hazar, H. B. (2019). ANALYZING TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE FOR INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) AMONG ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE STUDENTS. Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 8(4), 198-208.

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