Yazım Kuralları

The papers submitted to the journal should meet the standards given below. Authors also could use the following TEMPLATE for manuscript preparation.

Highlights: Each manuscript should have at least 3 and a maximum of 6 highlights given in their paper. Each highlight can not exceed 80 characters including spaces.

Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 200 words. No abbreviations allowed. The minimum word limit should be 100. The abstract should provide a brief problem description, the solving suggestion, material and method, concrete results and conclusion. The abstract should be written using Calibri font and the size should be 9 pt. The text should be justified.

Content: The content should written using Calibri font and the size should be 10 pt. The text should be justified. The headings should be numbered. Each paragraph should be written with single line spacing. 18 pt space should be left before and 12 pt after each paragraph. Each capital of level 1 heading should be uppercase. For second level heading, the capital of the first word should be uppercase and the rest should be written lowercase except nouns. The heading should be written bold. For third level heading, the first word’s capital should be written uppercase and the rest lowercase except nouns. The heading should be formatted normally.

Fourth level heading should be written in italic. First word’s capital should be uppercase while the rest written lowercase except nouns.

Equations: The equation tool of the MS-Word should be used for the equations in the text. All the equations should be numbered using brackets at the right side. The equations should be placed left side.

Figures/Tables: The figures’ width should not exceed 8.2 cm if two columns and 17 cm if single column. Graphics, photos, images and figures should be called as Figures and no other definition should be used. All the graphics should be given in an editable format like EXCEL. If there are not any editable format available, the figures should be placed as 300+ DPI. The figure captions should be placed under the figure without any spacing between them. The figure captions should be written justified using 9 pt size. Figure caption should begin with "Figure" following with the figure number and dot (Figure 1. ). Tables should be given using Word Table editor and the screenshots or photos of the tables are not allowed. The tables should be prepared using 9 pt size and single spaced. The table headings should be given above the corresponding table using the word "Table" following with the table number and dot (Table 1. ). No definitions other than these two are allowed such as İmage, graph, etc. All the tables should be prepared using the table adding tool and no screenshot or an image of any table is allowed in the paper.

References: The references list should be written using APA reference format and the references in text should be given as numbers in square brackets. The reference list should be numbered according to the order of the text.

Declaration of Interest Statement: The authors declare that they have no known competing for financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. OR The authors declare the following financial interests/personal/corporate relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: …………

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 8.07.2024 15:48:11