Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 114 - 123, 30.09.2023



  • Dimitrovski D, Dzambaska E, (2017) Analysis of household heating practices in the Skopje Valley. Research Report. Skopje: UNDP, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, The City of Skopje. Retrieved from:
  • Government of the Republic of Macedonia. (2006) Law on Free Access to Public Information. Skopje: Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 13 / 1.2.2006.
  • Idrizi A, (2007) Monitorimi i mjedisit dhe masat për parandalimin e ndotjes në komunën e Tetovës [Monitoring of the environment and the preventive measures for pollution in the municipality of Tetovo. In Albanian] (Master's thesis, U.niveristy of Mitrovica). Mitrovica, Republic of Kosovo
  • Ismaili M, Durmishi B, (2006) Shoqëria dhe menaxhimi i mbrojtjes së mjedisit [Society and protection management of the environment]. Tetovo: South East European University. Tetova: South East European University. Retrieved from:
  • Kadri A, (2021) Roli i mediave sociale për sensibilizimin e mbrojtjes së mjedisit në qytetin e Tetovës. [The role of social media to raise awareness of environmental protection in the city of Tetova. In Albanian] (Master's thesis). Tetova: University of Tetova.
  • KISS, Менада Телевизија. (2018) Тетово со најголема смртност поради загаден воздух во Македонија [Tetovo with the highest mortality due to polluted air in Macedonia. In Macedonian] [Video]. Retrieved from: YouTube:
  • Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of Republic of Macedonia. (2013-2018). Квалитет на животната средина во Република Македонија [Quality of the environment in the Republic of Macedonia. In Macedonian]. Annual Report 2012-2017. Skopje: Macedonian Environmental Information Center. Retrieved from:
  • Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. (2017). Извештај за оценка на квалитетот на воздухот во Република Македонија за периодот од 2005-2015 година. Твининг проект „Понатамошно зајакнување на капацитетите за [Air quality assessment report in the Republic of Macedonia for the period from 2005 to 2015. Skopje, Government of the Republic of Macedonia. Gjetur në
  • Rozhaja D, Jabllanovic M, (1983) Ndotja dhe mbrojtja e mjedisit jetësor [Pollution and protection of the environment. In Albanian]. Prishtina: Office of Textbooks and Teaching Aids of the SAC of Kosovo. Sadiku E, (a.d.). Mbrojtja e natyrës [Protecting nature. In Albanian]. Gjilan: Point 5A.
  • Selmani A, (1992) Degradacija na zivotnata sredina vo Makedonija [The degradation of the living environment in Macedonia. In Macedonian]. Skopje: Prosfeta.
  • Selmani, A. (1994). Zivotnata Sredina [The environment. In Macedonian]. Skopje: The Sky Agency. Skenderi F, (2000) Popullsia e Pollogut të Poshtëm, studim demografik [The population of the Lower Polog, demographic study. In Albanian]. Tetova.
  • Srbinoski M, (1995). Emisija na polutantite vo atmosferskiot vozduh od energetskite izvori i nivnoto vlijanie vrz repiratornite zaboluvanja kaj çovekot vo Poloskata Kotlina [Emission of pollutants in the atmospheric air from energy sources and their impact on respiratory dise. Skopje: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Biology.
  • State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia. (2015). Потрошувачка на енергенти во домаќинство, 2014 [Household energy consumption, 2014. In Macedonian]. Skopje. Retrieved from:
  • URL.01 Retrieved from Numbeo Site: (2021, January 21). URL.02 Retrieved from (2016, May 14).
  • URL.03 Retrieved from KISS, Менада Телевизија (2018, November 24).
  • Zastita i unapreduvanje na zivotna sredina [Protection and advancement of the Environment. In Macedonian]. (1991). Skopje: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. Retrieved from:

The role of the media in raising ecological-environmental awareness in Tetova and the surrounding area

Year 2023, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 114 - 123, 30.09.2023


Citizen protests were started in 2013 by NGOs against air pollution which lasted for several years and initially had a small number of participants, but over the years this number began to increase continuously. In this context, the purpose of this paper was to see how traditional and social media have influenced the information and awareness of the population about ecological- environmental problems.
To conduct this paper, a questionnaire was prepared with different questions from the field of environmental problems and the way of getting informed about them. Applying the theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction as well as the main survey method, we surveyed casual citizens, high school students, undergraduate students, and experts.
A total of 136 respondents participated in the survey, of which 15 citizens, 32 students, 84 high school students, and 5 environmental experts. Respondents to the questions posed were able to answer according to the answers required: do not agree at all, do not agree, do not know, agree, and completely agree.
The survey showed that the majority of respondents to the questions posed answered with agree. This shows that the media have played a positive role in properly and objectively informing the population about environmental-ecological problems which enabled the increase in the number of protesters and forced the authorities to accept the situation and shut down one of the largest air pollutants in the city.


  • Dimitrovski D, Dzambaska E, (2017) Analysis of household heating practices in the Skopje Valley. Research Report. Skopje: UNDP, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, The City of Skopje. Retrieved from:
  • Government of the Republic of Macedonia. (2006) Law on Free Access to Public Information. Skopje: Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 13 / 1.2.2006.
  • Idrizi A, (2007) Monitorimi i mjedisit dhe masat për parandalimin e ndotjes në komunën e Tetovës [Monitoring of the environment and the preventive measures for pollution in the municipality of Tetovo. In Albanian] (Master's thesis, U.niveristy of Mitrovica). Mitrovica, Republic of Kosovo
  • Ismaili M, Durmishi B, (2006) Shoqëria dhe menaxhimi i mbrojtjes së mjedisit [Society and protection management of the environment]. Tetovo: South East European University. Tetova: South East European University. Retrieved from:
  • Kadri A, (2021) Roli i mediave sociale për sensibilizimin e mbrojtjes së mjedisit në qytetin e Tetovës. [The role of social media to raise awareness of environmental protection in the city of Tetova. In Albanian] (Master's thesis). Tetova: University of Tetova.
  • KISS, Менада Телевизија. (2018) Тетово со најголема смртност поради загаден воздух во Македонија [Tetovo with the highest mortality due to polluted air in Macedonia. In Macedonian] [Video]. Retrieved from: YouTube:
  • Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of Republic of Macedonia. (2013-2018). Квалитет на животната средина во Република Македонија [Quality of the environment in the Republic of Macedonia. In Macedonian]. Annual Report 2012-2017. Skopje: Macedonian Environmental Information Center. Retrieved from:
  • Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. (2017). Извештај за оценка на квалитетот на воздухот во Република Македонија за периодот од 2005-2015 година. Твининг проект „Понатамошно зајакнување на капацитетите за [Air quality assessment report in the Republic of Macedonia for the period from 2005 to 2015. Skopje, Government of the Republic of Macedonia. Gjetur në
  • Rozhaja D, Jabllanovic M, (1983) Ndotja dhe mbrojtja e mjedisit jetësor [Pollution and protection of the environment. In Albanian]. Prishtina: Office of Textbooks and Teaching Aids of the SAC of Kosovo. Sadiku E, (a.d.). Mbrojtja e natyrës [Protecting nature. In Albanian]. Gjilan: Point 5A.
  • Selmani A, (1992) Degradacija na zivotnata sredina vo Makedonija [The degradation of the living environment in Macedonia. In Macedonian]. Skopje: Prosfeta.
  • Selmani, A. (1994). Zivotnata Sredina [The environment. In Macedonian]. Skopje: The Sky Agency. Skenderi F, (2000) Popullsia e Pollogut të Poshtëm, studim demografik [The population of the Lower Polog, demographic study. In Albanian]. Tetova.
  • Srbinoski M, (1995). Emisija na polutantite vo atmosferskiot vozduh od energetskite izvori i nivnoto vlijanie vrz repiratornite zaboluvanja kaj çovekot vo Poloskata Kotlina [Emission of pollutants in the atmospheric air from energy sources and their impact on respiratory dise. Skopje: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Biology.
  • State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia. (2015). Потрошувачка на енергенти во домаќинство, 2014 [Household energy consumption, 2014. In Macedonian]. Skopje. Retrieved from:
  • URL.01 Retrieved from Numbeo Site: (2021, January 21). URL.02 Retrieved from (2016, May 14).
  • URL.03 Retrieved from KISS, Менада Телевизија (2018, November 24).
  • Zastita i unapreduvanje na zivotna sredina [Protection and advancement of the Environment. In Macedonian]. (1991). Skopje: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. Retrieved from:
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Assessment and Monitoring
Journal Section Articles

Asan Idrizi 0000-0001-5047-8828

Arbenita Kadri This is me 0000-0001-7284-9271

Nexhbedin Ismaili This is me 0000-0003-1244-4875

Idaver Huseini This is me 0000-0001-6389-3895

Blerta Idrizi This is me 0000-0003-2888-0970

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Acceptance Date August 22, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 18 Issue: 3


APA Idrizi, A., Kadri, A., Ismaili, N., Huseini, I., et al. (2023). The role of the media in raising ecological-environmental awareness in Tetova and the surrounding area. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 18(3), 114-123.
AMA Idrizi A, Kadri A, Ismaili N, Huseini I, Idrizi B. The role of the media in raising ecological-environmental awareness in Tetova and the surrounding area. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. September 2023;18(3):114-123.
Chicago Idrizi, Asan, Arbenita Kadri, Nexhbedin Ismaili, Idaver Huseini, and Blerta Idrizi. “The Role of the Media in Raising Ecological-Environmental Awareness in Tetova and the Surrounding Area”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 18, no. 3 (September 2023): 114-23.
EndNote Idrizi A, Kadri A, Ismaili N, Huseini I, Idrizi B (September 1, 2023) The role of the media in raising ecological-environmental awareness in Tetova and the surrounding area. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 18 3 114–123.
IEEE A. Idrizi, A. Kadri, N. Ismaili, I. Huseini, and B. Idrizi, “The role of the media in raising ecological-environmental awareness in Tetova and the surrounding area”, J. Int. Environmental Application & Science, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 114–123, 2023.
ISNAD Idrizi, Asan et al. “The Role of the Media in Raising Ecological-Environmental Awareness in Tetova and the Surrounding Area”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 18/3 (September 2023), 114-123.
JAMA Idrizi A, Kadri A, Ismaili N, Huseini I, Idrizi B. The role of the media in raising ecological-environmental awareness in Tetova and the surrounding area. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 2023;18:114–123.
MLA Idrizi, Asan et al. “The Role of the Media in Raising Ecological-Environmental Awareness in Tetova and the Surrounding Area”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, vol. 18, no. 3, 2023, pp. 114-23.
Vancouver Idrizi A, Kadri A, Ismaili N, Huseini I, Idrizi B. The role of the media in raising ecological-environmental awareness in Tetova and the surrounding area. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 2023;18(3):114-23.

“Journal of International Environmental Application and Science”