Age-Related Patterns in Urinary Biomarkers Using Urine Dipstick Analysis
Year 2024,
Volume: 19 Issue: 4, 160 - 165, 30.12.2024
Fjoralda Bakiri
Anisa Hoxha
Mirela Lika
The urinary system's primary functions are to eliminate waste from the body, regulate blood volume and pressure, control electrolyte and metabolite levels, and maintain blood pH. Aging significantly impacts the urinary system, often reducing the efficiency of its organs. As individuals age, the urinary tract undergoes various changes that can affect its function and are reflected in urine diagnostic parameters. In a study conducted with 100 individuals in Durres, Albania, the sample consisted of 46% women and 56% men. The results revealed that 15% tested positive for proteinuria, 45% for ketones, 5% for high glucose levels, and 6% for nitrites. Statistical analysis indicated a significant relationship between high glucose levels in urine and age (χ² = 0.203*, p = 0.043), suggesting that glucose levels may increase with age. Additionally, there was a negative relationship between urine pH and age (p < 0.001), indicating that pH levels tend to decrease as people get older. These findings underscore the importance of monitoring urine diagnostic parameters in aging populations. Urine reagent strips proved to be a valuable tool in this study, offering quick and efficient results and allowing for the detection of a wide range of chemical parameters. This approach provides essential insights into the functional changes occurring in the urinary system with age.
Ethical Statement
The author has read, understood, and complied as applicable with the statement on "Ethical responsibilities of Authors" as found in the Instructions for Authors”
We thank "Medical Care Lami" for the important contributions to this study
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