Research Article
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Year 2019, , 175 - 196, 30.09.2019


Purpose- This study aims to examine the influence of relationship quality and power on value creation and appropriation and ultimately, on satisfaction and relationship continuity. Based on the theory of social exchange, this study proposes a conceptual model, which positions value creation and appropriation as central variables in the nomological network of business relationships.

Methodology- A quantitative study of 174 suppliers was carried out in order to compare the theoretical model with the empirical reality.

Findings- The results obtained show that the relationship quality promotes greater value creation and appropriation in ongoing business relationships. As for power, its influence differs depending on how it is exercised within the relationship. Moreover, the appropriation of value remains the main driver of partner satisfaction, a sine qua non condition for the continuity of the relationship.

Conclusion- This research contributes to a better understanding of value creation-appropriation in ongoing business relationships. By strategically managing their customer-supplier relationships, managers can create and capture greater value and gain a competitive advantage.


  • Abbad, H. (2008). L’orientation à long terme dans le canal de distribution : le cas de la relation entre la grande distribution et les PMI agroalimentaires au Maroc, Thèse de doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université de la Méditerranée.
  • Alejandro, T. B., Souza, D. V., Boles, J. S., Ribeiro, Á. H. P., and Monteiro, P. R. R. (2011). The outcome of company and account manager relationship quality on loyalty, relationship value and performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(1), 36–43.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1995). Relationships in Business Markets : Exchange Episodes , Value Creation , and Their Empirical Assessment.
  • Anderson, J. C., and Narus, J. A. (1990). A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships. Journal of Marketing, 54(1), 42.
  • Arend, R. J., Wisner, J. D., Arnett, D. B., and Badrinarayanan, V. (2005). Enhancing customer-needs–driven crm strategies: Core selling teams, knowledge management competence, and relationship marketing competence. Elsevier (Vol. 20).
  • Athanasopoulou, P. (2009). Relationship quality a critical literature review.
  • Athanassopoulou, P. (2006). Determining relationship quality in the development of business-to-business financial services. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 13(1), 87–120.
  • Bandara, S., Leckie, C., Lobo, A., and Hewege, C. (2017). Power and relationship quality in supply chains. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 29(3), 501–518.
  • Becker, J., Klein, K., and Wetzels, M. (2012). Hierarchical Latent Variable Models in PLS-SEM : Guidelines for Using Reflective-Formative Type Models. Long Range Planning, 45(5–6), 359–394.
  • Belaya, V., and Hanf, J. H. (2009). The two sides of power in business-to-business relationships: implications for supply chain management. The Marketing Review, 9(4), 361–381.
  • Benton, W. C., and Maloni, M. (2005). The influence of power driven buyer/seller relationships on supply chain satisfaction. Journal of Operations Management, 23(1), 1–22.
  • Billitteri, C., Nigro, G. Lo, and Perrone, G. (2013). How risk influences the choice of governance mode in biopharmaceutical inter-firm relationships. International Business Review, 22(6), 932–950.
  • Blau, P. M. (1960). A Theory of Social Integration. American Journal of Sociology, 65(6), 545–556.
  • Blau, P. M. (2017). Exchange and Power in Social Life. Routledge.
  • Brito, R. P., and Miguel, P. L. S. (2016). Power, Governance, and Value in Collaboration: Differences between Buyer and Supplier Perspectives. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 38(1), 42–49.
  • Carson, S. J., Devinney, T. M., Dowling, G. R., and John, G. (1999). Understanding Institutional Designs within Marketing Value Systems. Journal of Marketing, 63(4_suppl1), 115–130.
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  • Chen, P.-Y., Chen, K.-Y., and Wu, L.-Y. (2017). The impact of trust and commitment on value creation in asymmetric buyer–seller relationships: the mediation effect of specific asset investments. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 32(3), 457–471.
  • Cherni, M., and Leroux, V. (2015). Dynamique relationnelle et impact sur la création- appropriation de la valeur dans les partenariats client- fournisseur Dynamique relationnelle et impact sur la création- appropriation de la valeur dans les partenariats client- fournisseur, 1–25.
  • Chicksand, D., and Rehme, J. (2018). Total value in business relationships: exploring the link between power and value appropriation. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 33(2), 174–182.
  • Coff, R. W. (1999). When Competitive Advantage Doesn’t Lead to Performance: The Resource-Based View and Stakeholder Bargaining Power. Organization Science, 10(2), 119–133.
  • Cox, A., Watson, G., Lonsdale, C., and Sanderson, J. (2004). Managing appropriately in power regimes : Relationship and performance management in 12 supply chain cases Supply Chain Management : An International Journal cases Article information :, (January 2015).
  • Crook, T. R., and Combs, J. G. (2007). Sources and consequences of bargaining power in supply chains, 25, 546–555.
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Year 2019, , 175 - 196, 30.09.2019



  • Abbad, H. (2008). L’orientation à long terme dans le canal de distribution : le cas de la relation entre la grande distribution et les PMI agroalimentaires au Maroc, Thèse de doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université de la Méditerranée.
  • Alejandro, T. B., Souza, D. V., Boles, J. S., Ribeiro, Á. H. P., and Monteiro, P. R. R. (2011). The outcome of company and account manager relationship quality on loyalty, relationship value and performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(1), 36–43.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1995). Relationships in Business Markets : Exchange Episodes , Value Creation , and Their Empirical Assessment.
  • Anderson, J. C., and Narus, J. A. (1990). A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships. Journal of Marketing, 54(1), 42.
  • Arend, R. J., Wisner, J. D., Arnett, D. B., and Badrinarayanan, V. (2005). Enhancing customer-needs–driven crm strategies: Core selling teams, knowledge management competence, and relationship marketing competence. Elsevier (Vol. 20).
  • Athanasopoulou, P. (2009). Relationship quality a critical literature review.
  • Athanassopoulou, P. (2006). Determining relationship quality in the development of business-to-business financial services. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 13(1), 87–120.
  • Bandara, S., Leckie, C., Lobo, A., and Hewege, C. (2017). Power and relationship quality in supply chains. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 29(3), 501–518.
  • Becker, J., Klein, K., and Wetzels, M. (2012). Hierarchical Latent Variable Models in PLS-SEM : Guidelines for Using Reflective-Formative Type Models. Long Range Planning, 45(5–6), 359–394.
  • Belaya, V., and Hanf, J. H. (2009). The two sides of power in business-to-business relationships: implications for supply chain management. The Marketing Review, 9(4), 361–381.
  • Benton, W. C., and Maloni, M. (2005). The influence of power driven buyer/seller relationships on supply chain satisfaction. Journal of Operations Management, 23(1), 1–22.
  • Billitteri, C., Nigro, G. Lo, and Perrone, G. (2013). How risk influences the choice of governance mode in biopharmaceutical inter-firm relationships. International Business Review, 22(6), 932–950.
  • Blau, P. M. (1960). A Theory of Social Integration. American Journal of Sociology, 65(6), 545–556.
  • Blau, P. M. (2017). Exchange and Power in Social Life. Routledge.
  • Brito, R. P., and Miguel, P. L. S. (2016). Power, Governance, and Value in Collaboration: Differences between Buyer and Supplier Perspectives. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 38(1), 42–49.
  • Carson, S. J., Devinney, T. M., Dowling, G. R., and John, G. (1999). Understanding Institutional Designs within Marketing Value Systems. Journal of Marketing, 63(4_suppl1), 115–130.
  • Chadwick-Jones, J. (1976). Social exchange theory: Its structure and influence in social psychology.
  • Chancerel, J.-L. (1988). Théorie de la mesure et objets. Espace Géographique, 17(3), 218–231.
  • Chandon, J.-L. (2007). Théorie de la mesure et construction d ’ échelles. Recherche.
  • Chen, P.-Y., Chen, K.-Y., and Wu, L.-Y. (2017). The impact of trust and commitment on value creation in asymmetric buyer–seller relationships: the mediation effect of specific asset investments. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 32(3), 457–471.
  • Cherni, M., and Leroux, V. (2015). Dynamique relationnelle et impact sur la création- appropriation de la valeur dans les partenariats client- fournisseur Dynamique relationnelle et impact sur la création- appropriation de la valeur dans les partenariats client- fournisseur, 1–25.
  • Chicksand, D., and Rehme, J. (2018). Total value in business relationships: exploring the link between power and value appropriation. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 33(2), 174–182.
  • Coff, R. W. (1999). When Competitive Advantage Doesn’t Lead to Performance: The Resource-Based View and Stakeholder Bargaining Power. Organization Science, 10(2), 119–133.
  • Cox, A., Watson, G., Lonsdale, C., and Sanderson, J. (2004). Managing appropriately in power regimes : Relationship and performance management in 12 supply chain cases Supply Chain Management : An International Journal cases Article information :, (January 2015).
  • Crook, T. R., and Combs, J. G. (2007). Sources and consequences of bargaining power in supply chains, 25, 546–555.
  • Crosby, L. A., Evans, K. R., and Cowles, D. (1990). Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective. Journal of Marketing, 54(3), 68–81.
  • Deligonul, S., Kim, D., Roath, A. S., and Cavusgil, E. (2006). The Achilles’ heel of an enduring relationship: Appropriation of rents between a manufacturer and its foreign distributor. Journal of Business Research, 59(7), 802–810.
  • Dion, P., and Goodman, L. (2001). The Determinants of Commitment in the Distributor – Manufacturer Relationship. Industrial Marketing Management, 30, 287–300. Retrieved from
  • Doney, P. M., and Cannon, J. P. (1997). An Examination of the Nature of Trust in Buyer–Seller Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 61(2), 35–51.
  • Dwyer, R., Schurr, F., Paul, H., and Oh, S. (1987). Buyer-Seller Developing Relationships. American Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Apr., 1987), Pp. 11-27, 51(2), 11–27.
  • Dyer, J. H., and Chu, W. (2011). The determinants of trust in supplier-automaker relationships in the US, Japan, and Korea. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(1), 10–27.
  • Dyer, J. H., and Singh, H. (1998). The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganizational Competitive Advantage. Academy of Management Review, 23(4), 660–679.
  • Ellegaard, Chris; Medlin, Christopher John; Geersbro, J. (2014). Value Appropriation in Business Exchange - Literature Review and Future Research Opportunities Introduction. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 29(April), 185–198.
  • Emerson, R. M. (1962). Power-dependence relations. American Sociological Review, 27(1), 31–41. Retrieved from
  • Fang, E., Palmatier, R. W., and Evans, K. R. (2008). Influence of customer participation on creating and sharing of new product value. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(3), 322–336.
  • Ferrer, M., Santa, R., Hyland, P. W., and Bretherton, P. (2010). Relational factors that explain supply chain relationships. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(3), 419–440.
  • Field, A. (2005). Discovering statistics using SPSS . Thousand Oaks, CA, US.
  • Fishbein, M., and Ajzen, I. (1977). Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. Retrieved from
  • Fornell, C., and Bookstein, F. L. (1982). Two Structural Equation Models: LISREL and PLS Applied to Consumer Exit-Voice Theory. Journal of Marketing Research, 19(4), 440–452.
  • Fornell, C., and Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39.
  • Francis, M., Fisher, R., Thomas, A., and Rowlands, H. (2014). The meaning of ‘value’ in purchasing, logistics and operations management. International Journal of Production Research, 52(22), 6576–6589.
  • Frazier, G. L., and Rody, R. C. (1991). The Use of Influence Strategies in Interfirm Relationships in Industrial Product Channels. Journal of Marketing, 55(1), 52–69.
  • Frazier, G. L., and Summers, J. O. (1986). Perceptions of Interfirm Power and its use within a Franchise Channel of Distribution. Journal of Marketing Research, 23(2), 169–176.
  • Fynes, B., Voss, C., and de Búrca, S. (2005). The impact of supply chain relationship dynamics on manufacturing performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25(1), 6–19.
  • Ganesan, S. (1994). Determinants of Long-Term in Buyer-Seller Orientation Relationships. The Journal of Marketing, 58(April), 1–19.
  • Gelderman, C. J., Semeijn, J., and De Zoete, R. (2008). The use of coercive influence strategies by dominant suppliers. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 14(4), 220–229.
  • Griffith, D. A., Harvey, M. G., and Lusch, R. F. (2006). Social exchange in supply chain relationships: The resulting benefits of procedural and distributive justice. Journal of Operations Management.
  • Gulati, R., and Sytch, M. (2007). Dependence Asymmetry and Joint Dependence in Interorganizational Relationships: Effects of Embeddedness on a Manufacturer’s Performance in Procurement Relationships. Administrative Science Quarterly, 52(1), 32–69.
  • Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., and Gudergan, S. P. (2018). Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Equation Modeling.
  • Hausman, A., and Johnston, W. J. (2010). Industrial Marketing Management The impact of coercive and non-coercive forms of in fl uence on trust , commitment , and compliance in supply chains. Industrial Marketing Management, 39(3), 519–526.
  • Henneberg, S., Jiang, Z., Shiu, E., and Naude, P. (2016). Relationship Quality in Business to Business Relationships-Reviewing the Current Literatures and Proposing a New Measurement Model. Psychology and Marketing, 33(4), 297–313.
  • Homans, G. C. (1958). Social Behavior as Exchange. American Journal of Sociology, 63(6), 597–606.
  • Jap, S. D. (2001). “Pie Sharing” in Complex Collaboration Contexts. Journal of Marketing Research, 38(1), 86–99.
  • JF Hair Jr, GTM Hult, C Ringle, M. S. (2014). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. sage publication (Vol. 46).
  • JF Hair Jr, GTM Hult, C Ringle, M. S. (2017). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. sage publication.
  • Johnson, J. L., Sakano, T., Cote, J. A., and Onzo, N. (1993). The Exercise of Interfirm Power and Its Repercussions in U.S.-Japanese Channel Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 57(2), 1–10.
  • Jonsson, P., and Zineldin, M. (2003). Achieving high satisfaction in supplier‐dealer working relationships. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 8(3), 224–240.
  • Kale, P., Singh, H., and Perlmutter, H. (2000). Learning and protection of proprietary assets in strategic alliances: building relational capital. Strategic Management Journal, 21(3), 217–237.<217::AID-SMJ95>3.0.CO;2-Y
  • Kang, J. (2013). Value Creation and Appropriation in Strategic Alliances: Roles of Resource Characteristics and Structural Position in Alliance Network. Business and Management Review, 3(02), 1–9.
  • Krause, D. R., and Ellram, L. M. (1997). Success factors in supplier development. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 27(1), 39–52.
  • Kumar, N., Scheer, L. K., and Steenkamp, J.-B. E. M. (1995). The Effects of Perceived Interdependence on Dealer Attitudes. Journal of Marketing Research, 32(3), 348.
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There are 94 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Mdarhri Alaoui Saad This is me 0000-0002-2119-7784

Amine Noureddine This is me 0000-0002-8045-8374

Publication Date September 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019



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