Year 2019,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 125 - 132, 30.08.2019
Lionel Merveil Anague Tabejieu
Blaise Romeo Nana Nbendjo
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Mechanics, 16 (2001), 53-59.
- [12] L. M. Anague Tabejieu, B. R. Nana Nbendjo, G. Filatrella, P. Woafo, Amplitude stochastic response of Rayleigh beams to randomly moving loads,
Nonlinear Dynamics, 89 (2017), 925-937.
- [13] W.-C. Xie, Dynamic stability of structures, Cambridge university press, New York, 2006.
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- [17] L. M. Anague Tabejieu, B. R. Nana Nbendjo, U. Dorka, Identification of horseshoes chaos in a cable-stayed bridge subjected to randomly moving loads,
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 85 (2016), 62-69.
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On the Probabilistic Characteristics of A Two Lane Slab-Type-Bridge Response Due to Traffic Flow
Year 2019,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 125 - 132, 30.08.2019
Lionel Merveil Anague Tabejieu
Blaise Romeo Nana Nbendjo
In this study, the two first probabilistic characteristics of a two lane slab-type-bridge response due to traffic flow is investigated. A two lane slab-type-bridge is modelled by a Simply Supported (SS) thin rectangular plate with two separate rectilinear paths. The modelling of the traffic flow is based on the assumption that two opposite series of vehicles of random weights arrive at the bridge at random times that constitute the Poisson stochastic process and with the stochastic velocities. The expected value and the standard deviation of the bridge deflection are obtained. We demonstrate that the bridge safety strongly depends to the mean value and to the standard deviation of the vehicles velocities.
- [1] L. Fryba, Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Load, Thomas Telford, London, 1999.
- [2] H. Ouyang, Moving load dynamic problems: a tutorial (with a brief overview), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 25 (2011), 2039-2060.
- [3] A. Nikkhoo, F. R. Rofooei, Parametric study of the dynamic response of thin rectangular plates traversed by a moving mass, Acta Mechanica, 223
(2012), 15-27.
- [4] J.-J. Wu, Vibration analyses of an inclined flat plate subjected to moving loads, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 299 (2007), 373-387.
- [5] J. Vaseghi Amiri, A. Nikkhoo, M. R. Davoodi, M. Ebrahimzadeh Hassanabadi, Vibration analysis of a Mindlin elastic plate under a moving mass
excitation by eigenfunction expansion method, Thin-Walled Structures, 62 (2012), 53-64.
- [6] X. Q. Zhu, S. S. Law, Dynamic Behavior of Orthotropic Rectangular Plates under Moving Loads, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 129 (2007), 79-87.
- [7] A. Nikkhoo, M. Ebrahimzadeh Hassanabadi, S. Eftekhar Azamc, J. Vaseghi Amiri, Vibration of a thin rectangular plate subjected to series of moving
inertial loads, Mechanics Research Communications, 55 (2014), 105-113.
- [8] A. Rystwej, P. ´Sniady, Dynamic response of an infinite beam and plate to a stochastic train of moving forces, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 299
(2007), 1033-1048.
- [9] M. Li, T. Qian, Y. Zhong, H. Zhong, Dynamic Response of the Rectangular Plate Subjected to Moving Loads with Variable Velocity, Journal of
Engineering Mechanics, 140 (2013), 06014001.
- [10] S. P. Timoshenko, Theory of Plates and Shells, Wiley, New York, 1959.
- [11] P. ´Sniady, S. Biernat, R. Sieniawska, S. Zukowski, Vibrations of the beam due to a load moving with stochastic velocity, Probabilistic Engineering
Mechanics, 16 (2001), 53-59.
- [12] L. M. Anague Tabejieu, B. R. Nana Nbendjo, G. Filatrella, P. Woafo, Amplitude stochastic response of Rayleigh beams to randomly moving loads,
Nonlinear Dynamics, 89 (2017), 925-937.
- [13] W.-C. Xie, Dynamic stability of structures, Cambridge university press, New York, 2006.
- [14] P. ´Sniady, S. Biernat, R. Sieniawska, S. Zukowski, Vibrations of the beam due to a load moving with stochastic velocity, Probabilistic Engineering
Mechanics, 16 (2001), 53-59.
- [15] R. J. Salter, Highway Trafic Analysis and Design, Macmillan, London, 1976.
- [16] D. Bryja, P. ´Sniady, Spatially coupled vibrations of a suspension bridge under random Highway traffic, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,
20 (1991), 995-1010.
- [17] L. M. Anague Tabejieu, B. R. Nana Nbendjo, U. Dorka, Identification of horseshoes chaos in a cable-stayed bridge subjected to randomly moving loads,
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 85 (2016), 62-69.
- [18] M. Kami´nski, The Stochastic Perturbation Method for Computational Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, United Kingdom, 2013.