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Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8, 72 - 83, 29.05.2015


In the present study, Aspergillus parasiticus TEM obtained from our culture collection produced appreciable quantities (2955.739.4 U/gds) of extracellular protease, but negligible quantities of keratinase, when grown on wheat bran moistened to 75% with Czapex Dox solution containing 1% NaNO3 by means of solid-state fermentation (SSF). After incubation at 27C for 3 days, A. parasiticus TEM reached to a maximum protease activity. The optimum pH of purified enzyme was around pH 8.0 at 30C, but substantial activity was recorded at the pH 7.0-11.0 and it is stable pH values ranging from 7.0-9.0 for 8 hours. Temperature optimum of the enzyme was found to be at 50 oC without Ca++ and to be highly stable (90%) at 30oC for 8 hours. When the protease from A. parasiticus TEM was used in dehairing process of cattle hide, the mixture of 100% crude enzyme, 1.5% lime and 1% sodium sulphide based on hide weight was completely dehaired hides at 30oC for 6 hours, but crude enzyme 200% alone carried out this process for 8 hours


  • Dayanandan, A., Kanagaraj, J., Sounderraj, L., Govindaraju, R. and Rajkumar, G. S.; Application of an alkaline protease in leather processing: an ecofriendly approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 11, p. 533-536, 2003.
  • Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J. R., Nair, B. U. and Ramasami, T.; Progress and recent trends in biotechnological methods for leather processing. TRENDS in Biotechnology 22(4), p. 181-188, 2004.
  • Godfrey, T., and West, S.; Industrial Enzymology. 2nd Ed. MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1996.
  • Novo Nordisk; Enzymes at Work. Berlitz Translation Services, Copenhagen, Ed., Novo Nordisk, Bagsvaerd, 1995.
  • Novo Nordisk; Four steps where enzymes improve skins and hides. In: BioTimes, No. 2, Novo Nordisk, Bagsvaerd, p. 8–9, 1997.
  • Langmaier, F., Kolomazník, K., Sukop, S. and Mládek, M.; Products of enzymatic decomposition of chrome-tanned leather waste. JSLTC 83(4), p. 187-195, 1999.
  • Nakiboğlu, N., Toscalı, D. and Yasa, I.; Silver recovery from waste photographic films by an enzymatic method. Turkish J. Chem. 25, p. 349-353, 2001.
  • Tunga, R., Shrivastava, B. and Banerjee, R.; Purification and characterization of a protease from solid state cultures of Aspergillus parasiticus. Process Biochemistry 38, p. 1553-1558, 2003.
  • Tari, C., Gencekal, H. and Tokatlı, F.; Optimization of a growth medium using a statistical approach for the production of an alkaline protease from a newly isolated Bacillus sp. L21. Process Biochemistry 41, p. 659-665, 2006.
  • Gehring, A. G., DiMaio, G. L. Marmer, W. N. and Mazenko, C. E.; Unhairing with proteolytic enzymes derived from Streptomyces griseus. JALCA 97(10), p. 406-411, 2002.
  • Prakasham, R.S., Subba Rao, Ch., and Sarma, P.N. Green gram husk—an inexpensive substrate for alkaline protease production by Bacillus sp. in solid-state fermentation Bioresource Technology 97, p. 1449–1454, 2006
  • Yasa, I. and Cadirci, BH. Microbial Physiology, Ege University Press, Izmir, 2010.
  • Anson, M. L.; The estimation of pepsin, trypsin, papain and cathepsin with haemoglobin. The Journal of General Physiology. 22, p. 79-89, 1938.
  • Takami, H., Akiba, T. and Horikoshi, K.; Characterization of an alkaline protease from Bacillus sp. no. AH-101. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 33(5), p. 519-523, 1990.
  • Riffel, A., Ortolan, S. and Brandelli, A.; De-hairing activity of extracellular proteases produced by keratinolytic bacteria. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 78, p. 855-859, 2003.
  • Aslan, A., Karavana, H.A., Gulumser, G., Yasa, İ. ve Cadirci, B.H. Utilization of Collagen Hydrolysate in Keratinase Production from Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 102 (4): 129-134, 2007.
  • Bressolier, P., Letourneau, F., Urdaci, M. and Verneuil, B.; Purification and characterization of a Keratinolytic serine proteinase from Streptomyces albidoflavus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65(6), p. 2570-2576, 1999.
  • Bernal, C., Vidal, L., Valdivieso, E. and Coello, N.; Keratinolytic activity of Kocuria rosea. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 19, p. 255-261, 2003.
  • Bradford, M. M.; A rapid and sensitive method for the quantization of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72(1-2), p. 248-254, 1976.
  • Chakraborty, R., Srinivasan, M., Sarkar, S. K. and Raghavan, K. V.; Production of acid protease by a new Aspergillus niger by solid substrate fermentation. Journal of Microbial Biotechnology 10, p. 17-30, 1995.
  • Malathi, S. and Chakraborty, R.; Production of alkaline protease by a new Aspergillus flavus isolate under solid-substrate fermentation conditions for use as a depilation agent. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57(3), p. 712-716, 1991.
  • Boer, C. G. and Peralta, R. M.; Production of extracellular protease by Aspergillus tamarii. J. Basic Microbiol. 40(2), p. 75-81, 2000.
  • Fernández-Lahore, H. M., Fraile, E. R. and Cascone, O.; Acid protease recovery from a solid-state fermentation system. Journal of Biotechnology 62, p. 83-93, 1998.
  • Farag, A. M. and Hassan, M. A.; Purification, characterization and immobilization of a keratinase from Aspergillus oryzae. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 34, p. 85-93, 2004.
  • Raju, A. A., Chandrababu, N. K., Samivelu, N., Rose, C. and Rao, N. M.; Eco-friendly enzymatic dehairing using extracellular proteases from a Bacillus species isolate. JALCA 91(5), p. 115-119, 1996.
  • Santos, R. M. D. B., Firmino, A. A. P., de Sa´, C. M. and Felix, C. R.; Keratinolytic Activity of Aspergillus fumigatus Fresenius Current Microbiology, 33(6), p. 364-370, 1996.
  • Gupta, R. and Ramnani, P.; Microbial keratinases and their prospective applications: an overview. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 70, p. 21-33, 2006.
  • Zerdani, I., Faid, M. and Malki, A.; Feather wastes digestion by new isolated strains Bacillus sp. in Morocco. African Journal of Biotechnology 3(1), p. 67-70, 2004.
  • Anonymous; Protease inhibitors. Homepage online, available from http://www.roche- (accessed 01.07.2006).
  • Anonymous; Protease inhibitors. Homepage online, available from (accessed 01.07.2006).
  • Foroughi, F., Keshavarz, T. and Evans, C. S.; Specificities of proteases for use in leather manufacture. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 81, p. 257-261, 2006.
Yıl 2015, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8, 72 - 83, 29.05.2015



  • Dayanandan, A., Kanagaraj, J., Sounderraj, L., Govindaraju, R. and Rajkumar, G. S.; Application of an alkaline protease in leather processing: an ecofriendly approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 11, p. 533-536, 2003.
  • Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J. R., Nair, B. U. and Ramasami, T.; Progress and recent trends in biotechnological methods for leather processing. TRENDS in Biotechnology 22(4), p. 181-188, 2004.
  • Godfrey, T., and West, S.; Industrial Enzymology. 2nd Ed. MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1996.
  • Novo Nordisk; Enzymes at Work. Berlitz Translation Services, Copenhagen, Ed., Novo Nordisk, Bagsvaerd, 1995.
  • Novo Nordisk; Four steps where enzymes improve skins and hides. In: BioTimes, No. 2, Novo Nordisk, Bagsvaerd, p. 8–9, 1997.
  • Langmaier, F., Kolomazník, K., Sukop, S. and Mládek, M.; Products of enzymatic decomposition of chrome-tanned leather waste. JSLTC 83(4), p. 187-195, 1999.
  • Nakiboğlu, N., Toscalı, D. and Yasa, I.; Silver recovery from waste photographic films by an enzymatic method. Turkish J. Chem. 25, p. 349-353, 2001.
  • Tunga, R., Shrivastava, B. and Banerjee, R.; Purification and characterization of a protease from solid state cultures of Aspergillus parasiticus. Process Biochemistry 38, p. 1553-1558, 2003.
  • Tari, C., Gencekal, H. and Tokatlı, F.; Optimization of a growth medium using a statistical approach for the production of an alkaline protease from a newly isolated Bacillus sp. L21. Process Biochemistry 41, p. 659-665, 2006.
  • Gehring, A. G., DiMaio, G. L. Marmer, W. N. and Mazenko, C. E.; Unhairing with proteolytic enzymes derived from Streptomyces griseus. JALCA 97(10), p. 406-411, 2002.
  • Prakasham, R.S., Subba Rao, Ch., and Sarma, P.N. Green gram husk—an inexpensive substrate for alkaline protease production by Bacillus sp. in solid-state fermentation Bioresource Technology 97, p. 1449–1454, 2006
  • Yasa, I. and Cadirci, BH. Microbial Physiology, Ege University Press, Izmir, 2010.
  • Anson, M. L.; The estimation of pepsin, trypsin, papain and cathepsin with haemoglobin. The Journal of General Physiology. 22, p. 79-89, 1938.
  • Takami, H., Akiba, T. and Horikoshi, K.; Characterization of an alkaline protease from Bacillus sp. no. AH-101. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 33(5), p. 519-523, 1990.
  • Riffel, A., Ortolan, S. and Brandelli, A.; De-hairing activity of extracellular proteases produced by keratinolytic bacteria. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 78, p. 855-859, 2003.
  • Aslan, A., Karavana, H.A., Gulumser, G., Yasa, İ. ve Cadirci, B.H. Utilization of Collagen Hydrolysate in Keratinase Production from Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 102 (4): 129-134, 2007.
  • Bressolier, P., Letourneau, F., Urdaci, M. and Verneuil, B.; Purification and characterization of a Keratinolytic serine proteinase from Streptomyces albidoflavus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65(6), p. 2570-2576, 1999.
  • Bernal, C., Vidal, L., Valdivieso, E. and Coello, N.; Keratinolytic activity of Kocuria rosea. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 19, p. 255-261, 2003.
  • Bradford, M. M.; A rapid and sensitive method for the quantization of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72(1-2), p. 248-254, 1976.
  • Chakraborty, R., Srinivasan, M., Sarkar, S. K. and Raghavan, K. V.; Production of acid protease by a new Aspergillus niger by solid substrate fermentation. Journal of Microbial Biotechnology 10, p. 17-30, 1995.
  • Malathi, S. and Chakraborty, R.; Production of alkaline protease by a new Aspergillus flavus isolate under solid-substrate fermentation conditions for use as a depilation agent. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57(3), p. 712-716, 1991.
  • Boer, C. G. and Peralta, R. M.; Production of extracellular protease by Aspergillus tamarii. J. Basic Microbiol. 40(2), p. 75-81, 2000.
  • Fernández-Lahore, H. M., Fraile, E. R. and Cascone, O.; Acid protease recovery from a solid-state fermentation system. Journal of Biotechnology 62, p. 83-93, 1998.
  • Farag, A. M. and Hassan, M. A.; Purification, characterization and immobilization of a keratinase from Aspergillus oryzae. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 34, p. 85-93, 2004.
  • Raju, A. A., Chandrababu, N. K., Samivelu, N., Rose, C. and Rao, N. M.; Eco-friendly enzymatic dehairing using extracellular proteases from a Bacillus species isolate. JALCA 91(5), p. 115-119, 1996.
  • Santos, R. M. D. B., Firmino, A. A. P., de Sa´, C. M. and Felix, C. R.; Keratinolytic Activity of Aspergillus fumigatus Fresenius Current Microbiology, 33(6), p. 364-370, 1996.
  • Gupta, R. and Ramnani, P.; Microbial keratinases and their prospective applications: an overview. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 70, p. 21-33, 2006.
  • Zerdani, I., Faid, M. and Malki, A.; Feather wastes digestion by new isolated strains Bacillus sp. in Morocco. African Journal of Biotechnology 3(1), p. 67-70, 2004.
  • Anonymous; Protease inhibitors. Homepage online, available from http://www.roche- (accessed 01.07.2006).
  • Anonymous; Protease inhibitors. Homepage online, available from (accessed 01.07.2006).
  • Foroughi, F., Keshavarz, T. and Evans, C. S.; Specificities of proteases for use in leather manufacture. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 81, p. 257-261, 2006.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bilge Hilal Cadirci Bu kişi benim

Ihsan Yasa Bu kişi benim

Behzat Oral Bıtlıslı Bu kişi benim

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

APA Cadirci, B. H., Yasa, I., Bıtlıslı, B. O., Karavana, H. A. (2015). Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process. Journal of New Results in Science, 4(8), 72-83.
AMA Cadirci BH, Yasa I, Bıtlıslı BO, Karavana HA. Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process. JNRS. Ağustos 2015;4(8):72-83.
Chicago Cadirci, Bilge Hilal, Ihsan Yasa, Behzat Oral Bıtlıslı, ve Huseyin ATA Karavana. “Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus Parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process”. Journal of New Results in Science 4, sy. 8 (Ağustos 2015): 72-83.
EndNote Cadirci BH, Yasa I, Bıtlıslı BO, Karavana HA (01 Ağustos 2015) Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process. Journal of New Results in Science 4 8 72–83.
IEEE B. H. Cadirci, I. Yasa, B. O. Bıtlıslı, ve H. A. Karavana, “Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process”, JNRS, c. 4, sy. 8, ss. 72–83, 2015.
ISNAD Cadirci, Bilge Hilal vd. “Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus Parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process”. Journal of New Results in Science 4/8 (Ağustos 2015), 72-83.
JAMA Cadirci BH, Yasa I, Bıtlıslı BO, Karavana HA. Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process. JNRS. 2015;4:72–83.
MLA Cadirci, Bilge Hilal vd. “Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus Parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process”. Journal of New Results in Science, c. 4, sy. 8, 2015, ss. 72-83.
Vancouver Cadirci BH, Yasa I, Bıtlıslı BO, Karavana HA. Thermostable Serine Protease By Aspergillus parasiticus TEM Have Promising Activity In Enzymatic Dehairing Process. JNRS. 2015;4(8):72-83.

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