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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 87 - 107, 15.12.2019



  • Acun Özgünler, S.; Özgünler, M. (2018), “A Research on Sustainability of Traditional Buildings by Re-Using The Local Earthen Materials”, Gazi University Journal of Science, GU J Sci 31(4): 985-994 (2018), pp. 985-994.
  • Aslam, M.S.; Awang, K.W. (2015), “Enterprising Rural Tourism for Sustainable Rural Development in Sri Lanka”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5 (Special Issue), pp. 27-33.
  • Babayev, A. (2016), “Kırsal Turizme Kavramsal Yaklaşım, Kırsal Turizmin Önemi ve Etkileri: Türkiye örneği”, [A conceptual Approach in Rural Tourism, Importance and Effects of Rural Tourism], Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, sayı: CİEP Özel Sayısı, pp. 534-543.
  • Bahçe, A.S. (2009), “Kırsal Gelişimde Kültür (Mirası) Turizmi Modeli”, [Cultural (Heritage) Tourism Model in Rural Development], Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sayı:25, pp.1-12.
  • Baysal, K., Özgürel, G., Çeken, H. (2016), “Aydın Yöresindeki Yerel Etkinliklerin Kırsal Turizm Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”, [The Evaluation of Rural Tourism in Aydın Region in Terms of the Local Activities], International Jorunal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (1), pp. 100-108.
  • Beceren Öztürk, R., Ispalar Çahantimur, A. (2010), “Valuation of Traditional Turkish Wooden Building Culture in Terms of Ecological and Socio-Cultural Sustainability, Case Study Cumalıkızık / Bursa”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 10 (4), pp. 466-471.
  • Beyhan, S.G., Ünügür, S.M., (2005), “Çağdaş Gereksinmeler Bağlamında Sürdürülebilir Turizm ve Kimlik Modeli”, [Sustainable Tourism and Identity Model in the Context of Contemporary Requirements ], İTÜ Dergisi / a, Mimarlık, Planlama, Tasarım, cilt:4, sayı:2, pp. 79-87.
  • Boz, M., Eryaman, M.Y., Özkan, Ç., (2014), “Kırsal Kalkınmada Turizmin Önemi: Nusratlı Köyü Örneği”, [The Importance of Tourism in Rural Development: Nusratlı Village Case Study], JED / GKD, no:9:2, pp. 293-308.
  • Bulut, Z., Yılmaz, H. (2008), “Evaluation of Natural, Cultural and Visual Values in Terms of Alternative Tourism in the Example of Kemaliye (Erzincan / Turkey), International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, 2 (2), pp. 13-20.
  • Butler, R. and Clark, G. , 1992. “Tourism in rural areas: Canada and United Kingdom”. Economy and Society, 2, 166–186.
  • Çakmakçı, E. (2016), “Turizm Bölgelerindeki Kırsal Alanlarda Emek Dönüşümü: Milas Kırsal Yörelerine Dair Bir Çalışma”, [Transformation of Labor in Rural Areas in the Tourism Regions: A Study on Milas Rural Areas], International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (2), pp.16-24.
  • Çelik, A., Polat Üzümcü, T., Çetin, İ. (2016), “Bursa İli Gölyazı Köyü’nün Açık Hava Rekreasyon Potansiyeli”, [Outdoor Recreation Potential of Gölyazı Village of Bursa Province], International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (2), pp. 32-40.
  • Çelikyay, S. (2016), “Strategies on Sustainability of Historical and Cultural Heritage in Amasra, Turkey”, International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies (IntJCSS), Vol. 2 (special issue 1), ISSN: 2458-9381, pp. 104-116.
  • Çetin, T. (2010), “Cumalıkızık Köyünde Kültürel Miras ve Turizm Algısı”, [Perception of Cultural Heritage and Tourism in Cumalıkızık Village], Milli Folklor, yıl 22, sayı 87.
  • Davardoust, S.; Karahan, F. (2019), “Vernacular Architecture for Sustainable Rural Development: A Case Study of Kaleybar District in Iran”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi, ATA Planlama ve Tasarım Dergisi, cilt: 3, sayı: 1, pp. 59-68.
  • Denk, E., Mil, B. (2016), “Erzurum Oltu İlçesinin Kırsal Turizm Potansiyeli ve Yerel Halkın Turizm Algılamaları”, [Rural Tourism Potential of Erzurum-Oltu: Perception of Local Residents], International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (2), pp.7-15.
  • Dinçer, Y., Dinçer, İ. 2005, “Historical Heritage – Conservation – Restoration in Small Towns and Question of Rural Gentrification in Turkey”, Section III:Evolving Townscape and Lanscapes within Their Settings: Managing Dynamic Change, 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium, 17 – 21 October 2005, Xi'an, China.
  • Ertürk, S.A., 2009, “Zeytinbağı (Tirilye) ‘nda Turizm İmkanları” [Tourism Opportunities in Zeytinbağı], İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü, Coğrafya Dergisi, sayı:19, sayfa 1-27, İstanbul.
  • Fernandes,J., Mateus, R., Bragança, L., Correia da Silva, J.J. (2014), “Portuguese Vernacular Architecture: The Contirbution of Vernacular Materials and Design Approaches for Sustainable Construction”, Architectural Science Review, Vol. 58, Issue 4: Cultural Sustainability: Part A, pp. 324-336.
  • Gülhan, D., (2016), “Sürdürülebilir Turizm Kapsamında Tarım Endüstrisi ve Zeytinyağı Turizminin Birgi Yerleşiminde Olabilirliği Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, [In the Context of Sustainable Tourism: An Evaluation About the Possibility of the Agri-Industrial Tourism and Oleo-Tourism in Birgi Settlement], Social Sciences (NWSASOS), 11 (2), pp. 116-132.
  • Güney, D., Göller, V. (2016), “Kırsal Turizm Konusunda Yerel Halkın Yaklaşımının Belirlenmesi: Misi Köyü Örneği” [Determination of Approaches of Local Community in Rural Tourism, Misi Village], Tourism Academic Journal.3 (2), pp.25-36.
  • Gürdoğan, A., Tetik, S. (2016), “Salihli’nin Kırsal Turizm Potansiyelinin Değerlendirilmesi”, [Rural Tourism Potential Evaluation of Salihli], International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (1): pp. 59-68.
  • Gürer, N. (2003), Kırsal Geleneksel Konut Dokusunun Turizm Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi, Cumalıkızık Örneği, [The Evaluation of the Rural Traditional Housing Pattern Within the Content of Tourism, Cumalıkızık Case], Master Thesis in Science, Gazi University Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara.
  • Kaminski, J., Benson, A. M., and Arnold, D. (2014), Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Tourism, Abington and New York, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-203-583368-5.
  • Karacaoğlu, S., Yolal, M., Birdir, K. (2016), “Toplum Temelli Turizm Projelerinde Katılım ve Paylaşım: Misi Köyü Örneği”, [Participation and Sharing in Community Based Toursim Projects: The Case of Misi Village], Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(2), pp. 103-125.
  • Kocaman, M.; Kocaman, E.M. (2014), “The Importance of Cultural and Gastronomic Tourism in Local Economic Development: Zile Sample”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, vol. 4, no. 4, ISSN:2146-4138, pp.735-744.
  • Lane, B., Kastenholz, E. (2015), “Rural tourism: the evolution of practice and research approaches – towards a new generation concept?”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(8-9):1133-1156.
  • Liu, A., 2006. “Tourism in rural areas: Kedah, Malaysia”.Tourism Management, 27 (5), 878-889.
  • Öter, Z., Ünal, E. (2017), “Somut Olmayan Kültürel Mirasın Beypazarı Turizm Destinasyonunda Yerel Ekonomiye Katkıları”, [Contribution of Intangible Cultural Heritage to Local Economy in Beypazarı Tourism Destination], International Journal of Contemporary Toursim Research 1, pp. 26-37.
  • Özorhon, G., Özorhon, İ.F. (2014), “Learning from Mardin and Cumalıkızık: Turkish Vernacular Architecture in the Context of Sustainability”, Arts, 3, ISSN 2076-0752, pp. 175-189.
  • Pirselimoğlu Batman, Z., Çelik Çanga, A., Sökmen, T. (2019), “Kültürel Peyzajların Kırsal Turizm ile Kullanım İlişkisinin Değerlendirilmesi: Cumalıkızık-Bursa Örneği”, [Evaluation of Relationship of the Cultural Landscapes and Rural Tourism Use: Cumalıkızık-Bursa Example], Journal of Bartın Faculty of Forestry, 21 (1), pp. 1-13.
  • Robinson, J. (1989). Architecture as a Medium for Culture: Public Institution and Private House. S. Low and E. Chambers (Ed.s), Housing, Culture and Design, a Comparative Perspective. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Sagdic, Z., Değirmenci, A. (2015), “Searching of the Concept in Tirilye: an Architectural Design Studio”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, pp. 977-983.
  • Sharma, S., Sharma, P. (2013), “Traditional and Vernacular Buildings are Ecological Senstive, Climate Responsive Designs-Study of Himachal Pradesh”, International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences (IJCEBS), vol 1, issue 4, pp. 605-609.
  • Soykan, F. (2003), “Kırsal Turim ve Türkiye Turizmi için Önemi”, [Rural Toursim and Tirkiye Turizmi için Önemi], Aegean Geographical Journal, 12, pp.1-11.
  • Şengül, S., Bayhan, İ. (2018), “Turizm Destinasyonların Sürdürülebilir Gelişim: Göynük Yerel Turizm Paydaşları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, [Sustainable Development in Tourism Destinations: Research on Göynük Local Tourism Stakeholders], Journal of Travel and Hospitality Management, 15 (3), pp. 489-505.
  • Taş, M., Taş, N., and Çahantimur, A. (2009), “A Participatory Governance Model for the Sustainable Development of Cumalıkızık, A Heritage Site in Turkey”, Environment & Urbanization, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), vol. 21 (1), pp. 161-184.
  • Tezcan, A.M. (2010). Rethinking Transformation with Tourism: The Case of İzmir-Alaçatı. Master Thesis. Middle East Technical University, The Department Of Urban Policy Planning And Local Governments. Ankara
  • Uslu, A. and Kiper, T., (2006), “Turizmin Kültürel Miras Üzerine Etkileri: Beypazarı / Ankara Örneğinde Yerel Halkın Farkındalığı” [Effects of Tourism on Cultural Heritage: Public Awareness in Example of Beypazarı: Ankara], Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, sayı 3 (3), Tekirdağ, 305-314.
  • Uysal Ürey, Z. Ç. (2019), “Sociocultural Role of Architectural Types: Cultural Sustainability in Architecture and the Possibility of Convention”, GRID, vol. 2, no. 1. pp. 83-99.
  • Wahid, A. (2012), “Adaptive Vernacular Options for Sustainable Architecture”, Journal of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Dettlements, ISVS e-journal, vol.2, no:2, pp.74-87.
  • Wood, M. E., 2001. “Ecotourism and sustainable development”. Industry and Environment, 24 (3-4), 10-13.
  • Yu, D. W., Hendrickson, T. and Castillo, A., 1997. “Ecotourism and conservation in Amazonian Peru: Short-term and long-term challenges”. Environmental Conservation, 24 (2), 130-138.
  • Zhang, T. X., Yamamura, T., Fujiki, Y., (2006), “Can Vernacular Buildings Survive With Traditional Life Inside and Tourism Outside?”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 97, WIT Press.
  • Sources for Satellite Images of the Villages: General Directorate of Map [Harita Genel Müdürlüğü-HGM] (access date: 20.03.2019)
  • HGM, 2019a. Satellite Image of Bursa.
  • HGM, 2019b. Satellite Image of Misi.
  • HGM, 2019c. Satellite Image of Gölyazı.
  • HGM, 2019d. Satellite Image of Tirilye.
  • EU Sustainable Tourism Guidelines (2009), Guidelines for Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Historic Towns and Cities.
  • SustainableTourismGuidelines.pdf (Last access: 30.06.2017)
  • European Rural Heritage Observation Guide (2003), the 13th Session of the CEMAT, 16-17September 2003, Ljubljana.
  • / (Last access: 03.01.2019) ICOMOS, 1999. International Cultural Tourism Charter Managing Tourism at Places of Heritage Significance.
  • (Last access: 03.01.2019)
  • ICOMOS, 2008. The ICOMOS Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites.
  • (Last access: 03.01.2019) ICOMOS, 2011. The Valletta Principles for the Safeguarding and Management of Historic Cities, Towns and Urban Areas.
  • (Last access: 03.01.2019)
  • Kültür Portalı, 2019. “Misi Köyü - Bursa”, Türkiye Kültür Portalı web site,
  • (Last access: 03.01.2019)
  • Nilüfer Municipality, 2019a. “Misi’ye Bir Ödül Daha”, Nilüfer Municipality web site,
  • (Last access: 20.02.2019)
  • Nilüfer Municipality, 2019b. “Nilüfer Belediyesi Gölyazı’nın Geleceğini Yeniden Şekillendiriyor”, Nilüfer Municipality web site,
  •[galeri3866]/0/ (Last access: 03.01.2019)
  • Nilüfer Municipality, 2019c. “Gölyazı’daki Nekropol ve Kutsal Alan Kazıları Sona Erdi”, Nilüfer Municipality web site,
  •[popup]/0/ (Last access: 03.01.2019)
  • WCED [World Commission on Environment and Development], 2019. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future (The Brundtland Report).
  • (Last access: 03.01.2019)

Understanding Impacts of Cultural Tourism on Sustainability of Rural Architecture in Three Villages of Bursa

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 87 - 107, 15.12.2019


This paper
aims to describe consequences of cultural tourism for sustainability of rural
architectural heritage, forming traditional identity of three villages, named
Misi, Gölyazı, and Tirilye, in Bursa. Before making a detailed assessment, it is better to give
brief information about legalization concerning relation in between tourism and
rural architectural heritage. Afterwards, the common values of selected case
studies are given while also evaluating the problems and threats on their
sustainability. It concludes with recommendations defining what can be done to
conserve and reuse rural architectural heritage in villages of a historic city
while preventing and improving them against touristic demands. Hence, this
study is essential as investigating the challenges in conservation of rural
areas in City of
Bursa, one of the
UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS) in Turkey, while revealing rise of touristic activities
together with increasing interest and public awareness in its architectural and
natural heritage.


  • Acun Özgünler, S.; Özgünler, M. (2018), “A Research on Sustainability of Traditional Buildings by Re-Using The Local Earthen Materials”, Gazi University Journal of Science, GU J Sci 31(4): 985-994 (2018), pp. 985-994.
  • Aslam, M.S.; Awang, K.W. (2015), “Enterprising Rural Tourism for Sustainable Rural Development in Sri Lanka”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5 (Special Issue), pp. 27-33.
  • Babayev, A. (2016), “Kırsal Turizme Kavramsal Yaklaşım, Kırsal Turizmin Önemi ve Etkileri: Türkiye örneği”, [A conceptual Approach in Rural Tourism, Importance and Effects of Rural Tourism], Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, sayı: CİEP Özel Sayısı, pp. 534-543.
  • Bahçe, A.S. (2009), “Kırsal Gelişimde Kültür (Mirası) Turizmi Modeli”, [Cultural (Heritage) Tourism Model in Rural Development], Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sayı:25, pp.1-12.
  • Baysal, K., Özgürel, G., Çeken, H. (2016), “Aydın Yöresindeki Yerel Etkinliklerin Kırsal Turizm Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”, [The Evaluation of Rural Tourism in Aydın Region in Terms of the Local Activities], International Jorunal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (1), pp. 100-108.
  • Beceren Öztürk, R., Ispalar Çahantimur, A. (2010), “Valuation of Traditional Turkish Wooden Building Culture in Terms of Ecological and Socio-Cultural Sustainability, Case Study Cumalıkızık / Bursa”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 10 (4), pp. 466-471.
  • Beyhan, S.G., Ünügür, S.M., (2005), “Çağdaş Gereksinmeler Bağlamında Sürdürülebilir Turizm ve Kimlik Modeli”, [Sustainable Tourism and Identity Model in the Context of Contemporary Requirements ], İTÜ Dergisi / a, Mimarlık, Planlama, Tasarım, cilt:4, sayı:2, pp. 79-87.
  • Boz, M., Eryaman, M.Y., Özkan, Ç., (2014), “Kırsal Kalkınmada Turizmin Önemi: Nusratlı Köyü Örneği”, [The Importance of Tourism in Rural Development: Nusratlı Village Case Study], JED / GKD, no:9:2, pp. 293-308.
  • Bulut, Z., Yılmaz, H. (2008), “Evaluation of Natural, Cultural and Visual Values in Terms of Alternative Tourism in the Example of Kemaliye (Erzincan / Turkey), International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, 2 (2), pp. 13-20.
  • Butler, R. and Clark, G. , 1992. “Tourism in rural areas: Canada and United Kingdom”. Economy and Society, 2, 166–186.
  • Çakmakçı, E. (2016), “Turizm Bölgelerindeki Kırsal Alanlarda Emek Dönüşümü: Milas Kırsal Yörelerine Dair Bir Çalışma”, [Transformation of Labor in Rural Areas in the Tourism Regions: A Study on Milas Rural Areas], International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (2), pp.16-24.
  • Çelik, A., Polat Üzümcü, T., Çetin, İ. (2016), “Bursa İli Gölyazı Köyü’nün Açık Hava Rekreasyon Potansiyeli”, [Outdoor Recreation Potential of Gölyazı Village of Bursa Province], International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (2), pp. 32-40.
  • Çelikyay, S. (2016), “Strategies on Sustainability of Historical and Cultural Heritage in Amasra, Turkey”, International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies (IntJCSS), Vol. 2 (special issue 1), ISSN: 2458-9381, pp. 104-116.
  • Çetin, T. (2010), “Cumalıkızık Köyünde Kültürel Miras ve Turizm Algısı”, [Perception of Cultural Heritage and Tourism in Cumalıkızık Village], Milli Folklor, yıl 22, sayı 87.
  • Davardoust, S.; Karahan, F. (2019), “Vernacular Architecture for Sustainable Rural Development: A Case Study of Kaleybar District in Iran”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi, ATA Planlama ve Tasarım Dergisi, cilt: 3, sayı: 1, pp. 59-68.
  • Denk, E., Mil, B. (2016), “Erzurum Oltu İlçesinin Kırsal Turizm Potansiyeli ve Yerel Halkın Turizm Algılamaları”, [Rural Tourism Potential of Erzurum-Oltu: Perception of Local Residents], International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (2), pp.7-15.
  • Dinçer, Y., Dinçer, İ. 2005, “Historical Heritage – Conservation – Restoration in Small Towns and Question of Rural Gentrification in Turkey”, Section III:Evolving Townscape and Lanscapes within Their Settings: Managing Dynamic Change, 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium, 17 – 21 October 2005, Xi'an, China.
  • Ertürk, S.A., 2009, “Zeytinbağı (Tirilye) ‘nda Turizm İmkanları” [Tourism Opportunities in Zeytinbağı], İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü, Coğrafya Dergisi, sayı:19, sayfa 1-27, İstanbul.
  • Fernandes,J., Mateus, R., Bragança, L., Correia da Silva, J.J. (2014), “Portuguese Vernacular Architecture: The Contirbution of Vernacular Materials and Design Approaches for Sustainable Construction”, Architectural Science Review, Vol. 58, Issue 4: Cultural Sustainability: Part A, pp. 324-336.
  • Gülhan, D., (2016), “Sürdürülebilir Turizm Kapsamında Tarım Endüstrisi ve Zeytinyağı Turizminin Birgi Yerleşiminde Olabilirliği Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, [In the Context of Sustainable Tourism: An Evaluation About the Possibility of the Agri-Industrial Tourism and Oleo-Tourism in Birgi Settlement], Social Sciences (NWSASOS), 11 (2), pp. 116-132.
  • Güney, D., Göller, V. (2016), “Kırsal Turizm Konusunda Yerel Halkın Yaklaşımının Belirlenmesi: Misi Köyü Örneği” [Determination of Approaches of Local Community in Rural Tourism, Misi Village], Tourism Academic Journal.3 (2), pp.25-36.
  • Gürdoğan, A., Tetik, S. (2016), “Salihli’nin Kırsal Turizm Potansiyelinin Değerlendirilmesi”, [Rural Tourism Potential Evaluation of Salihli], International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6 (1): pp. 59-68.
  • Gürer, N. (2003), Kırsal Geleneksel Konut Dokusunun Turizm Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi, Cumalıkızık Örneği, [The Evaluation of the Rural Traditional Housing Pattern Within the Content of Tourism, Cumalıkızık Case], Master Thesis in Science, Gazi University Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara.
  • Kaminski, J., Benson, A. M., and Arnold, D. (2014), Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Tourism, Abington and New York, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-203-583368-5.
  • Karacaoğlu, S., Yolal, M., Birdir, K. (2016), “Toplum Temelli Turizm Projelerinde Katılım ve Paylaşım: Misi Köyü Örneği”, [Participation and Sharing in Community Based Toursim Projects: The Case of Misi Village], Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(2), pp. 103-125.
  • Kocaman, M.; Kocaman, E.M. (2014), “The Importance of Cultural and Gastronomic Tourism in Local Economic Development: Zile Sample”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, vol. 4, no. 4, ISSN:2146-4138, pp.735-744.
  • Lane, B., Kastenholz, E. (2015), “Rural tourism: the evolution of practice and research approaches – towards a new generation concept?”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(8-9):1133-1156.
  • Liu, A., 2006. “Tourism in rural areas: Kedah, Malaysia”.Tourism Management, 27 (5), 878-889.
  • Öter, Z., Ünal, E. (2017), “Somut Olmayan Kültürel Mirasın Beypazarı Turizm Destinasyonunda Yerel Ekonomiye Katkıları”, [Contribution of Intangible Cultural Heritage to Local Economy in Beypazarı Tourism Destination], International Journal of Contemporary Toursim Research 1, pp. 26-37.
  • Özorhon, G., Özorhon, İ.F. (2014), “Learning from Mardin and Cumalıkızık: Turkish Vernacular Architecture in the Context of Sustainability”, Arts, 3, ISSN 2076-0752, pp. 175-189.
  • Pirselimoğlu Batman, Z., Çelik Çanga, A., Sökmen, T. (2019), “Kültürel Peyzajların Kırsal Turizm ile Kullanım İlişkisinin Değerlendirilmesi: Cumalıkızık-Bursa Örneği”, [Evaluation of Relationship of the Cultural Landscapes and Rural Tourism Use: Cumalıkızık-Bursa Example], Journal of Bartın Faculty of Forestry, 21 (1), pp. 1-13.
  • Robinson, J. (1989). Architecture as a Medium for Culture: Public Institution and Private House. S. Low and E. Chambers (Ed.s), Housing, Culture and Design, a Comparative Perspective. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Sagdic, Z., Değirmenci, A. (2015), “Searching of the Concept in Tirilye: an Architectural Design Studio”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, pp. 977-983.
  • Sharma, S., Sharma, P. (2013), “Traditional and Vernacular Buildings are Ecological Senstive, Climate Responsive Designs-Study of Himachal Pradesh”, International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences (IJCEBS), vol 1, issue 4, pp. 605-609.
  • Soykan, F. (2003), “Kırsal Turim ve Türkiye Turizmi için Önemi”, [Rural Toursim and Tirkiye Turizmi için Önemi], Aegean Geographical Journal, 12, pp.1-11.
  • Şengül, S., Bayhan, İ. (2018), “Turizm Destinasyonların Sürdürülebilir Gelişim: Göynük Yerel Turizm Paydaşları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, [Sustainable Development in Tourism Destinations: Research on Göynük Local Tourism Stakeholders], Journal of Travel and Hospitality Management, 15 (3), pp. 489-505.
  • Taş, M., Taş, N., and Çahantimur, A. (2009), “A Participatory Governance Model for the Sustainable Development of Cumalıkızık, A Heritage Site in Turkey”, Environment & Urbanization, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), vol. 21 (1), pp. 161-184.
  • Tezcan, A.M. (2010). Rethinking Transformation with Tourism: The Case of İzmir-Alaçatı. Master Thesis. Middle East Technical University, The Department Of Urban Policy Planning And Local Governments. Ankara
  • Uslu, A. and Kiper, T., (2006), “Turizmin Kültürel Miras Üzerine Etkileri: Beypazarı / Ankara Örneğinde Yerel Halkın Farkındalığı” [Effects of Tourism on Cultural Heritage: Public Awareness in Example of Beypazarı: Ankara], Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, sayı 3 (3), Tekirdağ, 305-314.
  • Uysal Ürey, Z. Ç. (2019), “Sociocultural Role of Architectural Types: Cultural Sustainability in Architecture and the Possibility of Convention”, GRID, vol. 2, no. 1. pp. 83-99.
  • Wahid, A. (2012), “Adaptive Vernacular Options for Sustainable Architecture”, Journal of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Dettlements, ISVS e-journal, vol.2, no:2, pp.74-87.
  • Wood, M. E., 2001. “Ecotourism and sustainable development”. Industry and Environment, 24 (3-4), 10-13.
  • Yu, D. W., Hendrickson, T. and Castillo, A., 1997. “Ecotourism and conservation in Amazonian Peru: Short-term and long-term challenges”. Environmental Conservation, 24 (2), 130-138.
  • Zhang, T. X., Yamamura, T., Fujiki, Y., (2006), “Can Vernacular Buildings Survive With Traditional Life Inside and Tourism Outside?”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 97, WIT Press.
  • Sources for Satellite Images of the Villages: General Directorate of Map [Harita Genel Müdürlüğü-HGM] (access date: 20.03.2019)
  • HGM, 2019a. Satellite Image of Bursa.
  • HGM, 2019b. Satellite Image of Misi.
  • HGM, 2019c. Satellite Image of Gölyazı.
  • HGM, 2019d. Satellite Image of Tirilye.
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Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Papers

Sermin Çakıcı Alp 0000-0001-9364-5024

Elif Acar Bilgin 0000-0001-9589-9757

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çakıcı Alp, S., & Acar Bilgin, E. (2019). Understanding Impacts of Cultural Tourism on Sustainability of Rural Architecture in Three Villages of Bursa. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Tourism, 4(2), 87-107.

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