BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster

Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 78 - 82, 01.06.2013



  • Ahn,!D.U.,!S.K.!Kim,!H.!Shu.!1997.!Effect!of!egg!size!and! strain!and!age!of!hen!on!the!solids!content!of!chicken! eggs.!Poultry!Science.!76:!914M919.
  • Akbar,!M.K.,! J.S.!Gavora,!G.W.!Friars,! R.S.!Gowe.! 1983.! Composition! of! eggs! by! commercial! size! categories:! Effects! of! genetic! group,! age,! and! diet.! Poultry! Science.!62:!925M933.
  • Balkan,! M.,! M.! Biricik.! 2008.! Pekin! ördeğinin! (Anas! platyrhynchos! f.! dom.)! döllenmiş! ve! döllenmemiş! yumurtalarında! kuluçka! süresince! görülen! kütle! kaybı.! D.Ü.! Ziya! Gökalp! Eğitim! Fakültesi! Dergisi.! 11:! 151M159.
  • Benabdeljelil,! K.,! L.S.! Jensen.! 1990.! Effectiveness! of! ascorbic! acid! and! chromium! in! counteracting! the! negative!effects! of!dietary! vanadium! on! interior!egg! quality.!Poultry!Science.!69:!781M786.
  • Bougon,! M.,! C.! Lahellec,! J.! Protais.! 1981.! Variations! in! egg! quality! in! connection! with! yields! in! production.! Pages! 223M225! in!Quality! of! Egg,! Proceedings! of! the! First! European! Symposium,! Spelderholt.! Inst.! For! Poultry!Res.!Beekbergen,!The!Netherlands.
  • Bozkurt,! Z.,! M.! Tekerli.! 2009.! The! effects! of! hen! age,! genotype,!period!and!temperature!of!storage!on!egg! quality.!Journal!of!the!Faculty!of!Veterinary!Medicine,! Kafkas!University.!15!(4):!517M524.
  • Haugh,! R.R.! 1937.! The! Haugh! unit! for! measuring! egg! quality.! The! U.S.! Egg! &! Poultry! Magazine.! 43:! 522M 555,!572M573.
  • Hinton,! H.R.! 1968.! Storage! of! eggs.! Pages! 251M261! in:! Egg!Quality:!A!Study!of!The!Hen’s!Egg.!T.!C.!Carter,!ed.! Oliver!and!Boyd,!Edinburgh,!Scotland.
  • Hunton,!P.!1987.!Laboratory!evaluations!of!egg!quality.! Pages! 87M102! in:! Egg! QualityMCurrent! Problems! and! Recent! Advances.! R.G.! Wells! and! C.G.! Belyavin,! ed.! Butterworths,!London,!England.
  • Jinangrat,! W.,! D.D.! Torrico,! J.! No,! H.K.! No,! W.! Prinyawiwatkul.! 2010.! Effects! of! mineral! oil! coating! on!internal!quality!of!chicken!eggs!under!refrigerated! storage.! International! Journal! of! Food! Science! and! Technology.!45:!490M495.
  • Jha,! S.N.,! K.! Narsaiah,! A.L.! Basediya,! R.! Sharma,! P.! Jaiswal,! R.! Kumar,! R.! Bhardwaj.! 2011.!Measurement! techniques!and!application!of!electrical!properties!for! nondestructive! quality! evaluation! of! foodsMa! review.! Journal! of!Food!Science!and!Technology.! 48(4):! 387M 411.
  • Keener,!K.M.,!J.D.!La!Crosse,!K.!Bobsant.!2001.!Chemical! method! for!determination!of!carbon!dioxide!content! in! egg! yolk! and! egg! albumen.! Poultry! Science.! 80:! 983M987.
  • Kofoth,! C.! 1999.! Nachweis! und! Differenzierung! von! Lebensmittelinfektionserreger.!Kulmbacher!Reihe!Bd.! 16:!151M166.
  • Lapão,!C.,!L.T.!Gama,!M.!Chaveiro!Soares.!1999.!Effects! of! broiler! breeder! age! and! length! of! egg! storage! on! albumen! characteristics! and! hatchability.! Poultry! Science.!78:!640M645.
  • Proudfoot,!F.G.!1962.!The!decline!of!internal!egg!quality! during!storage!at!30ºF!and!70ºF!among!six!strains!of! Leghorns! reared! in! confinement! and! on! range.! Poultry!Science.!41:!98M103.
  • Roberts,!J.R.!2004.!Factors!affecting!egg!internal!quality! and!egg!shell!quality!in!laying!hens.!Journal!of!Poultry! Science.!41:!161M177.
  • Robinson,! D.S.! 1987.! The! chemical! basis! of! albumen! quality.!In:!Egg!QualityMCurrent!Problems!and!Recent! Advances! (ed.!Wells,! R.!G.!and! Belyavin,! C.!G.),! 179M 191,!Butterworths,!London.
  • Samli,! H.E.,! A.! Agma,! N.! Senkoylu.! 2005.! Effects! of! Storage!Time!and!Temperature!on!Egg!Quality!in!Old! Laying!Hens.!Journal!of!Applied!Poultry!Research.!14:! 548M553.
  • Schwaegele,! F.! 2001.! Egg! quality! assurance! systems! under! the! aspect! of! the! EU! requirements! and! the! demands! of! the! consumer.! Proceeding! of! IX.! European! Symp.! On! the! Quality! of! Eggs! and! Egg! Product,!435M443.
  • Scott,!T.A.,!F.G.!Silversides.!2000.!The!Effect!of!Storage! and!Strain!of!Hen!on!Egg!Quality.!Poultry!Science.!79:! 1725M1729.
  • Scott,!T.A.,!F.G.!Silversides.!2001.!The!Effect!of!Storage! and! layer! age! on! quality! of! eggs! from! two! lines! of! hens.!Poultry!Science.!80:!1240M1245.
  • Shenga,! E.,! R.P.! Singh,! A.S.! Yadav.! 2010.! Effect! of! pasteurization! of! shell! egg! on! its! quality! characteristics! under! ambient! storage.! Journal! of! Food!Science!and!Technology.!47(4):!420M425.
  • Shenstone,!F.S.!1968.!The!gross!composition,!chemistry! and!physicochemical!basis!of!organization!of!the!yolk! and!white.!In:!Egg!Quality:!A!Study! of! the!Hen’s!Egg! (Ed.!Carter,!T.!C.),!Oliver!and!Boyd,!26M58!Edinburgh.
  • Shin,! D.,! C.! NarcisoMGaytán,! J.M.! Regenstein,! M.! X.! SánchezMPlata.! 2012.! Effect! of! various! refrigeration! temperatures!on!quality!of!shell!eggs.! Journal!of! the! Science!of!Food!and!Agriculture.!92:!1341M1345.
  • Silversides,!F.G.,! P.!Villeneuve.! 1994.!Is! the!Haugh! unit! correction! for! egg! weight! valid! for! eggs! stored! at! room!temperature.!Poultry!Science.!73:!50M55.
  • Silversides,! F.G.,! K.! Budgell.! 2004.! The! relationships! among! measures! of! egg! albumen! height,! pH,! and! whipping!volume.!Poultry!Science.!83:!1619M1623.
  • Statistica!for!the!Windows!Operating!System.!1999.!Stat! Soft,!Inc.,!Tulsa,!OK,!USA.
  • Walsh,! T.J.,! R.E.! Rizk,! J.! Brake.! 1995.! Effects! of! temperature! and! carbon! dioxide! on! albumen! characteristics,! weight! loss,! and! early! embryonic! mortality! of! long! stored! hatching! eggs.! Poultry! Science.!74:!1403M1410.
  • Washburn,! K.W.! 1990.! Genetic! variation! in! egg composition.!Pages!781M798!In:!Poultry!Breeding!and! Genetics.! R.! D.! Crawford,! ed.! Elsevier! Scientific! Publihers,!New!York.
  • Williams,! K.C.! 1992.! Some! factors! affecting! albumen! quality!with!particular!reference!to!Haugh!unit!score.! World’s!Poultry!Science!Journal.!48:!5M16.

Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 78 - 82, 01.06.2013


TUBİTAK]ULAKBİM Tarım, Veteriner ve Biyoloji Bilimleri Veri Tabanı (TVBBVT) Tarafından taranmaktadır / Indexed by TUBİTAK] ULAKBİM&Agriculture, Veterinary and Biological Sciences Database


  • Ahn,!D.U.,!S.K.!Kim,!H.!Shu.!1997.!Effect!of!egg!size!and! strain!and!age!of!hen!on!the!solids!content!of!chicken! eggs.!Poultry!Science.!76:!914M919.
  • Akbar,!M.K.,! J.S.!Gavora,!G.W.!Friars,! R.S.!Gowe.! 1983.! Composition! of! eggs! by! commercial! size! categories:! Effects! of! genetic! group,! age,! and! diet.! Poultry! Science.!62:!925M933.
  • Balkan,! M.,! M.! Biricik.! 2008.! Pekin! ördeğinin! (Anas! platyrhynchos! f.! dom.)! döllenmiş! ve! döllenmemiş! yumurtalarında! kuluçka! süresince! görülen! kütle! kaybı.! D.Ü.! Ziya! Gökalp! Eğitim! Fakültesi! Dergisi.! 11:! 151M159.
  • Benabdeljelil,! K.,! L.S.! Jensen.! 1990.! Effectiveness! of! ascorbic! acid! and! chromium! in! counteracting! the! negative!effects! of!dietary! vanadium! on! interior!egg! quality.!Poultry!Science.!69:!781M786.
  • Bougon,! M.,! C.! Lahellec,! J.! Protais.! 1981.! Variations! in! egg! quality! in! connection! with! yields! in! production.! Pages! 223M225! in!Quality! of! Egg,! Proceedings! of! the! First! European! Symposium,! Spelderholt.! Inst.! For! Poultry!Res.!Beekbergen,!The!Netherlands.
  • Bozkurt,! Z.,! M.! Tekerli.! 2009.! The! effects! of! hen! age,! genotype,!period!and!temperature!of!storage!on!egg! quality.!Journal!of!the!Faculty!of!Veterinary!Medicine,! Kafkas!University.!15!(4):!517M524.
  • Haugh,! R.R.! 1937.! The! Haugh! unit! for! measuring! egg! quality.! The! U.S.! Egg! &! Poultry! Magazine.! 43:! 522M 555,!572M573.
  • Hinton,! H.R.! 1968.! Storage! of! eggs.! Pages! 251M261! in:! Egg!Quality:!A!Study!of!The!Hen’s!Egg.!T.!C.!Carter,!ed.! Oliver!and!Boyd,!Edinburgh,!Scotland.
  • Hunton,!P.!1987.!Laboratory!evaluations!of!egg!quality.! Pages! 87M102! in:! Egg! QualityMCurrent! Problems! and! Recent! Advances.! R.G.! Wells! and! C.G.! Belyavin,! ed.! Butterworths,!London,!England.
  • Jinangrat,! W.,! D.D.! Torrico,! J.! No,! H.K.! No,! W.! Prinyawiwatkul.! 2010.! Effects! of! mineral! oil! coating! on!internal!quality!of!chicken!eggs!under!refrigerated! storage.! International! Journal! of! Food! Science! and! Technology.!45:!490M495.
  • Jha,! S.N.,! K.! Narsaiah,! A.L.! Basediya,! R.! Sharma,! P.! Jaiswal,! R.! Kumar,! R.! Bhardwaj.! 2011.!Measurement! techniques!and!application!of!electrical!properties!for! nondestructive! quality! evaluation! of! foodsMa! review.! Journal! of!Food!Science!and!Technology.! 48(4):! 387M 411.
  • Keener,!K.M.,!J.D.!La!Crosse,!K.!Bobsant.!2001.!Chemical! method! for!determination!of!carbon!dioxide!content! in! egg! yolk! and! egg! albumen.! Poultry! Science.! 80:! 983M987.
  • Kofoth,! C.! 1999.! Nachweis! und! Differenzierung! von! Lebensmittelinfektionserreger.!Kulmbacher!Reihe!Bd.! 16:!151M166.
  • Lapão,!C.,!L.T.!Gama,!M.!Chaveiro!Soares.!1999.!Effects! of! broiler! breeder! age! and! length! of! egg! storage! on! albumen! characteristics! and! hatchability.! Poultry! Science.!78:!640M645.
  • Proudfoot,!F.G.!1962.!The!decline!of!internal!egg!quality! during!storage!at!30ºF!and!70ºF!among!six!strains!of! Leghorns! reared! in! confinement! and! on! range.! Poultry!Science.!41:!98M103.
  • Roberts,!J.R.!2004.!Factors!affecting!egg!internal!quality! and!egg!shell!quality!in!laying!hens.!Journal!of!Poultry! Science.!41:!161M177.
  • Robinson,! D.S.! 1987.! The! chemical! basis! of! albumen! quality.!In:!Egg!QualityMCurrent!Problems!and!Recent! Advances! (ed.!Wells,! R.!G.!and! Belyavin,! C.!G.),! 179M 191,!Butterworths,!London.
  • Samli,! H.E.,! A.! Agma,! N.! Senkoylu.! 2005.! Effects! of! Storage!Time!and!Temperature!on!Egg!Quality!in!Old! Laying!Hens.!Journal!of!Applied!Poultry!Research.!14:! 548M553.
  • Schwaegele,! F.! 2001.! Egg! quality! assurance! systems! under! the! aspect! of! the! EU! requirements! and! the! demands! of! the! consumer.! Proceeding! of! IX.! European! Symp.! On! the! Quality! of! Eggs! and! Egg! Product,!435M443.
  • Scott,!T.A.,!F.G.!Silversides.!2000.!The!Effect!of!Storage! and!Strain!of!Hen!on!Egg!Quality.!Poultry!Science.!79:! 1725M1729.
  • Scott,!T.A.,!F.G.!Silversides.!2001.!The!Effect!of!Storage! and! layer! age! on! quality! of! eggs! from! two! lines! of! hens.!Poultry!Science.!80:!1240M1245.
  • Shenga,! E.,! R.P.! Singh,! A.S.! Yadav.! 2010.! Effect! of! pasteurization! of! shell! egg! on! its! quality! characteristics! under! ambient! storage.! Journal! of! Food!Science!and!Technology.!47(4):!420M425.
  • Shenstone,!F.S.!1968.!The!gross!composition,!chemistry! and!physicochemical!basis!of!organization!of!the!yolk! and!white.!In:!Egg!Quality:!A!Study! of! the!Hen’s!Egg! (Ed.!Carter,!T.!C.),!Oliver!and!Boyd,!26M58!Edinburgh.
  • Shin,! D.,! C.! NarcisoMGaytán,! J.M.! Regenstein,! M.! X.! SánchezMPlata.! 2012.! Effect! of! various! refrigeration! temperatures!on!quality!of!shell!eggs.! Journal!of! the! Science!of!Food!and!Agriculture.!92:!1341M1345.
  • Silversides,!F.G.,! P.!Villeneuve.! 1994.!Is! the!Haugh! unit! correction! for! egg! weight! valid! for! eggs! stored! at! room!temperature.!Poultry!Science.!73:!50M55.
  • Silversides,! F.G.,! K.! Budgell.! 2004.! The! relationships! among! measures! of! egg! albumen! height,! pH,! and! whipping!volume.!Poultry!Science.!83:!1619M1623.
  • Statistica!for!the!Windows!Operating!System.!1999.!Stat! Soft,!Inc.,!Tulsa,!OK,!USA.
  • Walsh,! T.J.,! R.E.! Rizk,! J.! Brake.! 1995.! Effects! of! temperature! and! carbon! dioxide! on! albumen! characteristics,! weight! loss,! and! early! embryonic! mortality! of! long! stored! hatching! eggs.! Poultry! Science.!74:!1403M1410.
  • Washburn,! K.W.! 1990.! Genetic! variation! in! egg composition.!Pages!781M798!In:!Poultry!Breeding!and! Genetics.! R.! D.! Crawford,! ed.! Elsevier! Scientific! Publihers,!New!York.
  • Williams,! K.C.! 1992.! Some! factors! affecting! albumen! quality!with!particular!reference!to!Haugh!unit!score.! World’s!Poultry!Science!Journal.!48:!5M16.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


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A. A. Okur H. E. Şamlı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Kasım 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Şamlı, A. A. O. H. E. (2013). Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2), 78-82.
AMA Şamlı AAOHE. Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs. JOTAF. Haziran 2013;10(2):78-82.
Chicago Şamlı, A. A. Okur H. E. “Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10, sy. 2 (Haziran 2013): 78-82.
EndNote Şamlı AAOHE (01 Haziran 2013) Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10 2 78–82.
IEEE A. A. O. H. E. Şamlı, “Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs”, JOTAF, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 78–82, 2013.
ISNAD Şamlı, A. A. Okur H. E. “Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10/2 (Haziran 2013), 78-82.
JAMA Şamlı AAOHE. Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs. JOTAF. 2013;10:78–82.
MLA Şamlı, A. A. Okur H. E. “Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 2, 2013, ss. 78-82.
Vancouver Şamlı AAOHE. Effects of Storage Time And Temperature on Egg Quality Parameters and Electrical Conductivities of Eggs. JOTAF. 2013;10(2):78-82.