Biogas Production from Wheat Straw using Textile Industrial Wastewater by Co-digestion Process: Experimental and Kinetic Study
Year 2022,
, 601 - 612, 31.05.2022
Punam Rani
Megha Bansal
Vinayak Vandan Pathak
In the present experimental study, anaerobic co-digestion of wheat straw with textile industry wastewater (TIWW) was evaluated for biogas production. Anaerobic digestion systems were operated at ambient temperature (28-30 ºC) for 20 days. Five different ratios of wastewater with distilled water were added to wheat straw inoculated with cow dung operating in five digesters. Time-rate derivative models, including Gompertz’s model and its related extensions, were used to represent yields. It has been found that the slurry containing wheat straw and cow dung digested with 75% diluted wastewater has the maximum production, while the slurry digested with only wastewater (not diluted with distilled water) has minimum production.
Supporting Institution
Manav Rachna University for financial support and providing all necessary materials and instruments for conducting research.
- 1. Szreter S. Industrialization and health. British Medical Bulletin. 2004 Dec 1;69(1):75–86.
- 2. Zheng Y, Zhao J, Xu F, Li Y. Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biogas production. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 2014 Jun;42:35–53.
- 3. Castillo A, Vall P, Garrido-Baserba M, Comas J, Poch M. Selection of industrial (food, drink and milk sector) wastewater treatment technologies: A multi-criteria assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017 Feb;143:180–90.
- 4. Shi H. Industrial Wastewater Types, Amounts and Effects. In: Point Sources of Pollution: Local Effects and their Control [Internet]. China: EOLSS Publications; 2009. p. 1 – 6.
- 5. O’Neill C, Hawkes FR, Esteves SRR, Hawkes DL, Wilcox SJ. Anaerobic and aerobic treatment of a simulated textile effluent. J Chem Technol Biotechnol. 1999 Oct;74(10):993–9.
- 6. Alinsafi A, Evenou F, Abdulkarim EM, Pons MN, Zahraa O, Benhammou A, et al. Treatment of textile industry wastewater by supported photocatalysis. Dyes and Pigments. 2007 Jan;74(2):439–45.
- 7. Nilsson I, Möller A, Mattiasson B, Rubindamayugi MST, Welander U. Decolorization of synthetic and real textile wastewater by the use of white-rot fungi. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2006 Jan;38(1–2):94–100.
- 8. Sarayu K, Sandhya S. Current Technologies for Biological Treatment of Textile Wastewater–A Review. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2012 Jun;167(3):645–61.
- 9. Nakhate PH, Moradiya KK, Patil HG, Marathe KV, Yadav GD. Case study on sustainability of textile wastewater treatment plant based on lifecycle assessment approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020 Feb;245:118929.
- 10. Marques IP. Anaerobic digestion treatment of olive mill wastewater for effluent re-use in irrigation. Desalination. 2001 May;137(1–3):233–9.
- 11. Kant R. Textile dyeing industry an environmental hazard. NS. 2012;04(01):22–6.
- 12. Georgiou D, Metallinou C, Aivasidis A, Voudrias E, Gimouhopoulos K. Decolorization of azo-reactive dyes and cotton-textile wastewater using anaerobic digestion and acetate-consuming bacteria. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2004 Jul;19(1):75–9.
- 13. Sandhya S, Swaminathan K. Kinetic analysis of treatment of textile wastewater in hybrid column upflow anaerobic fixed bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2006 Sep;122(1–2):87–92.
- 14. Bachmann N, Jansen J la C, Baxter D Bochmann, G??nther, Montpart N, IEA Bioenergy Programme. Sustainable biogas production in municipal wastewater treatment plants. 2015. ISBN: 978-1-910154-21-2.
- 15. Liu F, He Y, Wang L. Comparison of calibrations for the determination of soluble solids content and pH of rice vinegars using visible and short-wave near infrared spectroscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2008 Mar;610(2):196–204.
- 16. Rani P, Bansal M, Pathak VV, Ahmad S. Experimental and kinetic studies on co-digestion of agrifood and sewage sludge for biogas production. Journal of Taibah University for Science. 2022 Dec 31;16(1):147–54.
- 17. Davison BH, Parks J, Davis MF, Donohoe BS. Plant Cell Walls: Basics of Structure, Chemistry, Accessibility and the Influence on Conversion. In: Wyman CE, editor. Aqueous Pretreatment of Plant Biomass for Biological and Chemical Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals [Internet]. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2013 [cited 2022 Apr 15]. p. 23–38.
- 18. Mushtaq Z, Imran M, Salim-ur-Rehman, Zahoor T, Ahmad RS, Arshad MU. Biochemical perspectives of xylitol extracted from indigenous agricultural by-product mung bean (vigna radiata) hulls in a rat model: Biochemical perspectives of xylitol in a rat model. J Sci Food Agric. 2014 Mar 30;94(5):969–74.
- 19. Demirbas MF, Balat M, Balat H. Potential contribution of biomass to the sustainable energy development. Energy Conversion and Management. 2009 Jul;50(7):1746–60.
- 20. Jijai S, Siripatana C. Kinetic Model of Biogas Production from Co-digestion of Thai Rice Noodle Wastewater (Khanomjeen) with Chicken Manure. Energy Procedia. 2017 Oct;138:386–92.
- 21. Kumar V, Singh J, Pathak VV, Ahmad S, Kothari R. Experimental and kinetics study for phytoremediation of sugar mill effluent using water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) and its end use for biogas production. 3 Biotech. 2017 Oct;7(5):330.
- 22. Neshat SA, Mohammadi M, Najafpour GD, Lahijani P. Anaerobic co-digestion of animal manures and lignocellulosic residues as a potent approach for sustainable biogas production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017 Nov;79:308–22.
- 23. Appels L, Baeyens J, Degrève J, Dewil R. Principles and potential of the anaerobic digestion of waste-activated sludge. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 2008 Dec;34(6):755–81.
- 24. Parkin GF, Owen WF. Fundamentals of Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewater Sludges. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 1986 Oct;112(5):867–920.
- 25. Mancini G, Papirio S, Lens PNL, Esposito G. Increased biogas production from wheat straw by chemical pretreatments. Renewable Energy. 2018 Apr;119:608–14.
- 26. Kaparaju P, Serrano M, Thomsen AB, Kongjan P, Angelidaki I. Bioethanol, biohydrogen and biogas production from wheat straw in a biorefinery concept. Bioresource Technology. 2009 May;100(9):2562–8.
- 27. Jiang D, Ge X, Zhang Q, Zhou X, Chen Z, Keener H, et al. Comparison of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide pretreatments of giant reed for enhanced enzymatic digestibility and methane production. Bioresource Technology. 2017 Nov;244:1150–7.
- 28. De Vos B, Lettens S, Muys B, Deckers JA. Walkley?Black analysis of forest soil organic carbon: recovery, limitations and uncertainty. Soil Use & Management. 2007 Sep;23(3):221–9.
- 29. Altaş L. Inhibitory effect of heavy metals on methane-producing anaerobic granular sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009 Mar;162(2–3):1551–6.
- 30. Lin C. Heavy metal effects on fermentative hydrogen production using natural mixed microflora. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2008 Jan;33(2):587–93.
- 31. Kothari R, Kumar V, Pathak VV, Tyagi VV. Sequential hydrogen and methane production with simultaneous treatment of dairy industry wastewater: Bioenergy profit approach. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017 Feb;42(8):4870–9.
- 32. Rajeshwari KV, Balakrishnan M, Kansal A, Lata K, Kishore VVN. State-of-the-art of anaerobic digestion technology for industrial wastewater treatment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2000 Jun;4(2):135–56.
- 33. Murray PA, Zinder SH. Nutritional Requirements of Methanosarcina sp. Strain TM-1. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1985 Jul;50(1):49–55.
- 34. Abraham A, Mathew AK, Park H, Choi O, Sindhu R, Parameswaran B, et al. Pretreatment strategies for enhanced biogas production from lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology. 2020 Apr;301:122725.
- 35. Park J yil, Shiroma R, Al-Haq MI, Zhang Y, Ike M, Arai-Sanoh Y, et al. A novel lime pretreatment for subsequent bioethanol production from rice straw – Calcium capturing by carbonation (CaCCO) process. Bioresource Technology. 2010 Sep;101(17):6805–11.
Year 2022,
, 601 - 612, 31.05.2022
Punam Rani
Megha Bansal
Vinayak Vandan Pathak
- 1. Szreter S. Industrialization and health. British Medical Bulletin. 2004 Dec 1;69(1):75–86.
- 2. Zheng Y, Zhao J, Xu F, Li Y. Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biogas production. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 2014 Jun;42:35–53.
- 3. Castillo A, Vall P, Garrido-Baserba M, Comas J, Poch M. Selection of industrial (food, drink and milk sector) wastewater treatment technologies: A multi-criteria assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017 Feb;143:180–90.
- 4. Shi H. Industrial Wastewater Types, Amounts and Effects. In: Point Sources of Pollution: Local Effects and their Control [Internet]. China: EOLSS Publications; 2009. p. 1 – 6.
- 5. O’Neill C, Hawkes FR, Esteves SRR, Hawkes DL, Wilcox SJ. Anaerobic and aerobic treatment of a simulated textile effluent. J Chem Technol Biotechnol. 1999 Oct;74(10):993–9.
- 6. Alinsafi A, Evenou F, Abdulkarim EM, Pons MN, Zahraa O, Benhammou A, et al. Treatment of textile industry wastewater by supported photocatalysis. Dyes and Pigments. 2007 Jan;74(2):439–45.
- 7. Nilsson I, Möller A, Mattiasson B, Rubindamayugi MST, Welander U. Decolorization of synthetic and real textile wastewater by the use of white-rot fungi. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2006 Jan;38(1–2):94–100.
- 8. Sarayu K, Sandhya S. Current Technologies for Biological Treatment of Textile Wastewater–A Review. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2012 Jun;167(3):645–61.
- 9. Nakhate PH, Moradiya KK, Patil HG, Marathe KV, Yadav GD. Case study on sustainability of textile wastewater treatment plant based on lifecycle assessment approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020 Feb;245:118929.
- 10. Marques IP. Anaerobic digestion treatment of olive mill wastewater for effluent re-use in irrigation. Desalination. 2001 May;137(1–3):233–9.
- 11. Kant R. Textile dyeing industry an environmental hazard. NS. 2012;04(01):22–6.
- 12. Georgiou D, Metallinou C, Aivasidis A, Voudrias E, Gimouhopoulos K. Decolorization of azo-reactive dyes and cotton-textile wastewater using anaerobic digestion and acetate-consuming bacteria. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2004 Jul;19(1):75–9.
- 13. Sandhya S, Swaminathan K. Kinetic analysis of treatment of textile wastewater in hybrid column upflow anaerobic fixed bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2006 Sep;122(1–2):87–92.
- 14. Bachmann N, Jansen J la C, Baxter D Bochmann, G??nther, Montpart N, IEA Bioenergy Programme. Sustainable biogas production in municipal wastewater treatment plants. 2015. ISBN: 978-1-910154-21-2.
- 15. Liu F, He Y, Wang L. Comparison of calibrations for the determination of soluble solids content and pH of rice vinegars using visible and short-wave near infrared spectroscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2008 Mar;610(2):196–204.
- 16. Rani P, Bansal M, Pathak VV, Ahmad S. Experimental and kinetic studies on co-digestion of agrifood and sewage sludge for biogas production. Journal of Taibah University for Science. 2022 Dec 31;16(1):147–54.
- 17. Davison BH, Parks J, Davis MF, Donohoe BS. Plant Cell Walls: Basics of Structure, Chemistry, Accessibility and the Influence on Conversion. In: Wyman CE, editor. Aqueous Pretreatment of Plant Biomass for Biological and Chemical Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals [Internet]. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2013 [cited 2022 Apr 15]. p. 23–38.
- 18. Mushtaq Z, Imran M, Salim-ur-Rehman, Zahoor T, Ahmad RS, Arshad MU. Biochemical perspectives of xylitol extracted from indigenous agricultural by-product mung bean (vigna radiata) hulls in a rat model: Biochemical perspectives of xylitol in a rat model. J Sci Food Agric. 2014 Mar 30;94(5):969–74.
- 19. Demirbas MF, Balat M, Balat H. Potential contribution of biomass to the sustainable energy development. Energy Conversion and Management. 2009 Jul;50(7):1746–60.
- 20. Jijai S, Siripatana C. Kinetic Model of Biogas Production from Co-digestion of Thai Rice Noodle Wastewater (Khanomjeen) with Chicken Manure. Energy Procedia. 2017 Oct;138:386–92.
- 21. Kumar V, Singh J, Pathak VV, Ahmad S, Kothari R. Experimental and kinetics study for phytoremediation of sugar mill effluent using water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) and its end use for biogas production. 3 Biotech. 2017 Oct;7(5):330.
- 22. Neshat SA, Mohammadi M, Najafpour GD, Lahijani P. Anaerobic co-digestion of animal manures and lignocellulosic residues as a potent approach for sustainable biogas production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017 Nov;79:308–22.
- 23. Appels L, Baeyens J, Degrève J, Dewil R. Principles and potential of the anaerobic digestion of waste-activated sludge. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 2008 Dec;34(6):755–81.
- 24. Parkin GF, Owen WF. Fundamentals of Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewater Sludges. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 1986 Oct;112(5):867–920.
- 25. Mancini G, Papirio S, Lens PNL, Esposito G. Increased biogas production from wheat straw by chemical pretreatments. Renewable Energy. 2018 Apr;119:608–14.
- 26. Kaparaju P, Serrano M, Thomsen AB, Kongjan P, Angelidaki I. Bioethanol, biohydrogen and biogas production from wheat straw in a biorefinery concept. Bioresource Technology. 2009 May;100(9):2562–8.
- 27. Jiang D, Ge X, Zhang Q, Zhou X, Chen Z, Keener H, et al. Comparison of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide pretreatments of giant reed for enhanced enzymatic digestibility and methane production. Bioresource Technology. 2017 Nov;244:1150–7.
- 28. De Vos B, Lettens S, Muys B, Deckers JA. Walkley?Black analysis of forest soil organic carbon: recovery, limitations and uncertainty. Soil Use & Management. 2007 Sep;23(3):221–9.
- 29. Altaş L. Inhibitory effect of heavy metals on methane-producing anaerobic granular sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009 Mar;162(2–3):1551–6.
- 30. Lin C. Heavy metal effects on fermentative hydrogen production using natural mixed microflora. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2008 Jan;33(2):587–93.
- 31. Kothari R, Kumar V, Pathak VV, Tyagi VV. Sequential hydrogen and methane production with simultaneous treatment of dairy industry wastewater: Bioenergy profit approach. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017 Feb;42(8):4870–9.
- 32. Rajeshwari KV, Balakrishnan M, Kansal A, Lata K, Kishore VVN. State-of-the-art of anaerobic digestion technology for industrial wastewater treatment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2000 Jun;4(2):135–56.
- 33. Murray PA, Zinder SH. Nutritional Requirements of Methanosarcina sp. Strain TM-1. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1985 Jul;50(1):49–55.
- 34. Abraham A, Mathew AK, Park H, Choi O, Sindhu R, Parameswaran B, et al. Pretreatment strategies for enhanced biogas production from lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology. 2020 Apr;301:122725.
- 35. Park J yil, Shiroma R, Al-Haq MI, Zhang Y, Ike M, Arai-Sanoh Y, et al. A novel lime pretreatment for subsequent bioethanol production from rice straw – Calcium capturing by carbonation (CaCCO) process. Bioresource Technology. 2010 Sep;101(17):6805–11.