Radionuclide Potential of Holocene Sediments in the West of Marmara Sea (Turkey)
Year 2020,
, 517 - 524, 23.06.2020
Zeki Ünal Yümün
Erol Kam
Radionuclides that cause radioactive pollution descend to the bottom in marine and water environments such as heavy metals and accumulate in bottom sediments. It is useful to determine the radionuclides in these environments in order to control the damage that accumulated radionuclides can cause to the environment.
Radioactive pollution can harm people directly or through the food chain. In this study, natural and artificial radionuclide values were measured in current sediment samples taken from the seabed in the western part of the Marmara Sea. Gamma spectrometry method was used in radionuclide examinations. In gamma spectrometry studies of sediments, values of radionuclid (40K, 137Cs, 226Ra, 54Mn, 95Z and 232Th) were determined. Sea depths where 18 analyzed sea floor sediments are taken vary between 15-50 m. The determined radionuclide concentration activity values of the study area are 137Cs (0.9 - 9.4 (Bq / kg)), 232Th (18.9 - 86 (Bq / kg)), 226Ra (10 - 50 (Bq / kg)), 40K (24.4 - 670 (Bq / kg)), 54Mn (0.71-0.9 (Bq / kg)) and 95Zr (0.18 - 0.19 (Bq / kg)). These values were correlated with the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).
The 226Ra series, 232Th series and 40K radionuclides accumulate naturally and their concentrations increase gradually due to anthropogenic impurities. 226Ra values obtained across the study areas are within normal limits according to UNSCEAR values. 40K and 232Th values were higher than UNSCEAR values in all locations. The presence of 137Cs (0.9 - 9.4 (Bq / kg) from almost all locations reveals the presence of a risky situation in terms of ambient conditions. Because this element cannot be found in the natural environment and can be found artificially as an end of radioactivity.
The author thanks Yümün Mühendislik Ltd. Şti for their studies on drilling and core sampling and Melike ÖNCE, Sevinç YÜMÜN for the preparation of the samples in the laboratory and also for the separation studies of other fossils.
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Year 2020,
, 517 - 524, 23.06.2020
Zeki Ünal Yümün
Erol Kam
- 1. TAEK. Radyasyon Kaynakları. Web. (In Turkish); 2012.
- 2. Görür Ş. Investigation of the Relationship Between Environmental Radioactivity and Radioactivity in Dental Specimens. Cukurova University Institute Of Science Sciences, Graduate thesis. 2006; 1-74.
- 3. Topçuoğlu S. Radioactive Pollution of Seas. Web. http://www. gelbalder. org/ literatür / 6238-deniz-kirliligi-analiz-yontemleri-ilgili-uluslar-arasi-sozlesmeler-2.html.;2012.
4. Tekirdağ Valiliği. Tekirdağ Province Environmental Status Report. T.C. Tekirdağ Governorship Provincial Environment and Forestry Directorate 285-286. 2009.
- 5. Ayçik GA, Onat NB, Ertürk MK, Topçuoğlu S, Köksal G, Yaşar S, Güngör N. Sampling, measurement and analysis methods for monitoring environmental radioactivity, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority. 2000.
- 6. Ergül HA. Investigation of some heavy metal, radionuclide, organic carbon and chlorophyll-a levels of sedimenting material in Oxide Zone in Trabzon region of Black Sea. PhD Tesis, Karadeniz Teknik University Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Biology. 2004.
- 7. Aközcan S. Distribution of natural radionuclide concentrations in sediment samples in Didim and Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea-Turkey), Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2012; 112: 60-63.
- 8. Aytaş Ş, Yusan S, Aslani MA, Karali T, Turkozu D, A, Gök C, Erentürk S, Gökçe M, Oğuz KF. Natural Radioactivity of Riverbank Sediments of the Maritza and Tundja Rivers in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. 2012; 47: 2163-2172.
- 9. Kobya Y, Taşkın H, Yeşilkanat CM., Varinlioğlu A, Korcak S. Natural and Artifical Radioactivity Assessment of Dam Lakes Sediments in Çoruh River, Turkey. Journal Radioanal Nucleid Chemical. 2015; 303: 287-295.
- 10. Bursa GC. Marmara Denizi. Web. [10]. 2015.
- 11. UNSCEAR. Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation. United Nations Scientific Committee On The Effects Of Atomic Radiation. Report to General Assembly with Scientific Annexes. United Nations, New York. 2000; 1, 1-659.
- 12. Aközcan S. Cs-137 Concentrations in Sediment and Waters of Büyük Menderes River and Dilek Peninsula Büyük Menderes Delta. Ekoloji. 2011; 20 (81): 55-60.
- 13. Aközcan S. Monitoring of Some Radionuclide and Heavy Metal Levels in Sediment, Sea Water and Different Marine Organisms in Didim and İzmir Bay (Turkish with English Abstract). Doctoral Thesis, Ege University Institute of Science, Department of Nuclear Science, İzmir. 2009.