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Year 2020, , 813 - 820, 30.10.2020



  • Baytop T. Türkiye’de Bitkiler İle Tedavi, Geçmişte Ve Bugün. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi; 1999. 550s p.
  • Göktaş, Ö., Gıdık B. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin kullanım alanları. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilim Dergisi,. 2019;2(1):145–51.
  • Kocabas YZ, Karaman S. Essential Oils of Lamiaceae Family from South East Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Pakistan J Biol Sci. 2001;4(10):1221–3.
  • Davis PH. Flora of Turkey and The East Agean Islands. Labiatae. University. Edinburg; 1982. 462–463 p.
  • Arabaci, T., Dirmenci, T., Yıldız B. Origanum L.(Ballıbabagiller/Lamiaceae) Cinsine Ait Yeni Bir Melez: Origanum× malatyanum Yıldız, Arabacı & Dirmenci. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi,. 2020;7(1):10–5.
  • Özer Z, Gören AC, Kılıç T, Öncü M, Çarıkçı S, Dirmenci T. The phenolic contents, antioxidant and anticholinesterase activity of section Amaracus (Gled.) Vogel and Anatolicon Ietsw. of Origanum L. species. Arab J Chem. 2020;13(4):5027–39.
  • Dirmenci T, Yazici T, Özcan T, Çelenk S, Martin E. A new species and a new natural hybrid of Origanum L. (Lamiaceae) from the west of Turkey. Turk J Botany. 2018;42(1):73–90.
  • Fotakis C, Tsigrimani D, Tsiaka T, Lantzouraki DZ, Strati IF, Makris C, et al. Metabolic and antioxidant profiles of herbal infusions and decoctions. Food Chem [Internet]. 2016;211:963–71. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.05.124
  • Hajlaoui H, Mighri H, Aouni M, Gharsallah N, Kadri A. Chemical composition and in vitro evaluation of antioxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxicity and anti-acetylcholinesterase properties of Tunisian Origanum majorana L. essential oil. Microb Pathog. 2016;95:86–94.
  • Yan F, Azizi A, Janke S, Schwarz M, Zeller S, Honermeier B. Antioxidant capacity variation in the oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) collection of the German National Genebank. Ind Crops Prod [Internet]. 2016;92:19–25. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.07.038
  • Akdemir Evrendilek G. Empirical prediction and validation of antibacterial inhibitory effects of various plant essential oils on common pathogenic bacteria. Int J Food Microbiol [Internet]. 2015;202:35–41. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2015.02.030
  • Sivropoulou A, Papanikolaou E, Nikolaou C, Kokkini S, Lanaras T, Arsenakis M. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Origanum essential oils. J Agric Food Chem. 1996;44(5):1202–5.
  • Manohar V, Ingram C, Gray J, Talpur NA, Echard BW, Bagchi D, et al. Antifungal activities of origanum oil against Candida albicans. Mol Cell Biochem. 2001;228(1–2):111–7.
  • Pavela R. Insecticidal activity of certain medicinal plants. Fitoterapia. 2004;75(7–8):745–9.
  • Sargin SA, Akçicek E, Selvi S. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the local people of Alaşehir (Manisa) in Turkey. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013;150(3):860–74.
  • Tepe B, Cakir A, Sihoglu Tepe A. Medicinal Uses, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology of Origanum onites (L.): A Review. Chem Biodivers. 2016;13(5):504–20.
  • Korukluoglu M, Gurbuz O, Sahan Y, Yigit A, Kacar OYA, Rouseff R. and Extracts. J Food Saf. 2008;29(2009):144–61.
  • Ozkan, G., Baydar, H., Erbas S. The influence of harvest time on essential oil composition , phenolic constituents and antioxidant properties of Turkish oregano ( Origanum onites L .). J Sci Food Agr. 2010;90(2):205–9.
  • Vokou D, Kokkini S, BessiÈRe JM. Origanum onites (Lamiaceae) in Greece: Distribution, volatile oil yield, and composition. Econ Bot. 1988;42(3):407–12.
  • Spyridopoulou K, Fitsiou E, Bouloukosta E, Tiptiri-Kourpeti A, Vamvakias M, Oreopoulou A, et al. Extraction, Chemical Composition, and Anticancer Potential of Origanum onites L. Essential Oil. Molecules. 2019;24(14).
  • Stefanakis MK, Touloupakis E, Anastasopoulos E, Ghanotakis D, Katerinopoulos HE, Makridis P. Antibacterial activity of essential oils from pants of the genus Origanum. Food Control [Internet]. 2013;34(2):539–46. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.05.024
  • Lagouri V, Blekas G, Tsimidou M, Kokkini S, Boskou D. Composition and antioxidant activity of essential oils from Oregano plants grown wild in Greece. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 1993;197(1):20–3.
  • Özkan A, Erdoǧan A. A comparative evaluation of antioxidant and anticancer activity of essential oil from origanum onites (lamiaceae) and its two major phenolic components. Turkish J Biol. 2011;35(6):735–42.
  • Ozdemir N, Ozgen Y, Kiralan M, Bayrak A, Arslan N, Ramadan MF. Effect of different drying methods on the essential oil yield, composition and antioxidant activity of Origanum vulgare L. and Origanum onites L. J Food Meas Charact [Internet]. 2018;12(2):820–5. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11694-017-9696-x
  • Semiz G, Semiz A, Mercan-doğan N. Essential oil composition , total phenolic content , antioxidant and antibiofilm activities of four Origanum species from southeastern Turkey. Int J Food Prop [Internet]. 2018;21(1):194–204. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/10942912.2018.1440240
  • Altintas A, Tabanca N, Tyihák E, Ott PG, Móricz ÁM, Mincsovics E, et al. Characterization of volatile constituents from Origanum onites and their antifungal and antibacterial activity. J AOAC Int. 2013;96(6):1200–8.
  • Yildirim E, Kordali S, Yazici G. Insecticidal effects of essential oils of eleven plant species from Lamiaceae on Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Rom Biotechnol Lett. 2011;16(6):6702–9.
  • Erler F, Cetin H. Components from the essential oils from two origanum species as larvicides against euproctis chrysorrhoea (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). J Agric Urban Entomol. 2009;26(1):31–40.
  • Lermioglu F, Bagci S, Onderoglu S, Ortac R, Tugrul L. Evaluation of the long-term effects of oleum origani on the toxicity induced by administration of streptozotocin in rats. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1997;49(11):1157–61.
  • Orhan I, Şener B, Kartal M, Kan Y. Activity of Essential Oils and Individual Components against Acetyl-and Butyrylcholinesterase. Zeitschrift fur Naturforsch - Sect C J Biosci. 2008;63(7–8):547–53.
  • Özer Z, Kiliç T, Selvi S, Pasa C. Effect of Different Drying Methods and Development Stages on the Essential Oil Chemical Composition of Aerial Parts of Origanum vulgare L. subsp. hirtum (link) Letsw. J Essent Oil-Bearing Plants. 2018;21(5).
  • Blois MS. Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature. 1958;181:1199–2000.
  • Miller H.E. A Simplified Method for the Evaluation of Antioxidants. J Am Oil Chem Soc. 1971;48(2):91.
  • Özer Z. Investigation of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of mentha spicata subsp. Spicata and M. longifolia subsp. typhoides (briq.) Harley decoction and infusion. J Turkish Chem Soc Sect A Chem. 2018;5(2).
  • Özer Z. The phenolic compounds, antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of cyclotrichium origanifolium (Labill.) manden & scheng and thymus sipyleus boiss teas from Turkey. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Chem. 2019;64(3):217–28.
  • Nottingham SF, Son KC, Severson RF, Arrendale RF KSJ. Attraction of adult sweet potato weevils, Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers),(Coleoptera: Curculionidae), to sweet potato leaf and root volatiles. J Chem Ecol. 1989;15(3):1489–503.
  • Trung HD, Thang TD, Khôi NK, Dai DN, Ogunwande IA. Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils from the Leaf, Flower and Fruit of Zanthoxylum avicenna (Lam.) DC. (Rutaceae) from Vietnam. J Essent Oil-Bearing Plants. 2016;19(4):1019–24.
  • Arslan M, Uremis I, Demirel N. Effects of sage leafhopper feeding damage on herbage colour, essential oil content and compositions of Turkish and Greek oregano. Exp Agric. 2012;48(3):428–37.
  • Bostancioĝlu RB, Kürkçüoĝlu M, Başer KHC, Koparal AT. Assessment of anti-angiogenic and anti-tumoral potentials of Origanum onites L. essential oil. Food Chem Toxicol. 2012;50(6):2002–8.
  • Kokkini S, Karousou R, Hanlidou E, Lanaras T. Essential Oil composition of greek (origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum) and turkish (O.onites)Oregano: A tool for their distinction. J Essent Oil Res. 2004;16(4):334–8.
  • Figuérédo G, Cabassu P, Chalchat JC, Pasquier B. Studies of mediterranean oregano populations. VII: Chemical composition of essential oils of carvacrol-rich oregano of various origins. J Essent Oil Res. 2006;18(3):244–9.
  • Ceylan, A., Bayram, E., Sahbaz, N., Otan, H., Karaman S. Yield performance and essential oil composition of individual plants and improved clones of Origanum onites L. grown in the Aegean region of Turkey. Isr J Plant Sci. 2003;51(4):285–90.
  • Lukas, B., Samuel, R., Novak J. Oregano or marjoram? The enzyme γ-terpinene synthase affects chemotype formation in the genus Origanum. Isr J Plant Sci. 2010;58(3–4):211–20.
  • Sarikurkcu C, Zengin G, Oskay M, Uysal S, Ceylan R, Aktumsek A. Composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and enzyme inhibition activities of two Origanum vulgare subspecies (subsp. vulgare and subsp. hirtum) essential oils. Ind Crops Prod [Internet]. 2015;70:178–84. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.03.030
  • De Oliveira TM, De Carvalho RBF, Da Costa IHF, De Oliveira GAL, De Souza AA, De Lima SG, et al. Evaluation of p-cymene, a natural antioxidant. Pharm Biol. 2015;53(3):423–8.

Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Leaf and Flower Essential Oils of Origanum onites L. Growing in Mount Ida-Turkey

Year 2020, , 813 - 820, 30.10.2020


The chemical composition of leaf and flower essential oils of Origanum onites L. were analyzed using Thermo Scientific TSQ GC-MS/MS. Also, antioxidant activities of the leaf and flower essential oils were investigated by using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging activity and β-carotene linoleic acid assays. BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene) were used as standards. The essential oil yields of O. onites were 1.75 % for leaves, and 4.25 % for flowers. A total of twenty-three compounds representing 99.9 % of leaf oil and twenty-four compounds constituted 99.6 % of the flower oil were determined. Oxygenated monoterpenes were detected at a high percentage (69.2 %) in leaf essential oil and carvacrol (64.9 %) was determined as the main compound. Also, flower essential oil was dominated by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (73.5 %) and α-cubebene (36.4 %) was determined as major compound. For leaf oil, a high antioxidant capacity was determined, primarily due to carvacrol and p-cymene.


  • Baytop T. Türkiye’de Bitkiler İle Tedavi, Geçmişte Ve Bugün. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi; 1999. 550s p.
  • Göktaş, Ö., Gıdık B. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin kullanım alanları. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilim Dergisi,. 2019;2(1):145–51.
  • Kocabas YZ, Karaman S. Essential Oils of Lamiaceae Family from South East Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Pakistan J Biol Sci. 2001;4(10):1221–3.
  • Davis PH. Flora of Turkey and The East Agean Islands. Labiatae. University. Edinburg; 1982. 462–463 p.
  • Arabaci, T., Dirmenci, T., Yıldız B. Origanum L.(Ballıbabagiller/Lamiaceae) Cinsine Ait Yeni Bir Melez: Origanum× malatyanum Yıldız, Arabacı & Dirmenci. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi,. 2020;7(1):10–5.
  • Özer Z, Gören AC, Kılıç T, Öncü M, Çarıkçı S, Dirmenci T. The phenolic contents, antioxidant and anticholinesterase activity of section Amaracus (Gled.) Vogel and Anatolicon Ietsw. of Origanum L. species. Arab J Chem. 2020;13(4):5027–39.
  • Dirmenci T, Yazici T, Özcan T, Çelenk S, Martin E. A new species and a new natural hybrid of Origanum L. (Lamiaceae) from the west of Turkey. Turk J Botany. 2018;42(1):73–90.
  • Fotakis C, Tsigrimani D, Tsiaka T, Lantzouraki DZ, Strati IF, Makris C, et al. Metabolic and antioxidant profiles of herbal infusions and decoctions. Food Chem [Internet]. 2016;211:963–71. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.05.124
  • Hajlaoui H, Mighri H, Aouni M, Gharsallah N, Kadri A. Chemical composition and in vitro evaluation of antioxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxicity and anti-acetylcholinesterase properties of Tunisian Origanum majorana L. essential oil. Microb Pathog. 2016;95:86–94.
  • Yan F, Azizi A, Janke S, Schwarz M, Zeller S, Honermeier B. Antioxidant capacity variation in the oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) collection of the German National Genebank. Ind Crops Prod [Internet]. 2016;92:19–25. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.07.038
  • Akdemir Evrendilek G. Empirical prediction and validation of antibacterial inhibitory effects of various plant essential oils on common pathogenic bacteria. Int J Food Microbiol [Internet]. 2015;202:35–41. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2015.02.030
  • Sivropoulou A, Papanikolaou E, Nikolaou C, Kokkini S, Lanaras T, Arsenakis M. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Origanum essential oils. J Agric Food Chem. 1996;44(5):1202–5.
  • Manohar V, Ingram C, Gray J, Talpur NA, Echard BW, Bagchi D, et al. Antifungal activities of origanum oil against Candida albicans. Mol Cell Biochem. 2001;228(1–2):111–7.
  • Pavela R. Insecticidal activity of certain medicinal plants. Fitoterapia. 2004;75(7–8):745–9.
  • Sargin SA, Akçicek E, Selvi S. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the local people of Alaşehir (Manisa) in Turkey. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013;150(3):860–74.
  • Tepe B, Cakir A, Sihoglu Tepe A. Medicinal Uses, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology of Origanum onites (L.): A Review. Chem Biodivers. 2016;13(5):504–20.
  • Korukluoglu M, Gurbuz O, Sahan Y, Yigit A, Kacar OYA, Rouseff R. and Extracts. J Food Saf. 2008;29(2009):144–61.
  • Ozkan, G., Baydar, H., Erbas S. The influence of harvest time on essential oil composition , phenolic constituents and antioxidant properties of Turkish oregano ( Origanum onites L .). J Sci Food Agr. 2010;90(2):205–9.
  • Vokou D, Kokkini S, BessiÈRe JM. Origanum onites (Lamiaceae) in Greece: Distribution, volatile oil yield, and composition. Econ Bot. 1988;42(3):407–12.
  • Spyridopoulou K, Fitsiou E, Bouloukosta E, Tiptiri-Kourpeti A, Vamvakias M, Oreopoulou A, et al. Extraction, Chemical Composition, and Anticancer Potential of Origanum onites L. Essential Oil. Molecules. 2019;24(14).
  • Stefanakis MK, Touloupakis E, Anastasopoulos E, Ghanotakis D, Katerinopoulos HE, Makridis P. Antibacterial activity of essential oils from pants of the genus Origanum. Food Control [Internet]. 2013;34(2):539–46. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.05.024
  • Lagouri V, Blekas G, Tsimidou M, Kokkini S, Boskou D. Composition and antioxidant activity of essential oils from Oregano plants grown wild in Greece. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 1993;197(1):20–3.
  • Özkan A, Erdoǧan A. A comparative evaluation of antioxidant and anticancer activity of essential oil from origanum onites (lamiaceae) and its two major phenolic components. Turkish J Biol. 2011;35(6):735–42.
  • Ozdemir N, Ozgen Y, Kiralan M, Bayrak A, Arslan N, Ramadan MF. Effect of different drying methods on the essential oil yield, composition and antioxidant activity of Origanum vulgare L. and Origanum onites L. J Food Meas Charact [Internet]. 2018;12(2):820–5. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11694-017-9696-x
  • Semiz G, Semiz A, Mercan-doğan N. Essential oil composition , total phenolic content , antioxidant and antibiofilm activities of four Origanum species from southeastern Turkey. Int J Food Prop [Internet]. 2018;21(1):194–204. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/10942912.2018.1440240
  • Altintas A, Tabanca N, Tyihák E, Ott PG, Móricz ÁM, Mincsovics E, et al. Characterization of volatile constituents from Origanum onites and their antifungal and antibacterial activity. J AOAC Int. 2013;96(6):1200–8.
  • Yildirim E, Kordali S, Yazici G. Insecticidal effects of essential oils of eleven plant species from Lamiaceae on Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Rom Biotechnol Lett. 2011;16(6):6702–9.
  • Erler F, Cetin H. Components from the essential oils from two origanum species as larvicides against euproctis chrysorrhoea (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). J Agric Urban Entomol. 2009;26(1):31–40.
  • Lermioglu F, Bagci S, Onderoglu S, Ortac R, Tugrul L. Evaluation of the long-term effects of oleum origani on the toxicity induced by administration of streptozotocin in rats. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1997;49(11):1157–61.
  • Orhan I, Şener B, Kartal M, Kan Y. Activity of Essential Oils and Individual Components against Acetyl-and Butyrylcholinesterase. Zeitschrift fur Naturforsch - Sect C J Biosci. 2008;63(7–8):547–53.
  • Özer Z, Kiliç T, Selvi S, Pasa C. Effect of Different Drying Methods and Development Stages on the Essential Oil Chemical Composition of Aerial Parts of Origanum vulgare L. subsp. hirtum (link) Letsw. J Essent Oil-Bearing Plants. 2018;21(5).
  • Blois MS. Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature. 1958;181:1199–2000.
  • Miller H.E. A Simplified Method for the Evaluation of Antioxidants. J Am Oil Chem Soc. 1971;48(2):91.
  • Özer Z. Investigation of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of mentha spicata subsp. Spicata and M. longifolia subsp. typhoides (briq.) Harley decoction and infusion. J Turkish Chem Soc Sect A Chem. 2018;5(2).
  • Özer Z. The phenolic compounds, antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of cyclotrichium origanifolium (Labill.) manden & scheng and thymus sipyleus boiss teas from Turkey. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Chem. 2019;64(3):217–28.
  • Nottingham SF, Son KC, Severson RF, Arrendale RF KSJ. Attraction of adult sweet potato weevils, Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers),(Coleoptera: Curculionidae), to sweet potato leaf and root volatiles. J Chem Ecol. 1989;15(3):1489–503.
  • Trung HD, Thang TD, Khôi NK, Dai DN, Ogunwande IA. Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils from the Leaf, Flower and Fruit of Zanthoxylum avicenna (Lam.) DC. (Rutaceae) from Vietnam. J Essent Oil-Bearing Plants. 2016;19(4):1019–24.
  • Arslan M, Uremis I, Demirel N. Effects of sage leafhopper feeding damage on herbage colour, essential oil content and compositions of Turkish and Greek oregano. Exp Agric. 2012;48(3):428–37.
  • Bostancioĝlu RB, Kürkçüoĝlu M, Başer KHC, Koparal AT. Assessment of anti-angiogenic and anti-tumoral potentials of Origanum onites L. essential oil. Food Chem Toxicol. 2012;50(6):2002–8.
  • Kokkini S, Karousou R, Hanlidou E, Lanaras T. Essential Oil composition of greek (origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum) and turkish (O.onites)Oregano: A tool for their distinction. J Essent Oil Res. 2004;16(4):334–8.
  • Figuérédo G, Cabassu P, Chalchat JC, Pasquier B. Studies of mediterranean oregano populations. VII: Chemical composition of essential oils of carvacrol-rich oregano of various origins. J Essent Oil Res. 2006;18(3):244–9.
  • Ceylan, A., Bayram, E., Sahbaz, N., Otan, H., Karaman S. Yield performance and essential oil composition of individual plants and improved clones of Origanum onites L. grown in the Aegean region of Turkey. Isr J Plant Sci. 2003;51(4):285–90.
  • Lukas, B., Samuel, R., Novak J. Oregano or marjoram? The enzyme γ-terpinene synthase affects chemotype formation in the genus Origanum. Isr J Plant Sci. 2010;58(3–4):211–20.
  • Sarikurkcu C, Zengin G, Oskay M, Uysal S, Ceylan R, Aktumsek A. Composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and enzyme inhibition activities of two Origanum vulgare subspecies (subsp. vulgare and subsp. hirtum) essential oils. Ind Crops Prod [Internet]. 2015;70:178–84. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.03.030
  • De Oliveira TM, De Carvalho RBF, Da Costa IHF, De Oliveira GAL, De Souza AA, De Lima SG, et al. Evaluation of p-cymene, a natural antioxidant. Pharm Biol. 2015;53(3):423–8.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Organic Chemistry
Journal Section Articles

Züleyha Özer 0000-0003-4957-5756

Publication Date October 30, 2020
Submission Date August 14, 2020
Acceptance Date September 13, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Vancouver Özer Z. Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Leaf and Flower Essential Oils of Origanum onites L. Growing in Mount Ida-Turkey. JOTCSA. 2020;7(3):813-20.