Research Article
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Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acids Composition of Sudanese Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 911 - 920, 30.10.2020


Moringa oleifera is a robust and fast growing tree considered as one of the most beneficial trees worldwide since almost all parts of it used as food, medicines and for industrial purposes. The aim of this study was to investigate the physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of M. oleifera seed oil. The oil was extracted by Soxhlet using n-hexane; the physicochemical properties of the seed oil were assessed by standard and established methods, as well the fatty acid composition of the seed oil was determined by GC-MS. The golden yellow with characteristic odor oil obtained from the seeds had the following physicochemical properties: yield, 42.87%; freezing point, 0 °C; melting point, 21 °C; boiling point, 225 °C; refractive index (25 °C), 1.447; iodine value, 96.6 g/100g of oil; peroxide value, 7.6 meq.O2/kg of oil; free fatty acids, 0.07%; acid value, 1.4 mg of KOH/g of oil; saponification value, 185.2 mg KOH/g of oil; unsaponifiable matter, 3.2; moisture and volatile value, 4.91 (wt.%); density, 0.900 g/cm3; viscosity, 60.99 mm2/s; specific gravity, 0.907. The fatty acids composition showed that oleic- acid (51.74%) was the major fatty acid and followed by behenic- (10.54%), palmitic- (9.20%), stearic- (8.46%), arachidic- (6.41%), gondic- (4.88%), lignoceric- (3.08%) and palmitoleic acid (2.85%). Therefore, more and advanced research should be undertaken for this abundant source of natural oil for edible oil and possible industrial applications.

Supporting Institution

International University of Africa, Department of Applied and Industrial Chemistry, Khartoum, Sudan.


We are very grateful to College of Forestry and Range Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Soba, Khartoum, Sudan for supplying M. oleifera seeds for this study.


  • 1. Leone A, Spada A, Battezzati A, Schiraldi A, Aristil J, Bertoli S. Moringa oleifera seeds and oil: characteristics and uses for human health. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016 Dec;17(12):2141.
  • 2. Gopalakrishnan L, Doriya K, Kumar DS. Moringa oleifera: A review on nutritive importance and its medicinal application. Food science and human wellness. 2016 Jun 1;5(2):49-56.
  • 3. Mathur A. Renewable energy sources from Moringa Oleifera seed oil: a rich source of oil for bio diesel. International Journal of Computer Applications. 2014;975:8887.
  • 4. Maizuwo AI, Hassan AS, Momoh H, Muhammad JA. Phytochemical constituents, biological activities, therapeutic potentials and nutritional values of Moringa oleifera (Zogale): A review. Drug Des. Med. Chem. 2017 Oct 28;3:60-6.
  • 5. Barakat H, Ghazal GA. Physicochemical properties of Moringa oleifera seeds and their edible oil cultivated at different regions in Egypt. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2016;7(06):472.
  • 6. Orhevba BA, Sunmonu MO, and Iwunze HI. Extraction and Characterization of Moringa oleifera Seed Oil. Res Rev J Food Dairy Technol. 2013;1(1):22–7.
  • 7. Nour AH, Elhussein SA, Osman NA. Characterization and chemical composition of the fixed oil of fourteen basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) accessions grown in Sudan. International journal of chemical technology. 2009;1(2):52-8.
  • 8. Ramaiya SD, Bujang JS, Zakaria MH. Physicochemical, fatty acid and antioxidant properties of passion fruit (Passiflora species) seed oil. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 2019;18(5):421-9.
  • 9. Jessinta S, Azhari HN, Saiful NT, Abdurahman HN. Impact of geographic variation on physicochemical properties of neem (Azadirachta indica) seed oil. Int J Pharm Sci Res. 2014 Oct 1;5(10):4406-13.
  • 10. Ouilly JT, Bazongo P, Bougma A, Kaboré N, Lykke AM, Ouédraogo A, Bassolé IH. Chemical composition, physicochemical characteristics, and nutritional value of Lannea kerstingii seeds and seed oil. Journal of analytical methods in chemistry. 2017 Jan 31;2017.
  • 11. Chatepa LE, Uluko H, Masamba K. Comparison of oil quality extracted from selected conventional and non conventional sources of vegetable oil from Malawi. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2019 Feb 20;18(8):171-80.
  • 12. Ayadi MA, Grati-Kamoun N, Attia H. Physico-chemical change and heat stability of extra virgin olive oils flavoured by selected Tunisian aromatic plants. Food Chem Toxicol. 2009;47(10):2613–9.
  • 13. Aleksic V, Knezevic P. Antimicrobial and antioxidative activity of extracts and essential oils of Myrtus communis L. Microbiological Research. 2014 Apr 1;169(4):240-54.
  • 14. Kaur H, Singh PG, Yusup S, Wai CK. Physicochemical properties of crude rubber seed oil for biogasoline production. Procedia engineering. 2016 Jan 1;148:426-31.
  • 15. Radha KV, Manikandan G. Novel production of biofuels from neem oil. InWorld Renewable Energy Congress-Sweden; 8-13 May; 2011; Linköping; Sweden 2011 Nov 3 (No. 057, pp. 471-478). Linköping University Electronic Press.
  • 16. Fernandes RV, Borges SV, Botrel DA, Silva EK, Costa JM, Queiroz F. Microencapsulation of rosemary essential oil: characterization of particles. Drying Technology. 2013 Aug 18;31(11):1245-54.
  • 17. Ibeto CN, Okoye CO, Ofoefule AU. Comparative study of the physicochemical characterization of some oils as potential feedstock for biodiesel production. ISRN Renewable Energy. 2012;2012.
  • 18. Adegbe AA, Larayetan RA, Omojuwa TJ. Proximate analysis, physicochemical properties and chemical constituents characterization of Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) seed oil using GC-MS analysis. American Journal of Chemistry. 2016;6(2):23-8.
  • 19. Talkit KM, Mahajan DT, Masand VH. Study on physicochemical properties of vegetable oils and their blends use as possible ecological lubricant. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2012;4(12):5139-44.
  • 20. Warra AA, Wawata IG, Gunu SY, Aujara KM. Extraction and physicochemical analysis of some selected Northern Nigerian industrial oils. Archives of Applied Science Research. 2011;3(4):536-41.
  • 21. Ogunsina BS, Indira TN, Bhatnagar AS, Radha C, Debnath S, Krishna AG. Quality characteristics and stability of Moringa oleifera seed oil of Indian origin. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2014 Mar 1;51(3):503-10.
  • 22. Pereira FS, Galvão CC, de Lima VF, da Rocha MF, Schuler AR, da Silva VL, de Lima Filho NM. The versatility of the Moringa oleifera oil in sustainable applications. OCL. 2016 Nov 1;23(6):A601.
  • 23. Mohammed MI, Hamza ZU. Physicochemical properties of oil extracts from Sesamum Indicum L. seeds grown in Jigawa State–Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management. 2008;12(2).
  • 24. Abiodun OA, Adegbite JA, Omolola AO. Chemical and physicochemical properties of Moringa flours and oil. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Biological Sciences. 2012;12(5):1-7.
  • 25. Adejumo BA, Alakowe AT, Obi DE. Effect of heat treatment on the characteristics and oil yield of Moringa oleifera seeds. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 2013;2(1):232-9.
  • 26. Adejumo BA, Inaede SG, Adamu TS. Effect of moisture content on the yield and characteristics of oil from Moringa oleifera seeds. Academic Research International. 2013 Jul 1;4(4):160.
  • 27. Anwar F, Ashraf M, Bhanger MI. Interprovenance variation in the composition of Moringa oleifera oilseeds from Pakistan. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 2005 Jan;82(1):45-51.
  • 28. Tamboli Y, Selokar GR, Paul A, Zala J. Feasibility testing of VCR engine using various blend of Neem oil. International journal of innovations in engineering and technology. 2013 Jun;2:170-82.
  • 29. Lalas S, Tsaknis J. Characterization of Moringa oleifera seed oil variety" Periyakulam 1". Journal of food composition and analysis. 2002 Feb 1;15(1):65-78.
  • 30. Janaki S. Characterization of cold press Moringa oil. International Journal of Science and Research. 2015;4:386-9.
  • 31. Arafat MG. Physico‐chemical properties of oil produced from Moringa oleifera, Jatropha curcas and Carthamus tinctorius L seeds. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2013;1(4):181-7.
  • 32. Ghazali HM, Mohammed AS. Moringa (Moringa oleifera) seed oil: composition, nutritional aspects, and health attributes. In: Nuts and seeds in health and disease prevention 2011 Jan 1 (pp. 787-793). Academic Press.
Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 911 - 920, 30.10.2020



  • 1. Leone A, Spada A, Battezzati A, Schiraldi A, Aristil J, Bertoli S. Moringa oleifera seeds and oil: characteristics and uses for human health. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016 Dec;17(12):2141.
  • 2. Gopalakrishnan L, Doriya K, Kumar DS. Moringa oleifera: A review on nutritive importance and its medicinal application. Food science and human wellness. 2016 Jun 1;5(2):49-56.
  • 3. Mathur A. Renewable energy sources from Moringa Oleifera seed oil: a rich source of oil for bio diesel. International Journal of Computer Applications. 2014;975:8887.
  • 4. Maizuwo AI, Hassan AS, Momoh H, Muhammad JA. Phytochemical constituents, biological activities, therapeutic potentials and nutritional values of Moringa oleifera (Zogale): A review. Drug Des. Med. Chem. 2017 Oct 28;3:60-6.
  • 5. Barakat H, Ghazal GA. Physicochemical properties of Moringa oleifera seeds and their edible oil cultivated at different regions in Egypt. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2016;7(06):472.
  • 6. Orhevba BA, Sunmonu MO, and Iwunze HI. Extraction and Characterization of Moringa oleifera Seed Oil. Res Rev J Food Dairy Technol. 2013;1(1):22–7.
  • 7. Nour AH, Elhussein SA, Osman NA. Characterization and chemical composition of the fixed oil of fourteen basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) accessions grown in Sudan. International journal of chemical technology. 2009;1(2):52-8.
  • 8. Ramaiya SD, Bujang JS, Zakaria MH. Physicochemical, fatty acid and antioxidant properties of passion fruit (Passiflora species) seed oil. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 2019;18(5):421-9.
  • 9. Jessinta S, Azhari HN, Saiful NT, Abdurahman HN. Impact of geographic variation on physicochemical properties of neem (Azadirachta indica) seed oil. Int J Pharm Sci Res. 2014 Oct 1;5(10):4406-13.
  • 10. Ouilly JT, Bazongo P, Bougma A, Kaboré N, Lykke AM, Ouédraogo A, Bassolé IH. Chemical composition, physicochemical characteristics, and nutritional value of Lannea kerstingii seeds and seed oil. Journal of analytical methods in chemistry. 2017 Jan 31;2017.
  • 11. Chatepa LE, Uluko H, Masamba K. Comparison of oil quality extracted from selected conventional and non conventional sources of vegetable oil from Malawi. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2019 Feb 20;18(8):171-80.
  • 12. Ayadi MA, Grati-Kamoun N, Attia H. Physico-chemical change and heat stability of extra virgin olive oils flavoured by selected Tunisian aromatic plants. Food Chem Toxicol. 2009;47(10):2613–9.
  • 13. Aleksic V, Knezevic P. Antimicrobial and antioxidative activity of extracts and essential oils of Myrtus communis L. Microbiological Research. 2014 Apr 1;169(4):240-54.
  • 14. Kaur H, Singh PG, Yusup S, Wai CK. Physicochemical properties of crude rubber seed oil for biogasoline production. Procedia engineering. 2016 Jan 1;148:426-31.
  • 15. Radha KV, Manikandan G. Novel production of biofuels from neem oil. InWorld Renewable Energy Congress-Sweden; 8-13 May; 2011; Linköping; Sweden 2011 Nov 3 (No. 057, pp. 471-478). Linköping University Electronic Press.
  • 16. Fernandes RV, Borges SV, Botrel DA, Silva EK, Costa JM, Queiroz F. Microencapsulation of rosemary essential oil: characterization of particles. Drying Technology. 2013 Aug 18;31(11):1245-54.
  • 17. Ibeto CN, Okoye CO, Ofoefule AU. Comparative study of the physicochemical characterization of some oils as potential feedstock for biodiesel production. ISRN Renewable Energy. 2012;2012.
  • 18. Adegbe AA, Larayetan RA, Omojuwa TJ. Proximate analysis, physicochemical properties and chemical constituents characterization of Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) seed oil using GC-MS analysis. American Journal of Chemistry. 2016;6(2):23-8.
  • 19. Talkit KM, Mahajan DT, Masand VH. Study on physicochemical properties of vegetable oils and their blends use as possible ecological lubricant. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2012;4(12):5139-44.
  • 20. Warra AA, Wawata IG, Gunu SY, Aujara KM. Extraction and physicochemical analysis of some selected Northern Nigerian industrial oils. Archives of Applied Science Research. 2011;3(4):536-41.
  • 21. Ogunsina BS, Indira TN, Bhatnagar AS, Radha C, Debnath S, Krishna AG. Quality characteristics and stability of Moringa oleifera seed oil of Indian origin. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2014 Mar 1;51(3):503-10.
  • 22. Pereira FS, Galvão CC, de Lima VF, da Rocha MF, Schuler AR, da Silva VL, de Lima Filho NM. The versatility of the Moringa oleifera oil in sustainable applications. OCL. 2016 Nov 1;23(6):A601.
  • 23. Mohammed MI, Hamza ZU. Physicochemical properties of oil extracts from Sesamum Indicum L. seeds grown in Jigawa State–Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management. 2008;12(2).
  • 24. Abiodun OA, Adegbite JA, Omolola AO. Chemical and physicochemical properties of Moringa flours and oil. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Biological Sciences. 2012;12(5):1-7.
  • 25. Adejumo BA, Alakowe AT, Obi DE. Effect of heat treatment on the characteristics and oil yield of Moringa oleifera seeds. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 2013;2(1):232-9.
  • 26. Adejumo BA, Inaede SG, Adamu TS. Effect of moisture content on the yield and characteristics of oil from Moringa oleifera seeds. Academic Research International. 2013 Jul 1;4(4):160.
  • 27. Anwar F, Ashraf M, Bhanger MI. Interprovenance variation in the composition of Moringa oleifera oilseeds from Pakistan. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 2005 Jan;82(1):45-51.
  • 28. Tamboli Y, Selokar GR, Paul A, Zala J. Feasibility testing of VCR engine using various blend of Neem oil. International journal of innovations in engineering and technology. 2013 Jun;2:170-82.
  • 29. Lalas S, Tsaknis J. Characterization of Moringa oleifera seed oil variety" Periyakulam 1". Journal of food composition and analysis. 2002 Feb 1;15(1):65-78.
  • 30. Janaki S. Characterization of cold press Moringa oil. International Journal of Science and Research. 2015;4:386-9.
  • 31. Arafat MG. Physico‐chemical properties of oil produced from Moringa oleifera, Jatropha curcas and Carthamus tinctorius L seeds. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2013;1(4):181-7.
  • 32. Ghazali HM, Mohammed AS. Moringa (Moringa oleifera) seed oil: composition, nutritional aspects, and health attributes. In: Nuts and seeds in health and disease prevention 2011 Jan 1 (pp. 787-793). Academic Press.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Organic Chemistry
Journal Section Articles

Abeer Idrıs This is me 0000-0003-3985-9202

Azhari Nour This is me 0000-0003-1771-5590

Omer Ishag 0000-0002-9417-3222

Mahmoud Ali This is me 0000-0003-2806-632X

Ibrahim Erwa 0000-0002-2486-5610

Abdurahman Nour This is me 0000-0002-7269-3761

Publication Date October 30, 2020
Submission Date July 20, 2020
Acceptance Date October 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


Vancouver Idrıs A, Nour A, Ishag O, Ali M, Erwa I, Nour A. Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acids Composition of Sudanese Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil. JOTCSA. 2020;7(3):911-20.