1. Yin H, Qiu P, Qian Y, Kong Z, Zheng X, Tang Z, et al. Textile Wastewater Treatment for Water Reuse: A Case Study. Processes. 2019 Jan 11;7(1):34.
2. de Luna MDG, Flores ED, Genuino DAD, Futalan CM, Wan M-W. Adsorption of Eriochrome Black T (EBT) dye using activated carbon prepared from waste rice hulls—Optimization, isotherm and kinetic studies. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2013 Jul;44(4):646–53.
3. Paixão K, Abreu E, Lamas Samanamud GR, Boscaro França A, Almeida Loures CC, Prado Baston E, et al. Normal boundary intersection applied in the scale-up for the treatment process of Eriochrome Black T through the UV/TiO2/O3 system. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2019 Feb;7(1):102801.
4. Khurana I, Shaw AK, Bharti, Khurana JM, Rai PK. Batch and dynamic adsorption of Eriochrome Black T from water on magnetic graphene oxide: Experimental and theoretical studies. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2018 Feb;6(1):468–77.
5. İlbay Z, Yildirir E. Vermicompost as a potential adsorbent for the adsorption of methyleneblue dye from aqueous soulutions. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry. 2020 Oct 23;893–902.
6. Crini G. Non-conventional low-cost adsorbents for dye removal: A review. Bioresource Technology. 2006 Jun;97(9):1061–85.
7. Ismail BB, Yusuf HL, Pu Y, Zhao H, Guo M, Liu D. Ultrasound-assisted adsorption/desorption for the enrichment and purification of flavonoids from baobab (Adansonia digitata) fruit pulp. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2020 Jul;65:104980.
8. Ismail BB, Guo M, Pu Y, Wang W, Ye X, Liu D. Valorisation of baobab (Adansonia digitata) seeds by ultrasound assisted extraction of polyphenolics. Optimisation and comparison with conventional methods. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2019 Apr;52:257–67.
9. Thompson LH, Doraiswamy LK. Sonochemistry: Science and Engineering. Ind Eng Chem Res. 1999 Apr 1;38(4):1215–49.
10. Pankaj, Sharma R, Verma SK. Equilibrium, kinetic and mechanism studies on adsorption of textile disperse dye from aqueous solution onto TiO2 in the presence of ultrasound and rare earth ions. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2021;44:2158–67.
11. Hamdaoui O, Chiha M, Naffrechoux E. Ultrasound-assisted removal of malachite green from aqueous solution by dead pine needles. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2008 Jul;15(5):799–807.
12. Hamdaoui O, Naffrechoux E, Tifouti L, Pétrier C. Effects of ultrasound on adsorption–desorption of p-chlorophenol on granular activated carbon. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2003 Mar;10(2):109–14.
13. Yang G, Wang Z, Xian Q, Shen F, Sun C, Zhang Y, et al. Effects of pyrolysis temperature on the physicochemical properties of biochar derived from vermicompost and its potential use as an environmental amendment. RSC Adv. 2015;5(50):40117–25.
14. Zhou B, Wang Z, Shen D, Shen F, Wu C, Xiao R. Low cost earthworm manure-derived carbon material for the adsorption of Cu 2+ from aqueous solution: Impact of pyrolysis temperature. Ecological Engineering. 2017 Jan;98:189–95.
15. Zhu W, Du W, Shen X, Zhang H, Ding Y. Comparative adsorption of Pb2+ and Cd2+ by cow manure and its vermicompost. Environmental Pollution. 2017 Aug;227:89–97.
16. Yang G, Wu L, Xian Q, Shen F, Wu J, Zhang Y. Removal of Congo Red and Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions by Vermicompost-Derived Biochars. Singer AC, editor. PLoS ONE. 2016 May 4;11(5):e0154562.
17. Lagergren S. About the Theory of So-called Adsorption of Soluble Substances. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. 1898;24:1–39.
18. Ho YS, McKay G. A Comparison of Chemisorption Kinetic Models Applied to Pollutant Removal on Various Sorbents. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 1998 Nov;76(4):332–40.
19. Weber WJ, Morris JC. Kinetics of Adsorption on Carbon from Solution. J Sanit Engrg Div. 1963 Apr;89(2):31–59.
20. Langmuir I. The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica and platinum. J Am Chem Soc. 1918 Sep;40(9):1361–403.
21. Freundlich H. Über die Adsorption in Lösungen. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie. 1907 Oct 1;57U(1):385–470.
22. Temkin M. Kinetics of ammonia synthesis on promoted iron catalysts. Acta physiochim URSS. 1940;12:327–56.
23. Khan A, Wang X, Gul K, Khuda F, Aly Z, Elseman AM. Microwave-assisted spent black tea leaves as cost-effective and powerful green adsorbent for the efficient removal of Eriochrome black T from aqueous solutions. Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2018 Jun;5(2):171–82.
24. Akhouairi S, Ouachtak H, Addi AA, Jada A, Douch J. Natural Sawdust as Adsorbent for the Eriochrome Black T Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution. Water Air Soil Pollut. 2019 Aug;230(8):181.
25. Sriram G, Uthappa UT, Rego RM, Kigga M, Kumeria T, Jung H-Y, et al. Ceria decorated porous diatom-xerogel as an effective adsorbent for the efficient removal of Eriochrome Black T. Chemosphere. 2020 Jan;238:124692.
26. Bayomie OS, Kandeel H, Shoeib T, Yang H, Youssef N, El-Sayed MMH. Novel approach for effective removal of methylene blue dye from water using fava bean peel waste. Sci Rep. 2020 Dec;10(1):7824.
27. Roosta M, Ghaedi M, Shokri N, Daneshfar A, Sahraei R, Asghari A. Optimization of the combined ultrasonic assisted/adsorption method for the removal of malachite green by gold nanoparticles loaded on activated carbon: Experimental design. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2014 Jan;118:55–65.
28. Asfaram A, Ghaedi M, Hajati S, Goudarzi A. Ternary dye adsorption onto MnO 2 nanoparticle-loaded activated carbon: derivative spectrophotometry and modeling. RSC Adv. 2015;5(88):72300–20.
29. Shikuku VO, Mishra T. Adsorption isotherm modeling for methylene blue removal onto magnetic kaolinite clay: a comparison of two-parameter isotherms. Appl Water Sci. 2021 Jun;11(6):103.
30. Rahangdale D, Kumar A. Chitosan as a substrate for simultaneous surface imprinting of salicylic acid and cadmium. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018 Dec;202:334–44.
31. Pereira MG, Arruda MAZ. Vermicompost as a natural adsorbent material: characterization and potentialities for cadmium adsorption. J Braz Chem Soc. 2003 Jan;14(1):39–47.
32. Hussain N, Abbasi T, Abbasi SA. Vermicomposting-mediated conversion of the toxic and allelopathic weed ipomoea into a potent fertilizer. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2016 Sep;103:97–106.
33. Ali U, Sajid N, Khalid A, Riaz L, Rabbani MM, Syed JH, et al. A review on vermicomposting of organic wastes. Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2015 Jul 8;34(4):1050–62.
34. Manzar MS, Zubair M, Khan NA, Husain Khan A, Baig U, Aziz MA, et al. Adsorption behaviour of green coffee residues for decolourization of hazardous congo red and eriochrome black T dyes from aqueous solutions. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 2020 Aug 26;1–17.
35. Khalid A, Zubair M, Ihsanullah. A Comparative Study on the Adsorption of Eriochrome Black T Dye from Aqueous Solution on Graphene and Acid-Modified Graphene. Arab J Sci Eng. 2018 May;43(5):2167–79.
36. Azargohar R, Nanda S, Kozinski JA, Dalai AK, Sutarto R. Effects of temperature on the physicochemical characteristics of fast pyrolysis bio-chars derived from Canadian waste biomass. Fuel. 2014 Jun;125:90–100.
37. Zhu F, Hou J, Xue S, Wu C, Wang Q, Hartley W. Vermicompost and Gypsum Amendments Improve Aggregate Formation in Bauxite Residue. Land Degrad Develop. 2017 Oct;28(7):2109–20.
38. Şahin Ö, Saka C, Kutluay S. Cold plasma and microwave radiation applications on almond shell surface and its effects on the adsorption of Eriochrome Black T. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 2013 Sep;19(5):1617–23.
39. Boumchita S, Lahrichi A, Benjelloun Y, Lairini S, Nenov V, Zerrouq F. Application of Peanut shell as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of anionic dye from aqueous solutions. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science. 2017;8(7):2353–64.
40. Saleh TA, Musa AM, Ali SA. Synthesis of hydrophobic cross-linked polyzwitterionic acid for simultaneous sorption of Eriochrome black T and chromium ions from binary hazardous waters. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 Apr 15;468:324–33.
41. Salimi F, Valiei V, Karami C. Removal of EBT dye from aqueous solution by modified MoNiO4 adsorbent. Desalination Water Treat. 2020;190:340–52.
42. Javanbakht V, Shafiei R. Preparation and performance of alginate/basil seed mucilage biocomposite for removal of eriochrome black T dye from aqueous solution. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020 Jun;152:990–1001.
43. Manzar MS, Khan G, dos Santos Lins PV, Zubair M, Khan SU, Selvasembian R, et al. RSM-CCD optimization approach for the adsorptive removal of Eriochrome Black T from aqueous system using steel slag-based adsorbent: Characterization, Isotherm, Kinetic modeling and thermodynamic analysis. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2021 Oct;339:116714.
44. Onu CE, Nwabanne JT, Ohale PE, Asadu CO. Comparative analysis of RSM, ANN and ANFIS and the mechanistic modeling in eriochrome black-T dye adsorption using modified clay. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2021 Apr;36:24–42.
45. Kaur Y, Jasrotia T, Kumar R, Chaudhary GR, Chaudhary S. Adsorptive removal of eriochrome black T (EBT) dye by using surface active low cost zinc oxide nanoparticles: A comparative overview. Chemosphere. 2021 Sep;278:130366.
46. Rashidi R, Omidi Khaniabadi Y, Ghaderpoori M. Adsorption of Eriochrome black-T from aqueous environment by raw Montmorillonite. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 2021 Mar 8;1–15.
Ultrasonic-Assisted Removal of Eriochrome Black T onto Vermicompost: Characterization, Isotherm and Kinetic Modelling
Year 2021,
Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 1251 - 1262, 30.11.2021
Recently, utilization of biological adsorbents plays an important role in the removal of toxic dyes such as Eriochrome Black T (EBT) azo-dye as they are considered as being produced from natural renewable source, easy availability, low cost, and being environmentally friendly. In this study, vermicompost (VC) was utilized to remove Eriochrome Black T (EBT) azo-dye from aqueous solution along ultrasonic ultrasonic-assisted adsorption. The parameters such as pH, adsorbent amount, operating time, and initial EBT concentration were investigated. The highest adsorption capacity was obtained as 50.64 (mg-EBT g-1-VC) at the pH of value of 2 after 2 minutes of ultrasonic adsorption. Pseudo first order kinetic model fitted very well with the experimental data (R2=0.9824). The determination coefficient of Temkin isotherm model (R2=0.8659) revealed that suggested model was compatible to experimental results. The results suggested that ultrasonic assisted adsorption of EBT onto VC could be cost- and time-efficient. Besides, the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis of adsorbent identified the surface structure morphology of VC. Moreover, functional groups of VC were detected after and before the ultrasonic-assisted adsorption by using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Thus, interaction mechanism between VC and EBT were determined.
1. Yin H, Qiu P, Qian Y, Kong Z, Zheng X, Tang Z, et al. Textile Wastewater Treatment for Water Reuse: A Case Study. Processes. 2019 Jan 11;7(1):34.
2. de Luna MDG, Flores ED, Genuino DAD, Futalan CM, Wan M-W. Adsorption of Eriochrome Black T (EBT) dye using activated carbon prepared from waste rice hulls—Optimization, isotherm and kinetic studies. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2013 Jul;44(4):646–53.
3. Paixão K, Abreu E, Lamas Samanamud GR, Boscaro França A, Almeida Loures CC, Prado Baston E, et al. Normal boundary intersection applied in the scale-up for the treatment process of Eriochrome Black T through the UV/TiO2/O3 system. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2019 Feb;7(1):102801.
4. Khurana I, Shaw AK, Bharti, Khurana JM, Rai PK. Batch and dynamic adsorption of Eriochrome Black T from water on magnetic graphene oxide: Experimental and theoretical studies. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2018 Feb;6(1):468–77.
5. İlbay Z, Yildirir E. Vermicompost as a potential adsorbent for the adsorption of methyleneblue dye from aqueous soulutions. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry. 2020 Oct 23;893–902.
6. Crini G. Non-conventional low-cost adsorbents for dye removal: A review. Bioresource Technology. 2006 Jun;97(9):1061–85.
7. Ismail BB, Yusuf HL, Pu Y, Zhao H, Guo M, Liu D. Ultrasound-assisted adsorption/desorption for the enrichment and purification of flavonoids from baobab (Adansonia digitata) fruit pulp. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2020 Jul;65:104980.
8. Ismail BB, Guo M, Pu Y, Wang W, Ye X, Liu D. Valorisation of baobab (Adansonia digitata) seeds by ultrasound assisted extraction of polyphenolics. Optimisation and comparison with conventional methods. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2019 Apr;52:257–67.
9. Thompson LH, Doraiswamy LK. Sonochemistry: Science and Engineering. Ind Eng Chem Res. 1999 Apr 1;38(4):1215–49.
10. Pankaj, Sharma R, Verma SK. Equilibrium, kinetic and mechanism studies on adsorption of textile disperse dye from aqueous solution onto TiO2 in the presence of ultrasound and rare earth ions. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2021;44:2158–67.
11. Hamdaoui O, Chiha M, Naffrechoux E. Ultrasound-assisted removal of malachite green from aqueous solution by dead pine needles. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2008 Jul;15(5):799–807.
12. Hamdaoui O, Naffrechoux E, Tifouti L, Pétrier C. Effects of ultrasound on adsorption–desorption of p-chlorophenol on granular activated carbon. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2003 Mar;10(2):109–14.
13. Yang G, Wang Z, Xian Q, Shen F, Sun C, Zhang Y, et al. Effects of pyrolysis temperature on the physicochemical properties of biochar derived from vermicompost and its potential use as an environmental amendment. RSC Adv. 2015;5(50):40117–25.
14. Zhou B, Wang Z, Shen D, Shen F, Wu C, Xiao R. Low cost earthworm manure-derived carbon material for the adsorption of Cu 2+ from aqueous solution: Impact of pyrolysis temperature. Ecological Engineering. 2017 Jan;98:189–95.
15. Zhu W, Du W, Shen X, Zhang H, Ding Y. Comparative adsorption of Pb2+ and Cd2+ by cow manure and its vermicompost. Environmental Pollution. 2017 Aug;227:89–97.
16. Yang G, Wu L, Xian Q, Shen F, Wu J, Zhang Y. Removal of Congo Red and Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions by Vermicompost-Derived Biochars. Singer AC, editor. PLoS ONE. 2016 May 4;11(5):e0154562.
17. Lagergren S. About the Theory of So-called Adsorption of Soluble Substances. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. 1898;24:1–39.
18. Ho YS, McKay G. A Comparison of Chemisorption Kinetic Models Applied to Pollutant Removal on Various Sorbents. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 1998 Nov;76(4):332–40.
19. Weber WJ, Morris JC. Kinetics of Adsorption on Carbon from Solution. J Sanit Engrg Div. 1963 Apr;89(2):31–59.
20. Langmuir I. The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica and platinum. J Am Chem Soc. 1918 Sep;40(9):1361–403.
21. Freundlich H. Über die Adsorption in Lösungen. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie. 1907 Oct 1;57U(1):385–470.
22. Temkin M. Kinetics of ammonia synthesis on promoted iron catalysts. Acta physiochim URSS. 1940;12:327–56.
23. Khan A, Wang X, Gul K, Khuda F, Aly Z, Elseman AM. Microwave-assisted spent black tea leaves as cost-effective and powerful green adsorbent for the efficient removal of Eriochrome black T from aqueous solutions. Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2018 Jun;5(2):171–82.
24. Akhouairi S, Ouachtak H, Addi AA, Jada A, Douch J. Natural Sawdust as Adsorbent for the Eriochrome Black T Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution. Water Air Soil Pollut. 2019 Aug;230(8):181.
25. Sriram G, Uthappa UT, Rego RM, Kigga M, Kumeria T, Jung H-Y, et al. Ceria decorated porous diatom-xerogel as an effective adsorbent for the efficient removal of Eriochrome Black T. Chemosphere. 2020 Jan;238:124692.
26. Bayomie OS, Kandeel H, Shoeib T, Yang H, Youssef N, El-Sayed MMH. Novel approach for effective removal of methylene blue dye from water using fava bean peel waste. Sci Rep. 2020 Dec;10(1):7824.
27. Roosta M, Ghaedi M, Shokri N, Daneshfar A, Sahraei R, Asghari A. Optimization of the combined ultrasonic assisted/adsorption method for the removal of malachite green by gold nanoparticles loaded on activated carbon: Experimental design. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2014 Jan;118:55–65.
28. Asfaram A, Ghaedi M, Hajati S, Goudarzi A. Ternary dye adsorption onto MnO 2 nanoparticle-loaded activated carbon: derivative spectrophotometry and modeling. RSC Adv. 2015;5(88):72300–20.
29. Shikuku VO, Mishra T. Adsorption isotherm modeling for methylene blue removal onto magnetic kaolinite clay: a comparison of two-parameter isotherms. Appl Water Sci. 2021 Jun;11(6):103.
30. Rahangdale D, Kumar A. Chitosan as a substrate for simultaneous surface imprinting of salicylic acid and cadmium. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018 Dec;202:334–44.
31. Pereira MG, Arruda MAZ. Vermicompost as a natural adsorbent material: characterization and potentialities for cadmium adsorption. J Braz Chem Soc. 2003 Jan;14(1):39–47.
32. Hussain N, Abbasi T, Abbasi SA. Vermicomposting-mediated conversion of the toxic and allelopathic weed ipomoea into a potent fertilizer. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2016 Sep;103:97–106.
33. Ali U, Sajid N, Khalid A, Riaz L, Rabbani MM, Syed JH, et al. A review on vermicomposting of organic wastes. Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2015 Jul 8;34(4):1050–62.
34. Manzar MS, Zubair M, Khan NA, Husain Khan A, Baig U, Aziz MA, et al. Adsorption behaviour of green coffee residues for decolourization of hazardous congo red and eriochrome black T dyes from aqueous solutions. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 2020 Aug 26;1–17.
35. Khalid A, Zubair M, Ihsanullah. A Comparative Study on the Adsorption of Eriochrome Black T Dye from Aqueous Solution on Graphene and Acid-Modified Graphene. Arab J Sci Eng. 2018 May;43(5):2167–79.
36. Azargohar R, Nanda S, Kozinski JA, Dalai AK, Sutarto R. Effects of temperature on the physicochemical characteristics of fast pyrolysis bio-chars derived from Canadian waste biomass. Fuel. 2014 Jun;125:90–100.
37. Zhu F, Hou J, Xue S, Wu C, Wang Q, Hartley W. Vermicompost and Gypsum Amendments Improve Aggregate Formation in Bauxite Residue. Land Degrad Develop. 2017 Oct;28(7):2109–20.
38. Şahin Ö, Saka C, Kutluay S. Cold plasma and microwave radiation applications on almond shell surface and its effects on the adsorption of Eriochrome Black T. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 2013 Sep;19(5):1617–23.
39. Boumchita S, Lahrichi A, Benjelloun Y, Lairini S, Nenov V, Zerrouq F. Application of Peanut shell as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of anionic dye from aqueous solutions. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science. 2017;8(7):2353–64.
40. Saleh TA, Musa AM, Ali SA. Synthesis of hydrophobic cross-linked polyzwitterionic acid for simultaneous sorption of Eriochrome black T and chromium ions from binary hazardous waters. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 Apr 15;468:324–33.
41. Salimi F, Valiei V, Karami C. Removal of EBT dye from aqueous solution by modified MoNiO4 adsorbent. Desalination Water Treat. 2020;190:340–52.
42. Javanbakht V, Shafiei R. Preparation and performance of alginate/basil seed mucilage biocomposite for removal of eriochrome black T dye from aqueous solution. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020 Jun;152:990–1001.
43. Manzar MS, Khan G, dos Santos Lins PV, Zubair M, Khan SU, Selvasembian R, et al. RSM-CCD optimization approach for the adsorptive removal of Eriochrome Black T from aqueous system using steel slag-based adsorbent: Characterization, Isotherm, Kinetic modeling and thermodynamic analysis. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2021 Oct;339:116714.
44. Onu CE, Nwabanne JT, Ohale PE, Asadu CO. Comparative analysis of RSM, ANN and ANFIS and the mechanistic modeling in eriochrome black-T dye adsorption using modified clay. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2021 Apr;36:24–42.
45. Kaur Y, Jasrotia T, Kumar R, Chaudhary GR, Chaudhary S. Adsorptive removal of eriochrome black T (EBT) dye by using surface active low cost zinc oxide nanoparticles: A comparative overview. Chemosphere. 2021 Sep;278:130366.
46. Rashidi R, Omidi Khaniabadi Y, Ghaderpoori M. Adsorption of Eriochrome black-T from aqueous environment by raw Montmorillonite. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 2021 Mar 8;1–15.
Cigeroglu Z, Yıldırır E. Ultrasonic-Assisted Removal of Eriochrome Black T onto Vermicompost: Characterization, Isotherm and Kinetic Modelling. JOTCSA. 2021;8(4):1251-62.