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Sürdürülebilir binalarda dış cephe malzemesinin LEED kriterlerine göre değer mühendisliği yöntemiyle belirlenmesi

Yıl 2023, , 1 - 11, 31.03.2023


Doğal kaynakların hızla tükenmesi, çevre kirliliği gibi etmenler sürdürülebilirlik kavramının önemini günümüzde daha iyi anlamamızı sağlamaktadır. Sürdürülebilirlik kavramının yapı sektörüne girmesi ile birlikte de, binaların çevre dostu “Yeşil Bina” yaklaşımına göre tasarlanması gündeme gelmiş ve çeşitli sertifika sistemleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu sertifika sistemleri gereği, binalarda çeşitli yapı malzemelerinin kullanımı gerekmektedir. Ancak, piyasada pek çok malzeme olması nedeniyle, yeşil bina kriterlerine göre bu malzemelerden hangisini tercih etmemiz gerektiği konusu problem olmaktadır. Bu konuda çeşitli yaklaşımlar olmakla birlikte, değer mühendisliği yöntemi, hem malzemelerin sağlaması gereken kriterleri, hem de maliyetlerini dikkate alarak seçim yaptığı için ideal bir yöntemdir. Değer Mühendisliği; gerekli performans, kalite, güvenilirlik ve temel işlevleri yerine getirmek amacıyla, maliyetlerini de dikkate alarak, yapı özelliklerini, sistemleri, ekipmanı ve malzeme seçimlerini analiz etmek için yapılan takım çalışmalarıdır. Bu makalede, değer esaslı, sürdürülebilir malzeme seçiminin nasıl yapılabileceğine dair bir yöntem önerilmiş ve vaka çalışması olarak; sürdürülebilir yeşil binalar için sertifikasyon sağlayan LEED kriterleri ile bir yapının dış cephe kaplama malzemesi olarak kullanılabilecek bir ürün değer esaslı olarak seçilmiştir. Öncelikle bir değer mühendisliği takımı oluşturulmuş, bu takım tarafından LEED kriterleri esas alınarak ürünün sahip olması gereken nitelikler ve bu nitelikleri karşılayabilecek sekiz farklı malzeme alternatifi belirlenmiş, alternatifler üzerinden değer analizi yapılarak değeri en yüksek cephe kaplama malzemesi bulunmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • [1] Project Management Institute. (2017). A Guide to the project management body of knowledge (6th ed.). Project Management Institute Inc.
  • [2] Atabay, S., & Dikmeoglu, N. E. (2018). Selection of materials by value engineering method in con struction sector. Journal of Technical Sciences, 8(3), 15–22.
  • [3] Muşmul, G., & Yaman, K. (2018). General Evalua tion on the relationship between environment and economy. Journal of Economy Business and Manage ment, 2(1), 66–86.
  • [4] Yalcınkaya, S., & Karadeniz, I. (2022). The role of waste material in sustainable architecture design. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7(2), 750–762.
  • [5] Savas, H., & Komurlu, R. (2022). Investigation of LEED certificate, one of the green building certi fication systems, in industrial buildings. Journal of Architecture and Life, 7(3), 981–994.
  • [6] Gullu, G. (2022). Urban transformation waste man agement model. Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim Universi ty Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 4(2), 161–170.
  • [7] Aydın, S., Celik, A. G., & Gunes, I. (2021). Investi gation of the usability of recycled concrete and brick aggregates in concrete production. Journal of Under ground Resources, 20(11), 11–22.
  • [8] İpek, S., & Ekmen, S. (2022). Investigation of recy cling of building materials as sand in the production of geopolymer mortar. Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Science, 17, 404–419. [CrossRef]
  • [9] Salgin, B., Aydin Ipekci, C., Cosgun, N., & Tıkansak Karadayi, T. (2021). An evaluation on the reusing/ recycling of c&d wastes in terms of energy and raw material conservation. Journal of Architectural Sci ences and Applications, 6(2), 526–537. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Yenilenebilir Enerji Geliştirme Müdürlüğü. (2016). Project development process implementation with an integrated building design approach guide. https:// ustmenu837.pdf [Turkish]
  • [11] Venkateswaran, B. (2021). Sustainable practic es in bridge construction. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 6(1), 24–28. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Alqahtani, H., & Alareeni, B. (2020). Evaluation of sustainable building construction in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materi als and Technologies, 5(2), 450–466. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Dikmen, C. B. (2011). Sample study of energy effi cient building design criteria. Journal of Polytechnic, 14(2), 121–134.
  • [14] United Nations. (1987). Our Common Future, Re port of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Accessed on Jan 23, 2023. https:// ments/5987our-common-future.pdf
  • [15] Karahasan, Z. (2023). Everything about green build ings 1: What is green building? Building standards, green regulations. Yesil Odak. https://www.yesilo na-nedir-bina-standartlari-yesil-yonetmelikler
  • [16] Anbarci, M., Giran, O., & Demir, I. H. (2012). In ternational green building certification systems and building energy efficiency implementation in Turki ye. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 7(1), 368–383.
  • [17] Usbc Website. (Date). LEED certification for neigh bourhood development. rating-systems/neighborhood-development?CM SPageID=1988
  • [18] Ural, K. (2004). Value engineering as a cost decreas ing method. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Dokuz Eylul University.
  • [19] Kazanç, D. (2000). Value engineering in construction. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Istanbul Technical University.
  • [20] Atabay, S., & Galipogullari, N. (2013). Application of value engineering in construction projects. Jour nal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 1(12), 39–48. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Mahdi, I. M., Ebid, A. M., & Khallaf, R. (2020). Decision support system for optimum soft clay improvement technique for highway construction projects. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 11(1), 213–223. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Brahmane, N. S., & Bachhav, S. S. (2020). Implemen tation of value engineering in construction project to reduce time of the project. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(8), 1301– 1303.
  • [23] Atabay, S. (2021). Value engineering for the selec tion of the filler material between shoring wall and the structure. Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 28(6), 2164–2172. [CrossRef]
  • [24] Taher, A. H. & Elbeltagi, E. E. (2021). Integrating building information modeling with value engi neering to facilitate the selection of building design alternatives considering sustainability. International Journal of Construction Management, 1–16. [CrossRef]
  • [25] Gunarathne, A. S., Zainudeen, N., Perera, C. S. R. & Perera, B. A. K. S. (2020). A framework of an integrated sustainability and value engineering concepts for construction projects. Internation al Journal of Construction Management, 22(11), 2178–2190. [CrossRef]
  • [26] Albarbary, M. M., Tahwia, A. M., & Elmasoudi, I. (2023). Integration between sustainability and value engineering in the production of eco-friendly con crete. Sustainability. 15(4), Article 3565. [CrossRef]
  • [27] Suliyanto, E. (2022). Application of green bridge in the implementation of value engineering of En ang-Enang Aceh Bridge. Jurnal Jasa Konstruksi, 1(1), 1–10.
  • [28] Abdulaziz Almarzooq, S., Al-Shaalan, A. M., Farh, H. M. H. & Kandil, T. (2022). Energy conservation measures and value engineering for small micro grid: New hospital as a case study. Sustainability, 14(4) Article 2390. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Dell’Isola,A., & Kirk,. S.J. (1991). Life cycle costing for desing professionals. McGraw- Hill.
  • [30] Mukhopadhyaya, A. K. (2009). Value engineering mastermind (1st ed.). SAGE Publications.
  • [31] Fowler, T. C. (1990). Value analysis design competi tive manufacturing series (1st ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
  • [32] TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası. (Jan 25, 2023). Chamber of geological engineers, aluminum. https:// resimler/ekler/87c11b9100c608b.ek.doc
  • [33] Eymen Petrokimya. (2020). PVC-Polyvinyl chloride. ucts/pvc-polyvinyl-chloride/
  • [34] Şen Ortaklar Cam. (2023). Glass façade. Cam%20cepheler%2C%20temperli%20camlar%C4 %B1n%20kullan%C4%B1ld%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4 %B1,olduk%C3%A7a%20dayan%C4%B1kl%C4% B1%20bir%20yap%C4%B1%20olu%C5%9Fturur.
  • [35] DecDor. (Jan 23, 2023). Wooden facade cladding. masi/
  • [36] Özge Yapı A.Ş. (2023). What is fiber-cement? https://
  • [37] Kütahya Seramik. (Jan 23, 2023). Ceramic fa cade systems. Date of access: 23 January 2023. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcgl cgl clefindmkaj/ dia/catalogues/Cephe-Sistemleri/files/assets/com mon/downloads/publication.pdf
  • [38] Mutasyon Prekast. (2022). What is precast? https://
  • [39] T24 Internet Newspaper. (2009, April 16). Things people wonder about siding. siding-yali-baski-hakkinda-merak-ettikleriniz,41226
  • [40] Construction and Installation Unit Prices list. (2022). Republic of Turkiye Ministry of environment, urbanization and climate change, Ankara, Turkiye.
  • [41] Foral Metal. (2022). What is ceramic facade coating system? mik-cephe-kaplama-sistemi-nedir/

Determination of exterior material in sustainable buildings by value engineering method according to LEED criteria

Yıl 2023, , 1 - 11, 31.03.2023


Factors such as the rapid depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution enable us to understand the importance of sustainability better today. With the introduction of the
concept of sustainability into the construction sector, the design of buildings according to the environmentally friendly “Green Building” approach has come to the forefront, and various
certification systems have been developed. Due to these certification systems, various building materials must be used in buildings. However, since many materials are on the market,
it is a problem which materials should be preferred according to the green building criteria. Although there are various approaches in this regard, the value engineering method is ideal as it considers both the criteria the materials must meet and their costs. Value Engineering is the teamwork to analyze the building properties, systems, equipment, and material selections while considering the costs to perform the necessary performance, quality, reliability, and essential functions. In this article, a method on how to choose a value-based, sustainable material was proposed, and as a case study, a product that can be used as an exterior cladding material of a building using LEED criteria, which is used for providing certification for sustainable green buildings, was selected. Initially, a value engineering team was formed. This team determined the product’s qualities based on LEED criteria and the eight material alternatives that can meet these qualities. Subsequently, value analysis was conducted, and the highest-value exterior coating material was determined.


  • [1] Project Management Institute. (2017). A Guide to the project management body of knowledge (6th ed.). Project Management Institute Inc.
  • [2] Atabay, S., & Dikmeoglu, N. E. (2018). Selection of materials by value engineering method in con struction sector. Journal of Technical Sciences, 8(3), 15–22.
  • [3] Muşmul, G., & Yaman, K. (2018). General Evalua tion on the relationship between environment and economy. Journal of Economy Business and Manage ment, 2(1), 66–86.
  • [4] Yalcınkaya, S., & Karadeniz, I. (2022). The role of waste material in sustainable architecture design. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7(2), 750–762.
  • [5] Savas, H., & Komurlu, R. (2022). Investigation of LEED certificate, one of the green building certi fication systems, in industrial buildings. Journal of Architecture and Life, 7(3), 981–994.
  • [6] Gullu, G. (2022). Urban transformation waste man agement model. Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim Universi ty Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 4(2), 161–170.
  • [7] Aydın, S., Celik, A. G., & Gunes, I. (2021). Investi gation of the usability of recycled concrete and brick aggregates in concrete production. Journal of Under ground Resources, 20(11), 11–22.
  • [8] İpek, S., & Ekmen, S. (2022). Investigation of recy cling of building materials as sand in the production of geopolymer mortar. Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Science, 17, 404–419. [CrossRef]
  • [9] Salgin, B., Aydin Ipekci, C., Cosgun, N., & Tıkansak Karadayi, T. (2021). An evaluation on the reusing/ recycling of c&d wastes in terms of energy and raw material conservation. Journal of Architectural Sci ences and Applications, 6(2), 526–537. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Yenilenebilir Enerji Geliştirme Müdürlüğü. (2016). Project development process implementation with an integrated building design approach guide. https:// ustmenu837.pdf [Turkish]
  • [11] Venkateswaran, B. (2021). Sustainable practic es in bridge construction. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 6(1), 24–28. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Alqahtani, H., & Alareeni, B. (2020). Evaluation of sustainable building construction in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materi als and Technologies, 5(2), 450–466. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Dikmen, C. B. (2011). Sample study of energy effi cient building design criteria. Journal of Polytechnic, 14(2), 121–134.
  • [14] United Nations. (1987). Our Common Future, Re port of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Accessed on Jan 23, 2023. https:// ments/5987our-common-future.pdf
  • [15] Karahasan, Z. (2023). Everything about green build ings 1: What is green building? Building standards, green regulations. Yesil Odak. https://www.yesilo na-nedir-bina-standartlari-yesil-yonetmelikler
  • [16] Anbarci, M., Giran, O., & Demir, I. H. (2012). In ternational green building certification systems and building energy efficiency implementation in Turki ye. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 7(1), 368–383.
  • [17] Usbc Website. (Date). LEED certification for neigh bourhood development. rating-systems/neighborhood-development?CM SPageID=1988
  • [18] Ural, K. (2004). Value engineering as a cost decreas ing method. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Dokuz Eylul University.
  • [19] Kazanç, D. (2000). Value engineering in construction. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Istanbul Technical University.
  • [20] Atabay, S., & Galipogullari, N. (2013). Application of value engineering in construction projects. Jour nal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 1(12), 39–48. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Mahdi, I. M., Ebid, A. M., & Khallaf, R. (2020). Decision support system for optimum soft clay improvement technique for highway construction projects. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 11(1), 213–223. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Brahmane, N. S., & Bachhav, S. S. (2020). Implemen tation of value engineering in construction project to reduce time of the project. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(8), 1301– 1303.
  • [23] Atabay, S. (2021). Value engineering for the selec tion of the filler material between shoring wall and the structure. Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 28(6), 2164–2172. [CrossRef]
  • [24] Taher, A. H. & Elbeltagi, E. E. (2021). Integrating building information modeling with value engi neering to facilitate the selection of building design alternatives considering sustainability. International Journal of Construction Management, 1–16. [CrossRef]
  • [25] Gunarathne, A. S., Zainudeen, N., Perera, C. S. R. & Perera, B. A. K. S. (2020). A framework of an integrated sustainability and value engineering concepts for construction projects. Internation al Journal of Construction Management, 22(11), 2178–2190. [CrossRef]
  • [26] Albarbary, M. M., Tahwia, A. M., & Elmasoudi, I. (2023). Integration between sustainability and value engineering in the production of eco-friendly con crete. Sustainability. 15(4), Article 3565. [CrossRef]
  • [27] Suliyanto, E. (2022). Application of green bridge in the implementation of value engineering of En ang-Enang Aceh Bridge. Jurnal Jasa Konstruksi, 1(1), 1–10.
  • [28] Abdulaziz Almarzooq, S., Al-Shaalan, A. M., Farh, H. M. H. & Kandil, T. (2022). Energy conservation measures and value engineering for small micro grid: New hospital as a case study. Sustainability, 14(4) Article 2390. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Dell’Isola,A., & Kirk,. S.J. (1991). Life cycle costing for desing professionals. McGraw- Hill.
  • [30] Mukhopadhyaya, A. K. (2009). Value engineering mastermind (1st ed.). SAGE Publications.
  • [31] Fowler, T. C. (1990). Value analysis design competi tive manufacturing series (1st ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
  • [32] TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası. (Jan 25, 2023). Chamber of geological engineers, aluminum. https:// resimler/ekler/87c11b9100c608b.ek.doc
  • [33] Eymen Petrokimya. (2020). PVC-Polyvinyl chloride. ucts/pvc-polyvinyl-chloride/
  • [34] Şen Ortaklar Cam. (2023). Glass façade. Cam%20cepheler%2C%20temperli%20camlar%C4 %B1n%20kullan%C4%B1ld%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4 %B1,olduk%C3%A7a%20dayan%C4%B1kl%C4% B1%20bir%20yap%C4%B1%20olu%C5%9Fturur.
  • [35] DecDor. (Jan 23, 2023). Wooden facade cladding. masi/
  • [36] Özge Yapı A.Ş. (2023). What is fiber-cement? https://
  • [37] Kütahya Seramik. (Jan 23, 2023). Ceramic fa cade systems. Date of access: 23 January 2023. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcgl cgl clefindmkaj/ dia/catalogues/Cephe-Sistemleri/files/assets/com mon/downloads/publication.pdf
  • [38] Mutasyon Prekast. (2022). What is precast? https://
  • [39] T24 Internet Newspaper. (2009, April 16). Things people wonder about siding. siding-yali-baski-hakkinda-merak-ettikleriniz,41226
  • [40] Construction and Installation Unit Prices list. (2022). Republic of Turkiye Ministry of environment, urbanization and climate change, Ankara, Turkiye.
  • [41] Foral Metal. (2022). What is ceramic facade coating system? mik-cephe-kaplama-sistemi-nedir/
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İnşaat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Şenay Atabay

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Şubat 2023
Kabul Tarihi 3 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Atabay, Ş. (2023). Determination of exterior material in sustainable buildings by value engineering method according to LEED criteria. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 8(1), 1-11.


Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies is open access journal under the CC BY-NC license  (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License)

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