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Yıl 2020, Sayı: 5, 123 - 136, 22.06.2020


Feminist kuramın tarihini incelediğimizde karşımıza dalga kavramı ile ifade edilen üç dönemden bahsedilir: Birinci dalga feminizm, ikinci dalga feminizm ve üçüncü dalga feminizm. Bu araştırmada sanayi sonrası toplumlarda giderek artan bilişim ve teknolojik unsurlardan sonra toplumsal hayatın dijitalleşmesi ile ortaya çıkan dijital kültürün yarattığı dördüncü bir dalganın olup olmadığını inceliyoruz. Başka bir deyişle, bu çalışma bilişim sistemlerinin bu kadar geliştiği bir dünyada feminist hareketin dönüşüm geçirip geçirmediği ve bu yeni dünyaya etki eden dördüncü dalganın olumlu ve olumsuz yanları incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, twiterda belirli hashtagler analiz edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda 20-25 yaş aralığında 30 kadın ve erkek ile görüşülmüştür. Bu çalışma, gençlerin dijital feminizm hakkında ne düşündüklerini öğrenmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, Türkiye’de gençlerin dijital feminist aktivizme yakın oldukları ve bu sayede feminizm ve kadınlarla ilgili farkındalıklarının arttığı görülmüştür.


  • Castells, M. (2012). Ağ Toplumunda İletişim, İktidar ve Karşı İktidar. Yeni Medya Üzerine Kuramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Uygulamalar, 13-44. Christensen, H. (2011). Political activities on the Internet: Slacktivism or political participation by other means?. First Monday, 16(2). doi: Dean, J. (2010) Rethinking Contemporary Feminist Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Fraser, N. (2013) Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis, London: Verso. Fotopoulou, A. (2016). Digital and networked by default? Women’s organisations and the social imaginary of networked feminism. New Media & Society, 18(6), 989-1005. Goldberg, Michelle. “Feminism’s Toxic Twitter Wars”, The Nation. (2014). [Erişim Tarihi: 12.03.2020]. Haraway, D. J. (1991). Cyborgs at Large: Interview with Donna Haraway. C. Penley ve A. Ross (Der.) Social Text, 25-26, ss. 8-23. Harris, A. (2010) “Mind the Gap: Attitudes and Emergent Feminist Politics since the Third Wave.” Australian Feminist Studies, 25 (66): 475-484. Joyce, M. C. (2010). Digital activism decoded: The new mechanics of change. New York: International Debate Education Association. Kahn, R. & Kellner, D. (2004). New Media and Internet Activism: From The ‘Battle of Seattle’ to Blogging. New Media Society, 6, 1, 87-95. Kaya, H., & Belke, M. (2018). Feminist iktisat ve iktisadi düşüncede kadının konumu. Göller Bölgesi Aylık Hakemli Ekonomi ve Kültür Dergisi, 5(60), 55-58. Kabeer, N. (2012). The power of association: Reflecting on women’s collective action as a force for social change. UK Feminista Thinkpiece, 2. Kelty, C. (2005). Geeks, social imaginaries, and recursive publics. Cultural Anthropology, 20(2), 185-214. Knappe, Henrike ve Lang, Sabine. “Between Whisper and Voice: Online Womens’s Movement Outreach in the UK and Germany”, European Journal of Women’s Studies, 21, (4), (2014): 361-381. Latour, Bruno & Peter Weibel (eds) (2005) Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Loza, Susana. “Hashtag Feminism, #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, and the Other #FemFuture”, Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, 5, (2014). 1-29. http://adanewmedia.org72014707/issue/5/loza/. [Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2020]. Martin, C. E., & Valenti, J. (2013). # Femfuture: Online Revolution, New Feminist Solutions. Mendes, K., Ringrose, J., & Keller, J. (2018). # MeToo and the promise and pitfalls of challenging rape culture through digital feminist activism. European Journal of Women's Studies, 25(2), 236-246. Munford, R. (2014). “Post Feminism" or 'Ghost Feminism'”. In R. Munford R. Waters (Eds). Feminism and Popular Culture Investigating the Postfeminist Mystique. 17-36. News Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Powell, A., & Henry, N. (2017). Digital justice and feminist activism. In Sexual Violence in a Digital Age (pp. 271-298). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Redfern, C. ve Aune, K. (2010). Baş Harfi F. Aksu Bora ve Simten Coşar (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayizi. Rodino-Colocino, M. (2016). Communication Activism| Critical-Cultural Communication Activism Research Calls for Academic Solidarity. International Journal of Communication, 10, 10. Sandoval, Chela. Methodology of the Oppressed. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000). Sarkeesian, Anita. Tropes Vs. Women in Video Games. (New York: Kickstarter INC. (2012). [Erişim Tarihi: 3.04.2020]. Thelandersson, F. (2014). A Less Toxic Feminism: Can the Internet Solve the Age Old Question of How to Put Intersectional Theory into Practice?. Feminist Media Studies, 14(3), 527-530. Titifanue, J., Tarai, J., Kant, R., & Finau, G. (2016). From social networking to activism: The role of social media in the free West Papua campaign. Pacific Studies Journal, 39(3), 255-280. Winch, A., Littler, J., & Keller, J. (2016). Why “intergenerational feminist media studies”?.


Yıl 2020, Sayı: 5, 123 - 136, 22.06.2020


When we examine the history of feminist theory, we talk about three periods expressed in the concept of wave: First wave feminism, second wave feminism and third wave feminism. In this study, I examine whether there is a fourth wave created by the digital culture that emerged with the digitalization of social life after the increasing informatics and technological elements in post-industrial societies. In other words, this study examines whether the feminist movement has been transformed in a world where information systems have developed so much and how this new world reflects on feminism. The positive and negative aspects of digital activism, which are at the top of these changes, have been examined. For this purpose, certain hashtags were analyzed on Twitter. At the same time, 30 women and men between the ages of 20 and 25 were interviewed with the online in-depth interview technique due to the measures taken under Covid 19. Open-ended questions were asked. This study aims to learn what young people think about digital feminism. In the study, it was found that female and male participants approached the sharing of women and feminism differently on social media. Young women in Turkey are more close to digital feminist activism, and thus are seen to increase awareness about feminism and women. Male respondents claimed that male hostility became widespread on social media. The majority of young people in this study supported activism on the internet, as more people could be reached faster than street actions. In Turkey, it was emphasized by the participants that particularly with regard to women's murders, digital activism is considered as more effective.


  • Castells, M. (2012). Ağ Toplumunda İletişim, İktidar ve Karşı İktidar. Yeni Medya Üzerine Kuramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Uygulamalar, 13-44. Christensen, H. (2011). Political activities on the Internet: Slacktivism or political participation by other means?. First Monday, 16(2). doi: Dean, J. (2010) Rethinking Contemporary Feminist Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Fraser, N. (2013) Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis, London: Verso. Fotopoulou, A. (2016). Digital and networked by default? Women’s organisations and the social imaginary of networked feminism. New Media & Society, 18(6), 989-1005. Goldberg, Michelle. “Feminism’s Toxic Twitter Wars”, The Nation. (2014). [Erişim Tarihi: 12.03.2020]. Haraway, D. J. (1991). Cyborgs at Large: Interview with Donna Haraway. C. Penley ve A. Ross (Der.) Social Text, 25-26, ss. 8-23. Harris, A. (2010) “Mind the Gap: Attitudes and Emergent Feminist Politics since the Third Wave.” Australian Feminist Studies, 25 (66): 475-484. Joyce, M. C. (2010). Digital activism decoded: The new mechanics of change. New York: International Debate Education Association. Kahn, R. & Kellner, D. (2004). New Media and Internet Activism: From The ‘Battle of Seattle’ to Blogging. New Media Society, 6, 1, 87-95. Kaya, H., & Belke, M. (2018). Feminist iktisat ve iktisadi düşüncede kadının konumu. Göller Bölgesi Aylık Hakemli Ekonomi ve Kültür Dergisi, 5(60), 55-58. Kabeer, N. (2012). The power of association: Reflecting on women’s collective action as a force for social change. UK Feminista Thinkpiece, 2. Kelty, C. (2005). Geeks, social imaginaries, and recursive publics. Cultural Anthropology, 20(2), 185-214. Knappe, Henrike ve Lang, Sabine. “Between Whisper and Voice: Online Womens’s Movement Outreach in the UK and Germany”, European Journal of Women’s Studies, 21, (4), (2014): 361-381. Latour, Bruno & Peter Weibel (eds) (2005) Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Loza, Susana. “Hashtag Feminism, #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, and the Other #FemFuture”, Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, 5, (2014). 1-29. http://adanewmedia.org72014707/issue/5/loza/. [Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2020]. Martin, C. E., & Valenti, J. (2013). # Femfuture: Online Revolution, New Feminist Solutions. Mendes, K., Ringrose, J., & Keller, J. (2018). # MeToo and the promise and pitfalls of challenging rape culture through digital feminist activism. European Journal of Women's Studies, 25(2), 236-246. Munford, R. (2014). “Post Feminism" or 'Ghost Feminism'”. In R. Munford R. Waters (Eds). Feminism and Popular Culture Investigating the Postfeminist Mystique. 17-36. News Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Powell, A., & Henry, N. (2017). Digital justice and feminist activism. In Sexual Violence in a Digital Age (pp. 271-298). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Redfern, C. ve Aune, K. (2010). Baş Harfi F. Aksu Bora ve Simten Coşar (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayizi. Rodino-Colocino, M. (2016). Communication Activism| Critical-Cultural Communication Activism Research Calls for Academic Solidarity. International Journal of Communication, 10, 10. Sandoval, Chela. Methodology of the Oppressed. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000). Sarkeesian, Anita. Tropes Vs. Women in Video Games. (New York: Kickstarter INC. (2012). [Erişim Tarihi: 3.04.2020]. Thelandersson, F. (2014). A Less Toxic Feminism: Can the Internet Solve the Age Old Question of How to Put Intersectional Theory into Practice?. Feminist Media Studies, 14(3), 527-530. Titifanue, J., Tarai, J., Kant, R., & Finau, G. (2016). From social networking to activism: The role of social media in the free West Papua campaign. Pacific Studies Journal, 39(3), 255-280. Winch, A., Littler, J., & Keller, J. (2016). Why “intergenerational feminist media studies”?.
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Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Esra Gedik 0000-0003-3192-2107

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster


“Toplum ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi” (J-SCS) sosyal ve beşeri bilimler alanında yapılan özgün çalışmalara zemin hazırlamayı esas alan disiplinler arası bir akademik dergidir. Sosyal ve beşeri bilimler alanında farklı disiplinlerdeki bağımsız bilim insanlarının birlikteliğiyle 2018 Yılında kurulmuş olan derginin bütün sayılarının elektronik formda yayımlanması kararlaştırılmıştır. Derginin resmi ya da resmi olmayan herhangi bir kurum, kuruluş veya grupla bağı yoktur. Derginin yayımlanması için fikirleri ve emekleriyle destek veren bütün bilim insanlarının ortak maksadı sosyal ve beşeri bilimler sahasında çalışanların akademik gelişimlerine katkıda bulunmakla beraber sosyal ve beşeri bilimlerin topluma daha fazla fayda sağlamaları için yeni imkanlar aramaktır.