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Yıl 2022, Sayı: 050, 44 - 67, 30.09.2022


Coal is a fossil fuel that can have negative impacts on the environment and human health during extraction, transportation, and burning. In this study, samples were collected from eight boreholes in the Tekirdağ-Malkara coalfield and the major-trace element analysis was performed. Lithology data obtained from boreholes constitute well logs. Interpolation forms the basis of log correlation. The study aimed to determine the local areas that may pose a risk after selecting the interpolation method that provides the most accurate results directly in the study area. Among the elements, those that may cause environmental and human health problems were selected and divided into four groups according to their hazard class. The distributions in the whole field were estimated by Kriging and Inverse Distance Wighting (IDW) interpolation methods. These two interpolation methods were evaluated with a selected test probe and the Kriging method was determined to provide the most accurate results. With this method, the accuracy of results obtained with the elements in the hazard class were as follows: Hg and Cr 100%, Se 98.86%, Cd 75%, As 66.2%. After determining Kriging as the method to be applied, a re-classification analysis was carried out, and estimates made in the field were compared with coal from Turkey, the US, China, and the average upper continental crust. As a result of this comparison, the elements with the highest rate of distribution in all averages were determined as Be, Cu, V, and the elements with the lowest distribution rate were Mn, Mo, P, Sb

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Akdeniz Üniversites

Proje Numarası



The authors would like to thank the Quantum GIS and NetCAD companies that provided software support and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serdar Selim for helpful advice on various technical issues examined in this paper


  • [1] Paraskevis, N., Roumpos, C., Stathopoulos, N., and Adam, A., (2019), Spatial analysis and evaluation of a coal deposit by coupling AHP and GIS techniques. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 29, 943–953.
  • [2] Kiš, I.M., (2016), Comparison of Ordinary and Universal Kriging interpolation techniques on a depth variable (a case of linear spatial trend), case study of the Šandrovac Field. The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin, 31(2), 41-58.
  • [3] Qi, A., Kang, W., Zhang, G., and Lei, H., (2019), Coal Seam Thickness Prediction Based on Transition Probability of Structural Elements. Applied Sciences, 9(6), 1144.
  • [4] Fiannacca, P., Ortolano, G., Pagano, M., Visalli, R., Cirrincione, R., and Zappala, L., (2017), IG-Mapper: A new ArcGIS (R) toolbox for the geostatistics-based automated geochemical mapping of igneous rocks. Chemical Geology, 470, 75-92.
  • [5] Sütçü, E., Paker, S., Nurlu, Y., Kumtepe, P., and Cengiz, T., (2009), Bivariate statistical approach to determine potential coalfield areas with using gis methods in Tekirdag-Malkara Basin. International Geographical Information Systems Congress, Nov. 2–6, 2009, Izmir, Turkey. İzmir.
  • [6] Cengiz, T., Nurlu, Y., Kumtepe, P., and Sütçü., E., (2009), Rezerv ve dekapaj miktarlarının coğrafi bilgi sistemleri kullanılarak tespiti ve diğer yöntemlerle karşılaştırılması: Sivas-Kangal- Kalburçayırı linyit yatağı örneği. International Geographical Information Systems Congress, Nov. 2–6, 2009, İzmir, Turkey.
  • [7] Boente, C., Gallego J.R., Rodriguez-Valdez, E., Sierra, C., and Menendez-Aguado, J., (2016), Geostatistical approach to the 3d-distribution of hazardous waste and polluted soil in a brownfield. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2016), Albena, Bulgaria.
  • [8] Wei, W.X., Quan, T., Wang, Y., Wang, H., and Li, P.Z. (2014), Application of three-dimensional interpolation methods in contaminated site evaluation. 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 8), Shanghai, Peoples R China, 878, 782-790.
  • [9] Yue, T. X., Du, Z. P., Song, D. J., and Gong, Y., (2007), A new method of surface modeling and its application to DEM construction. Geomorphology, 91, 161-172.
  • [10] Masoumi, Z., Rezaei, A., and Maleki, J. (2019), Improvement of water table interpolation and groundwater storage volume using fuzzy computations. Environmental Monitoring and Assesment, 191, 401.
  • [11] Jaskula, J., and Sojka, M., (2019), Application of remote sensing and gis to water transparency estimation in reservoirs. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 14, 353-366.
  • [12] Momejian, N., Abou Najm, M., Alameddine, I., and El-Fadel, M., (2019), Groundwater Vulnerability Modeling to Assess Seawater Intrusion: a Methodological Comparison with Geospatial Interpolation. Water Resources Management, 33, 1039-1052.
  • [13] Taylan, D. E., and Damçayırı, D., (2016), Isparta bölgesi yağış değerlerinin IDW ve Kriging Enterpolasyon Yöntemleri ile Tahmini. Teknik Dergi/Technical Journal of Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, 459, 7551-7559.
  • [14] Zhao, N., Yue, T.X., Chen, C.F., Zhao, M.W., and Fan, Z., (2018), An improved statistical downscaling scheme of tropical rainfall measuring mission precipitation in the Heihe River basin, China. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 3309-3322.
  • [15] Aksoy, E., and San, B. T. (2019), Geographical information systems (GIS) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) integration for sustainable landfill site selection considering dynamic data source. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78(2), 779-791.
  • [16] Keskin, C., (1974), Stratigraphy of the Northern Thrace Basin. Turkey Second Petroleum Congress Proceedings Book, 137-163.
  • [17] Perinçek, D., Ataş, N., Karatut, Ş., and Erensoy, E. (2015), Geological factors that controls the potential of lignite layers in Danişmen Formation, Trakya Basin. Journal of Mineral Research and Exploration, 150, 79-110.
  • [18] Kasar, S., Bürkan, K., Siyako, M., and Demir, O., (1983), Tekirdag-Sarkoy-Keşan-Enez geology and hydrocarbon possibilities of the region. TPAO Research Group, Report no: 1771, Ankara.
  • [19] Türkecan, A. and Yurtsever A., (2002), Istanbul map, 1: 500 000 scale geological map series of Turkey. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara.
  • [20] Siyako, M., (2006), Lithostratigraphy units of the Thrace Region (Tertiary section). Stratigraphy Committee, Lithostratigraphy Units Series-2. Publication of General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara.
  • [21] Siyako, M., (2006), Lignite sandstones of the Thrace Basin. Mineral Research and Exploration Journal, 132, 63-73.
  • [22] Şenguler, İ., (2013), Geology and coal potential of Ergene (Thrace) Basin. MTA Natural Resources and Economy Bulletin, 16, 109-114.
  • [23] Saraç, G., (1987), Mammal paleo-fauna of Edirne-Kırklareli-Saray-Çorlu-Uzunköprü Derekebir regions at North Trakya District, Ankara Uni., Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Geological Engineering, Postgraduate Thesis, Ankara.
  • [24] Umut, M., İmik, M., Kurt, Z., Özcan, İ., Sarıkaya H. and Saraç, G. (1983), Geology of Tekirdağ, Silivri (Istanbul), Pınarhisar districts. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report No: 7349, Ankara.
  • [25] Umut, M., İmik, M., Kurt, Z., Özcan, İ., Ateş, M., Karabıyıkoğlu M. and Saraç, G. (1984), Geology of Edirne – Kırklareli – Lüleburgaz – Uzunköprü neighborhoods. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report No: 7604, Ankara.
  • [26] Sümengen, M., Terlemez, İ., Şentürk, K., Karaköse, C., Erkan, E.N., Ünay, E., Gürbüz, M. and Atalay, Z. (1987), Stratigraphy of the Gelibolu Peninsula and southwestern Thrace Tertiary basin, sedimentology and tectonics. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Technical Report: 8218, Ankara.
  • [27] Kasar, S. and Eren, A. (1986), Geology of Kırklareli – Saray – Kıyıköy district. TPAO Investigation Group Report No: 2208, Ankara.
  • [28] Batı, Z., Alişan, C., Ediger, V.Ş., Teymur, S., Akça, N., Sancay, H., Ertuğ, K., Kirici, S., Erenler, M. and Aköz, Ö., (2002)., Palinomorph, foraminiferal and nanoplankton biostratigraphy of Northern Trakya Basin. Turkey Stratigraphy Committee Workshop (Lithostratigraphic Notorious of Trakya District) Abstracts, p. 14.
  • [29] Alişan, C., (1985), Palinostratigraphy of sheared formations and evaluation of sedimented environments of Umurca-1, Kaynarca-1, Delen-1 boreholes at Trakya “I” district. TPAO Investigation Group Report No: 386, Ankara.
  • [30] Gerhard, J.E. and Alişan, C., (1987), Palynostratigraphy, paleoecology, and visual organic geochemistry Turgutbey-2, Değirmencik-3 and Pancarköy-1, Thrace Basin, Turkey. TPAO Investigation Group Report No: 983, Ankara.
  • [31] Swaine, D.J., and Goodarzi, F., (1995), Environmental aspects of trace elements in coal. Springer Science and Business Media, Netherlands, 322p.
  • [32] Singh, R.M., Singh, M.P. and Chandra, D., (1983), Occurence, distribution and probable source of trace elements in Ghugas coals, Wardha Valley, district chandrapur and Yeotmal, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2, 371-381.
  • [33] Querol, X., Cabrera, Ll., Pickel, W., Fernandez-Turıel, J.L., Hagemann, H.W. and Lopez-soler, A., (1996), Controls on the quality of the Mequinenza Coal Deposit, NE Spain. International Journal of Coal Geology, 29, 67-91.
  • [34] Finkelman, R.B. and Grosss, P.M.K., (1999), The types of data needed for assessing the environmental and human health impacts of coal. International Journal of Coal Geology, 40, 91-101.
  • [35] Goodarzi, F., (2002), Mineralogy, elemental composition and modes of occurrence of elements in Canadian feed-coals. Fuel, 81, 1199-1213.
  • [36] Querol, X., Finkelman, R.B., Alastuey, A., Huerta, A., Palmer, C.A., Mroczkowski, S., Kolker, A., Chenery, S.N.R., Robinson, J.J., Juan, R. and Lopez-soler, A., (1998), Quantitative determination of modes of occurrence of major, minor and trace elements in coal: Comparison of results from different methods. AIE 8th Australian Coal Science Conference, Proceedings, pp. 51-56.
  • [37] Swaine, D.J., (1990), Trace Elements in Coal. Butterwarh, London, 278 p.
  • [38] Ketris, M.P., and Yudovich, Y.E., (2009), Estimations of clarkes for carbonaceous biolithes: world averages fortrace element contents in black shales and coals. International Journal of Coal Geology, 78, 135-148.
  • [39] Palmer, C.A., Tuncalı, E., Dennen, K.O., Coburn, T.C., and Finkelman R.B., (2004), Characterization of Turkishcoals: a nation wide perspective. International Journal of Coal Geology, 60, 85-115.
  • [40] Finkelman, R.B., (1993), Trace and minor elements in coal. In: Organic Geochemistry (ed. M.H. Engel, S.A. Macko) (Ed.). New York, Plenum.
  • [41] Dai, S.F., Zhou, Y.P., Ren, D.Y., Wang, X.B., Li, D., and Zhao, L., (2007), Geochemistry and mineralogy of the Late Permian coals from the Songzao Coalfield, Chongqing, southwestern China. Science in China Series D: Earth Science, 50, 678-688.
  • [42] Dai, S.F., Li, D., Chou, C.-L., Zhao, L., Zhang, Y., Ren, D.Y, Ma, Y.W., and Sun, Y.Y., (2008), Mineralogy and geochemistry of boehmite-richcoals: new insights from the Haerwusu Surface Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 74:185-202.
  • [43] Dai, S.F., Ren, D.Y., Chou, C.L., Finkelman, R.B., Seredin, V.V., and Zhou, Y.P., (2012), Geochemistry of trace elements in Chinese coals: A review of abundances, genetic types, impacts on human health, and industrial utilization. International Journal of Coal Geology, 94, 3-21.
  • [44] Rudnick, R.L., and Gao, S., (2003), Treatise on Geochemistry Volume 3. In: The Cust (ed. H.D. Holland, K.K. Turekian). Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 050, 44 - 67, 30.09.2022


Proje Numarası



  • [1] Paraskevis, N., Roumpos, C., Stathopoulos, N., and Adam, A., (2019), Spatial analysis and evaluation of a coal deposit by coupling AHP and GIS techniques. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 29, 943–953.
  • [2] Kiš, I.M., (2016), Comparison of Ordinary and Universal Kriging interpolation techniques on a depth variable (a case of linear spatial trend), case study of the Šandrovac Field. The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin, 31(2), 41-58.
  • [3] Qi, A., Kang, W., Zhang, G., and Lei, H., (2019), Coal Seam Thickness Prediction Based on Transition Probability of Structural Elements. Applied Sciences, 9(6), 1144.
  • [4] Fiannacca, P., Ortolano, G., Pagano, M., Visalli, R., Cirrincione, R., and Zappala, L., (2017), IG-Mapper: A new ArcGIS (R) toolbox for the geostatistics-based automated geochemical mapping of igneous rocks. Chemical Geology, 470, 75-92.
  • [5] Sütçü, E., Paker, S., Nurlu, Y., Kumtepe, P., and Cengiz, T., (2009), Bivariate statistical approach to determine potential coalfield areas with using gis methods in Tekirdag-Malkara Basin. International Geographical Information Systems Congress, Nov. 2–6, 2009, Izmir, Turkey. İzmir.
  • [6] Cengiz, T., Nurlu, Y., Kumtepe, P., and Sütçü., E., (2009), Rezerv ve dekapaj miktarlarının coğrafi bilgi sistemleri kullanılarak tespiti ve diğer yöntemlerle karşılaştırılması: Sivas-Kangal- Kalburçayırı linyit yatağı örneği. International Geographical Information Systems Congress, Nov. 2–6, 2009, İzmir, Turkey.
  • [7] Boente, C., Gallego J.R., Rodriguez-Valdez, E., Sierra, C., and Menendez-Aguado, J., (2016), Geostatistical approach to the 3d-distribution of hazardous waste and polluted soil in a brownfield. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2016), Albena, Bulgaria.
  • [8] Wei, W.X., Quan, T., Wang, Y., Wang, H., and Li, P.Z. (2014), Application of three-dimensional interpolation methods in contaminated site evaluation. 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 8), Shanghai, Peoples R China, 878, 782-790.
  • [9] Yue, T. X., Du, Z. P., Song, D. J., and Gong, Y., (2007), A new method of surface modeling and its application to DEM construction. Geomorphology, 91, 161-172.
  • [10] Masoumi, Z., Rezaei, A., and Maleki, J. (2019), Improvement of water table interpolation and groundwater storage volume using fuzzy computations. Environmental Monitoring and Assesment, 191, 401.
  • [11] Jaskula, J., and Sojka, M., (2019), Application of remote sensing and gis to water transparency estimation in reservoirs. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 14, 353-366.
  • [12] Momejian, N., Abou Najm, M., Alameddine, I., and El-Fadel, M., (2019), Groundwater Vulnerability Modeling to Assess Seawater Intrusion: a Methodological Comparison with Geospatial Interpolation. Water Resources Management, 33, 1039-1052.
  • [13] Taylan, D. E., and Damçayırı, D., (2016), Isparta bölgesi yağış değerlerinin IDW ve Kriging Enterpolasyon Yöntemleri ile Tahmini. Teknik Dergi/Technical Journal of Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, 459, 7551-7559.
  • [14] Zhao, N., Yue, T.X., Chen, C.F., Zhao, M.W., and Fan, Z., (2018), An improved statistical downscaling scheme of tropical rainfall measuring mission precipitation in the Heihe River basin, China. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 3309-3322.
  • [15] Aksoy, E., and San, B. T. (2019), Geographical information systems (GIS) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) integration for sustainable landfill site selection considering dynamic data source. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78(2), 779-791.
  • [16] Keskin, C., (1974), Stratigraphy of the Northern Thrace Basin. Turkey Second Petroleum Congress Proceedings Book, 137-163.
  • [17] Perinçek, D., Ataş, N., Karatut, Ş., and Erensoy, E. (2015), Geological factors that controls the potential of lignite layers in Danişmen Formation, Trakya Basin. Journal of Mineral Research and Exploration, 150, 79-110.
  • [18] Kasar, S., Bürkan, K., Siyako, M., and Demir, O., (1983), Tekirdag-Sarkoy-Keşan-Enez geology and hydrocarbon possibilities of the region. TPAO Research Group, Report no: 1771, Ankara.
  • [19] Türkecan, A. and Yurtsever A., (2002), Istanbul map, 1: 500 000 scale geological map series of Turkey. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara.
  • [20] Siyako, M., (2006), Lithostratigraphy units of the Thrace Region (Tertiary section). Stratigraphy Committee, Lithostratigraphy Units Series-2. Publication of General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara.
  • [21] Siyako, M., (2006), Lignite sandstones of the Thrace Basin. Mineral Research and Exploration Journal, 132, 63-73.
  • [22] Şenguler, İ., (2013), Geology and coal potential of Ergene (Thrace) Basin. MTA Natural Resources and Economy Bulletin, 16, 109-114.
  • [23] Saraç, G., (1987), Mammal paleo-fauna of Edirne-Kırklareli-Saray-Çorlu-Uzunköprü Derekebir regions at North Trakya District, Ankara Uni., Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Geological Engineering, Postgraduate Thesis, Ankara.
  • [24] Umut, M., İmik, M., Kurt, Z., Özcan, İ., Sarıkaya H. and Saraç, G. (1983), Geology of Tekirdağ, Silivri (Istanbul), Pınarhisar districts. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report No: 7349, Ankara.
  • [25] Umut, M., İmik, M., Kurt, Z., Özcan, İ., Ateş, M., Karabıyıkoğlu M. and Saraç, G. (1984), Geology of Edirne – Kırklareli – Lüleburgaz – Uzunköprü neighborhoods. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report No: 7604, Ankara.
  • [26] Sümengen, M., Terlemez, İ., Şentürk, K., Karaköse, C., Erkan, E.N., Ünay, E., Gürbüz, M. and Atalay, Z. (1987), Stratigraphy of the Gelibolu Peninsula and southwestern Thrace Tertiary basin, sedimentology and tectonics. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Technical Report: 8218, Ankara.
  • [27] Kasar, S. and Eren, A. (1986), Geology of Kırklareli – Saray – Kıyıköy district. TPAO Investigation Group Report No: 2208, Ankara.
  • [28] Batı, Z., Alişan, C., Ediger, V.Ş., Teymur, S., Akça, N., Sancay, H., Ertuğ, K., Kirici, S., Erenler, M. and Aköz, Ö., (2002)., Palinomorph, foraminiferal and nanoplankton biostratigraphy of Northern Trakya Basin. Turkey Stratigraphy Committee Workshop (Lithostratigraphic Notorious of Trakya District) Abstracts, p. 14.
  • [29] Alişan, C., (1985), Palinostratigraphy of sheared formations and evaluation of sedimented environments of Umurca-1, Kaynarca-1, Delen-1 boreholes at Trakya “I” district. TPAO Investigation Group Report No: 386, Ankara.
  • [30] Gerhard, J.E. and Alişan, C., (1987), Palynostratigraphy, paleoecology, and visual organic geochemistry Turgutbey-2, Değirmencik-3 and Pancarköy-1, Thrace Basin, Turkey. TPAO Investigation Group Report No: 983, Ankara.
  • [31] Swaine, D.J., and Goodarzi, F., (1995), Environmental aspects of trace elements in coal. Springer Science and Business Media, Netherlands, 322p.
  • [32] Singh, R.M., Singh, M.P. and Chandra, D., (1983), Occurence, distribution and probable source of trace elements in Ghugas coals, Wardha Valley, district chandrapur and Yeotmal, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2, 371-381.
  • [33] Querol, X., Cabrera, Ll., Pickel, W., Fernandez-Turıel, J.L., Hagemann, H.W. and Lopez-soler, A., (1996), Controls on the quality of the Mequinenza Coal Deposit, NE Spain. International Journal of Coal Geology, 29, 67-91.
  • [34] Finkelman, R.B. and Grosss, P.M.K., (1999), The types of data needed for assessing the environmental and human health impacts of coal. International Journal of Coal Geology, 40, 91-101.
  • [35] Goodarzi, F., (2002), Mineralogy, elemental composition and modes of occurrence of elements in Canadian feed-coals. Fuel, 81, 1199-1213.
  • [36] Querol, X., Finkelman, R.B., Alastuey, A., Huerta, A., Palmer, C.A., Mroczkowski, S., Kolker, A., Chenery, S.N.R., Robinson, J.J., Juan, R. and Lopez-soler, A., (1998), Quantitative determination of modes of occurrence of major, minor and trace elements in coal: Comparison of results from different methods. AIE 8th Australian Coal Science Conference, Proceedings, pp. 51-56.
  • [37] Swaine, D.J., (1990), Trace Elements in Coal. Butterwarh, London, 278 p.
  • [38] Ketris, M.P., and Yudovich, Y.E., (2009), Estimations of clarkes for carbonaceous biolithes: world averages fortrace element contents in black shales and coals. International Journal of Coal Geology, 78, 135-148.
  • [39] Palmer, C.A., Tuncalı, E., Dennen, K.O., Coburn, T.C., and Finkelman R.B., (2004), Characterization of Turkishcoals: a nation wide perspective. International Journal of Coal Geology, 60, 85-115.
  • [40] Finkelman, R.B., (1993), Trace and minor elements in coal. In: Organic Geochemistry (ed. M.H. Engel, S.A. Macko) (Ed.). New York, Plenum.
  • [41] Dai, S.F., Zhou, Y.P., Ren, D.Y., Wang, X.B., Li, D., and Zhao, L., (2007), Geochemistry and mineralogy of the Late Permian coals from the Songzao Coalfield, Chongqing, southwestern China. Science in China Series D: Earth Science, 50, 678-688.
  • [42] Dai, S.F., Li, D., Chou, C.-L., Zhao, L., Zhang, Y., Ren, D.Y, Ma, Y.W., and Sun, Y.Y., (2008), Mineralogy and geochemistry of boehmite-richcoals: new insights from the Haerwusu Surface Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 74:185-202.
  • [43] Dai, S.F., Ren, D.Y., Chou, C.L., Finkelman, R.B., Seredin, V.V., and Zhou, Y.P., (2012), Geochemistry of trace elements in Chinese coals: A review of abundances, genetic types, impacts on human health, and industrial utilization. International Journal of Coal Geology, 94, 3-21.
  • [44] Rudnick, R.L., and Gao, S., (2003), Treatise on Geochemistry Volume 3. In: The Cust (ed. H.D. Holland, K.K. Turekian). Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Research Articles

Cevdet Bertan Güllüdağ 0000-0001-5777-1808

Neslihan Ünal Kartal 0000-0002-3684-9984

Proje Numarası FDK-2016-2042
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 050

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