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Yıl 2022, Sayı: 051, 1 - 25, 31.12.2022


Proje Numarası

FDK 2016-2042


  • [1] Chamber Of Mining Engineers Of Turkey, (2020), Coal and Energy Report 2020, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 48. (in Turkish)
  • [2] Swaine, D.J., (1995), The Contents and Some Related Aspects of Trace Elements in Coals, In: Environmental Aspects of Trace Elements in Coal, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 312.
  • [3] Finkelman, R.B., Grosss, P.M.K., (1999), The types of data needed for assessing the environmental and human health ımpacts of coal, International Journal of Coal Geology, 40, 91-101.
  • [4] Gürdal, G., (2008), Geochemistry of trace elements in Çan coal (Miocene), Çanakkale, Turkey, International Journal of Coal Geology, 74 (1), 28-40.
  • [5] Altunsoy, M., Özçelik, O., Özdoğan, M., Güllüdağ, C.B., (2015), Major and trace element contents in coaly units of the Pliocene Dursunlu Formation, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 15, 774-780.
  • [6] Özçelik O., Yavuz Pehlivanlı B., Sarı A., Altunsoy M., Hökerek S., Ünal N., (2016), Geochemical characteristics of major and trace elements in Şahinali Coals, Aydın, Turkey, Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 38 (10), 1435-1447.
  • [7] Altunsoy, M., Sarı, A., Özçelik, O., Engin, H., Hökerek, S., (2016), Major and trace-element enrichments in the Karapınar Coals (Konya, Turkey), Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization And Envıronmental Effects, 38, 88-99.
  • [8] Koca, D., Altunsoy, M., Sarı, A., Güllüdağ, C.B., (2015), Pamucakyayla (Antalya) civarı organik kayaçlarındaki majör ve iz elementlerin jeokimyasal davranışları, Selçuk University Journal of Engineering, Sciences and Technology, 3 (4), 13-26. (in Turkish)
  • [9] Turkey Lignite Inventory, (2010), General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Inventory series, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 371.
  • [10] Keskin, C., (1974), Kuzey Trakya havzası’nın stratigrafisi, Türkiye İkinci Petrol Kongresi Tebliğleri Kitabı, pp. 137-163. (in Turkish)
  • [11] Perinçek, D., Ataş, N., Karatut, Ş., Erensoy, E., (2015), Trakya Havzasında, Danişmen Formasyonu ıçindeki linyit katmanlarının potansiyelini kontrol eden jeolojik faktörler, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 150, 79-110. (in Turkish)
  • [12] Siyako, M. (2006). Lignite sandstones of the Thrace Basin. Mineral Research and Exploration Journal, 132, 63-73.
  • [13] Koca, D., (2011), Nallıhan (Ankara, Türkiye) civarı bitümlü şeyllerinde organik madde ve iz element zenginleşmeleri. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Ankara University, Turkey. Pp. 411. (in Turkish)
  • [14] Ketris, M.P., Yudovich, Y.E., (2009), Estimations of clarkes for carbonaceous biolithes: World averages fortrace element contents in black shales and coals, International Journal of Coal Geology, 78, 135-148.
  • [15] Palmer, C.A., Tuncalı, E., Dennen, K.O., Coburn, T.C., Finkelman R.B., (2004), Characterization of Turkish Coals: a Nation Wide Perspective, International Journal of Coal Geology, 60, 85-115.
  • [16] Finkelman, R.B., (1993), Trace and minor elements in coal, In: Organic Geochemistry, New York: Plenum, pp. 593–607.
  • [17] Dai, S.F., Zhou, Y.P., Ren, D.Y., Wang, X.B., Li, D., Zhao, L., (2007), Geochemistry and mineralogy of the Late Permian coals from the Songzao Coalfield, Chongqing, Southwestern China, Science in China Series D: Earth Science, 50, 678-688.
  • [18] Dai, S.F., Li, D., Chou, C.L., Zhao, L., Zhang, Y., Ren, D.Y., Ma, Y.W., Sun, Y.Y., (2008), Mineralogy and geochemistry of Boehmite-Richcoals: New insights from the Haerwusu Surface Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 74, 185-202.
  • [19] Dai, S.F., Ren, D.Y., Chou, C.L., Finkelman, R.B., Seredin, V.V., Zhou, Y.P., (2012), Geochemistry of trace elements in Chinese coals: A Review of Abundances, Genetic Types, Impacts on Human Health, and Industrial Utilization, International Journal of Coal Geology, 94, 3-21.
  • [20] Rudnick, R.L., Gao, S., (2003), Treatise on geochemistry. Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford. pp. 683.
  • [21] Valkovic, V., (1983), Trace elements in coal. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, pp. 210–281.
  • [22] Güllüdağ, C.B., (2019), GIS-supported investigation of organic geochemistry, main-trace element contents and environmental effects of Malkara (Tekirdağ) Coals, Dissertation, University of Akdeniz (in Turkish).
  • [23] Lo Mónaco, S., López, L., Rojas, H., Garcia, D., Premovic, P., Briceño, H., (2002), Distribution of major and trace elements in la luna formation, Southwestern Venezuelan Basin, Organic Geochemistry, 33, 1593-1608.
  • [24] Kortenski, J., Sotirov, A., (2002), Trace and major elements content and distribution in neogene lignite from the Sofia Basin, Bulgaria, International Journal of Coal Geology, 52, 63-82.
  • [25] Karayiğit, A.İ., Gayer, R.A., Querol, X., Onocak, T., (2000), Contents of major and trace elements in feed coals from Turkish coal-fired power plants, International Journal of Coal Geology 44 (2), 169-184.
  • [26] Prevot, L., (1990), Geochemistry, petrography, genesis of Cretaceous-Eocene Phosphorites; The Ganntour deposit (Morocco), a type example, Societe Geologique de France, Paris, pp. 232.
  • [27] Mukhopadhyay, P.K., (1986), Petrography of selected Wilcox and Jackson group lignites from the Tertiary of Texas, Geology of Golf Coast Lignites, Field Trip Guide Book, Geological Society of America.
  • [28] Karayiğit, A.İ., (2003), Mineralogy and trace element contents of the Upper Carboniferous Coals from the Asma-Dilaver and Gelik mines in Zonguldak, Turkey, Energy Sources, 25 (7), 689-702.
  • [29] Koralay, D.B., (2009), Bolu Havzası Eosen bitümlü şeyllerinin hidrokarbon potansiyeli ve iz element dağılımlarının belirlenmesi, Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Ankara University, Turkey, 198 pp. (in Turkish)
  • [30] Song, D., Qin, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, W., Zheng, C., (2007), Concentration and distribution of trace elements in some coals from Nothern China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 69, 179-191.
  • [31] Singh, R.M., Singh, M.P., Chandra, D., (1983), Occurence, distribution and probable source of trace elements in Ghugas Coals, Wardha Valley, District Chandrapur and Yeotmal, Maharashtra, India, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2, 371-381.
  • [32] Finkelman, R.B., (1994a), Modes of occurence of potantially hazardous elements in coal: level of confidence, Fuel Processing Technology, 39 (1-3), 21-34.
  • [33] Gluskoter, H.J., Ruch, R.R., Miller, W.G., Cahill, R.A., Dreher, G.B., Kuhn, J.K., (1977), Trace elements in coal: Occurrence and distribution, III. State Geol. Surv. Circ, 499, pp. 154.
  • [34] Finkelman, R.B., (1994b), Theuse of modes of occurence information to predict the removal of the hazardous air pollutants, International Journal of Coal Geology, 124, 132-134.
  • [35] Swaine, D.J., (1990), Trace elements in coal. Butterwarh, London, pp. 278.
  • [36] Finkelman, R.B., (1995), Modes of occurrences of environmentally-sensitive trace elements in coal, In: Environmental aspects of trace elements in coal, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 24-44.
  • [37] Orem, W.H., Finkelman, R.B., (2003), Coal formation and geochemistry, In: Treatise on geochemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 191-222.
  • [38] Yavuz Pehlivanlı, B., (2011), Hırka Formasyonu (Beypazarı, Ankara, Türkiye) bitümlü şeyllerinin inorganik element depolanmaları ve organik- inorganik elementler arasındaki kökensel ilişkiler. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Ankara University, Turkey, 332 pp. (in Turkish)
  • [39] Eskenazy, G.M., (1982), The geochemistry of Tungsten in Bulgarian Coals, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2, 99-111.
  • [40] Wedepohl, K.H., (1969), Handbook of geochemistry, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 422.
  • [41] Finkelman, R.B., (1980), Modes of occurrence of trace elements in coal. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland, Maryland, 301 pp.
  • [42] Ershov, V.M., (1962), Rare earth elements in coals of the Kizel Coal Basin, Geochemistry (USSR) 3, 306-308.
  • [43] Given P.H., Miller R.N., (1987), The association of major, minor and trace inorganic elements with lignites, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 51, 1843-1853.
  • [44] Shpirt, M.Y., Ratynskii, V.M., Zharov, Y.N., Zekel, L.A., (1984), Forms of trace element compounds and their behaviour in processing coals, Razvit, Uglekhim, 50, 224-235.
  • [45] Palmer, C.A., Filby, R.H., (1984), Distribution of trace elements in coal from the Powhatan No. 6 mine, Ohio, Fuel, 63, 318-328.
  • [46] Eskenazy, G.M., (1987), Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in lithotypes of Bulgarian coal, Organic Geochemistry, 11, 83-89.
  • [47] Goodarzi, F., Van der Flier-Keller, E., (1988), Distribution of major, minor and trace elements in Hat Creek Deposit, No.2, British Columbia, Canada, Chemical Geology, 70, 313-333.
  • [48] Goodarzi, F., (2002), Elemental composition and modes of occurrence of elements in Canadian Feed-Coals, Fuel, 81, 1199-1213.
  • [49] Zubovic, P., Stadnichenko, T., Sheffey, N.B., (1960), The association of some minor elements with organic and ınorganic phases of coal, US Geol. Surv. Prof. Rap., No. 400-B, B84-B87.
  • [50] Querol, X., Finkelman, R.B., Alastuey, A., Huerta, A., Palmer, C.A., Mroczkowski, S., Kolker, A., Chenery, S.N.R., Robinson, J.J., Juan, R., Lopez-soler, A., (1998), Quantitative determination of modes of occurrence of major, minor and trace elements in coal: Comparison of results from different methods, AIE 8th Australian Coal Science Conference, pp. 51-56.
  • [51] Li, Y.H., (2000), A compendium of geochemistry: From solar nebula to the human brain. princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • [52] Brumsack, H.J., (2006), The trace metal content of recent organic carbon-rich sediments: Implications for Cretaceous Black Shale Formation, Palaeogeography, Palaeocimatology, Palaeoecology, 232, 344-361.
  • [53] Sun, R., Liu, G., Zheng, L., Chou, C.L., (2010), Geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the Zhuji Mine, Huainan Coalfield, Anhui, China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 81, 81-96.
  • [54] Zheng, B., Ding, Z., Huang, R., Zhu, J., Yu, X., Wang, A., Zhou, D., Mao, D., Su, H., (1999), Issues of health and disease relating to coal use in Southwestern China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 40, 119-132.
  • [55] Finkelman, R.B., (2004), Potential health ımpacts of burning coal beds and waste banks, International Journal of Coal Geology, 59 (1-2), 19-24.
  • [56] Dai, S., Ren, D., Tang, Y., Yue, M., Hao, L., (2005), Concentration and distribution of elements in Late Permian Coals from Western Guizhou Province, China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 61, 119-137.


Yıl 2022, Sayı: 051, 1 - 25, 31.12.2022


Coal, which contains various amounts of major and trace elements, has the feature of being a mineral deposit according to the accumulation rate of certain elements. The types and quantities of inorganic components are important to the chemical, geological and technological properties of coal. If the necessary precautions were not taken during the extraction, transportation, and coal combustion, some negative effects could occur to the environment and human health. A total of 54 coal, roof, floor, and parting samples were taken from 8 boreholes in the Tekirdağ, Malkara lignite field in the Northwest of Turkey. The samples were prepared in accordance with all the procedures of mineralogical and geochemical analyses. Quartz, ankerite, pyrite, calcite, mica, aragonite, dolomite, feldspar minerals and smectite, illite, cholinite, and chlorite among clay minerals were detected out. Trace elements, including V (8-212 ppm), Co (5.3-31 ppm), Ni (0.1-257 ppm), Cu (1.5-109.6 ppm), Rb (0.2-125.8 ppm), Sr (193.8-615.3 ppm), Y (5.4-28 ppm), Zr (13.6-495.1), Ba (120-436 ppm), and W (7.1-226 ppm) are enriched. The enriched elements in the coal are largely associated with inorganic matter. However, Be, Sr and W are related to organic and inorganic substances. Due to its high concentrations, Se, Be, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Th, U, V, Zn, Ba, Co, and Sn might have negative effects on the environment and human health. Therein, Be, Co, Pb, Ni, and Se are potential air pollutants in the use of coal.

Destekleyen Kurum

Research Unit of Akdeniz University

Proje Numarası

FDK 2016-2042


The authors acknowledge that some part of the data presented in this article is related to the PhD thesis of Cevdet Bertan Güllüdağ, entitled "GIS-supported investigation of organic geochemistry, main-trace element contents and environmental effects of Malkara (Tekirdağ) Coals ".This study was supported by the Research Unit of Akdeniz University (Project Number: FDK 2016-2042). The authors would like to thank the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) (Turkey) (for sampling and chemical analysis), Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO), and Research Unit of Akdeniz University for contributions.


  • [1] Chamber Of Mining Engineers Of Turkey, (2020), Coal and Energy Report 2020, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 48. (in Turkish)
  • [2] Swaine, D.J., (1995), The Contents and Some Related Aspects of Trace Elements in Coals, In: Environmental Aspects of Trace Elements in Coal, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 312.
  • [3] Finkelman, R.B., Grosss, P.M.K., (1999), The types of data needed for assessing the environmental and human health ımpacts of coal, International Journal of Coal Geology, 40, 91-101.
  • [4] Gürdal, G., (2008), Geochemistry of trace elements in Çan coal (Miocene), Çanakkale, Turkey, International Journal of Coal Geology, 74 (1), 28-40.
  • [5] Altunsoy, M., Özçelik, O., Özdoğan, M., Güllüdağ, C.B., (2015), Major and trace element contents in coaly units of the Pliocene Dursunlu Formation, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 15, 774-780.
  • [6] Özçelik O., Yavuz Pehlivanlı B., Sarı A., Altunsoy M., Hökerek S., Ünal N., (2016), Geochemical characteristics of major and trace elements in Şahinali Coals, Aydın, Turkey, Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 38 (10), 1435-1447.
  • [7] Altunsoy, M., Sarı, A., Özçelik, O., Engin, H., Hökerek, S., (2016), Major and trace-element enrichments in the Karapınar Coals (Konya, Turkey), Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization And Envıronmental Effects, 38, 88-99.
  • [8] Koca, D., Altunsoy, M., Sarı, A., Güllüdağ, C.B., (2015), Pamucakyayla (Antalya) civarı organik kayaçlarındaki majör ve iz elementlerin jeokimyasal davranışları, Selçuk University Journal of Engineering, Sciences and Technology, 3 (4), 13-26. (in Turkish)
  • [9] Turkey Lignite Inventory, (2010), General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Inventory series, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 371.
  • [10] Keskin, C., (1974), Kuzey Trakya havzası’nın stratigrafisi, Türkiye İkinci Petrol Kongresi Tebliğleri Kitabı, pp. 137-163. (in Turkish)
  • [11] Perinçek, D., Ataş, N., Karatut, Ş., Erensoy, E., (2015), Trakya Havzasında, Danişmen Formasyonu ıçindeki linyit katmanlarının potansiyelini kontrol eden jeolojik faktörler, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 150, 79-110. (in Turkish)
  • [12] Siyako, M. (2006). Lignite sandstones of the Thrace Basin. Mineral Research and Exploration Journal, 132, 63-73.
  • [13] Koca, D., (2011), Nallıhan (Ankara, Türkiye) civarı bitümlü şeyllerinde organik madde ve iz element zenginleşmeleri. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Ankara University, Turkey. Pp. 411. (in Turkish)
  • [14] Ketris, M.P., Yudovich, Y.E., (2009), Estimations of clarkes for carbonaceous biolithes: World averages fortrace element contents in black shales and coals, International Journal of Coal Geology, 78, 135-148.
  • [15] Palmer, C.A., Tuncalı, E., Dennen, K.O., Coburn, T.C., Finkelman R.B., (2004), Characterization of Turkish Coals: a Nation Wide Perspective, International Journal of Coal Geology, 60, 85-115.
  • [16] Finkelman, R.B., (1993), Trace and minor elements in coal, In: Organic Geochemistry, New York: Plenum, pp. 593–607.
  • [17] Dai, S.F., Zhou, Y.P., Ren, D.Y., Wang, X.B., Li, D., Zhao, L., (2007), Geochemistry and mineralogy of the Late Permian coals from the Songzao Coalfield, Chongqing, Southwestern China, Science in China Series D: Earth Science, 50, 678-688.
  • [18] Dai, S.F., Li, D., Chou, C.L., Zhao, L., Zhang, Y., Ren, D.Y., Ma, Y.W., Sun, Y.Y., (2008), Mineralogy and geochemistry of Boehmite-Richcoals: New insights from the Haerwusu Surface Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 74, 185-202.
  • [19] Dai, S.F., Ren, D.Y., Chou, C.L., Finkelman, R.B., Seredin, V.V., Zhou, Y.P., (2012), Geochemistry of trace elements in Chinese coals: A Review of Abundances, Genetic Types, Impacts on Human Health, and Industrial Utilization, International Journal of Coal Geology, 94, 3-21.
  • [20] Rudnick, R.L., Gao, S., (2003), Treatise on geochemistry. Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford. pp. 683.
  • [21] Valkovic, V., (1983), Trace elements in coal. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, pp. 210–281.
  • [22] Güllüdağ, C.B., (2019), GIS-supported investigation of organic geochemistry, main-trace element contents and environmental effects of Malkara (Tekirdağ) Coals, Dissertation, University of Akdeniz (in Turkish).
  • [23] Lo Mónaco, S., López, L., Rojas, H., Garcia, D., Premovic, P., Briceño, H., (2002), Distribution of major and trace elements in la luna formation, Southwestern Venezuelan Basin, Organic Geochemistry, 33, 1593-1608.
  • [24] Kortenski, J., Sotirov, A., (2002), Trace and major elements content and distribution in neogene lignite from the Sofia Basin, Bulgaria, International Journal of Coal Geology, 52, 63-82.
  • [25] Karayiğit, A.İ., Gayer, R.A., Querol, X., Onocak, T., (2000), Contents of major and trace elements in feed coals from Turkish coal-fired power plants, International Journal of Coal Geology 44 (2), 169-184.
  • [26] Prevot, L., (1990), Geochemistry, petrography, genesis of Cretaceous-Eocene Phosphorites; The Ganntour deposit (Morocco), a type example, Societe Geologique de France, Paris, pp. 232.
  • [27] Mukhopadhyay, P.K., (1986), Petrography of selected Wilcox and Jackson group lignites from the Tertiary of Texas, Geology of Golf Coast Lignites, Field Trip Guide Book, Geological Society of America.
  • [28] Karayiğit, A.İ., (2003), Mineralogy and trace element contents of the Upper Carboniferous Coals from the Asma-Dilaver and Gelik mines in Zonguldak, Turkey, Energy Sources, 25 (7), 689-702.
  • [29] Koralay, D.B., (2009), Bolu Havzası Eosen bitümlü şeyllerinin hidrokarbon potansiyeli ve iz element dağılımlarının belirlenmesi, Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Ankara University, Turkey, 198 pp. (in Turkish)
  • [30] Song, D., Qin, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, W., Zheng, C., (2007), Concentration and distribution of trace elements in some coals from Nothern China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 69, 179-191.
  • [31] Singh, R.M., Singh, M.P., Chandra, D., (1983), Occurence, distribution and probable source of trace elements in Ghugas Coals, Wardha Valley, District Chandrapur and Yeotmal, Maharashtra, India, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2, 371-381.
  • [32] Finkelman, R.B., (1994a), Modes of occurence of potantially hazardous elements in coal: level of confidence, Fuel Processing Technology, 39 (1-3), 21-34.
  • [33] Gluskoter, H.J., Ruch, R.R., Miller, W.G., Cahill, R.A., Dreher, G.B., Kuhn, J.K., (1977), Trace elements in coal: Occurrence and distribution, III. State Geol. Surv. Circ, 499, pp. 154.
  • [34] Finkelman, R.B., (1994b), Theuse of modes of occurence information to predict the removal of the hazardous air pollutants, International Journal of Coal Geology, 124, 132-134.
  • [35] Swaine, D.J., (1990), Trace elements in coal. Butterwarh, London, pp. 278.
  • [36] Finkelman, R.B., (1995), Modes of occurrences of environmentally-sensitive trace elements in coal, In: Environmental aspects of trace elements in coal, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 24-44.
  • [37] Orem, W.H., Finkelman, R.B., (2003), Coal formation and geochemistry, In: Treatise on geochemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 191-222.
  • [38] Yavuz Pehlivanlı, B., (2011), Hırka Formasyonu (Beypazarı, Ankara, Türkiye) bitümlü şeyllerinin inorganik element depolanmaları ve organik- inorganik elementler arasındaki kökensel ilişkiler. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Ankara University, Turkey, 332 pp. (in Turkish)
  • [39] Eskenazy, G.M., (1982), The geochemistry of Tungsten in Bulgarian Coals, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2, 99-111.
  • [40] Wedepohl, K.H., (1969), Handbook of geochemistry, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 422.
  • [41] Finkelman, R.B., (1980), Modes of occurrence of trace elements in coal. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland, Maryland, 301 pp.
  • [42] Ershov, V.M., (1962), Rare earth elements in coals of the Kizel Coal Basin, Geochemistry (USSR) 3, 306-308.
  • [43] Given P.H., Miller R.N., (1987), The association of major, minor and trace inorganic elements with lignites, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 51, 1843-1853.
  • [44] Shpirt, M.Y., Ratynskii, V.M., Zharov, Y.N., Zekel, L.A., (1984), Forms of trace element compounds and their behaviour in processing coals, Razvit, Uglekhim, 50, 224-235.
  • [45] Palmer, C.A., Filby, R.H., (1984), Distribution of trace elements in coal from the Powhatan No. 6 mine, Ohio, Fuel, 63, 318-328.
  • [46] Eskenazy, G.M., (1987), Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in lithotypes of Bulgarian coal, Organic Geochemistry, 11, 83-89.
  • [47] Goodarzi, F., Van der Flier-Keller, E., (1988), Distribution of major, minor and trace elements in Hat Creek Deposit, No.2, British Columbia, Canada, Chemical Geology, 70, 313-333.
  • [48] Goodarzi, F., (2002), Elemental composition and modes of occurrence of elements in Canadian Feed-Coals, Fuel, 81, 1199-1213.
  • [49] Zubovic, P., Stadnichenko, T., Sheffey, N.B., (1960), The association of some minor elements with organic and ınorganic phases of coal, US Geol. Surv. Prof. Rap., No. 400-B, B84-B87.
  • [50] Querol, X., Finkelman, R.B., Alastuey, A., Huerta, A., Palmer, C.A., Mroczkowski, S., Kolker, A., Chenery, S.N.R., Robinson, J.J., Juan, R., Lopez-soler, A., (1998), Quantitative determination of modes of occurrence of major, minor and trace elements in coal: Comparison of results from different methods, AIE 8th Australian Coal Science Conference, pp. 51-56.
  • [51] Li, Y.H., (2000), A compendium of geochemistry: From solar nebula to the human brain. princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • [52] Brumsack, H.J., (2006), The trace metal content of recent organic carbon-rich sediments: Implications for Cretaceous Black Shale Formation, Palaeogeography, Palaeocimatology, Palaeoecology, 232, 344-361.
  • [53] Sun, R., Liu, G., Zheng, L., Chou, C.L., (2010), Geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the Zhuji Mine, Huainan Coalfield, Anhui, China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 81, 81-96.
  • [54] Zheng, B., Ding, Z., Huang, R., Zhu, J., Yu, X., Wang, A., Zhou, D., Mao, D., Su, H., (1999), Issues of health and disease relating to coal use in Southwestern China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 40, 119-132.
  • [55] Finkelman, R.B., (2004), Potential health ımpacts of burning coal beds and waste banks, International Journal of Coal Geology, 59 (1-2), 19-24.
  • [56] Dai, S., Ren, D., Tang, Y., Yue, M., Hao, L., (2005), Concentration and distribution of elements in Late Permian Coals from Western Guizhou Province, China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 61, 119-137.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Research Articles

Cevdet Bertan Güllüdağ 0000-0001-5777-1808

Mehmet Altunsoy 0000-0002-3140-6682

Proje Numarası FDK 2016-2042
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 051

Kaynak Göster

IEEE C. B. Güllüdağ ve M. Altunsoy, “MAJOR AND TRACE ELEMENT GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE MALKARA (TEKIRDAĞ, TURKEY) COALS”, JSR-A, sy. 051, ss. 1–25, Aralık 2022.