Year 2023,
, 98 - 101, 05.01.2024
Numan Kılınç
Vedia Dökmeci
- Bardo, J.W., & Dokmeci, V. (1992). Modernization, traditionalism and the changing structure of community satisfaction in two-subcommunities in Istanbul, Turkey: A Procrustean analysis, Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 118(3), 273-292. google scholar
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- Dokmeci, V., & Berkoz, L. (1994). Transformation of Istanbul from a monocentric to a polycentric city. European Planning Studies, 2(2), 193-205. google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., & Ciraci, H. (1999). From westernization to globalization: An old district of Istanbul. Planning History, 21(3), 13-22 google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., & Berkoz, L. (2000). Residential-location preferences according to demographic characteristics in Istanbul. Landscape and Urban Planning, 48, 45-55. google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., Altunbas, U., & Yazgi, B. (2007). Revitalization of the main Street of a distiguiched old neighborhood in Istanbul. European Planning Studies, 15(1), 153-166. google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., & Erdogan, N. (2021). Spatial analysis of 2000-2018 residential prices of Istanbul. KAPU Trakya Journal of Architecture and Design, 1(1), 61-77. google scholar
- Ergun, N., & Dundar, B. (2004). Functional change as an indicator of transformation near the old city center of Istanbul. European Planning Studies, 12(5), 723-738. google scholar
- Feng, C.M., & Lin, J.J. (1999). Using a genetic algorithm to generate alternative sketch maps for urban planning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 23(2), 91-108. google scholar
- Giritlioglu, C., Bolen, F., Erkut, G., Ergun, N., & Yirmibeşoglu, F. (1993) Metropoliten şehir merkezlerinde değişen işlevsel ve mekânsal ilişkiler—Istanbul metropoliten eski merkezinin yeniden organizasyonu. Planlama Dergisi, Istanbul Özel Sayısı, 1-4, 18-25. google scholar
- Hanink, D.M., & Cromley, R.G. (1998). Land-use allocation in the absence of complete market values. Journal of Regional Science, 38(3), 465-480. google scholar
- Kilinc, N., & Turk, S.S. (2021). Plan changes in Istanbul as Project-led practices in a plan-led planning system. European Planning Studies, 29, 8. google scholar
- Kilinc, N., & Turk, S.S. (2022). Examination of local plan changes from a value capture perspective. Sustainability, 14(1), 329. google scholar
- Ligmann-Zielinska, A., Church, R.L., & Jankowski, P. (2008). Spatial optimization as a generative technique for sustainable multi-objective land-use allocation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 22, 6. google scholar
- Marquez, L.O., & Maneepala, S. (1996). An object-oriented approach to the integrating planning of urban development and utility services. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 20(4-5), 303-312. google scholar
- Nijkamp, P., & Rietveld. (1981). Multi-objective multi-level policy models: An application on regional and environmental planning. European Economic Review, 15(1), 63-89. google scholar
- Ozus, E., & Dokmeci, V. (2005). Effects of revitalization in historical city center of Istanbul. Internation Real Estate Review, 8(1), 144-159. google scholar
- Rezafer, A., & Turk, S.S. (2018). Urban design factors involved in the aesthetic assessment of the newly built environments and their incorporation into legislation: the case of Istanbul. Urbani Izziv, 29, 2. google scholar
- Tarakci, S., & Turk, S.S. (2022). Public value capturing in urban reviewal: The Fikirtepe Case. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 37, 125-155. google scholar
- Turk, E., & Celik, H.M. (2013). Impacts of planners’ different viewpoints on optimum land-use allocation. European Planning Studies, 21(11), 1937-1957. google scholar
- Xu, H., & Yan, Y. (2021). Integrated planning model of land-use layout and transportation network design for regional urbanization in China based on TOD theory. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147, 2. google scholar
Multi-Objective Analysis of Housing Transformation in Istanbul
Year 2023,
, 98 - 101, 05.01.2024
Numan Kılınç
Vedia Dökmeci
The rapid growth of Istanbul has resulted in many housing problems in the periphery due to the development of squatter housing and the decline of districts in the historical center for various reasons. This paper presents a generalized evaluation model on housing transformation projects to examine the most productive use of land based on several objectives. The analysis takes multiple alternatives into consideration for each housing transformation project. The problem is solved separately according to each alternative by taking into consideration weighted objectives, thus revealing the most efficient alternative land use model with the maximum efficiency from among the calculated alternative activities by adding the effects of the targets. The findings obtained within the scope of the study should guide the development of more efficient decisions regarding housing transformation projects. The article proposes further extensions of the model to include the interactions among housing transformation projects and the use of new planning techniques.
- Bardo, J.W., & Dokmeci, V. (1992). Modernization, traditionalism and the changing structure of community satisfaction in two-subcommunities in Istanbul, Turkey: A Procrustean analysis, Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 118(3), 273-292. google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., Cagdas, G., & Tokcan, S. (1993). Multi-objective land-use planning model. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 1, 9, March. google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., & Berkoz, L. (1994). Transformation of Istanbul from a monocentric to a polycentric city. European Planning Studies, 2(2), 193-205. google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., & Ciraci, H. (1999). From westernization to globalization: An old district of Istanbul. Planning History, 21(3), 13-22 google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., & Berkoz, L. (2000). Residential-location preferences according to demographic characteristics in Istanbul. Landscape and Urban Planning, 48, 45-55. google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., Altunbas, U., & Yazgi, B. (2007). Revitalization of the main Street of a distiguiched old neighborhood in Istanbul. European Planning Studies, 15(1), 153-166. google scholar
- Dokmeci, V., & Erdogan, N. (2021). Spatial analysis of 2000-2018 residential prices of Istanbul. KAPU Trakya Journal of Architecture and Design, 1(1), 61-77. google scholar
- Ergun, N., & Dundar, B. (2004). Functional change as an indicator of transformation near the old city center of Istanbul. European Planning Studies, 12(5), 723-738. google scholar
- Feng, C.M., & Lin, J.J. (1999). Using a genetic algorithm to generate alternative sketch maps for urban planning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 23(2), 91-108. google scholar
- Giritlioglu, C., Bolen, F., Erkut, G., Ergun, N., & Yirmibeşoglu, F. (1993) Metropoliten şehir merkezlerinde değişen işlevsel ve mekânsal ilişkiler—Istanbul metropoliten eski merkezinin yeniden organizasyonu. Planlama Dergisi, Istanbul Özel Sayısı, 1-4, 18-25. google scholar
- Hanink, D.M., & Cromley, R.G. (1998). Land-use allocation in the absence of complete market values. Journal of Regional Science, 38(3), 465-480. google scholar
- Kilinc, N., & Turk, S.S. (2021). Plan changes in Istanbul as Project-led practices in a plan-led planning system. European Planning Studies, 29, 8. google scholar
- Kilinc, N., & Turk, S.S. (2022). Examination of local plan changes from a value capture perspective. Sustainability, 14(1), 329. google scholar
- Ligmann-Zielinska, A., Church, R.L., & Jankowski, P. (2008). Spatial optimization as a generative technique for sustainable multi-objective land-use allocation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 22, 6. google scholar
- Marquez, L.O., & Maneepala, S. (1996). An object-oriented approach to the integrating planning of urban development and utility services. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 20(4-5), 303-312. google scholar
- Nijkamp, P., & Rietveld. (1981). Multi-objective multi-level policy models: An application on regional and environmental planning. European Economic Review, 15(1), 63-89. google scholar
- Ozus, E., & Dokmeci, V. (2005). Effects of revitalization in historical city center of Istanbul. Internation Real Estate Review, 8(1), 144-159. google scholar
- Rezafer, A., & Turk, S.S. (2018). Urban design factors involved in the aesthetic assessment of the newly built environments and their incorporation into legislation: the case of Istanbul. Urbani Izziv, 29, 2. google scholar
- Tarakci, S., & Turk, S.S. (2022). Public value capturing in urban reviewal: The Fikirtepe Case. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 37, 125-155. google scholar
- Turk, E., & Celik, H.M. (2013). Impacts of planners’ different viewpoints on optimum land-use allocation. European Planning Studies, 21(11), 1937-1957. google scholar
- Xu, H., & Yan, Y. (2021). Integrated planning model of land-use layout and transportation network design for regional urbanization in China based on TOD theory. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147, 2. google scholar