Year 2021,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 75 - 97, 30.04.2021
Arely Paredes-chi
María Teresa Castıllo Burguete
- Andión, M. (2011). Génesis, desarrollo y perspectivas del normalismo preescolar en México [Genesis, development and perspectives of preschool normalism in Mexico]. Reencuentro (61), 34-45. Retrieved from:
- Arteaga, B., & S. Camargo. (2009). El surgimiento de la formación de docentes en México como profesión de Estado: Enrique C. Rébsamen y la creación de las primeras Escuelas Normales [The emergence of teacher training in Mexico as a State profession: Enrique C. Rébsamen and the creation of the first Normal Schools]. Integra Educativa, II, (3), 121-133. Retrieved from:
- Britt (2019). Chapter 7. Teachers’ learning in reflecting teams. In Melek Çakmak and Müge Gündüz (editors). Dimensions and Emerging Themes in Teaching Practicum. Routledge. New York
- Cabello, V. (1994). Formación de investigadores en las normales del estado de México [Training of researchers in the normals schools of the state of Mexico]. Perfiles Educativos (65). Retrieved from:
- Casanova, H. (2017). “Investigar sobre la educación normal en México” [Investigate about normal education in Mexico]. Paper presented at the Primer Congreso Nacional de Investigación sobre Educación Normal, Yucatán, México, March 8-10.
- Çakmak, M. and Gündüz, M. (2019). Chapter 1. A critical review of teaching practicum studies. In Melek Çakmak and Müge Gündüz (editors). Dimensions and Emerging Themes in Teaching Practicum. Routledge. New York
- Cochran-Smith, M. (2005). Teacher educators as researchers: multiple perspectives. Teaching and Teacher Education (21), 219–225. Retrieved from:
- Chávez, Z., and M. Mú. (2011). Funciones sustantivas de las Escuelas Normales en el marco de la reforma curricular [Substantive functions of the Normal Schools in the framework of the curricular reform]. Instituto Estatal de Educación Normal de Nayarit. México. Retrieved from:;jsessionid=5526a953c2b5e03c354955ad137d?nombre=4719-Actividades+Sustantivas+de+la+EN++en+el+Marco+de+la+Reforma_ok-9.doc.pdf
- DeMonte (2017). Fostering a New Approach to Research on Teacher Preparation Results of the First Convening of Researchers, Practitioners, and K–12 Educators. American Institutes for Research. Retrieved from:
- Ducoing, P. (2004). Origen de la Escuela Normal Superior de México [Origin of the Escuela Normal Superior de México]. Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana (6), 39-56. Retrieved from:
- Fernández, J. (1983). Políticas e instituciones ideológicas durante la Revolución Francesa [Ideological policies and institutions during the French Revolution]. El Basilisco (15), 71-77. Retrieved from:
- H. Congreso del estado de Yucatán. (2016). Ley de educación del Estado de Yucatán. [Education Law of the State of Yucatán] México: Gobierno del Estado. Retrieved from:
- Hogarth. M. (2020). A personal response to the idea of research-informed teacher learning. In Beckett. L. (Editor). Research-Informed Teacher Learning. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge: New York
- Hogarth. M. (2020). Chapter 1. Research-informed teacher learning as professional practice. In Beckett. L. (Editor). Research-Informed Teacher Learning. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge: New York
- Juárez, D. (2017). El papel de las Escuelas Normales Rurales [The role of Rural Normal Schools]. IBERO. Revista de la Universidad Iberoamericana, IX (52).
Krippendorff, K (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology, Thousand Oaks: Sage.
- Madrid, M. (1984). Acuerdo que establece que la Educación Normal en su Nivel inicial y en cualquiera de sus tipos y especialidades tendrá el Grado Académico de Licenciatur[Agreement that establishes that Normal Education in its initial level and in any of its types and specialties will have the Academic Degree of Bachelor]a. México: Diario Oficial de la Federación.
- Medrano, V., M. Ángeles, and M. Morales. (2017). La educación normal en México. Elementos para su análisis [Normal education in Mexico. Elements for its analysis]. México: Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE). Retrieved from:
- Morales, E. M. (1998). Tendencias educativas oficiales en México, 1821-1911. La problemática de la educación mexicana en el siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX [Official educational trends in Mexico, 1821-1911. The problems of Mexican education in the 19th and early 20th centuries]. México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
- National Academy of Sciences (2010). Preparing Teachers Building Evidence for Sound Policy. The National Academies Press: Washington, DC. Retrieved from:
- Navarrete-Cazales, Z. (2015). Formación de profesores en las Escuelas Normales de México [Teacher training in the Normal Schools of Mexico]. Siglo XX. Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana, 17 (25), 17-34. Retrieved from:
- NOTIMEX. (2018). Asigna SEP las primeras plazas para maestros de inglés en normales [SEP assigns the first places for teachers of English in normal schools], Excelsior. Retrieved from:
- Oikión, G. (2008). El proceso curricular normalista del 84: un acercamiento desde la perspectiva de sus actores [The normalist curricular process of 84: an approach from the perspective of its actors]. México: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Retrieved from:
- Oancea, T. (n/d). The Role of Research in Teacher Education. Retrieved from:
- Pigott, T. and Prasse, D. (2019). Teacher Education Policy for the 21st Century. In Heineke and Ryan (editors). Teaching, Learning, and Leading With Schools and Communities. Routledge: New York
- Philpott C. and Poultney, V (2018). Evidence-based Teaching: A Critical Overview for Enquiring Teachers. A Critical Overview for Enquiring Teachers. Critical Publishing Ltd
Paredes-Chi, A. & Castillo-Burguete, M.T. (2018). Is Participatory Action Research an innovative pedagogical alternative for training teachers as researchers? The training plan and evaluation for normal schools. Evaluation and Program Planning, 68. DOI:
- Ramírez, A. (2016). ¿En donde quedó la reforma a las escuelas Normales? [Where is the reform to the Normal schools?] Revista Educ@rnos. (October). Retrived from:
- Ryan, A. M. (2019). Chapter 1. Innovation and Collaboration in Teacher Education. In Heineke and Ryan (editors). Teaching, Learning, and Leading With Schools and Communities. Routledge: New York
- Rodríguez, R. (2013). Reforma de la Normal ¿continuidad o cambio? [Reform of the Normal education, continuity or change?] Primera parte. Campus Milenio (503). México: UNAM. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2012). Acuerdo 650 por el que se establece el Plan de Estudios para la Formación de Maestros de Educación Preescolar [Agreement 650 by which the Curriculum for the Training of Preschool Teachers is established]. México: Diario Oficial de la Federación Retrieved from
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2014). Orientaciones educativas para la elaboración del trabajo de titulación. Plan de estudios 2012 [Educational guidelines for the preparation of the degreedissertation . Study plan 2012]. México: SEP. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2015a). Acuerdo número 24/12/15 [Agreement number 12/24/15]. México: Diario Oficial de la Federación. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2015b). Plan integral. Diagnóstico de las Escuelas Normales [Integral plan. Diagnosis of Normal Schools]. México: SEP.
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2016). Acuerdo por el que se emiten las reglas de operación del Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente [Agreement by which the operating rules of the Program for Teacher Professional Development are issued]. Mexico: Diario Oficial de la Federación. Retrieved from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2016a). Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente, para el Tipo Superior [Program for Teacher Professional Development, for the Higher education]. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2017). Cuerpos académicos reconocidos por Prodep [Academic groups recognized by Prodep], Retrieved from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2017a). Concurso para la selección y contratación de docentes para el fortalecimiento del idioma inglés en las escuelas normales [Competition for the selection and hiring of teachers to strengthen the English language in normal schools]. Convocatoria. México. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2017b). Nuño Mayer presenta estrategia para fortalecer a las Normales, en las que se invierten 2 mil millones de pesos para infraestructura y materiales [Nuño Mayer presents a strategy to strengthen the Normal Schools, in which 2 billion pesos are invested for infrastructure and materials]. México: Retrieved from
- Scott, H. (2020). What are the effects of recent changes to ITE policy for the future? In Beckett. L. (Editor). Research-Informed Teacher Learning. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge: New York
- Smith, K. (2015). The role of research in teacher education, Research in Teacher Education, (5) 2, 43-46. Retrieved from:
- Tatto M. T. (2020). Chapter 11. What do we mean when we speak of research evidence in education? In Beckett. L. (Editor). Research-Informed Teacher Learning. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge: New York
- Yogev, S. and Yogev, A. (2006). Teacher educators as researchers: A profile of research in Israeli teacher colleges versus university departments of education, Teaching and Teacher Education (22), 32-41. Retrieved from:
Research Development Policy and Its Practice in Mexican Teacher Training Schools
Year 2021,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 75 - 97, 30.04.2021
Arely Paredes-chi
María Teresa Castıllo Burguete
In Mexico, basic education teachers are trained in places named Normal Schools; in 1984 these Mexican Teachers Training Schools were ranked like Higher Education Institution, implying that, besides teaching, they must carry out research and dissemination. Nowadays, research is still in development and in some cases incipient. The objective of this article is: to understand why research is not yet consolidated in Mexican Teachers Training Schools. We used a qualitative approach, interviewing school board members, surveys to teacher educators, focus groups and participant observation. Teacher educators are motivated to research, but there is a lack of adequate working conditions to conduct it, teaching continues being their main activity.
Supporting Institution
This work was supported by the National Council for Science and Technology (Conacyt) and Research Center of Advanced Studies from National Polytechnic Institute (Cinvestav), Merida Unit, Department of Human Ecology.
Our gratitude to school board members and teacher educators for their participation in this study.
- Andión, M. (2011). Génesis, desarrollo y perspectivas del normalismo preescolar en México [Genesis, development and perspectives of preschool normalism in Mexico]. Reencuentro (61), 34-45. Retrieved from:
- Arteaga, B., & S. Camargo. (2009). El surgimiento de la formación de docentes en México como profesión de Estado: Enrique C. Rébsamen y la creación de las primeras Escuelas Normales [The emergence of teacher training in Mexico as a State profession: Enrique C. Rébsamen and the creation of the first Normal Schools]. Integra Educativa, II, (3), 121-133. Retrieved from:
- Britt (2019). Chapter 7. Teachers’ learning in reflecting teams. In Melek Çakmak and Müge Gündüz (editors). Dimensions and Emerging Themes in Teaching Practicum. Routledge. New York
- Cabello, V. (1994). Formación de investigadores en las normales del estado de México [Training of researchers in the normals schools of the state of Mexico]. Perfiles Educativos (65). Retrieved from:
- Casanova, H. (2017). “Investigar sobre la educación normal en México” [Investigate about normal education in Mexico]. Paper presented at the Primer Congreso Nacional de Investigación sobre Educación Normal, Yucatán, México, March 8-10.
- Çakmak, M. and Gündüz, M. (2019). Chapter 1. A critical review of teaching practicum studies. In Melek Çakmak and Müge Gündüz (editors). Dimensions and Emerging Themes in Teaching Practicum. Routledge. New York
- Cochran-Smith, M. (2005). Teacher educators as researchers: multiple perspectives. Teaching and Teacher Education (21), 219–225. Retrieved from:
- Chávez, Z., and M. Mú. (2011). Funciones sustantivas de las Escuelas Normales en el marco de la reforma curricular [Substantive functions of the Normal Schools in the framework of the curricular reform]. Instituto Estatal de Educación Normal de Nayarit. México. Retrieved from:;jsessionid=5526a953c2b5e03c354955ad137d?nombre=4719-Actividades+Sustantivas+de+la+EN++en+el+Marco+de+la+Reforma_ok-9.doc.pdf
- DeMonte (2017). Fostering a New Approach to Research on Teacher Preparation Results of the First Convening of Researchers, Practitioners, and K–12 Educators. American Institutes for Research. Retrieved from:
- Ducoing, P. (2004). Origen de la Escuela Normal Superior de México [Origin of the Escuela Normal Superior de México]. Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana (6), 39-56. Retrieved from:
- Fernández, J. (1983). Políticas e instituciones ideológicas durante la Revolución Francesa [Ideological policies and institutions during the French Revolution]. El Basilisco (15), 71-77. Retrieved from:
- H. Congreso del estado de Yucatán. (2016). Ley de educación del Estado de Yucatán. [Education Law of the State of Yucatán] México: Gobierno del Estado. Retrieved from:
- Hogarth. M. (2020). A personal response to the idea of research-informed teacher learning. In Beckett. L. (Editor). Research-Informed Teacher Learning. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge: New York
- Hogarth. M. (2020). Chapter 1. Research-informed teacher learning as professional practice. In Beckett. L. (Editor). Research-Informed Teacher Learning. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge: New York
- Juárez, D. (2017). El papel de las Escuelas Normales Rurales [The role of Rural Normal Schools]. IBERO. Revista de la Universidad Iberoamericana, IX (52).
Krippendorff, K (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology, Thousand Oaks: Sage.
- Madrid, M. (1984). Acuerdo que establece que la Educación Normal en su Nivel inicial y en cualquiera de sus tipos y especialidades tendrá el Grado Académico de Licenciatur[Agreement that establishes that Normal Education in its initial level and in any of its types and specialties will have the Academic Degree of Bachelor]a. México: Diario Oficial de la Federación.
- Medrano, V., M. Ángeles, and M. Morales. (2017). La educación normal en México. Elementos para su análisis [Normal education in Mexico. Elements for its analysis]. México: Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE). Retrieved from:
- Morales, E. M. (1998). Tendencias educativas oficiales en México, 1821-1911. La problemática de la educación mexicana en el siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX [Official educational trends in Mexico, 1821-1911. The problems of Mexican education in the 19th and early 20th centuries]. México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
- National Academy of Sciences (2010). Preparing Teachers Building Evidence for Sound Policy. The National Academies Press: Washington, DC. Retrieved from:
- Navarrete-Cazales, Z. (2015). Formación de profesores en las Escuelas Normales de México [Teacher training in the Normal Schools of Mexico]. Siglo XX. Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana, 17 (25), 17-34. Retrieved from:
- NOTIMEX. (2018). Asigna SEP las primeras plazas para maestros de inglés en normales [SEP assigns the first places for teachers of English in normal schools], Excelsior. Retrieved from:
- Oikión, G. (2008). El proceso curricular normalista del 84: un acercamiento desde la perspectiva de sus actores [The normalist curricular process of 84: an approach from the perspective of its actors]. México: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Retrieved from:
- Oancea, T. (n/d). The Role of Research in Teacher Education. Retrieved from:
- Pigott, T. and Prasse, D. (2019). Teacher Education Policy for the 21st Century. In Heineke and Ryan (editors). Teaching, Learning, and Leading With Schools and Communities. Routledge: New York
- Philpott C. and Poultney, V (2018). Evidence-based Teaching: A Critical Overview for Enquiring Teachers. A Critical Overview for Enquiring Teachers. Critical Publishing Ltd
Paredes-Chi, A. & Castillo-Burguete, M.T. (2018). Is Participatory Action Research an innovative pedagogical alternative for training teachers as researchers? The training plan and evaluation for normal schools. Evaluation and Program Planning, 68. DOI:
- Ramírez, A. (2016). ¿En donde quedó la reforma a las escuelas Normales? [Where is the reform to the Normal schools?] Revista Educ@rnos. (October). Retrived from:
- Ryan, A. M. (2019). Chapter 1. Innovation and Collaboration in Teacher Education. In Heineke and Ryan (editors). Teaching, Learning, and Leading With Schools and Communities. Routledge: New York
- Rodríguez, R. (2013). Reforma de la Normal ¿continuidad o cambio? [Reform of the Normal education, continuity or change?] Primera parte. Campus Milenio (503). México: UNAM. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2012). Acuerdo 650 por el que se establece el Plan de Estudios para la Formación de Maestros de Educación Preescolar [Agreement 650 by which the Curriculum for the Training of Preschool Teachers is established]. México: Diario Oficial de la Federación Retrieved from
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2014). Orientaciones educativas para la elaboración del trabajo de titulación. Plan de estudios 2012 [Educational guidelines for the preparation of the degreedissertation . Study plan 2012]. México: SEP. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2015a). Acuerdo número 24/12/15 [Agreement number 12/24/15]. México: Diario Oficial de la Federación. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2015b). Plan integral. Diagnóstico de las Escuelas Normales [Integral plan. Diagnosis of Normal Schools]. México: SEP.
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2016). Acuerdo por el que se emiten las reglas de operación del Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente [Agreement by which the operating rules of the Program for Teacher Professional Development are issued]. Mexico: Diario Oficial de la Federación. Retrieved from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2016a). Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente, para el Tipo Superior [Program for Teacher Professional Development, for the Higher education]. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2017). Cuerpos académicos reconocidos por Prodep [Academic groups recognized by Prodep], Retrieved from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2017a). Concurso para la selección y contratación de docentes para el fortalecimiento del idioma inglés en las escuelas normales [Competition for the selection and hiring of teachers to strengthen the English language in normal schools]. Convocatoria. México. Retrived from:
- Secretaría de Educación Pública. (2017b). Nuño Mayer presenta estrategia para fortalecer a las Normales, en las que se invierten 2 mil millones de pesos para infraestructura y materiales [Nuño Mayer presents a strategy to strengthen the Normal Schools, in which 2 billion pesos are invested for infrastructure and materials]. México: Retrieved from
- Scott, H. (2020). What are the effects of recent changes to ITE policy for the future? In Beckett. L. (Editor). Research-Informed Teacher Learning. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge: New York
- Smith, K. (2015). The role of research in teacher education, Research in Teacher Education, (5) 2, 43-46. Retrieved from:
- Tatto M. T. (2020). Chapter 11. What do we mean when we speak of research evidence in education? In Beckett. L. (Editor). Research-Informed Teacher Learning. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge: New York
- Yogev, S. and Yogev, A. (2006). Teacher educators as researchers: A profile of research in Israeli teacher colleges versus university departments of education, Teaching and Teacher Education (22), 32-41. Retrieved from: