Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration. (2012, May). Mentoring teacher candidates through co-teaching. Workshop presented at the Train the Teacher Workshop, Kansas City, MO.
Alsup, J. (2006). Teacher identity discourses: Negotiating personal and professional spaces. Mahwah, NJ: Routledge.
Ambrosetti, A., & Dekkers, J. (2010). The interconnectedness of the roles of mentors and mentees in pre-service teacher education mentoring relationships. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(6).
Bacharach, N., Heck, T. W., & Dahlberg, K. (2010). Changing the face of student teaching through coteaching. Action in Teacher Education, 32(1), 3-14.
Baeten, M., & Simons, M. (2014). Teacher candidates’ team teaching: Models, effects, and conditions for implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 41, 92-110.
Bastian, K., & Henry, G. (2015). Measuring up: The National Council on Teacher Quality’s Ratings of teacher preparation programs and measures of teacher performance (Education Policy Initiative at Carolina Report). Retrieved from
Bastian, K., Henry, G., Pan, Y., & Lys, D. (2016). Teacher candidate performance assessments: Local scoring and implications for teacher preparation program improvement. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 1-12.
Baum, A., Powers-Costello, B., VanScoy, I., Miller, E., & James, U. (2011). We’re all in this together: Collaborative professional development with student teaching supervisors. Action in Teacher Education, 33(1), 38-46.
Bean, R. M., Draper, J. A., Hall, V., Vandermolen, J., & Zigmond, N. (2010). Coaching and coaching in Reading First schools: A reality check. Elementary School Journal, 111(1), 87-114.
Biancarosa, G., Bryk, A. S., & Dexter, E. R. (2010). Assessing the value-added effects of literacy collaborative professional development on student learning. Elementary School Journal, 111(1), 7-34.
Boyd, D. J., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., Rockoff, J. E., & Wyckoff, J. H. (2007). The narrowing gap in New York City teacher qualifications and its implications for student achievement in high-poverty schools. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Brady, S., Gillis, M., Smith, T., Lavalette, M., Liss-Bronstein, I., Lowe, E., . . . Wilder, T. D. (2009). First grade teachers’ knowledge of phonological awareness and code concepts: Examining gains from an intensive form of professional development and corresponding teacher attitudes. Reading and Writing, 22, 425-455.
Britzman, D. (2003). Practice makes practice: A critical study of learning to teach. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Cantrell, S. C., & Hughes, H. K. (2008). Teacher efficacy and content literacy implementation: An exploration of the effects of extended professional development with coaching. Journal of Literacy Research, 40(1), 95-127.
Cayton, C., Grady, M., Preston, R., & Sinicrope, R. (2016). Co-Planning strategies to support intern development. Brief Research Report in Proceedings of Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Meeting.
Clarke, A., Triggs, V., & Nielsen, W. (2013). Cooperating teacher participation in teacher education: A review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 84(2), 163-202.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.), Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
College Board. (2009). ACT and SAT concordance tables. Research Notes, RN-40. Retrieved from
Cook, L., & Friend, M. (1995). Co-teaching: Guidelines for creating effective practices. Focus on Exceptional Children, 28(3), 1-16.
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) (2014) Introduction to the standards. Retrieved from
D’Agostino, J., & Powers, S. (2009). Predicting teacher performance with test scores and grade point average: A meta-analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 46(1), 146-182. doi:10.2307/27667175
Danielewicz, J. (2014). Teaching selves: Identity, pedagogy, and teacher education. Albany, NY: Suny Press.
Danielson, C. (2011). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Faul F., Erdfelder E., Lang A. G., & Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavioral Research Methods, 39(2), 795-191.
Ferguson, R., & Ladd, H. (1996). How and why money matters: An analysis of Alabama schools. In H. Ladd (Ed.), Holding schools accountable: Performance-based reform in education. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
Fox, J. (1991). Regression diagnostics. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Goldring, R., Gray, L., & Bitterman, A. (2013). Characteristics of public and private elementary and secondary school teachers in the United States: Results from the 2011–12 Schools and Staffing Survey (NCES 2013-314). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from
Goodnough, K., Osmond, P., Dibbon, D., Glassman, M., & Stevens, K. (2009). Exploring a triad model of student teaching: Pre-service teacher and cooperating teacher perceptions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25, 285-296.
Greenberg, J., Pomerance, L., & Walsh, K. (2011). Student teaching in the United States. Washington, DC: National Council on Teacher Quality.
Greenwald, R., Hedges, L., & Laine, R. (1996). The effect of school resources on student achievement. Review of Educational Research, 66(3), 361-396. Retrieved from
Hair, J. F., Jr., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (1998). Multivariate data analysis (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Heck, T. W. (2010). Mentoring teacher candidates through co-teaching: Collaboration that makes a difference. St. Cloud, MN: Teacher Quality Enhancement Center.
Henry, G. T., Campbell, S. L., Thompson, C., Patriarca, L. A., Luterbach, K. J., Lys, D. B., & Covington, V. M. (2013). The predictive validity of measures of teacher candidate programs and performance: Toward an evidence-based approach to teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(5) 439-453. doi:10.1177/0022487113496431
Hoffman, J. V., Wetzel, M. M., Maloch, B., Greeter, E., Taylor, L., DeJulio, S., & Vlach, S. K. (2015). What can we learn from studying the coaching interactions between cooperating teachers and preservice teachers? A literature Review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 52, 99-112. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2015.09.004
Horn, I. S. (2010). Teaching replays, teaching rehearsals, and re-visions of practice: Learning from colleagues in a mathematics teacher community. The Teachers College Record, 112(1), 225-259.
Howard, L., & Potts, E. A. (2009). Using co-planning time: Strategies for a successful co-teaching marriage. TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus, 5(4) Article 2. Retrieved from
Kamens, M. W. (2007). Learning about co-teaching: A collaborative experience for preservice teachers. Teacher Education and Special Education, 30(3), 155-166.
Knight, J. (2008). Coaching: Approaches and perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Landis, J. R., & Koch, G. G. (1977). The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics, 33, 159-174. doi:10.2307/2529310
Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Mattern, K. D., & Patterson, B. F. (2014). Synthesis of SAT validity findings: Trend data over time and cohorts. Retrieved from
McCormack, B., Baecher, L.H., Cuenca, A. (2019). University-based teacher supervisors: Their voices, their dilemmas. Journal of Education Supervision. 2(1). 22-37. doi:10.31045/jes.2.1.2
Pecheone, R., & Whittaker, A. (2016). Building a better teacher: Well prepared teachers inspire learning. Kappan, 97(7), 8-13.
Peck, C. Gallucci, C. & Sloan, T. (2010) Negotiating implementation of high-stakes performance assessment policies in teacher education: From compliance to inquiry. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(5), 451-463.
Peck, C.A., & McDonald, M. (2014). What is a culture of evidence? How do you get one? And… Should you want one? Teachers College Record, 116(3), 1-27.
Putman, H., Hansen, M., Walsh, K., & Quintero, D. (2016). High hopes and harsh realities: The real challenges to building a diverse workforce. Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings. Retrieved from
Reeve, P. T., & Hallahan, D. P. (1994). Practical questions about collaboration between general and special educators. Focus on Exceptional Children, 26(7), 1-10.
Ruys, I., Van Keer, H., & Aelterman, A. (2010). Collaborative learning in pre-service teacher education: An exploratory study on related conceptions, self-efficacy and implementation. Educational Studies, 36, 537-553.
Sailors, M., & Shanklin, N. L. (2010). Growing evidence to support coaching in literacy and mathematics. Elementary School Journal, 111(1), 1-6.
Shaw, E. (2015). An SAT validity primer. College Board Research. Retrieved from
Sileo, J. M. (2005, August). Co-teaching: Best practices for education. Paper presented at the Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress International Special Education Conference Inclusion: Celebrating Diversity, Glasgow Scotland. Retrieved from
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE). (2015). Educative assessment & meaningful support: 2015 edTPA administrative report. Stanford, CA: Author. Retrieved from
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE). (2016). Educative assessment & meaningful support: 2016 edTPA administrative report. Stanford, CA: Author. Retrieved from
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE). (2017). edTPA. Stanford, CA: Author. Retrieved from
Stevens, J. (1996). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Strieker, T., Hubbard, D., Adams, M., & Cone, N. (2015, October). Promising practices for supervisors of teacher candidates enrolled in yearlong, co-taught clinical experiences. Paper presented at Georgia Educational Research Association Conference, Statesboro, GA.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (1996). Using multivariate statistics (3rd ed.). New York, NY: HarperCollins.
Valencia, S. W., Martin, S. D., Place, N. A., & Grossman, P. (2009). Complex interactions in student teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(3), 304-322.
Werstch, J. V. (1991). A sociocultural approach to socially shared cognition. In L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine, & S. D. Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on socially shared cognition (pp. 85–100). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Zeichner, K. (2010). Rethinking the connections between campus courses and field experiences in college- and university-based education. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(1/2), 89- 99.
Impact of Coaching, Co-Teaching, and Student Characteristics on Teacher Readiness
Year 2021,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 131 - 155, 31.08.2021
In this quasi-experimental study, we examine the effects of three different student teaching conditions—instructional coaching, co-teaching, and co-teaching and instructional coaching—on an elementary teacher candidate’s readiness to teach in comparison to a traditional model of student teaching. 244 teacher candidates were randomly assigned to one of four models during their year-long student teaching experience and candidates and their cooperating teachers received training. The results of this study indicate candidate characteristics (race, gender, and academic ability/SAT score) and the treatment conditions contribute to a regression model that predicts a statistically significant amount of the variance in candidate readiness (edTPA score) even though, individually, the treatment conditions were not statistically significant predictors. Findings suggest teacher candidates who have been prepared under the three treatment conditions are similarly ready to teach to those who have been prepared under a traditional student teaching model. This is important because it gives teacher preparation programs a variety of options to meet the needs of their teacher candidates and program.
Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration. (2012, May). Mentoring teacher candidates through co-teaching. Workshop presented at the Train the Teacher Workshop, Kansas City, MO.
Alsup, J. (2006). Teacher identity discourses: Negotiating personal and professional spaces. Mahwah, NJ: Routledge.
Ambrosetti, A., & Dekkers, J. (2010). The interconnectedness of the roles of mentors and mentees in pre-service teacher education mentoring relationships. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(6).
Bacharach, N., Heck, T. W., & Dahlberg, K. (2010). Changing the face of student teaching through coteaching. Action in Teacher Education, 32(1), 3-14.
Baeten, M., & Simons, M. (2014). Teacher candidates’ team teaching: Models, effects, and conditions for implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 41, 92-110.
Bastian, K., & Henry, G. (2015). Measuring up: The National Council on Teacher Quality’s Ratings of teacher preparation programs and measures of teacher performance (Education Policy Initiative at Carolina Report). Retrieved from
Bastian, K., Henry, G., Pan, Y., & Lys, D. (2016). Teacher candidate performance assessments: Local scoring and implications for teacher preparation program improvement. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 1-12.
Baum, A., Powers-Costello, B., VanScoy, I., Miller, E., & James, U. (2011). We’re all in this together: Collaborative professional development with student teaching supervisors. Action in Teacher Education, 33(1), 38-46.
Bean, R. M., Draper, J. A., Hall, V., Vandermolen, J., & Zigmond, N. (2010). Coaching and coaching in Reading First schools: A reality check. Elementary School Journal, 111(1), 87-114.
Biancarosa, G., Bryk, A. S., & Dexter, E. R. (2010). Assessing the value-added effects of literacy collaborative professional development on student learning. Elementary School Journal, 111(1), 7-34.
Boyd, D. J., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., Rockoff, J. E., & Wyckoff, J. H. (2007). The narrowing gap in New York City teacher qualifications and its implications for student achievement in high-poverty schools. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Brady, S., Gillis, M., Smith, T., Lavalette, M., Liss-Bronstein, I., Lowe, E., . . . Wilder, T. D. (2009). First grade teachers’ knowledge of phonological awareness and code concepts: Examining gains from an intensive form of professional development and corresponding teacher attitudes. Reading and Writing, 22, 425-455.
Britzman, D. (2003). Practice makes practice: A critical study of learning to teach. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Cantrell, S. C., & Hughes, H. K. (2008). Teacher efficacy and content literacy implementation: An exploration of the effects of extended professional development with coaching. Journal of Literacy Research, 40(1), 95-127.
Cayton, C., Grady, M., Preston, R., & Sinicrope, R. (2016). Co-Planning strategies to support intern development. Brief Research Report in Proceedings of Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Meeting.
Clarke, A., Triggs, V., & Nielsen, W. (2013). Cooperating teacher participation in teacher education: A review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 84(2), 163-202.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.), Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
College Board. (2009). ACT and SAT concordance tables. Research Notes, RN-40. Retrieved from
Cook, L., & Friend, M. (1995). Co-teaching: Guidelines for creating effective practices. Focus on Exceptional Children, 28(3), 1-16.
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) (2014) Introduction to the standards. Retrieved from
D’Agostino, J., & Powers, S. (2009). Predicting teacher performance with test scores and grade point average: A meta-analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 46(1), 146-182. doi:10.2307/27667175
Danielewicz, J. (2014). Teaching selves: Identity, pedagogy, and teacher education. Albany, NY: Suny Press.
Danielson, C. (2011). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Faul F., Erdfelder E., Lang A. G., & Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavioral Research Methods, 39(2), 795-191.
Ferguson, R., & Ladd, H. (1996). How and why money matters: An analysis of Alabama schools. In H. Ladd (Ed.), Holding schools accountable: Performance-based reform in education. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
Fox, J. (1991). Regression diagnostics. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Goldring, R., Gray, L., & Bitterman, A. (2013). Characteristics of public and private elementary and secondary school teachers in the United States: Results from the 2011–12 Schools and Staffing Survey (NCES 2013-314). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from
Goodnough, K., Osmond, P., Dibbon, D., Glassman, M., & Stevens, K. (2009). Exploring a triad model of student teaching: Pre-service teacher and cooperating teacher perceptions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25, 285-296.
Greenberg, J., Pomerance, L., & Walsh, K. (2011). Student teaching in the United States. Washington, DC: National Council on Teacher Quality.
Greenwald, R., Hedges, L., & Laine, R. (1996). The effect of school resources on student achievement. Review of Educational Research, 66(3), 361-396. Retrieved from
Hair, J. F., Jr., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (1998). Multivariate data analysis (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Heck, T. W. (2010). Mentoring teacher candidates through co-teaching: Collaboration that makes a difference. St. Cloud, MN: Teacher Quality Enhancement Center.
Henry, G. T., Campbell, S. L., Thompson, C., Patriarca, L. A., Luterbach, K. J., Lys, D. B., & Covington, V. M. (2013). The predictive validity of measures of teacher candidate programs and performance: Toward an evidence-based approach to teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(5) 439-453. doi:10.1177/0022487113496431
Hoffman, J. V., Wetzel, M. M., Maloch, B., Greeter, E., Taylor, L., DeJulio, S., & Vlach, S. K. (2015). What can we learn from studying the coaching interactions between cooperating teachers and preservice teachers? A literature Review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 52, 99-112. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2015.09.004
Horn, I. S. (2010). Teaching replays, teaching rehearsals, and re-visions of practice: Learning from colleagues in a mathematics teacher community. The Teachers College Record, 112(1), 225-259.
Howard, L., & Potts, E. A. (2009). Using co-planning time: Strategies for a successful co-teaching marriage. TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus, 5(4) Article 2. Retrieved from
Kamens, M. W. (2007). Learning about co-teaching: A collaborative experience for preservice teachers. Teacher Education and Special Education, 30(3), 155-166.
Knight, J. (2008). Coaching: Approaches and perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Landis, J. R., & Koch, G. G. (1977). The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics, 33, 159-174. doi:10.2307/2529310
Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Mattern, K. D., & Patterson, B. F. (2014). Synthesis of SAT validity findings: Trend data over time and cohorts. Retrieved from
McCormack, B., Baecher, L.H., Cuenca, A. (2019). University-based teacher supervisors: Their voices, their dilemmas. Journal of Education Supervision. 2(1). 22-37. doi:10.31045/jes.2.1.2
Pecheone, R., & Whittaker, A. (2016). Building a better teacher: Well prepared teachers inspire learning. Kappan, 97(7), 8-13.
Peck, C. Gallucci, C. & Sloan, T. (2010) Negotiating implementation of high-stakes performance assessment policies in teacher education: From compliance to inquiry. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(5), 451-463.
Peck, C.A., & McDonald, M. (2014). What is a culture of evidence? How do you get one? And… Should you want one? Teachers College Record, 116(3), 1-27.
Putman, H., Hansen, M., Walsh, K., & Quintero, D. (2016). High hopes and harsh realities: The real challenges to building a diverse workforce. Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings. Retrieved from
Reeve, P. T., & Hallahan, D. P. (1994). Practical questions about collaboration between general and special educators. Focus on Exceptional Children, 26(7), 1-10.
Ruys, I., Van Keer, H., & Aelterman, A. (2010). Collaborative learning in pre-service teacher education: An exploratory study on related conceptions, self-efficacy and implementation. Educational Studies, 36, 537-553.
Sailors, M., & Shanklin, N. L. (2010). Growing evidence to support coaching in literacy and mathematics. Elementary School Journal, 111(1), 1-6.
Shaw, E. (2015). An SAT validity primer. College Board Research. Retrieved from
Sileo, J. M. (2005, August). Co-teaching: Best practices for education. Paper presented at the Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress International Special Education Conference Inclusion: Celebrating Diversity, Glasgow Scotland. Retrieved from
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE). (2015). Educative assessment & meaningful support: 2015 edTPA administrative report. Stanford, CA: Author. Retrieved from
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE). (2016). Educative assessment & meaningful support: 2016 edTPA administrative report. Stanford, CA: Author. Retrieved from
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE). (2017). edTPA. Stanford, CA: Author. Retrieved from
Stevens, J. (1996). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Strieker, T., Hubbard, D., Adams, M., & Cone, N. (2015, October). Promising practices for supervisors of teacher candidates enrolled in yearlong, co-taught clinical experiences. Paper presented at Georgia Educational Research Association Conference, Statesboro, GA.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (1996). Using multivariate statistics (3rd ed.). New York, NY: HarperCollins.
Valencia, S. W., Martin, S. D., Place, N. A., & Grossman, P. (2009). Complex interactions in student teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(3), 304-322.
Werstch, J. V. (1991). A sociocultural approach to socially shared cognition. In L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine, & S. D. Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on socially shared cognition (pp. 85–100). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Zeichner, K. (2010). Rethinking the connections between campus courses and field experiences in college- and university-based education. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(1/2), 89- 99.
Stapleton, J., Fogarty, E., Tschida, C., Cuthrell, K., et al. (2021). Impact of Coaching, Co-Teaching, and Student Characteristics on Teacher Readiness. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 10(2), 131-155.