Research Article
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The Impacts of Ips sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees

Year 2017, , 99 - 106, 05.03.2017


Insects interact with plants in direct or indirect way. The host
selection and host sensitivity especially in bark beetles are important in
terms of their population and potential.
The sensitivity of host trees is important in beetle epidemic as serious
damages may be given to trees during epidemics.
The current study, the moisture content of wooden samples taken from
Anatolian black pine trees that were damaged by Ips sexdentatus and
healty trees has been determined. A total of 174 samples was taken from 29
trees (58,6% from damaged trees, 41,4% from healthy trees). The average
moisture content of trees was 40,75% for damaged trees, and 32,68% for healthy
trees. The moisture content of these trees is significantly different and
invasions have negatively affected moisture content. There is no statistical
difference between the moisture content of samples taken from north and south
sides of damaged trees, however there is a difference among moisture contents
of samples from three different heights (1.30m, 3.30m, 5.30m), but indifferent
from north and south


  • Akbulut S., Keten A., Yüksel B., 2008. Wood destroying insects in Düzce province. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32, 3: 343-350.
  • Amezaga I., Rodríguez M.Á. 1998. Resource Partitioning of Four Sympatric Bark Beetles Depending on Swarming Dates and Tree Species. Forest Ecology and Management 109, 127–135.
  • Anonymous 2007. Forest pest species profile. November, 2007. 4p
  • Aydın M. 2010. Determination of the impact of Altınkaya Dam Lake to Samsun climate by trend analysis”, COST FP0601 Strategic Workshop – (Water cycle interactions with other ecosystem services -Water related ecosystem services of forests), Antalya, Turkey, 24-26 March.
  • Bakke A., 1991: Using pheromones in the management of bark betlee outbreaks. Baranchikov, Y.N., Mattson, W.J., Hain, F.P. and Payne, T. L., eds.1991. Forest Insect.371-377. Guilds: Patterns of Interactionwith Host Trees. U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-153.
  • Bentz B.J, Régnıère J., Fettıg Chrıstopher J. E., Hansen M. Hayes, J.L., Hıcke J.A., Kelsey R G., Negrón J.F., Seybold S.J. 2010. Climate change and bark beetles of the Western United States and Canada: direct and indirect effects. BioScience. 60(8): 602-613.
  • Christiansen E., Waring R.H., Berryman A.A., 1987. Resistance of conifers to bark beetle attack: searching for general relationships. Forest Ecology and Management, 22, 89-10
  • Çetin M. 2016. Changes in the amount of chlorophyll in some plants, of landscape studies. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 16(1), 239-245.
  • Çimen M. 2015. Fen ve sağlık bilimleri alanlarında SPSS uygulamalı veri analizi, Palme Yayınları: 905. Ankara. 314p.
  • Dibdiakova J., Vadla K. 2012. Basic density and moisture content of coniferous branches and wood in Northern Norway. In: 2nd European Energy Conference. EPJ Web of Conferences 33(02005): 6 pp.
  • Fernández Fernández, M.M., 2006. Colonization of fire-damaged trees by Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) as related to the percentage of burnt crown. Entomologica Fennica 17: 381–386.
  • Fettig C.J., Klepzig K.D., Billings R.F., Munson A.S., Nebeker T.E., Negron J.F., Nowak J.T. 2007. The effectiveness of vegetation management practices for prevention and control of bark beetle infestations in coniferous forests of the western and southern United States. Forest Ecology and Management, 238, 24– 53.
  • Franceschi V.R., Krokene P., Christiansen E., Krekling T., 2005. Anatomical and chemical defenses of conifer bark against bark beetles and other pests, New Phytologist, 167, 353–375.
  • Graves AD, Holsten EH, Ascerno ME, Zogas K, Hard JS, Huber DPW, Blanchette R, Seybold SJ. 2008. Protection of spruce from colonization by the bark beetle, Ips perturbatus, in Alaska. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1825–1839
  • Jactel H., Lieutier F. 1987. Effects of attack density on fecundity of the Scots pine beetle Ips sexdentatus Born (Col: Scolytidae). Journal of Applied Entomology, 104:190-204.
  • Jactel H., Gaillard J. 1991. A preliminary study of the dispersal potential of Ips sexdentatus (Boern) (Col., Scolytidae) with an automatically recording flight mill. Journal of Applied Entomology, 112 , 138-145
  • Kılınç M., Kutbay H.G., Yalçın E., Bilgin A., 2006. Bitki ekolojisi ve bitki sosyolojisi uygulamaları. Palme Yayınları: 394. Ankara. 357p.
  • Lee J.C., Haack R.A., Negrón J.F., Witcosky J.J., Seybold S.J. 2007. Invasive bark beetles. Newtown Square, PA: Forest Insect and Disease. Leaflet 176.12pp. USDA Forest Service
  • Lorio P.L.Jr. 1986. Growth-differentiation balance: A basis for understanding southern pine beetle-tree interactions. Forest Ecology and Management, 14: 259-273
  • Öymen T. 1992. The forest scolytidae of Turkey. İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, A, 42, I, 77–91.
  • Öymen T, Selmi E. 1997. The forest bark beetles of Turkey and their epidemy. Porceedings of the XI. World Forestry Congress, 13–22 October 1997, Antalya, A:1, 200.
  • Özcan G.E., Eroğlu M., Alkan-Akıncı H., 2011. Use of pheromone-baited traps for monitoring Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in oriental spruce stands, African Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (72): 16351-16360.
  • Özcan G.E., Cicek O., Enez K., Yıldız, M. 2014. A new approach to determine the capture conditions of bark beetles in pheromone-baited traps, Taylor & Francis, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2, 28, 6: 1057-1064.
  • Özcan G.E., Enez K., Arıcak B. 2016. Effects of Ips sexdentatus on black pine stands based on distance to forest roads. International Conference on Forestry and Environment: Challenges and prospects, 21-22 November 2016. Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abstract Book. 40p.
  • Özdamar K., 2003. SPSS ile biyoistatistik, Kaan Kitabevi, Yenilenmiş 5. Baskı, Eskişehir, 505 s.
  • Mısır N., Mısır M, Ülker C., 2011. Karbon depolama kapasitesinin belirlenmesi I. Ulusal Akdeniz Orman ve Çevre Sempozyumu 26-28 Ekim, Kahramanmaraş, 524- 531.
  • Powers J.S., Sollins P., Harmon M.E., Jones J.A. 1999. Plant-pest interactions in time and space: A Douglas-fir bark beetle outbreak as a case study. Landscape Ecol. 14:105-120
  • Raffa K.F., Berryman A.A. 1987. Interacting selective pressures in conifer-bark beetle systems: a basis for reciprocal adaptations? Am. Nat., 129, 234–262.
  • Raffa K.F., Aukema B.H., Carroll A.L., Hicke J.A., Turner M.G., Romme W.H. 2008. Cross-scale drivers of natural disturbances prone to anthropogenic amplification: the dynamics of bark beetle eruptions. BioScience. 58 (6): 501-517.
  • Reid R.W. 1961. Moisture changes in lodgepole pine before and after attack by the mountain pine beetle. Forestry Chronicle 37(4): 368-403.
  • Safranyik L. 1989. Mountain pine beetle: biology overview. In: Amman, G. D. (ed.), Proceedings-Symposium on the management of lodgepole pine to minimize losses to the mountain pine beetle, USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-262, pp. 9-13.
  • Suckling D.M., Karg G., 2000. Pheromones and other semiochemicals. Rechcigl J, E., Rechcigl N.A., Biological and biotechnological control of insect pests. CRC Press LLC, Lewis publishers, Baco Raton London, p. 63-99. New York Washington D.C.
  • Schimitschek E. 1953. Türkiye orman böcekleri ve muhiti. İ.Ü. Yayınlarından, Yayın No: 556, Orman Fakültesi Yayın No: 24, Hüsnütabiat Matbaası, İstanbul, s 471.
  • Seedre M. 2005. Ips sexdentatus damage in Montesquiu Castle Park Scots Pine Stands; overview and management recommendations, applied period project report, Course “Master of European Forestry Erasmus Mundus. Supervised by Jordi Jürgens, 14 pp. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Selmi E. 1998. Türkiye kabuk böcekleri ve savaşı. İ.Ü. Yayın No: 4042, Emek Matbaacılık, İstanbul, s196.
  • Sevik H., Cetin M. 2015. Effects of water stress on seed germination for select landscape plants. Pol.J.Environ.Stud., 24(2), 689-693
  • Sevik H., Karakas H., Karaca U. 2013. Color - chlorophyll relationship of some indoor ornamental plant. International Journal of Engineering Science & Research Technology, 2 (7), 1706-1712.
  • Simpson W. T. 1999. Drying and control of moisture content and dimensional changes. Wood handbook: wood as an engineering material. Madison, WI : USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General technical report FPL ; GTR-113: Pages 12.1-12.20
  • Wallin K.F., Raffa K.F. 2002. Density mediated responses of bark beetles to host allelochemicals: a link between indivudial behavior and population Dynamics. Ecological Entomology 27, 484-492.
  • Wainhouse D., Cross D.J., Howell R.S., 1990. The role of lignin as a defence against the spruce bark beetle Dendroctonus micans: effect on larvae and adults. Oecologia, 85, 257–265.
  • Wood D. L., 1982. The role of pheromones, kairomones and allomones in the host selection and colonization behavior of bark beetles, Annual Review of Entomology, 24, 411–446.

Ips sexdentatus’un Anadolu Karaçamı Ağaçlarındaki Nem İçeriğine Etkisi

Year 2017, , 99 - 106, 05.03.2017


Böcekler direkt veya indirekt olarak bitkilerle etkileşim halindedir. Bu
nedenle özellikle kabuk böceklerinde konukçu seçimi ve konukçu hassasiyeti bu
türlerin popülasyonu ve oluşturacakları zarar açısından önemlidir.  Ancak konukçu ağaçların hassasiyeti böcek
salgınlarında önemli olup salgınlar ağaçlarda ciddi zararlar meydana
getirebilir. Çalışmada, karaçam ağaçlarında, Ips sexdentatus
istilasına uğramış ve uğramamış Anatolian black pine ağaçlarından alınan odun
örneklerinin nem içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Toplam 29 ağaçtan alınan 174 adet
örnekle çalışılmıştır. Örneklerin %58,6’sı böcekli ağaçlardan %41,4’ü ise
sağlıklı ağaçlardan alınmıştır. Böcek zararı görmüş ağaçların ortalama nem
içerikleri %40,75; sağlıklı ağaçların ortalama nem içerikleri %32,68 olup bu
ağaçların nem içerikler istatistiksel olarak farklıdır ve istilalar nem
içeriğini olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir. Sağlıklı ağaçlarda kuzey ve güney
yönlerinden alınan örneklerin nem içerikleri arasında istatistiksel bir fark
bulunamamıştır. Böcek zararı görmüş ağaçlarda kuzey ve güney yönlerinden alınan
örnek disklerin nem içerikleri arasında istatistiksel bir fark bulunamazken üç
farklı yükseklikten (1.30m, 3.30m, 5,30m) alınan örnek disklerin nem içerikleri
arasında istatistiksel bir fark vardır. Ayrıca böcek zararı görmüş ve kuzey
yönündeki örneklerdeki nem içeriğinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu


  • Akbulut S., Keten A., Yüksel B., 2008. Wood destroying insects in Düzce province. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32, 3: 343-350.
  • Amezaga I., Rodríguez M.Á. 1998. Resource Partitioning of Four Sympatric Bark Beetles Depending on Swarming Dates and Tree Species. Forest Ecology and Management 109, 127–135.
  • Anonymous 2007. Forest pest species profile. November, 2007. 4p
  • Aydın M. 2010. Determination of the impact of Altınkaya Dam Lake to Samsun climate by trend analysis”, COST FP0601 Strategic Workshop – (Water cycle interactions with other ecosystem services -Water related ecosystem services of forests), Antalya, Turkey, 24-26 March.
  • Bakke A., 1991: Using pheromones in the management of bark betlee outbreaks. Baranchikov, Y.N., Mattson, W.J., Hain, F.P. and Payne, T. L., eds.1991. Forest Insect.371-377. Guilds: Patterns of Interactionwith Host Trees. U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-153.
  • Bentz B.J, Régnıère J., Fettıg Chrıstopher J. E., Hansen M. Hayes, J.L., Hıcke J.A., Kelsey R G., Negrón J.F., Seybold S.J. 2010. Climate change and bark beetles of the Western United States and Canada: direct and indirect effects. BioScience. 60(8): 602-613.
  • Christiansen E., Waring R.H., Berryman A.A., 1987. Resistance of conifers to bark beetle attack: searching for general relationships. Forest Ecology and Management, 22, 89-10
  • Çetin M. 2016. Changes in the amount of chlorophyll in some plants, of landscape studies. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 16(1), 239-245.
  • Çimen M. 2015. Fen ve sağlık bilimleri alanlarında SPSS uygulamalı veri analizi, Palme Yayınları: 905. Ankara. 314p.
  • Dibdiakova J., Vadla K. 2012. Basic density and moisture content of coniferous branches and wood in Northern Norway. In: 2nd European Energy Conference. EPJ Web of Conferences 33(02005): 6 pp.
  • Fernández Fernández, M.M., 2006. Colonization of fire-damaged trees by Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) as related to the percentage of burnt crown. Entomologica Fennica 17: 381–386.
  • Fettig C.J., Klepzig K.D., Billings R.F., Munson A.S., Nebeker T.E., Negron J.F., Nowak J.T. 2007. The effectiveness of vegetation management practices for prevention and control of bark beetle infestations in coniferous forests of the western and southern United States. Forest Ecology and Management, 238, 24– 53.
  • Franceschi V.R., Krokene P., Christiansen E., Krekling T., 2005. Anatomical and chemical defenses of conifer bark against bark beetles and other pests, New Phytologist, 167, 353–375.
  • Graves AD, Holsten EH, Ascerno ME, Zogas K, Hard JS, Huber DPW, Blanchette R, Seybold SJ. 2008. Protection of spruce from colonization by the bark beetle, Ips perturbatus, in Alaska. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1825–1839
  • Jactel H., Lieutier F. 1987. Effects of attack density on fecundity of the Scots pine beetle Ips sexdentatus Born (Col: Scolytidae). Journal of Applied Entomology, 104:190-204.
  • Jactel H., Gaillard J. 1991. A preliminary study of the dispersal potential of Ips sexdentatus (Boern) (Col., Scolytidae) with an automatically recording flight mill. Journal of Applied Entomology, 112 , 138-145
  • Kılınç M., Kutbay H.G., Yalçın E., Bilgin A., 2006. Bitki ekolojisi ve bitki sosyolojisi uygulamaları. Palme Yayınları: 394. Ankara. 357p.
  • Lee J.C., Haack R.A., Negrón J.F., Witcosky J.J., Seybold S.J. 2007. Invasive bark beetles. Newtown Square, PA: Forest Insect and Disease. Leaflet 176.12pp. USDA Forest Service
  • Lorio P.L.Jr. 1986. Growth-differentiation balance: A basis for understanding southern pine beetle-tree interactions. Forest Ecology and Management, 14: 259-273
  • Öymen T. 1992. The forest scolytidae of Turkey. İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, A, 42, I, 77–91.
  • Öymen T, Selmi E. 1997. The forest bark beetles of Turkey and their epidemy. Porceedings of the XI. World Forestry Congress, 13–22 October 1997, Antalya, A:1, 200.
  • Özcan G.E., Eroğlu M., Alkan-Akıncı H., 2011. Use of pheromone-baited traps for monitoring Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in oriental spruce stands, African Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (72): 16351-16360.
  • Özcan G.E., Cicek O., Enez K., Yıldız, M. 2014. A new approach to determine the capture conditions of bark beetles in pheromone-baited traps, Taylor & Francis, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2, 28, 6: 1057-1064.
  • Özcan G.E., Enez K., Arıcak B. 2016. Effects of Ips sexdentatus on black pine stands based on distance to forest roads. International Conference on Forestry and Environment: Challenges and prospects, 21-22 November 2016. Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abstract Book. 40p.
  • Özdamar K., 2003. SPSS ile biyoistatistik, Kaan Kitabevi, Yenilenmiş 5. Baskı, Eskişehir, 505 s.
  • Mısır N., Mısır M, Ülker C., 2011. Karbon depolama kapasitesinin belirlenmesi I. Ulusal Akdeniz Orman ve Çevre Sempozyumu 26-28 Ekim, Kahramanmaraş, 524- 531.
  • Powers J.S., Sollins P., Harmon M.E., Jones J.A. 1999. Plant-pest interactions in time and space: A Douglas-fir bark beetle outbreak as a case study. Landscape Ecol. 14:105-120
  • Raffa K.F., Berryman A.A. 1987. Interacting selective pressures in conifer-bark beetle systems: a basis for reciprocal adaptations? Am. Nat., 129, 234–262.
  • Raffa K.F., Aukema B.H., Carroll A.L., Hicke J.A., Turner M.G., Romme W.H. 2008. Cross-scale drivers of natural disturbances prone to anthropogenic amplification: the dynamics of bark beetle eruptions. BioScience. 58 (6): 501-517.
  • Reid R.W. 1961. Moisture changes in lodgepole pine before and after attack by the mountain pine beetle. Forestry Chronicle 37(4): 368-403.
  • Safranyik L. 1989. Mountain pine beetle: biology overview. In: Amman, G. D. (ed.), Proceedings-Symposium on the management of lodgepole pine to minimize losses to the mountain pine beetle, USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-262, pp. 9-13.
  • Suckling D.M., Karg G., 2000. Pheromones and other semiochemicals. Rechcigl J, E., Rechcigl N.A., Biological and biotechnological control of insect pests. CRC Press LLC, Lewis publishers, Baco Raton London, p. 63-99. New York Washington D.C.
  • Schimitschek E. 1953. Türkiye orman böcekleri ve muhiti. İ.Ü. Yayınlarından, Yayın No: 556, Orman Fakültesi Yayın No: 24, Hüsnütabiat Matbaası, İstanbul, s 471.
  • Seedre M. 2005. Ips sexdentatus damage in Montesquiu Castle Park Scots Pine Stands; overview and management recommendations, applied period project report, Course “Master of European Forestry Erasmus Mundus. Supervised by Jordi Jürgens, 14 pp. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Selmi E. 1998. Türkiye kabuk böcekleri ve savaşı. İ.Ü. Yayın No: 4042, Emek Matbaacılık, İstanbul, s196.
  • Sevik H., Cetin M. 2015. Effects of water stress on seed germination for select landscape plants. Pol.J.Environ.Stud., 24(2), 689-693
  • Sevik H., Karakas H., Karaca U. 2013. Color - chlorophyll relationship of some indoor ornamental plant. International Journal of Engineering Science & Research Technology, 2 (7), 1706-1712.
  • Simpson W. T. 1999. Drying and control of moisture content and dimensional changes. Wood handbook: wood as an engineering material. Madison, WI : USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General technical report FPL ; GTR-113: Pages 12.1-12.20
  • Wallin K.F., Raffa K.F. 2002. Density mediated responses of bark beetles to host allelochemicals: a link between indivudial behavior and population Dynamics. Ecological Entomology 27, 484-492.
  • Wainhouse D., Cross D.J., Howell R.S., 1990. The role of lignin as a defence against the spruce bark beetle Dendroctonus micans: effect on larvae and adults. Oecologia, 85, 257–265.
  • Wood D. L., 1982. The role of pheromones, kairomones and allomones in the host selection and colonization behavior of bark beetles, Annual Review of Entomology, 24, 411–446.
There are 41 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Gonca Ece Özcan

Publication Date March 5, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Özcan, G. E. (2017). The Impacts of Ips sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(1), 99-106.
AMA Özcan GE. The Impacts of Ips sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. March 2017;17(1):99-106. doi:10.17475/kastorman.296522
Chicago Özcan, Gonca Ece. “The Impacts of Ips Sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17, no. 1 (March 2017): 99-106.
EndNote Özcan GE (March 1, 2017) The Impacts of Ips sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17 1 99–106.
IEEE G. E. Özcan, “The Impacts of Ips sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 99–106, 2017, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.296522.
ISNAD Özcan, Gonca Ece. “The Impacts of Ips Sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17/1 (March 2017), 99-106.
JAMA Özcan GE. The Impacts of Ips sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17:99–106.
MLA Özcan, Gonca Ece. “The Impacts of Ips Sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 1, 2017, pp. 99-106, doi:10.17475/kastorman.296522.
Vancouver Özcan GE. The Impacts of Ips sexdentatus on the Moisture Content of Anatolian Black Pine Trees. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17(1):99-106.

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