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Yüzey kaplamasına eklenen amonyum fosfat ve borik asidin yanma direnci üzerine etkisinin araştırılması

Year 2017, , 290 - 297, 28.09.2017



Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmanın amacı, yüzey
kaplamasına eklenen amonyum polifosfat (APP) ve borik asidin (BA) yanma direnci
üzerine etkisini belirlemek olacaktır.

Ahşap esaslı levhalarda, yanmazlık
özelliğinin geciktirilmesini sağlamak

ve Yöntem:

Yüzey kaplama karışımı kalsit, tutkal, yanmayı geciktirici kimyasallar ve su
karışımından oluşmaktadır. Karışım içindeki tutkal (%10), BA ve APP (%1, %3 ve
%5) oranı, kalsitin tam kuru ağırlığına göre belirlenmiştir. Yüzeyi 0.25 mm
kalınlıktaki karışım ile kaplanmış MDF test örneklerinin yanma testleri ASTM E
69 standartlarına göre yapılmıştır. Örneklerin ağırlık kaybı miktarları dijital
terazi ile belirlenirken, sıcaklık,
CO ve
değerleri Testo 340 M gaz analizörü ile ölçülmüştür. Her test için 30 saniye
aralıklar ile 20 ölçüm yapılmıştır.

Sonuçlar: Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; kalsit ile
kaplamanın yanı sıra yanmayı geciktirici (FR) kimyasal eklenmesi yanma
direncini artırmıştır. En düşük ağırlık kaybı APP %5 ile muamele edilmiş
örneklerde bulunmuştur.

Araştırma vurguları: Ahşap esaslı
levhaların yüzeylerinin kaplanması ve bu kaplama içerisine FR kimyasalı ve
mineral eklenmesi yanma özelliklerini geciktirmektedir


  • 1. Roger R.M. 2005. Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites, p 383.
  • 2. Hashim R., Murphy R.J., Dickinson D.J., Dinwoodie J.M. 1994. The mecanical properties of boards treated with vapor boron, Forest Products Journal 44,73-79.
  • 3. Akbulut T., Kartal S.N., Green, F. 2004. Fiberboards treated with N’-N-(1, 8-Naphthalyl) hydroxylamine (NHA-Na), borax, and boric acid, Forest Prod. J. 54(10): 59–64
  • 4. Sparkes T. 1993. Substrate selection for end use applications,” Koln, Germany: European Plastic Laminates Forum, p. 27–31.
  • 5. Ayrılmıs N. 2007. effect of fire retardants on ınternal bond strength and bond durability of structural fiberboard, Building and Environment, Elsevier Volume 42, Issue 3, March, Pages 1200-1206.
  • 6. ASTM E-69, 2007. Standart test method for combustible properties of treated wood by the fire-tube apparatus, American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia
  • 7. Sweet M.S., LeVan S.L., White R.H., Tran H.C., and Degroot R. 1996. Fire performance of wood treated with combined fire-retardant and preservative systems, Research Paper FPL–RP–545. US Dept. Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI.
  • 8. Tomak E. D., Baysal E., and Peker H. 2012. The effect of some wood preservatives on the thermal degradation of Scots pine, Thermochimica Acta, 547, 76-82.
  • 9. Özdemir F., Tutuş A. 2016. Effects of coating with calcite togetter with various fire retardants of on the fire properties of particleboard, BioResources, 11(3), 6407-6415.
  • 10. Özçifçi A., and Okçu O. 2008. Impacts of some chemicals on combustion properties of impregnated laminated veneer lumber (LVL), Journal of materials processing technology, 199(1), 1-9.
  • 11. İstek A., Aydemir D., and Eroğlu H. 2013. Combustion properties of medium-density fiberboards coated by a mixture of calcite and various fire retardants. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 37.5 (2013): 642-648.
  • 12. Hashim R., Sulaiman O., Kumar R. N., Tamyez P. F., Murphy R. J., and Ali Z. 2009. Physical and mechanical properties of flame retardant urea formaldehyde medium density fiberboard, Journal of Materials Processing Techonology, 209(2), 635-640.
  • 13. Wan Hanafi, W.Z.A., and Hornsby P.R. 1993. Smoke suppression and fire retardancy in unsaturated polyesters hydrated fillers, Plastics, Rubber Compos. Process. Appl. 19 (3), 175–184.
  • 14. Temiz A., Gezer E. D., Yildiz, U. C., and Yıldız, S. 2008. Combustion properties of alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) Gaertn.subsp. barbata (CA Mey) Yalt. and southern pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood treated with boron compounds, Construction and Building Materials, 22(11), 2165-2169.
  • 15. Baysal E. 2003. Fire properties of beech wood impregnated with fire retardants and naturel extractives, Fırat University, Journal of Science and Engineering, 15, pp 163-174.
  • 16. Kolmann F. F., and Cote Jr. W. A. 1968. Principles of Wood Science and Techonology Vol. I. Solid Wood. Springer-Verlag.
  • 17. Özdemir F., and Tutus A. 2013. Effects of fire retardants on the combustion behavior of high-density fiberboard. BioResources 8.2: 1665-1674.
  • 18. Yapici F., Uysal B., Kurt Ş., Esen, R., and Özcan C. 2011. Impacts of impregnation chemicals on finishing process and combustion properties of oriental beech (Fagus Orientalis L.) wood, BioResources, 6(4), 3933-3943.
  • 19. Ashley R. J., and Rothon R. N. 1991. Use of inorganic fillers to reduce the flammability of polimers, Plastic Rubber and Composites Processing and Aplications, 15(1), 19-21.
  • 20. Mouritz A. P., Mathys Z., and Gibson A. G. 2006. Heat release of polymer composites in fire, Composites Part A: Applied science and manufacturing, 37(7), 1040-1054.
  • 21. Winandy J. E., Wang Q., and White R. H. 2008. Fire-retardant-treated strandboard: properties and fire performance,” Wood and fiber sci. 40(1), 62-71.
  • 22. Ustaomer D. 2008. Odun ve odun esaslı levhalar için yanma özellikleri, yanmayı geciktirici kimyasal maddeler ve bu maddelerin etkileri. Düzce University Faculty of Forestry, VI. The National Student Council of Forestry Faculty, 418-425 pp. 23. Altuntaş E., Tufan S., and Alma, M.H. 2016. Farklı bor bileşik kullanılarak mdf-aype odun plastik kompozitlerin yangına dayanıklılığının araştırılması. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Engineering Sciences 19.3: 19-23.

Investigation of the effect on combustion resistance of ammonium polyphosphate and boric acid chemicals added to surface coating

Year 2017, , 290 - 297, 28.09.2017



Aim of study: The purpose of this study were
determined the effect of ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and boric acid (BA) as
surface coating materials on combustion resistance of MDF panels.

Area of study: To ensure the retardation of
combustion properties of wood based panels

Material and Methods: Surface coating mixture consists of
calcite, glue, fire retardant (FR) and water. The amount of glue (10%), APP and
BA (1%, 3% and 5%) in the mixture was determined by the oven dry weight of
calcite. Combustion tests of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) test specimens
coated with 0.25 mm thickness of this mixture were carried out according to
ASTM E 69 standards. Temperature, O2, CO and NO contents of samples
were measured with Testo 340 M gas analyzer while weight loss was measured with
digital scales. For each test, 20 measurements were recorded at intervals of 30

Main results: According to the obtained results,
besides calcite coating, the increase of FR addition rate increased the
resistance of combustion. It was found that the weight loss of the samples
treated with APP 5% was the lowest (66,7%).

Research highlights: The coating of the surfaces of
wood-based boards and the addition of FR chemistry and mineral to this coating
delays the burning properties


  • 1. Roger R.M. 2005. Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites, p 383.
  • 2. Hashim R., Murphy R.J., Dickinson D.J., Dinwoodie J.M. 1994. The mecanical properties of boards treated with vapor boron, Forest Products Journal 44,73-79.
  • 3. Akbulut T., Kartal S.N., Green, F. 2004. Fiberboards treated with N’-N-(1, 8-Naphthalyl) hydroxylamine (NHA-Na), borax, and boric acid, Forest Prod. J. 54(10): 59–64
  • 4. Sparkes T. 1993. Substrate selection for end use applications,” Koln, Germany: European Plastic Laminates Forum, p. 27–31.
  • 5. Ayrılmıs N. 2007. effect of fire retardants on ınternal bond strength and bond durability of structural fiberboard, Building and Environment, Elsevier Volume 42, Issue 3, March, Pages 1200-1206.
  • 6. ASTM E-69, 2007. Standart test method for combustible properties of treated wood by the fire-tube apparatus, American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia
  • 7. Sweet M.S., LeVan S.L., White R.H., Tran H.C., and Degroot R. 1996. Fire performance of wood treated with combined fire-retardant and preservative systems, Research Paper FPL–RP–545. US Dept. Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI.
  • 8. Tomak E. D., Baysal E., and Peker H. 2012. The effect of some wood preservatives on the thermal degradation of Scots pine, Thermochimica Acta, 547, 76-82.
  • 9. Özdemir F., Tutuş A. 2016. Effects of coating with calcite togetter with various fire retardants of on the fire properties of particleboard, BioResources, 11(3), 6407-6415.
  • 10. Özçifçi A., and Okçu O. 2008. Impacts of some chemicals on combustion properties of impregnated laminated veneer lumber (LVL), Journal of materials processing technology, 199(1), 1-9.
  • 11. İstek A., Aydemir D., and Eroğlu H. 2013. Combustion properties of medium-density fiberboards coated by a mixture of calcite and various fire retardants. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 37.5 (2013): 642-648.
  • 12. Hashim R., Sulaiman O., Kumar R. N., Tamyez P. F., Murphy R. J., and Ali Z. 2009. Physical and mechanical properties of flame retardant urea formaldehyde medium density fiberboard, Journal of Materials Processing Techonology, 209(2), 635-640.
  • 13. Wan Hanafi, W.Z.A., and Hornsby P.R. 1993. Smoke suppression and fire retardancy in unsaturated polyesters hydrated fillers, Plastics, Rubber Compos. Process. Appl. 19 (3), 175–184.
  • 14. Temiz A., Gezer E. D., Yildiz, U. C., and Yıldız, S. 2008. Combustion properties of alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) Gaertn.subsp. barbata (CA Mey) Yalt. and southern pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood treated with boron compounds, Construction and Building Materials, 22(11), 2165-2169.
  • 15. Baysal E. 2003. Fire properties of beech wood impregnated with fire retardants and naturel extractives, Fırat University, Journal of Science and Engineering, 15, pp 163-174.
  • 16. Kolmann F. F., and Cote Jr. W. A. 1968. Principles of Wood Science and Techonology Vol. I. Solid Wood. Springer-Verlag.
  • 17. Özdemir F., and Tutus A. 2013. Effects of fire retardants on the combustion behavior of high-density fiberboard. BioResources 8.2: 1665-1674.
  • 18. Yapici F., Uysal B., Kurt Ş., Esen, R., and Özcan C. 2011. Impacts of impregnation chemicals on finishing process and combustion properties of oriental beech (Fagus Orientalis L.) wood, BioResources, 6(4), 3933-3943.
  • 19. Ashley R. J., and Rothon R. N. 1991. Use of inorganic fillers to reduce the flammability of polimers, Plastic Rubber and Composites Processing and Aplications, 15(1), 19-21.
  • 20. Mouritz A. P., Mathys Z., and Gibson A. G. 2006. Heat release of polymer composites in fire, Composites Part A: Applied science and manufacturing, 37(7), 1040-1054.
  • 21. Winandy J. E., Wang Q., and White R. H. 2008. Fire-retardant-treated strandboard: properties and fire performance,” Wood and fiber sci. 40(1), 62-71.
  • 22. Ustaomer D. 2008. Odun ve odun esaslı levhalar için yanma özellikleri, yanmayı geciktirici kimyasal maddeler ve bu maddelerin etkileri. Düzce University Faculty of Forestry, VI. The National Student Council of Forestry Faculty, 418-425 pp. 23. Altuntaş E., Tufan S., and Alma, M.H. 2016. Farklı bor bileşik kullanılarak mdf-aype odun plastik kompozitlerin yangına dayanıklılığının araştırılması. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Engineering Sciences 19.3: 19-23.
There are 22 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ferhat Özdemir

Arif Ayaz This is me

Publication Date September 28, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Özdemir, F., & Ayaz, A. (2017). Investigation of the effect on combustion resistance of ammonium polyphosphate and boric acid chemicals added to surface coating. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(2), 290-297.
AMA Özdemir F, Ayaz A. Investigation of the effect on combustion resistance of ammonium polyphosphate and boric acid chemicals added to surface coating. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2017;17(2):290-297. doi:10.17475/kastorman.310967
Chicago Özdemir, Ferhat, and Arif Ayaz. “Investigation of the Effect on Combustion Resistance of Ammonium Polyphosphate and Boric Acid Chemicals Added to Surface Coating”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17, no. 2 (September 2017): 290-97.
EndNote Özdemir F, Ayaz A (September 1, 2017) Investigation of the effect on combustion resistance of ammonium polyphosphate and boric acid chemicals added to surface coating. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17 2 290–297.
IEEE F. Özdemir and A. Ayaz, “Investigation of the effect on combustion resistance of ammonium polyphosphate and boric acid chemicals added to surface coating”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 290–297, 2017, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.310967.
ISNAD Özdemir, Ferhat - Ayaz, Arif. “Investigation of the Effect on Combustion Resistance of Ammonium Polyphosphate and Boric Acid Chemicals Added to Surface Coating”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17/2 (September 2017), 290-297.
JAMA Özdemir F, Ayaz A. Investigation of the effect on combustion resistance of ammonium polyphosphate and boric acid chemicals added to surface coating. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17:290–297.
MLA Özdemir, Ferhat and Arif Ayaz. “Investigation of the Effect on Combustion Resistance of Ammonium Polyphosphate and Boric Acid Chemicals Added to Surface Coating”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 2, 2017, pp. 290-7, doi:10.17475/kastorman.310967.
Vancouver Özdemir F, Ayaz A. Investigation of the effect on combustion resistance of ammonium polyphosphate and boric acid chemicals added to surface coating. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17(2):290-7.

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