Research Article
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The effects of different variables on the screw withdrawal strength of plywood

Year 2017, , 325 - 333, 28.09.2017


of study:
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of
the pilot-hole, screw type, screwing direction, water retention and adhesive on
the screw pull resistance of the plywood.

and Methods
: Two types of screws, 3.5 mm and 4 mm in diameter, were
used in the study. The supplied 18 mm thick plywood is sized to 50 mm x 50 mm
according to TS EN 13446 standards. The pilot-holes were drilled so that 80% of
the screw diameter would be used. After the polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and
polyurethane (PU) adhesives were injected into the pilot-holes, screwing was
carried out perpendicularly and horizontally to the surface of the sample. Half
of the samples were immersed in water for 2 hours before the screw withdrawal
test. The results of the tests were interpreted by statistical analysis.

When examining the results, all of the pilot-hole drilled
samples showed higher screw withdrawal resistance than the pilot-hole drilled
samples. It was also found that the screw withdrawal resistance perpendicular
to the surface is higher than that parallel to the surface. When the glue
applied pilot-hole specimens were examined, the PU specimens showed higher screw
withdrawal strength than the PVAc specimens. A lower screw withdrawal strength
was determined when samples were immersed in water. It was also found that as
the screw diameter increases, the screw withdrawal strength increases.

In is concluded that applying PU in pilot-holes before
driving screw in significantly affected screw holding performance in plywood.  


  • Akyıldız, M. and Malkocoglu, S. (2001). Wood screw withdrawal resistance of some important tree species growing in Eastern Blacksea region. J Artvin Forest Faculty Kafkas University, 2(1), 54–60. BS EN 320 (1993). Fibreboards - Determination of resistance to axial withdrawal of screws. British Standards Institution, 1-6. Carroll, M.N. (1970). Relationship between driving torque and screw-holding strength in particleboard and plywood. Forest Prod J, 20(3), 24-29. Celebi, G. and Kilic, M. (2007). Nail and screw withdrawal strength of laminated veneer lumber made up hardwood and softwood layers. Construction and Building Materials, 21(4), 894-900. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2005.12.015. Eckelman, C.A. (1973). Holding strength of screws in wood and wood-based materials. Res. Rept. No. 895. Purdue University Agric. Expt. Sta., 15. Eckelman, C.A. (1975). Screw-holding performance in hardwoods and particleboard. Forest Products Jornal, 25(6), 30-35. Eckelman, C.A. (1978). Predicting withdrawal strength of sheet-metal-type screws in selected hardwoods. Forest Prod J, 28(8), 25–8. Eckelman, C.A. (1988). The withdrawal strength of screws from a commercially available medium density fiberboard, Forest Products Journal, 35(5), 21-24. Eckelman, C. A. (1990). A Review and Summary of Relevant Published Literature on Fasteners and Their Use with Particleboard and MDF. National Particleboard Association, 11, 14-90. Eckelman, C.A. and Rajak, Z.A. (1993). Edge and face withdrawal strength of large screws in particleboard and medium density fiberboard. Forest Product Journal, 43(4), 25–30. Ferah, O. (1991). Determination of withdrawal strength screw and nail in some important trees. Inst Forest Res Tech Bull, 252, 51–72. Fujimoto, Y. and Mori, M. (1983). Performance of wood screw joints for particleboard. Bull Fac Agr Kyushu Univ Jpn, 38(1), 45–7. Kong, X., Liu, G., & Curtis, J. M. (2011). Characterization of canola oil based polyurethane wood adhesives. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 31(6), 559-564. Ors, Y, Ozen, R. and Doganay, S. (1998). Screw holding ability of wood materials used in furniture manufacture. Turk J Agr Forest, 22(4), 29–34. Ozen, R. (1988). Genel Hatlarıyla Türkiye Mobilya Sanayi, Gazi University Journal of Tec. Edu. Fac., 1(3), 3-9. Ozcifci, A. (2009). The effects of pilot hole, screw types and layer thickness on the withdrawal strength of screws in laminated veneer lumber, Journal of Materials & Design, 30, 2355-2358. Doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2008.11.001. Pizzi A, Mittal KL. (2003). Handbook of adhesive technology. 2nd ed. Monticello, NY: Marcel Dekker Inc. Rajak. Z. and Eckelman, C.A. (1993). Edge and face withdrawal strength of large screws in particleboard and medium density fiberboard. Forest Prod J, 43(4), 25-30. Rammer, D.R. (1999). Wood handbook: wood as an engineering material, chapter 8. US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 8.1–28. Senay, A. (1996). Technological properties of laminated wood material (Ph.D thesis). Istanbul University, Istanbul. Tor, O., Demiel, S., Hu, L. and Zhang, J. (2016). Effcts of Driving Torques on Direct Screw Withdrawal Resistance in OSB. Kastamonu Univ. Journal of Forestry Faculty, 16(2), 438-446. TS EN 13446 (2005). Wood - based panels - Determination of withdrawal capacity of fasteners. Institute of Turkish Standards. 1-7. Yorur, H. (2016). Utilization of Waste Polyethylene and its Effects on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Oriented Strand Board. BioResources, 11(1), 2483-2491. Yorur, H., Kurt, Ş., Uysal, B. (2014). Bonding strength of oak with different adhesives after humid-water-heat tests. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 28(7), 690-701.

Kontrplakta farklı değişkenlerin vida çekme direnci üzerindeki etkisi

Year 2017, , 325 - 333, 28.09.2017



Kontrplağın vida çekme direnci üzerine kılavuz deliğinin,
vida tipinin, vidalama yönünün, suda bekletmenin ve yapıştırıcının etkisini

ve Yöntem:
Çalışmada çapları sırasıyla 3.5 mm ve 4 mm olmak
üzere 2 tip vida kullanılmıştır. Temin edilen 18 mm kalınlığındaki kontrplak TS
EN 13446 standardına göre 50 mm x 50 mm boyutlarında ebatlandırılmıştır.
Kılavuz deliğinin çapı, testlerde kullanılan vida çapının %80’i olacak şekilde
delme işlemi yapıldı. Polivinil asetat (PVAc) ve Poliüretan (PÜ) tutkalları
kılavuz deliklerine enjekte edildikten sonra örnek yüzeyine ve kenarına
vidalama işlemi gerçekleştirildi. Örneklerin yarısı 2 saat süre ile suda
bekletildikten sonra vida çekme testleri yapıldı. Testlerin sonuçları
istatistik analiz ile yorumlandı.

Sonuçlar: Sonuçlar incelendiğinde kılavuz deliği açılmayan örnekler daha
yüksek vida çekme direnci göstermiştir. Ayrıca yüzeyden uygulanan vida çekme
direncinin kenardan uygulanana göre daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Tutkal uygulanan kılavuz delikli örnekler incelendiğinde Poliüretan (PÜ)
uygulananların vida çekme mukavemeti Polivinil asetat (PVAc) uygulananlara göre
daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Suda bekletilmiş örnekler incelendiğinde
daha düşük vida çekme mukavemeti göstermiştir. Ayrıca vida çapı arttıkça vida
çekme mukavemetinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir.

Kontrplakta vidalama öncesinde kılavuz deliklerine PÜ
uygulanması vida tutma performasını önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir.


  • Akyıldız, M. and Malkocoglu, S. (2001). Wood screw withdrawal resistance of some important tree species growing in Eastern Blacksea region. J Artvin Forest Faculty Kafkas University, 2(1), 54–60. BS EN 320 (1993). Fibreboards - Determination of resistance to axial withdrawal of screws. British Standards Institution, 1-6. Carroll, M.N. (1970). Relationship between driving torque and screw-holding strength in particleboard and plywood. Forest Prod J, 20(3), 24-29. Celebi, G. and Kilic, M. (2007). Nail and screw withdrawal strength of laminated veneer lumber made up hardwood and softwood layers. Construction and Building Materials, 21(4), 894-900. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2005.12.015. Eckelman, C.A. (1973). Holding strength of screws in wood and wood-based materials. Res. Rept. No. 895. Purdue University Agric. Expt. Sta., 15. Eckelman, C.A. (1975). Screw-holding performance in hardwoods and particleboard. Forest Products Jornal, 25(6), 30-35. Eckelman, C.A. (1978). Predicting withdrawal strength of sheet-metal-type screws in selected hardwoods. Forest Prod J, 28(8), 25–8. Eckelman, C.A. (1988). The withdrawal strength of screws from a commercially available medium density fiberboard, Forest Products Journal, 35(5), 21-24. Eckelman, C. A. (1990). A Review and Summary of Relevant Published Literature on Fasteners and Their Use with Particleboard and MDF. National Particleboard Association, 11, 14-90. Eckelman, C.A. and Rajak, Z.A. (1993). Edge and face withdrawal strength of large screws in particleboard and medium density fiberboard. Forest Product Journal, 43(4), 25–30. Ferah, O. (1991). Determination of withdrawal strength screw and nail in some important trees. Inst Forest Res Tech Bull, 252, 51–72. Fujimoto, Y. and Mori, M. (1983). Performance of wood screw joints for particleboard. Bull Fac Agr Kyushu Univ Jpn, 38(1), 45–7. Kong, X., Liu, G., & Curtis, J. M. (2011). Characterization of canola oil based polyurethane wood adhesives. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 31(6), 559-564. Ors, Y, Ozen, R. and Doganay, S. (1998). Screw holding ability of wood materials used in furniture manufacture. Turk J Agr Forest, 22(4), 29–34. Ozen, R. (1988). Genel Hatlarıyla Türkiye Mobilya Sanayi, Gazi University Journal of Tec. Edu. Fac., 1(3), 3-9. Ozcifci, A. (2009). The effects of pilot hole, screw types and layer thickness on the withdrawal strength of screws in laminated veneer lumber, Journal of Materials & Design, 30, 2355-2358. Doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2008.11.001. Pizzi A, Mittal KL. (2003). Handbook of adhesive technology. 2nd ed. Monticello, NY: Marcel Dekker Inc. Rajak. Z. and Eckelman, C.A. (1993). Edge and face withdrawal strength of large screws in particleboard and medium density fiberboard. Forest Prod J, 43(4), 25-30. Rammer, D.R. (1999). Wood handbook: wood as an engineering material, chapter 8. US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 8.1–28. Senay, A. (1996). Technological properties of laminated wood material (Ph.D thesis). Istanbul University, Istanbul. Tor, O., Demiel, S., Hu, L. and Zhang, J. (2016). Effcts of Driving Torques on Direct Screw Withdrawal Resistance in OSB. Kastamonu Univ. Journal of Forestry Faculty, 16(2), 438-446. TS EN 13446 (2005). Wood - based panels - Determination of withdrawal capacity of fasteners. Institute of Turkish Standards. 1-7. Yorur, H. (2016). Utilization of Waste Polyethylene and its Effects on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Oriented Strand Board. BioResources, 11(1), 2483-2491. Yorur, H., Kurt, Ş., Uysal, B. (2014). Bonding strength of oak with different adhesives after humid-water-heat tests. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 28(7), 690-701.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Huseyin Yorur

Onder Tor

Muhammed Nuri Gunay

Emre Bırıncı

Publication Date September 28, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Yorur, H., Tor, O., Gunay, M. N., Bırıncı, E. (2017). The effects of different variables on the screw withdrawal strength of plywood. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(2), 325-333.
AMA Yorur H, Tor O, Gunay MN, Bırıncı E. The effects of different variables on the screw withdrawal strength of plywood. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2017;17(2):325-333. doi:10.17475/kastorman.333858
Chicago Yorur, Huseyin, Onder Tor, Muhammed Nuri Gunay, and Emre Bırıncı. “The Effects of Different Variables on the Screw Withdrawal Strength of Plywood”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17, no. 2 (September 2017): 325-33.
EndNote Yorur H, Tor O, Gunay MN, Bırıncı E (September 1, 2017) The effects of different variables on the screw withdrawal strength of plywood. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17 2 325–333.
IEEE H. Yorur, O. Tor, M. N. Gunay, and E. Bırıncı, “The effects of different variables on the screw withdrawal strength of plywood”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 325–333, 2017, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.333858.
ISNAD Yorur, Huseyin et al. “The Effects of Different Variables on the Screw Withdrawal Strength of Plywood”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 17/2 (September 2017), 325-333.
JAMA Yorur H, Tor O, Gunay MN, Bırıncı E. The effects of different variables on the screw withdrawal strength of plywood. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17:325–333.
MLA Yorur, Huseyin et al. “The Effects of Different Variables on the Screw Withdrawal Strength of Plywood”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 17, no. 2, 2017, pp. 325-33, doi:10.17475/kastorman.333858.
Vancouver Yorur H, Tor O, Gunay MN, Bırıncı E. The effects of different variables on the screw withdrawal strength of plywood. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2017;17(2):325-33.

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