Research Article
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Year 2021, , 1 - 7, 02.03.2021


Co-digestion feasibility of primary (PS) and secondary (SS) sewage sludge fractions produced in a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was investigated by the mixing of fruit waste in sequential batch reactors. Toxic threshold level for pH was exceeded as fruit waste digestion produced a high level of volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration. Alkali (NaOH) addition provided an optimum level of pH at 7.95-8.05 and 8.16-8.25 in the co-digestion of PS and SS, respectively, and efficient conversion of VFA to methane gas eliminating VFA accumulation. Buffered co-digestion resulted in 55% (+227-271 mL) and 400% (+501-546 mL) increase in biogas production compared to solely PS and SS stabilization. Fruit waste digestion’s positive effect was obtained at a higher level in SS digestion. pH rather than VFA proved to be the key parameter and NaOH highly effective as an alkali source producing double buffering effect by converting carbonic acid produced to bicarbonate alkalinity. High carbohydrate content of fruit waste exhibited a beneficial potential to neutralize high pH occurring in PS and SS digestion, thus, minimize free ammonia toxicity balancing hydroxide alkalinity formed from protein hydrolysis. Optimization of fruit waste loading rate based on pH will enable surplus energy gain and stable operation in sewage sludge and protein-rich wastewater digestion.


  • Anderson, G. K., and Yang, G. 1992. “Determination of bicarbonate and total volatile acid concentration in anaerobic digesters using a simple titration.” Water Environ. Res., 64(1), 53–59.
  • APHA (American Public Health Association). 2005.” Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.” AWWA and WEF, Washington, DC.
  • Ariunbaatar, J., Di Perta, E.S., Panico, A., Frunzo, L., Esposito, G., Lens, P.N., Pirozzi, F. 2015. “Effect Of Ammoniacal Nitrogen On One-Stage And Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion Of Food Waste.” Waste Management 38, 388-398.
  • Ariunbaatar, J., Panico, A., Esposito, G., Pirozzi, F., Lens, P.N. 2014. “Pretreatment Methods To Enhance Anaerobic Digestion Of Organic Solid Waste.” Applied Energy 123: 143-156.
  • Astals, S., Batstone, D.J., Mata-Alvarez, J., Jensen, P.D. 2014. “Identification of synergistic impacts during anaerobic co-digestion of organic wastes.” Bioresource Technology 169: 421–427.
  • Carrere, H., Dumas, C., Battimelli, A., Batstone, D.J., Delgenes, J.P., Steyer, J.P., Ferrer, I. 2010. “Pretreatment methods to improve sludge anaerobic degradability: a review.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 183 (1-3): 1-15.
  • Demirer, G.N., Duran, M., Güven, E., Uğurlu, O., Ergüder, T.H. Tezel, U., Şen, S., Korkusuz, E.A., Varolan, N. 2001. “Biogas Gain from Organic Wastes by Anaerobic Methods: Feasibility in Turkey (in Turkish).” Presented at the Renewable Energy Sources Symposium, Jan 18–20, İzmir (TR), 99– 105.
  • Erdirencelebi, D., Sarıkaya, F., Bayhan, C., Aysan, H. 2017. “Anaerobic Biodegradability and Dewaterability of Sewage Sludge Fractions: Potential for Separate Anaerobic Stabilization in Sequential Batch Reactors.” Presented at the International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology (2017 ISEST), 19-22 September, Beijing (CH).
  • Metcalf and Eddy, 2003. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse (4. Basım). New York: McGRAW- Hill Companies.
  • Mininni, G., Laera, G., Bertanza, G., Canato, M., Sbrilli, A. 2015. “Mass and energy balances of sludge processing in reference and upgraded wastewater treatment plants”, Environment: Science and Pollution Research 22: 7203-7215.
  • Speece R.E. 1996. “Anaerobic Biotechnology for Industrial Wastewaters.” Archae Press, TN, USA, p.297.

Primer ve Sekonder Arıtma Çamur Fraksiyonlarının Meyve Atığı ile Anaerobik Çoklu Besiyeri Çürütmesi Ön Çalışması

Year 2021, , 1 - 7, 02.03.2021


Kentsel atıksu arıtma tesislerinde (AAT) oluşan primer (PÇ) ve sekonder (SÇ) arıtma çamurlarının meyve atığı ile birlikte anaerobik çürütme çalışması ardışık kesikli reaktörlerde yürütülmüştür. Proseste meyve atığının parçalanması ile yüksek seviyede uçucu yağ asitleri (UYA) oluşarak toksik pH eşiği geçilmiştir. Alkali kaynağı olarak NaOH ilavesi sonrasında pH PÇ ve SÇ için sırasıyla 7.95-8.05 ve 8.16- 8.25 olarak alkali seviyelerde gerçekleşmiş ve UYA’nın etkin metana dönüşümü ile biyogazda sırasıyla %55 (+227-271 mL) ve %400 (+501-546 mL) artış elde edilmiştir. Meyve atığının aynı alkali şartta SÇ için daha yüksek verim ve proses stabilitesi sağladığı gözlenmiştir. Proses için UYA’dan ziyade pH’nın anahtar parametre olduğu belirlenmiştir. NaOH, alkali kaynağı olarak proseste oluşan karbonik asiti bikarbonat alkalinitesine çevirdiği için çift kat etki sağlamıştır. Meyve atığının karbonhidrat içeriği, PÇ ve SÇ çürütmesinde oluşan yüksek pH’nın nötralize edilmesinde faydalı katkı sağlamıştır. Sonuç olarak meyve atığının özellikle SÇ çürütmesinde ilave substrat olarak enerji eldesini arttıracağı belirlenmiştir.
Organik yükleme hızının pH bazında optimize edilmesi ile alkali ilavesiz arıtma çamurlarının ve proteinli atıkların çoklu çürütmesinin kararlı işletimle gerçekleştirilmesi de mümkün olacaktır.


  • Anderson, G. K., and Yang, G. 1992. “Determination of bicarbonate and total volatile acid concentration in anaerobic digesters using a simple titration.” Water Environ. Res., 64(1), 53–59.
  • APHA (American Public Health Association). 2005.” Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.” AWWA and WEF, Washington, DC.
  • Ariunbaatar, J., Di Perta, E.S., Panico, A., Frunzo, L., Esposito, G., Lens, P.N., Pirozzi, F. 2015. “Effect Of Ammoniacal Nitrogen On One-Stage And Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion Of Food Waste.” Waste Management 38, 388-398.
  • Ariunbaatar, J., Panico, A., Esposito, G., Pirozzi, F., Lens, P.N. 2014. “Pretreatment Methods To Enhance Anaerobic Digestion Of Organic Solid Waste.” Applied Energy 123: 143-156.
  • Astals, S., Batstone, D.J., Mata-Alvarez, J., Jensen, P.D. 2014. “Identification of synergistic impacts during anaerobic co-digestion of organic wastes.” Bioresource Technology 169: 421–427.
  • Carrere, H., Dumas, C., Battimelli, A., Batstone, D.J., Delgenes, J.P., Steyer, J.P., Ferrer, I. 2010. “Pretreatment methods to improve sludge anaerobic degradability: a review.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 183 (1-3): 1-15.
  • Demirer, G.N., Duran, M., Güven, E., Uğurlu, O., Ergüder, T.H. Tezel, U., Şen, S., Korkusuz, E.A., Varolan, N. 2001. “Biogas Gain from Organic Wastes by Anaerobic Methods: Feasibility in Turkey (in Turkish).” Presented at the Renewable Energy Sources Symposium, Jan 18–20, İzmir (TR), 99– 105.
  • Erdirencelebi, D., Sarıkaya, F., Bayhan, C., Aysan, H. 2017. “Anaerobic Biodegradability and Dewaterability of Sewage Sludge Fractions: Potential for Separate Anaerobic Stabilization in Sequential Batch Reactors.” Presented at the International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology (2017 ISEST), 19-22 September, Beijing (CH).
  • Metcalf and Eddy, 2003. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse (4. Basım). New York: McGRAW- Hill Companies.
  • Mininni, G., Laera, G., Bertanza, G., Canato, M., Sbrilli, A. 2015. “Mass and energy balances of sludge processing in reference and upgraded wastewater treatment plants”, Environment: Science and Pollution Research 22: 7203-7215.
  • Speece R.E. 1996. “Anaerobic Biotechnology for Industrial Wastewaters.” Archae Press, TN, USA, p.297.
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Dilek Erdirençelebi This is me 0000-0003-0268-3549

Publication Date March 2, 2021
Submission Date March 2, 2019
Acceptance Date June 26, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


IEEE D. Erdirençelebi, “Primer ve Sekonder Arıtma Çamur Fraksiyonlarının Meyve Atığı ile Anaerobik Çoklu Besiyeri Çürütmesi Ön Çalışması”, KONJES, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2021, doi: 10.36306/konjes.887973.