Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 524 - 534, 01.09.2022


İçme suyu dağıtım sistemlerinde meydana gelen arızalar sonucunda yıllık olarak önemli miktarda su kaybolmaktadır. Bu sızıntıların azaltılması ve yönetilmesi için çeşitli yöntemler uygulanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada dağıtım sistemlerinde sızıntıların azaltılması için uygulanan temel yöntemler dikkate alınarak en uygun önlenebilir sızıntı hacminin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için aktif sızıntı kontrolü, basınç yönetimi, şebeke rehabilitasyonu ve ekip yönetimi gibi temel yöntemler göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Bu yöntemler için maliyetler ve potansiyel faydalar belirlenmiştir. Bu fayda maliyetler kullanılarak optimizasyon tabanlı bir model geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen model pilot izole bölgede uygulanmıştır. İzole bölgeden alınan veriler dikkate alınarak optimizasyon algoritması ile her bir yöntem için önlenebilir sızıntı hacimleri analiz edilmiştir. Bölgede başlangıçta toplam kayıp miktarı 3,68 l/s (%36,01) olarak hesaplanmıştır. Optimizasyon modeline göre bölgede en uygun kayıp miktarı 1,36 l/s (%13,27) olarak belirlemiştir. Buna göre bölgede ekonomik olarak azaltılabilecek toplam kayıp miktarı 2,32 l/s olarak tespit edilmiştir. En fazla fayda 1,53 l/s ile basınç yönetiminden elde edilmektedir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre uygulanması gereken yöntemler ve bu yöntemlerden elde edilecek faydalar sıralanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçların özellikle sahada teknik personel için önemli katkılar sunacağı düşünülmektedir.

Supporting Institution

İnönü Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number

İÜ-BAP FOA- FDK 2020-2053


  • Ahopelto, S., & Vahala, R. 2020. “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Leakage Reduction Methods in Water Supply Networks”. Water, 12 (1), 195.
  • AL-Washali, T., Sharma, S., Lupoja, R., AL-Nozaily, F., Haidera, M., & Kennedy, M. 2020. “Assessment of water losses in distribution networks: Methods, applications, uncertainties, and implications in intermittent supply”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 152, 104515.
  • Alvisi, S., Luciani, C., & Franchini, M. 2019. “Using water consumption smart metering for water loss assessment in a DMA: a case study”. Urban Water Journal., 18 (1), 77–83.
  • Creaco, E. & Haidar, H. 2019. “Multiobjective Optimization of Control Valve Installation and DMA Creation for Reducing Leakage in Water Distribution Networks”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145 (10).
  • Amoatey, P., Minke, R., & Steinmetz, H. 2018. “Leakage estimation in developing country water networks based on water balance, minimum night flow and component analysis methods”. Water Practice and Technology, 13, 96–105.
  • Al-Washali, T., Sharma, S., Al-Nozaily, F., Haidera, M., & Kennedy, M. 2019. “Modelling the leakage rate and reduction using minimum night flow analysis in an intermittent supply system”. Water, 11 (48).
  • Ezbakhe, F. ve Foguet, A. 2019. “Embracing data uncertainty in water decision-making: an application to evaluate water supply and sewerage in Spain”. Water Supply, 19 (3), 778–788.
  • Farley, M. & Trow, S. 2003. “Losses in Distribution Networks”. In: An examination of the benefits of leak detection. ISBN 1 900222 11 6.
  • Farley, M. & Liemberger, R. 2005. “Developing a non-revenue water reduction strategy: planning and implementing the strategy.” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply., 15 (1), 41–50.
  • Haider, H., Al-Salamah, I.S., Ghazaw, Y.M., Abdel-Maguid, R.H., Shafiquzzaman, M., & Ghumman, A.R. 2019. “Framework to establish economic level of leakage for intermittent water supplies in arid environments”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145 (2), 1–12.
  • Islam, M.S. ve Babel, M.S. 2013. “Economic analysis of leakage in the Bangkok water distribution system. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 139 (2), 209–216.
  • Jensen, O. & Nair, S. (2019). “Integrated Urban Water Management and Water Security: A Comparison of Singapore and Hong Kong”. Water, 11 (4), 785.
  • Lakehal, A. & Laouacheria, F. 2017. “Reliability based rehabilitation of water distribution networks by means of Bayesian networks.” Journal of Water and Land Development, 34 (1), 163–172.
  • Lambert, A.O. (2002). “International report: water losses management and techniques.” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2 (4), 1–20.
  • Lim, E., Savic, D., & Kapelan, Z. 2015. “Development of a leakage target setting approach for South Korea based on Economic Level of Leakage”. Procedia Engineering, 119 (1), 120–129.
  • Liu, J. & Lansey, K.E. 2020. “Multiphase DMA Design Methodology Based on Graph Theory and Many-Objective Optimization”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146 (8).
  • Molinos-Senante, M., Mocholí-Arce, M., & Sala-Garrido, R. 2016. “Estimating the environmental and resource costs of leakage in water distribution systems: A shadow price approach”. Science of the Total Environment, 568, 180–188.
  • Moslehi, I., Jalili Ghazizadeh, M.R., & Yousefie Khoshghalb, E. 2019. “Economic analysis of pressure management in water distribution networks”. Journal of Water and Wastewater, 31 (2), 100–117.
  • Negharchi, S. & Shafaghat, R. 2020. “Leakage estimation in water networks based on the BABE and MNF analyses: a case study in Gavankola village, Iran”. Water Supply, 1.
  • Salehi, S., Ghazizadeh, J., ve Tabesh, M. 2017. “A comprehensive criteria-based multi-attribute decision-making model for rehabilitation of water distribution systems”. Journal Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 14 (6), 743–765.
  • Lopez, S.T., Barrionuevo, M., & Labajos, B. 2019. “Water accounts in decision-making processes of urban water management: Benefits, limitations and implications in a real implementation”. Sustainable Cities and Society, 50.
  • Wyatt, A.S. & Alshafey, M. 2012. “Non-revenue water: financial model for optimal management in developing countries”. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply., 12 (4), 451–463.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2021). Su Kayıp Yönetiminde Ekonomik Kaçak Seviyesinin Optimizasyon Algoritmalarıyla Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. İnönü Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Yılmaz, S., Fırat, M., Özdemir, Ö., Ateş, A. 2021. “Su Kayıp Yönetiminde İzole Bölge Tasarımı ve Aktif Kaçak Kontrolünün Ekonomik Analizleri İçin Hesaplama Aracının Geliştirilmesi”. Konya Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 9(2): 467-478.

Determining the Most Appropriate Recoverable Leakage Volume and Rate in Water Distribution Systems

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 524 - 534, 01.09.2022


A significant amount of water is lost annually as a result of malfunctions in drinking water distribution systems. Various methods are applied to reduce and manage these leaks. In this study, it is aimed to determine the most appropriate preventable leakage volume by considering the basic methods applied to reduce leakages in distribution systems. For this, basic methods such as active leakage control, pressure management, network rehabilitation and team management have been considered. Costs and potential benefits have been identified for these methods. An optimization-based model was developed using these benefit costs. The developed model was applied in the pilot isolated region. Considering the data taken from the isolated area, the preventable leakage volumes for each method were analyzed with the optimization algorithm. The total loss amount in the current situation is calculated as 3.68 l/s (36.01%). The most appropriate loss amount in the region was determined as 1.36 l/s (13.27%) by the optimization model. The total amount of loss that can be economically reduced in the region has been determined as 2.32 l/s. It was seen that the most benefit will be obtained from pressure management with 1.53 l/s. According to the results of the analysis, the methods to be applied and the benefits to be obtained from these methods are listed. It is thought that the results obtained will make important contributions especially to the technical personnel in the field.

Project Number

İÜ-BAP FOA- FDK 2020-2053


  • Ahopelto, S., & Vahala, R. 2020. “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Leakage Reduction Methods in Water Supply Networks”. Water, 12 (1), 195.
  • AL-Washali, T., Sharma, S., Lupoja, R., AL-Nozaily, F., Haidera, M., & Kennedy, M. 2020. “Assessment of water losses in distribution networks: Methods, applications, uncertainties, and implications in intermittent supply”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 152, 104515.
  • Alvisi, S., Luciani, C., & Franchini, M. 2019. “Using water consumption smart metering for water loss assessment in a DMA: a case study”. Urban Water Journal., 18 (1), 77–83.
  • Creaco, E. & Haidar, H. 2019. “Multiobjective Optimization of Control Valve Installation and DMA Creation for Reducing Leakage in Water Distribution Networks”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145 (10).
  • Amoatey, P., Minke, R., & Steinmetz, H. 2018. “Leakage estimation in developing country water networks based on water balance, minimum night flow and component analysis methods”. Water Practice and Technology, 13, 96–105.
  • Al-Washali, T., Sharma, S., Al-Nozaily, F., Haidera, M., & Kennedy, M. 2019. “Modelling the leakage rate and reduction using minimum night flow analysis in an intermittent supply system”. Water, 11 (48).
  • Ezbakhe, F. ve Foguet, A. 2019. “Embracing data uncertainty in water decision-making: an application to evaluate water supply and sewerage in Spain”. Water Supply, 19 (3), 778–788.
  • Farley, M. & Trow, S. 2003. “Losses in Distribution Networks”. In: An examination of the benefits of leak detection. ISBN 1 900222 11 6.
  • Farley, M. & Liemberger, R. 2005. “Developing a non-revenue water reduction strategy: planning and implementing the strategy.” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply., 15 (1), 41–50.
  • Haider, H., Al-Salamah, I.S., Ghazaw, Y.M., Abdel-Maguid, R.H., Shafiquzzaman, M., & Ghumman, A.R. 2019. “Framework to establish economic level of leakage for intermittent water supplies in arid environments”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145 (2), 1–12.
  • Islam, M.S. ve Babel, M.S. 2013. “Economic analysis of leakage in the Bangkok water distribution system. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 139 (2), 209–216.
  • Jensen, O. & Nair, S. (2019). “Integrated Urban Water Management and Water Security: A Comparison of Singapore and Hong Kong”. Water, 11 (4), 785.
  • Lakehal, A. & Laouacheria, F. 2017. “Reliability based rehabilitation of water distribution networks by means of Bayesian networks.” Journal of Water and Land Development, 34 (1), 163–172.
  • Lambert, A.O. (2002). “International report: water losses management and techniques.” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2 (4), 1–20.
  • Lim, E., Savic, D., & Kapelan, Z. 2015. “Development of a leakage target setting approach for South Korea based on Economic Level of Leakage”. Procedia Engineering, 119 (1), 120–129.
  • Liu, J. & Lansey, K.E. 2020. “Multiphase DMA Design Methodology Based on Graph Theory and Many-Objective Optimization”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146 (8).
  • Molinos-Senante, M., Mocholí-Arce, M., & Sala-Garrido, R. 2016. “Estimating the environmental and resource costs of leakage in water distribution systems: A shadow price approach”. Science of the Total Environment, 568, 180–188.
  • Moslehi, I., Jalili Ghazizadeh, M.R., & Yousefie Khoshghalb, E. 2019. “Economic analysis of pressure management in water distribution networks”. Journal of Water and Wastewater, 31 (2), 100–117.
  • Negharchi, S. & Shafaghat, R. 2020. “Leakage estimation in water networks based on the BABE and MNF analyses: a case study in Gavankola village, Iran”. Water Supply, 1.
  • Salehi, S., Ghazizadeh, J., ve Tabesh, M. 2017. “A comprehensive criteria-based multi-attribute decision-making model for rehabilitation of water distribution systems”. Journal Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 14 (6), 743–765.
  • Lopez, S.T., Barrionuevo, M., & Labajos, B. 2019. “Water accounts in decision-making processes of urban water management: Benefits, limitations and implications in a real implementation”. Sustainable Cities and Society, 50.
  • Wyatt, A.S. & Alshafey, M. 2012. “Non-revenue water: financial model for optimal management in developing countries”. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply., 12 (4), 451–463.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2021). Su Kayıp Yönetiminde Ekonomik Kaçak Seviyesinin Optimizasyon Algoritmalarıyla Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. İnönü Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Yılmaz, S., Fırat, M., Özdemir, Ö., Ateş, A. 2021. “Su Kayıp Yönetiminde İzole Bölge Tasarımı ve Aktif Kaçak Kontrolünün Ekonomik Analizleri İçin Hesaplama Aracının Geliştirilmesi”. Konya Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 9(2): 467-478.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Salih Yılmaz 0000-0002-3206-1225

Mahmut Fırat 0000-0002-8010-9289

Project Number İÜ-BAP FOA- FDK 2020-2053
Publication Date September 1, 2022
Submission Date March 1, 2022
Acceptance Date June 6, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


IEEE S. Yılmaz and M. Fırat, “İÇME SUYU DAĞITIM SİSTEMLERİNDE ÖNLENEBİLECEK EN UYGUN SIZINTI HACMİNİN VE ORANININ BELİRLENMESİ”, KONJES, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 524–534, 2022, doi: 10.36306/konjes.1081321.