Dual Simpson Type Inequalities for Functions Whose Absolute Value of the First Derivatives are Preinvex
Year 2022,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 73 - 78, 15.04.2022
Tarek Chiheb
Badreddine Meftah
Amel Dih
In this paper, we prove a new integral identity. Basing on this identity, we establish some new dual Simpson-type inequalities for functions whose absolute value of the first derivatives are preinvex. Applications are also given.
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Year 2022,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 73 - 78, 15.04.2022
Tarek Chiheb
Badreddine Meftah
Amel Dih
- [1] H. Budak, F. Usta and M. Z. Sarikaya, New upper bounds of Ostrowski type integral inequalities utilizing Taylor expansion. Hacet. J. Math. Stat. 47
(2018), no. 3, 567–578.
- [2] H. Budak, F. Usta and M. Z. Sarikaya, Refinements of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality for co-ordinated convex mappings. J. Appl. Anal. 25 (2019),
no. 1, 73–81.
- [3] H. Budak, F. Usta, M. Z. Sarikaya and M. E. Ozdemir, On generalization of midpoint type inequalities with generalized fractional integral operators.
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F´ıs. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113 (2019), no. 2, 769–790.
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(2018), no. 1, 76-83.
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mean inequality. J. Appl. Anal. 25 (2019), no 1, 83-90.
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Optim. 18 (2007), no. 2, 389–412.
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Academic Press, Inc., Boston, MA, 1992.
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operators. Filomat 32 (2018), no. 6, 2153–2171.
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Exactas F´ıs. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113 (2019), no. 2, 1059–1080.
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no. 2, 1147–1161.
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Nash equilibria. Acta Appl. Math. 54 (1998), no. 2, 135–166.