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Batı Akdeniz Bölgesinde Tespit Edilen Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) İzolatının Referenz Suş ve Türkiye İzolatları ile Aminoasit ve Nükleotit Pozisyonlarının Karşılaştırılması

Year 2022, , 116 - 122, 26.08.2022


Sığırlarda solunum sistemi hastalıkları kompleksinin major viral patojenlerden biri olan Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Kuzey Yarımküre’de genellikle sonbahar ve kış aylarında ortaya çıkan ve üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarına yol açan viral bir etkendir. Bu virusun izolatları yakın antijenik ilişki içerisinde olsalar da BPIV3GenotypeA, BPIV3GenotypeB ve BPIV3GenotypeC olarak üç farklı genotip de sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu araştırmada Batı Akdeniz bölgesinde sirkülasyon halinde olan BPIV3 suşunun Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinden izole edilmiş suşlar ve BPIV3’ün referenz suşu Shipping Fever (SF-4) ile aminoasit ve nükleotit pozisyonlarının karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada daha önceki araştırmalarımızda tespit ettiğimiz ve M gen bölgesi parsiyel olarak analiz edilmiş BUR/BPIV3 izolatı kullanıldı. SF-4 ile Türkiye’de parsiyel olarak M gen bölgesi üzerine filogenetik araştırmaları ve Genbank’a kayıtları yapılmış farklı BPIV3 izolatları ve bizim tespit ettiğimiz BPIV3 suşunun aminoasit ve nükleotit pozisyonları karşılaştırıldı. BPIV3’ün Türkiye suşları ve referenz suşun nükleotit ve aminoasit pozisyonlarındaki değişimleri ortaya koyuldu. Sonuç olarak BPIV3 izolatları arasında noktasal mutasyonlarla meydana gelen baz ve kodon farklılaşmalarının buna bağlı olarak da ortaya çıkan aminoasit değişimlerinin belirlenmesinin aşı üretiminde kullanılacak suşun immunizasyon gücünün ortaya koyulması ve BPIV3’ün moleküler tespitinin standardizasyonunun sağlanması açısından önemli olduğu kanaatine varıldı.

Project Number



  • Albayrak, H., Yazıcı, Z., Ozan, E., Tamer, C., Abdelwahed, A., Wehner, S., Ulrich, K., Weidmann, M., 2019. Characterisation of the first bovine parainfluenza virus 3 isolate detected in cattle in Turkey. Veterinary Science 6, 56.
  • Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W., Lipman, D.J., 1990. Basic local alignment search tool. Journal of Molecular Biology 215, 403–410.
  • Arslan, H.H., Küllük, E., 2017. Sığırlarda parainfluenza-3 virus enfeksiyonu. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal Veterinary Science İntern Med-Special Topics 3, 173-177.
  • Chamber, R., Takimoto, T., 2011. Encyclopedia of Life Science (ELS). In: Takimota T (eds). Parainfluenza Viruses. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Corpus ID: 84495941, p: 1-8.
  • Elenkumaran, S. 2013. Mononegaviruses of Veterinary Importance: Pathobiology and Molecular Diagnosis. In: Munir M (eds). Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3. Crayton: CPI Group, ISBN: 7817-8064-1799, p. 117-140.
  • Ellis, J.A. 2010. Bovine Parainfluenza-3 Virus. Veterinary Clinics of Food Animal Practice 26, 575–593.
  • Fulton, R.W. 2010. Bovine respiratory disease research (1983–2009). Animal Health Research Reviews 10, 131–139.
  • Karron, R.A., Collins, P.L. 2007. Fields Virology 5th Edition. In: Knipe DM, Howley PM (Eds). Parainfluenza viruses. Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins, ISNB: 9780-7817-60607, p. 1497–1526.
  • Lauring, A.S., Frydam, H., Andino, R. 2013. The role of mutational robustness in RNA virus evolution. Nature Reviews Microbiology 11, 327-336.
  • Maclachlan, N.J., Dubovi, E.J., Barthold, S.W., Swayne, D.E., Winton, J.R. 2017. Fenner’s Veterinary Virology 5th edition. In: Maclachlan NJ, Dubovi EJ (Eds). Paramyxoviridae and Pneumoviridae. San Diego: Elsevier Inc, ISBN: 9780-1280-09468, p:327-356.
  • Murphy, F.A., Gibbs, E.P., Horzinek, M.C., Studdert, M.J. 1999. Veterinary Virology 3rd Edition, California: Academic press, ISNB: 9780-0805-52033, p: 411-429.
  • Rima, B., Balkema-Buschmann, A., Dundon, W.G., Duprex, P., Easton, A., Fouchier, R., Kurath, G., Lamb, R., Lee, B., Rota, P., Wang, L., ICTV Report Consortium. 2019. ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Paramyxoviridae. Journal of General Virology 100, 1593-1594.
  • Sanjuán, R., Nebot, M.R., Chirico, N., Mansky, L.M., Belshaw, R. 2010. Viral mutation rates.Journal of Virology 84, 9733–9748.
  • Spilki, F.R. 2016. Mononegaviruses of Veterinary Importance Volume 2: Molecular Epidemiology and Control. In: Munir M (Eds). Bovine Parainfluenza virus 3. Crayton: CPI Group, ISNB: 9781780644172, p: 98-105.
  • Timurkan, M.O., Aydın, H., Sait, A. 2019. Identification and molecular characterisation of bovine parainfluenza virus-3 and bovine respiratory syncytial virus - first report from Turkey. Journal of Veterinary Research 63, 167-173.
  • Tiwari, K., Cornish, C., Gamble, B., Thomas, D., Sharma, R.N. 2016. Seroprevalence of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 (bPI-3V) in ruminants from Grenada. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 6, 23-27.
  • Yıldırım, Y., Yılmaz, V., Faraji, A. 2009. Seroprevalance of viral respiratory system infections in cattle in the border provinces of North-East Turkey. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 15, 601-609.

Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region with Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions

Year 2022, , 116 - 122, 26.08.2022


One of the major viral pathogens of respiratory system disease complex in cattle, BPIV 3 is a viral agent generally appearing during autumn and winter months in Northern Hemisphere and causing upper respiratory tract infections. Even though the isolates of this virus are in close antigenic relations, it is classified within three different genotypes as BPIV3 Genotype A, BPIV3 Genotype B and BPIV3 Genotype C. In this research, we aimed to compare the strains of BPIV 3 strain circulating around Western Mediterranean region of Turkey and isolated from different regions of this country and the reference strain of BPIV 3, Shipping Fever (SF-4) with amino acid and nucleotide positions. In the study, previously detected BUR/BPIV 3 isolate with M gene region partially analyzed was used. Phylogenetic researches carried out partially on M gene region in Turkey, different BPIV 3 isolates recorded in gene bank and amino acid and nucleotide positions of BPIV 3 strain detected by ourselves were compared. The changes in Turkey strains of BPIV 3 and nucleotide and amino acid positions of the reference strain were revealed. As a result, detecting base and codon differentiations caused by point mutations among BPIV 3 isolates and correspondingly the appearing amino acid changes was considered crucial in terms of revealing the immunization power of the strain to be used in vaccine production and providing the standardization of BPIV 3 molecular detection.

Supporting Institution

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Research Fund

Project Number



This research was supported by Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Research Fund (Project No: 0476-DR-17) as a PhD thesis on “Investigation of Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (BPIV3) in Cattle Using Direct Immunfluorescence (DIF) Test and Reverse Transcriptase - Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) Technique”.


  • Albayrak, H., Yazıcı, Z., Ozan, E., Tamer, C., Abdelwahed, A., Wehner, S., Ulrich, K., Weidmann, M., 2019. Characterisation of the first bovine parainfluenza virus 3 isolate detected in cattle in Turkey. Veterinary Science 6, 56.
  • Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W., Lipman, D.J., 1990. Basic local alignment search tool. Journal of Molecular Biology 215, 403–410.
  • Arslan, H.H., Küllük, E., 2017. Sığırlarda parainfluenza-3 virus enfeksiyonu. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal Veterinary Science İntern Med-Special Topics 3, 173-177.
  • Chamber, R., Takimoto, T., 2011. Encyclopedia of Life Science (ELS). In: Takimota T (eds). Parainfluenza Viruses. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Corpus ID: 84495941, p: 1-8.
  • Elenkumaran, S. 2013. Mononegaviruses of Veterinary Importance: Pathobiology and Molecular Diagnosis. In: Munir M (eds). Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3. Crayton: CPI Group, ISBN: 7817-8064-1799, p. 117-140.
  • Ellis, J.A. 2010. Bovine Parainfluenza-3 Virus. Veterinary Clinics of Food Animal Practice 26, 575–593.
  • Fulton, R.W. 2010. Bovine respiratory disease research (1983–2009). Animal Health Research Reviews 10, 131–139.
  • Karron, R.A., Collins, P.L. 2007. Fields Virology 5th Edition. In: Knipe DM, Howley PM (Eds). Parainfluenza viruses. Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins, ISNB: 9780-7817-60607, p. 1497–1526.
  • Lauring, A.S., Frydam, H., Andino, R. 2013. The role of mutational robustness in RNA virus evolution. Nature Reviews Microbiology 11, 327-336.
  • Maclachlan, N.J., Dubovi, E.J., Barthold, S.W., Swayne, D.E., Winton, J.R. 2017. Fenner’s Veterinary Virology 5th edition. In: Maclachlan NJ, Dubovi EJ (Eds). Paramyxoviridae and Pneumoviridae. San Diego: Elsevier Inc, ISBN: 9780-1280-09468, p:327-356.
  • Murphy, F.A., Gibbs, E.P., Horzinek, M.C., Studdert, M.J. 1999. Veterinary Virology 3rd Edition, California: Academic press, ISNB: 9780-0805-52033, p: 411-429.
  • Rima, B., Balkema-Buschmann, A., Dundon, W.G., Duprex, P., Easton, A., Fouchier, R., Kurath, G., Lamb, R., Lee, B., Rota, P., Wang, L., ICTV Report Consortium. 2019. ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Paramyxoviridae. Journal of General Virology 100, 1593-1594.
  • Sanjuán, R., Nebot, M.R., Chirico, N., Mansky, L.M., Belshaw, R. 2010. Viral mutation rates.Journal of Virology 84, 9733–9748.
  • Spilki, F.R. 2016. Mononegaviruses of Veterinary Importance Volume 2: Molecular Epidemiology and Control. In: Munir M (Eds). Bovine Parainfluenza virus 3. Crayton: CPI Group, ISNB: 9781780644172, p: 98-105.
  • Timurkan, M.O., Aydın, H., Sait, A. 2019. Identification and molecular characterisation of bovine parainfluenza virus-3 and bovine respiratory syncytial virus - first report from Turkey. Journal of Veterinary Research 63, 167-173.
  • Tiwari, K., Cornish, C., Gamble, B., Thomas, D., Sharma, R.N. 2016. Seroprevalence of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 (bPI-3V) in ruminants from Grenada. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 6, 23-27.
  • Yıldırım, Y., Yılmaz, V., Faraji, A. 2009. Seroprevalance of viral respiratory system infections in cattle in the border provinces of North-East Turkey. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 15, 601-609.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Ali Küçük 0000-0001-9929-1378

Yakup Yıldırım 0000-0003-4299-4712

Project Number 0476-DR-17
Publication Date August 26, 2022
Submission Date March 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Küçük, A., & Yıldırım, Y. (2022). Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region with Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 10(2), 116-122.
AMA Küçük A, Yıldırım Y. Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region with Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. August 2022;10(2):116-122. doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1094449
Chicago Küçük, Ali, and Yakup Yıldırım. “Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region With Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10, no. 2 (August 2022): 116-22.
EndNote Küçük A, Yıldırım Y (August 1, 2022) Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region with Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10 2 116–122.
IEEE A. Küçük and Y. Yıldırım, “Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region with Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 116–122, 2022, doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.1094449.
ISNAD Küçük, Ali - Yıldırım, Yakup. “Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region With Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10/2 (August 2022), 116-122.
JAMA Küçük A, Yıldırım Y. Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region with Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2022;10:116–122.
MLA Küçük, Ali and Yakup Yıldırım. “Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region With Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 10, no. 2, 2022, pp. 116-22, doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1094449.
Vancouver Küçük A, Yıldırım Y. Comparing The Reference Strains and Turkey Isolates of Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 (BPIV3) Detected Around Western Mediterranean Region with Its Amino Acid and Nucleotide Positions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2022;10(2):116-22.

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