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Year 2024, , 34 - 39, 28.12.2024



  • Ahima, R.S., Flier, J.S., 2000. Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 11, 327-332.
  • Ayşen, A., Işıl, Ş., Tanay, B., Handan, V., 2016. Kan leptin, ghrelin ve adiponektin düzeylerini etkileyen faktörler. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Veterinary Sciences 7, 15-23.
  • Barb, C.R., Hausman, G.J., Houseknecht, K.L., 2001. Biology of leptin in the pig. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 21, 297-317.
  • Biçici, Ö., Karakurum, M.Ç., 2024. Investigation of Adiponectin, Leptin and Ghrelin Levels and Evaluation of Metabolic Profiles in the Periparturient Period in Romanov Sheep. MAKU Journal of Health Science Institute 12(1), 26-39.
  • Casanueva, F., Dieguez, C., 2004. Ghrelin: a new hormone implicated in the regulation of growth hormone secretion and body energy homeostasis. Growth Genetics and Hormones 20, 1-8.
  • Cummings, E., Purnell, J.Q., Frayo, S.R., 2001. A preprandial rise in plasma ghrelin levels suggests a role in meal initiation in humans. Diabetes 50, 1714-1719.
  • Daniel, P., Denis, G., Baskin, D., Michael, S., 2002. Leptin and insulin action in the central nervous system. Nutrition Reviews 60, 20-29.
  • Date, Y., Murakami, N., Kojima, M., Kuroiwa, T., Matsukura, S., Kangawa, K., Nakazato, M., 2000. Central effects of a novel acylated peptide, ghrelin, on growth hormone release in rats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 275, 477-480.
  • Hayashida, T., Murakami, K., Mogi, K., Nishihara, M., Nakazato, M., Mondal, M.S., Horii, Y., Kojima, M., Kangawa, K., Murakami, N., 2001. Ghrelin in domestic animals: distribution in stomach and its possible role. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 21, 17-24.
  • Hekimoğlu, A., 2006. Leptin ve fizyopatolojik olaylardaki rolü. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 33, 259-267.
  • Hosoda, H., Masayasu, K., Kangawa, K., 2002. Ghrelin and the regulation of food intake and energy balance. Molecular Interventions 2, 494-503.
  • Kojima, M., Hosoda, H., Date, Y., Nakazato, M., Matsuo, H., Kangawa, K., 1999. Ghrelin is a growth hormone-releasing acylated peptide from stomach. Nature 402, 656-659.
  • Morton, G.J., Schwartz, M.W., 2001. The NPY/AgRP neuron and energy homeostasis. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 25, 56-62.
  • Nagaya, N., Kojima, M., Uematsu, M., Yamagishi, M., Hosoda, H., Oya, H., Hayashi, Y., Kangawa, K., 2001. Hemodynamic and hormonal effects of human ghrelin in healthy volunteers. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 280, 1483-1487.
  • Patel, K., Baatar, D., Taub, D.D., 2011. The effects of ghrelin on inflammation and the immune system. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 340, 44-58.
  • Rindi, G., Necchi, V., Savio, A., Torsello, A., Zoli, M., Locatelli, V., Raimondo, F., Cocchi, D., Solcia, E., 2002. Characterisation of gastric ghrelin cells in man and other mammals: studies in adult and fetal tissues. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 117, 511-519.
  • Soriano-Guillen, L., Barrios, V., Campos-Barros, A., Argente, J., 2004. Ghrelin levels in obesity and anorexia nervosa: effect of weight reduction or recuperation. The Journal of Pediatrics 144, 36-42.
  • Suzuki, A., Okamoto, S., Lee, S., Saito, K., Shiuchi, T., Minokushi, Y., 2007. Leptin stimulates fatty acid oxidation and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha gene expression in mouse C2C12 myoblasts by changing the subcellular localization of the alpha2 form of AMP-activated protein kinase. Molecular and Cellular Biology 27, 4317-4327.
  • Williams, G.L., Amstalden, M., Garcia, M.R., Stanko, R.L., Nizielski, S.E., Morrison, C.D., Keisler, D.H., 2002. Leptin and its role in the central regulation of reproduction in cattle. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 23, 339-349.
  • Wolinski, J., Słupecka, M., Romanowicz, K., 2014. Leptin and ghrelin levels in colostrum, milk, and blood plasma of sows and pig neonates during the first week of lactation. Animal Science Journal 85, 143-149.
  • Yiş, U., Öztürk, Y., Büyükgebiz, B., 2005. Ghrelin: enerji metabolizmasının düzenlenmesinde yeni bir hormon. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 48, 196-201.
  • Zhang, Y., Proenca, R., Maffei, M., Barone, M., Leopold, L., Friedman, J.M., 1994. Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue. Nature (Lond.) 372, 425-432.
  • Zizzari, P., Hassouna, R., Grouselle, D., Epelbaum, J., Tolle, V., 2011. Physiological roles of preproghrelin-derived peptides in GH secretion and feeding. Peptides 32, 2274-2282.

The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism

Year 2024, , 34 - 39, 28.12.2024


Leptin was first identified in 1994 by Zhang and colleagues as a signaling factor originating from adipose tissue. Its name is derived from the Greek word “leptos,” meaning “thin” or “slender”. While its primary site of secretion is white adipose tissue, leptin is also secreted in smaller amounts by brown adipose tissue, as well as by the placenta, skeletal muscle, stomach, mammary epithelium, and brain tissue. By acting at the hypothalamic level, leptin reduces appetite. Leptin is a 16-kilodalton, single-chain polypeptide hormone. Initially recognized for its role in satiety and energy balance, leptin was later identified as an anti-obesity factor that exerts feedback effects from adipocytes to the hypothalamus. It has been reported as a key physiological factor in mammals for preventing fat accumulation.Ghrelin, discovered in 1999 by Kojima and colleagues in the stomachs of mice, is a 28-amino acid oligopeptide hormone that stimulates the release of growth hormone. Although primarily secreted by stomach tissue, ghrelin is also produced by the brain, intestines, placenta, kidneys, pituitary gland, and pancreas. The name “ghrelin” is derived from the root “ghre,” meaning “grow,” in Indo-European languages, combined with “relin,” which implies secretion. Ghrelin is also referred to as the "appetite hormone. Isolated from mouse stomach tissue, this 28-amino acid peptide plays crucial physiological roles. Ghrelin has been reported to increase food intake, promote positive energy balance, and influence gastrointestinal motility, cell proliferation, bone metabolism, and reproduction.


  • Ahima, R.S., Flier, J.S., 2000. Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 11, 327-332.
  • Ayşen, A., Işıl, Ş., Tanay, B., Handan, V., 2016. Kan leptin, ghrelin ve adiponektin düzeylerini etkileyen faktörler. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Veterinary Sciences 7, 15-23.
  • Barb, C.R., Hausman, G.J., Houseknecht, K.L., 2001. Biology of leptin in the pig. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 21, 297-317.
  • Biçici, Ö., Karakurum, M.Ç., 2024. Investigation of Adiponectin, Leptin and Ghrelin Levels and Evaluation of Metabolic Profiles in the Periparturient Period in Romanov Sheep. MAKU Journal of Health Science Institute 12(1), 26-39.
  • Casanueva, F., Dieguez, C., 2004. Ghrelin: a new hormone implicated in the regulation of growth hormone secretion and body energy homeostasis. Growth Genetics and Hormones 20, 1-8.
  • Cummings, E., Purnell, J.Q., Frayo, S.R., 2001. A preprandial rise in plasma ghrelin levels suggests a role in meal initiation in humans. Diabetes 50, 1714-1719.
  • Daniel, P., Denis, G., Baskin, D., Michael, S., 2002. Leptin and insulin action in the central nervous system. Nutrition Reviews 60, 20-29.
  • Date, Y., Murakami, N., Kojima, M., Kuroiwa, T., Matsukura, S., Kangawa, K., Nakazato, M., 2000. Central effects of a novel acylated peptide, ghrelin, on growth hormone release in rats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 275, 477-480.
  • Hayashida, T., Murakami, K., Mogi, K., Nishihara, M., Nakazato, M., Mondal, M.S., Horii, Y., Kojima, M., Kangawa, K., Murakami, N., 2001. Ghrelin in domestic animals: distribution in stomach and its possible role. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 21, 17-24.
  • Hekimoğlu, A., 2006. Leptin ve fizyopatolojik olaylardaki rolü. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 33, 259-267.
  • Hosoda, H., Masayasu, K., Kangawa, K., 2002. Ghrelin and the regulation of food intake and energy balance. Molecular Interventions 2, 494-503.
  • Kojima, M., Hosoda, H., Date, Y., Nakazato, M., Matsuo, H., Kangawa, K., 1999. Ghrelin is a growth hormone-releasing acylated peptide from stomach. Nature 402, 656-659.
  • Morton, G.J., Schwartz, M.W., 2001. The NPY/AgRP neuron and energy homeostasis. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 25, 56-62.
  • Nagaya, N., Kojima, M., Uematsu, M., Yamagishi, M., Hosoda, H., Oya, H., Hayashi, Y., Kangawa, K., 2001. Hemodynamic and hormonal effects of human ghrelin in healthy volunteers. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 280, 1483-1487.
  • Patel, K., Baatar, D., Taub, D.D., 2011. The effects of ghrelin on inflammation and the immune system. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 340, 44-58.
  • Rindi, G., Necchi, V., Savio, A., Torsello, A., Zoli, M., Locatelli, V., Raimondo, F., Cocchi, D., Solcia, E., 2002. Characterisation of gastric ghrelin cells in man and other mammals: studies in adult and fetal tissues. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 117, 511-519.
  • Soriano-Guillen, L., Barrios, V., Campos-Barros, A., Argente, J., 2004. Ghrelin levels in obesity and anorexia nervosa: effect of weight reduction or recuperation. The Journal of Pediatrics 144, 36-42.
  • Suzuki, A., Okamoto, S., Lee, S., Saito, K., Shiuchi, T., Minokushi, Y., 2007. Leptin stimulates fatty acid oxidation and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha gene expression in mouse C2C12 myoblasts by changing the subcellular localization of the alpha2 form of AMP-activated protein kinase. Molecular and Cellular Biology 27, 4317-4327.
  • Williams, G.L., Amstalden, M., Garcia, M.R., Stanko, R.L., Nizielski, S.E., Morrison, C.D., Keisler, D.H., 2002. Leptin and its role in the central regulation of reproduction in cattle. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 23, 339-349.
  • Wolinski, J., Słupecka, M., Romanowicz, K., 2014. Leptin and ghrelin levels in colostrum, milk, and blood plasma of sows and pig neonates during the first week of lactation. Animal Science Journal 85, 143-149.
  • Yiş, U., Öztürk, Y., Büyükgebiz, B., 2005. Ghrelin: enerji metabolizmasının düzenlenmesinde yeni bir hormon. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 48, 196-201.
  • Zhang, Y., Proenca, R., Maffei, M., Barone, M., Leopold, L., Friedman, J.M., 1994. Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue. Nature (Lond.) 372, 425-432.
  • Zizzari, P., Hassouna, R., Grouselle, D., Epelbaum, J., Tolle, V., 2011. Physiological roles of preproghrelin-derived peptides in GH secretion and feeding. Peptides 32, 2274-2282.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Medicine
Journal Section Review

Yunus Emre Konuksever 0000-0003-3722-7885

Şima Şahinduran 0000-0002-7718-2020

Publication Date December 28, 2024
Submission Date November 28, 2024
Acceptance Date December 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Konuksever, Y. E., & Şahinduran, Ş. (2024). The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 12(3), 34-39.
AMA Konuksever YE, Şahinduran Ş. The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. December 2024;12(3):34-39. doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1592677
Chicago Konuksever, Yunus Emre, and Şima Şahinduran. “The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 12, no. 3 (December 2024): 34-39.
EndNote Konuksever YE, Şahinduran Ş (December 1, 2024) The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 12 3 34–39.
IEEE Y. E. Konuksever and Ş. Şahinduran, “The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 34–39, 2024, doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.1592677.
ISNAD Konuksever, Yunus Emre - Şahinduran, Şima. “The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 12/3 (December 2024), 34-39.
JAMA Konuksever YE, Şahinduran Ş. The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2024;12:34–39.
MLA Konuksever, Yunus Emre and Şima Şahinduran. “The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 12, no. 3, 2024, pp. 34-39, doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1592677.
Vancouver Konuksever YE, Şahinduran Ş. The Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones on Metabolism. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2024;12(3):34-9.

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