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Kalp Yetersizliği Olan Hastaların ve Bakım Verenlerinin Algıladıkları Yükün Karşılaştırılması

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 62 - 70, 30.04.2022


Bu araştırma kalp yetersizliği olan hastaların ve bakım verenlerinin algıladıkları yükün karşılaştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı ve korelasyonel nitelikte olan çalışma bir üniversite hastanesinin kardiyoloji servis ve polikliniğinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışma örneklemini araştırmaya dâhil etme kriterlerine uygun 95 hasta ve 95 bakım vereni oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama araçları olarak sosyodemografik özellikler formu bakım verenlerin yük algısını ölçmek amaçlı bakım veren yükü ölçeği ve hastaların yük algısını ölçmek amaçlı kendini yük olarak algılama ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Hasta ve bakım veren yük algısı arasındaki ilişki pearson korelasyon analizi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre hastaların Kendini Yük Olarak Algılama Ölçeği’nden aldıkları puan ortalaması 28.41 ± 9.72, bakım verenlerin Bakım Verme Yükü Ölçeği’nden aldıkları puan 32.56 ± 18.43 olarak bulunmuştur. Hastaların kendini yük olarak algılama ölçeği ile bakım verenlerin bakım verme yükü ölçeği puan ortalamaları arasında pozitif yönde orta düzeyde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır (r=.489 p=.000). Hastaların algıladığı yük puanı arttıkça bakım veren algıladığı yük puanı artmaktadır. Bu durum hastaların algıladığı yük arttıkça bakım veren yük algısının arttığını göstermektedir. Hasta ve bakım verenlerin yükünü azaltmaya yönelik girişimlerin planlanması, bu girişimlerin etkinliğini gösteren araştırmalar yapılması önerilmektedir.

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Project Number



  • Arechabala, M., Catoni, M., Barrios, S., Palma, E., 2012. Spanish validation of the “self-perception of burden of care scale” Acta Paul Enferm 25(1),140-5.
  • Aldred, H., Gott, M., Gariballa, S., 2005. Advanced heart failure:impact on older patients and informal carees. J. Adv.Nurs 49, 116-124.
  • Aksakoğlu, G., 2006. Research and Analysis in Health. 2nd Edition, D.E.Ü. Rektörlük Basımevi, Izmir.
  • Ågren, S., Strömberg, A., Jaarsma, T., Luttik, M.L., 2015. Caregiving tasks and caregiver burden; effects of an psycho-educational intervention in partners of patients with post-operative heart failure. Heart & Lung 44, 270- 275.
  • Ahmed, H.A., Ghaith, H., 2018. Effect of psycho-educational program on families’ perception of burden and attitudes toward mental illness among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Egyptian Nursing Journal 15, 331–344.
  • Barutcu, C.D., Mert, H., 2017. The psychometric properties of the turkish version of the self-perceived burden scale. International Journal of Caring Sciences 10(1), 30-36.
  • Bidwell, J.T., Vellone, E., Lyons, K.S. et al., 2015. Determinants of heart failure self-care maintenance and management in patients and caregivers: a dyadic analysis. Res Nurs Health 38, 392–402.
  • Cousineau, N., Mcdowell, I., Hotz, S., Hébert, P., 2003. Measuring chronic patients’ feelings of being a burden to their caregivers development and preliminary validation of a scale. Medical Care 41(1), 110–118.
  • Durante, A., Greco, A., Annoni, A.M., Steca, P., Alvaro1, R., Vellone, E., 2019. Determinants of caregiver burden in heart failure: does caregiver contribution to heart failure patient self-care increase caregiver burden? European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 18(8), 691–699.
  • Fishbain, D.A., Bruns, D., Bruns, A., Gao, J., Lewis, J.E., Meyer, L., 2016. The perception of being a burden in acute and chronic pain patients ıs associated with affirmation of different types of suicidality. Pain Medicine 17, 530–538
  • Grace, RF., Cohen, J., Egan S., Wells, T., Witherspoon, B., Ryan, A., Salek, S., Bodie, S., 2018. The burden of disease in pyruvate kinase deficiency: Patients’ perception of the impact on health-related quality of life Eur J Haematol 101, 758–765.
  • Greco, A., Pancani, L., Sala, M., 2017. Psychometric characteristics of the caregiver burden inventory in caregivers of adults with heart failure. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 16, 502–510.
  • Hwang, B., Moser, D.K., Dracup, K., 2014. Knowledge is insufficient for self-care among heart failure patients with psychological distress. Heal Psychol 33, 588–596.
  • Hu, X., Dolansky, M.A., Su, Y., 2016. Effect of a multidisciplinary supportive program for family caregivers of patients with heart failure on caregiver burden, quality of life, and depression: a randomized controlled study. Int J Nurs Stud 62, 11–21.
  • İnci, F.M., Erdem, M., 2008. Validity and reliability of the Turkish adaptation of the caregiving scale. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 11(4), 85-95
  • Jaarsma, T., Strömberg, A., Ben, Gal., 2013. Comparison of self-care behaviors of heart failure patients in 15 countries worldwide. Patient Educ Couns 92, 114–120.
  • Jing, Y., Wang, J., 2017. Self perceived burden and its influencing factors in patients with chronic heart failure, Modern Clinical Nursing 16(2), 9-14.
  • Kowal, J., Wilson, K., McWilliams, L., Péloquin, K., Duong, D., 2012. Self-perceived burden in chronic pain: Relevance, prevalence, and predictors. PAIN 153, 1735–1741.
  • McIlfatrick, S., Doherty, L.C., Murphy, M., Dixon, L., Donnelly, P., McDonald, K., Fitzsimons, D., 2018. The importance of planning for the future’: Burden and unmet needs of caregivers’ in advanced heart failure: A mixed methods study. Palliative Medicine 32(4), 881–890
  • McPherson, C.J., Wilson, K.G., Murray, M., 2007. Feeling like a burden: exploring the perspectives of patients at the end of life. Soc Sci Med 64, 417–27.
  • Man, A.Y., Wong, F.K., 2018. Effects of a home-based palliative heart failure program on quality of life, symptom burden, satisfaction and caregiver burden: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 55(1), 1-11.
  • Molloy, G.J., Johnston, D.W., Witham, M.D., 2005. Family caregiving and congestive heart failure. review and analysis. Eur J Heart Fail 7(4), 592–603.
  • Nieminen, M.S., Dickstein, K., Fonseca, C., 2015. The patient perspective: quality of life in advanced heart failure with frequent hospitalisations. Int J Cardiol 191, 256–264.
  • Oeki, M., Mogami, T., Hagino, H., 2012. Self-perceived burden in patients with cancer: Scale development and descriptive study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 16, 145-152.
  • Özer, N., Hacıalioğlu, N., Çevik Akyıl, R., Akpınar, R., 2006. The situation of patients feeling as a burden to their caregivers relatives. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 9(4), 31-37.
  • Özer, S., 2010. Quality of life of patients and caregivers with dementia. Turkısh Journal Of Gerıatrıcs 13(3), 27-35.
  • Ritchie, C.S., Zhao, F., Patel, K., Manola, J., Kvale, E., Snyder, C., Fisch, M., 2017. Association between patients’ perception of the comorbidity burden and symptoms in outpatients with common solid tumors. Cancer 3835-3842.
  • Ribé, J.M., Salamero, M., Pérez-Testor, C., Mercadal, J., Aguilera, C., Cleris, M., 2018. Quality of life in family caregivers of schizophrenia patients in Spain: caregiver characteristics, caregiving burden, family functioning, and social and professional support, International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 22(1), 25-33.
  • Savarese, G., Lund, L.H., 2017. Global public health burden of heart failure. Card Fail Rev 3, 7–11.
  • Strömberg, A., Luttik, M.L., 2015. Burden of caring: risks and consequences imposed on caregivers of those living and dying with advanced heart failure. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 9, 26–30.
  • Williams, S. W., Williams, C. S., Zimmerman, S., Munn., J., Dobbs, D., Sloane, P. D., 2008. Emotional and physical health of informal caregivers of residents at the end of life: The role of social support. Journal of Gerontology: Social Science 63, 171-183.
  • Wilkins, E., Wilson, L., Wickramasinghe, K., Bhatnagar, P., Leal, J., Luengo-Fernandez, R., Townsend, N., 2017. European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Brussels: European Heart Network. (Accessed 12 Jan 2022).
  • Xu, W., Tang, J., Chen, J., 2021. Influence of diagnostic ınforming on negative emotions, ıllness perception, self-perceived burden, and posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with gastrointestinal tumors. Hindawi Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1-6.
  • Vellone, E., Riegel, B., Alvaro, R., 2019. A situation-specific theory of caregiver contributions to heart failure self-care. J Cardiovasc Nurs 34, 166–173.
  • Zarit, S.H., Reever, K.E., Bach-Peterson, J., 1980. Relatives of the ımpaired elderly: correlates of feelings of burden. Gerontologist 20, 649-655.

Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients with Heart Failure and their Caregivers

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 62 - 70, 30.04.2022


This study was conducted to compare the perceived burden of heart failure patients and their caregivers. The descriptive and correlational study was conducted in the cardiology department and outpatient clinic of a university hospital. The study sample consisted of 95 patients and 95 caregivers who met the criteria for inclusion in the study. Sociodemographic characteristics form, Burden Interview to measure caregivers' burden and self-perceived burden scale to measure patients' burden were used as data collection tools. The relationship between patient and caregiver burden perception was examined using Pearson correlation analysis. According to the results of the research, the mean score of the patients from the self-perceived burden scale was 28.41 ± 9.72, and the score of the caregivers from the Burden Interview was 32.56 ± 18.43. It was determined that there was a moderately significant positive correlation between the patients' self-perceived burden scale and the caregivers' mean scores of the Burden Interview (r=.489 p=.000). As the burden score perceived by the patients increases, the perceived burden score of the caregiver increases. This shows that as the burden perceived by the patients increases, the perception of caregiver burden increases. It is recommended to plan interventions to reduce the burden of patients and caregivers, and to conduct research showing the effectiveness of these interventions.

Project Number



  • Arechabala, M., Catoni, M., Barrios, S., Palma, E., 2012. Spanish validation of the “self-perception of burden of care scale” Acta Paul Enferm 25(1),140-5.
  • Aldred, H., Gott, M., Gariballa, S., 2005. Advanced heart failure:impact on older patients and informal carees. J. Adv.Nurs 49, 116-124.
  • Aksakoğlu, G., 2006. Research and Analysis in Health. 2nd Edition, D.E.Ü. Rektörlük Basımevi, Izmir.
  • Ågren, S., Strömberg, A., Jaarsma, T., Luttik, M.L., 2015. Caregiving tasks and caregiver burden; effects of an psycho-educational intervention in partners of patients with post-operative heart failure. Heart & Lung 44, 270- 275.
  • Ahmed, H.A., Ghaith, H., 2018. Effect of psycho-educational program on families’ perception of burden and attitudes toward mental illness among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Egyptian Nursing Journal 15, 331–344.
  • Barutcu, C.D., Mert, H., 2017. The psychometric properties of the turkish version of the self-perceived burden scale. International Journal of Caring Sciences 10(1), 30-36.
  • Bidwell, J.T., Vellone, E., Lyons, K.S. et al., 2015. Determinants of heart failure self-care maintenance and management in patients and caregivers: a dyadic analysis. Res Nurs Health 38, 392–402.
  • Cousineau, N., Mcdowell, I., Hotz, S., Hébert, P., 2003. Measuring chronic patients’ feelings of being a burden to their caregivers development and preliminary validation of a scale. Medical Care 41(1), 110–118.
  • Durante, A., Greco, A., Annoni, A.M., Steca, P., Alvaro1, R., Vellone, E., 2019. Determinants of caregiver burden in heart failure: does caregiver contribution to heart failure patient self-care increase caregiver burden? European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 18(8), 691–699.
  • Fishbain, D.A., Bruns, D., Bruns, A., Gao, J., Lewis, J.E., Meyer, L., 2016. The perception of being a burden in acute and chronic pain patients ıs associated with affirmation of different types of suicidality. Pain Medicine 17, 530–538
  • Grace, RF., Cohen, J., Egan S., Wells, T., Witherspoon, B., Ryan, A., Salek, S., Bodie, S., 2018. The burden of disease in pyruvate kinase deficiency: Patients’ perception of the impact on health-related quality of life Eur J Haematol 101, 758–765.
  • Greco, A., Pancani, L., Sala, M., 2017. Psychometric characteristics of the caregiver burden inventory in caregivers of adults with heart failure. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 16, 502–510.
  • Hwang, B., Moser, D.K., Dracup, K., 2014. Knowledge is insufficient for self-care among heart failure patients with psychological distress. Heal Psychol 33, 588–596.
  • Hu, X., Dolansky, M.A., Su, Y., 2016. Effect of a multidisciplinary supportive program for family caregivers of patients with heart failure on caregiver burden, quality of life, and depression: a randomized controlled study. Int J Nurs Stud 62, 11–21.
  • İnci, F.M., Erdem, M., 2008. Validity and reliability of the Turkish adaptation of the caregiving scale. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 11(4), 85-95
  • Jaarsma, T., Strömberg, A., Ben, Gal., 2013. Comparison of self-care behaviors of heart failure patients in 15 countries worldwide. Patient Educ Couns 92, 114–120.
  • Jing, Y., Wang, J., 2017. Self perceived burden and its influencing factors in patients with chronic heart failure, Modern Clinical Nursing 16(2), 9-14.
  • Kowal, J., Wilson, K., McWilliams, L., Péloquin, K., Duong, D., 2012. Self-perceived burden in chronic pain: Relevance, prevalence, and predictors. PAIN 153, 1735–1741.
  • McIlfatrick, S., Doherty, L.C., Murphy, M., Dixon, L., Donnelly, P., McDonald, K., Fitzsimons, D., 2018. The importance of planning for the future’: Burden and unmet needs of caregivers’ in advanced heart failure: A mixed methods study. Palliative Medicine 32(4), 881–890
  • McPherson, C.J., Wilson, K.G., Murray, M., 2007. Feeling like a burden: exploring the perspectives of patients at the end of life. Soc Sci Med 64, 417–27.
  • Man, A.Y., Wong, F.K., 2018. Effects of a home-based palliative heart failure program on quality of life, symptom burden, satisfaction and caregiver burden: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 55(1), 1-11.
  • Molloy, G.J., Johnston, D.W., Witham, M.D., 2005. Family caregiving and congestive heart failure. review and analysis. Eur J Heart Fail 7(4), 592–603.
  • Nieminen, M.S., Dickstein, K., Fonseca, C., 2015. The patient perspective: quality of life in advanced heart failure with frequent hospitalisations. Int J Cardiol 191, 256–264.
  • Oeki, M., Mogami, T., Hagino, H., 2012. Self-perceived burden in patients with cancer: Scale development and descriptive study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 16, 145-152.
  • Özer, N., Hacıalioğlu, N., Çevik Akyıl, R., Akpınar, R., 2006. The situation of patients feeling as a burden to their caregivers relatives. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 9(4), 31-37.
  • Özer, S., 2010. Quality of life of patients and caregivers with dementia. Turkısh Journal Of Gerıatrıcs 13(3), 27-35.
  • Ritchie, C.S., Zhao, F., Patel, K., Manola, J., Kvale, E., Snyder, C., Fisch, M., 2017. Association between patients’ perception of the comorbidity burden and symptoms in outpatients with common solid tumors. Cancer 3835-3842.
  • Ribé, J.M., Salamero, M., Pérez-Testor, C., Mercadal, J., Aguilera, C., Cleris, M., 2018. Quality of life in family caregivers of schizophrenia patients in Spain: caregiver characteristics, caregiving burden, family functioning, and social and professional support, International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 22(1), 25-33.
  • Savarese, G., Lund, L.H., 2017. Global public health burden of heart failure. Card Fail Rev 3, 7–11.
  • Strömberg, A., Luttik, M.L., 2015. Burden of caring: risks and consequences imposed on caregivers of those living and dying with advanced heart failure. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 9, 26–30.
  • Williams, S. W., Williams, C. S., Zimmerman, S., Munn., J., Dobbs, D., Sloane, P. D., 2008. Emotional and physical health of informal caregivers of residents at the end of life: The role of social support. Journal of Gerontology: Social Science 63, 171-183.
  • Wilkins, E., Wilson, L., Wickramasinghe, K., Bhatnagar, P., Leal, J., Luengo-Fernandez, R., Townsend, N., 2017. European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Brussels: European Heart Network. (Accessed 12 Jan 2022).
  • Xu, W., Tang, J., Chen, J., 2021. Influence of diagnostic ınforming on negative emotions, ıllness perception, self-perceived burden, and posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with gastrointestinal tumors. Hindawi Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1-6.
  • Vellone, E., Riegel, B., Alvaro, R., 2019. A situation-specific theory of caregiver contributions to heart failure self-care. J Cardiovasc Nurs 34, 166–173.
  • Zarit, S.H., Reever, K.E., Bach-Peterson, J., 1980. Relatives of the ımpaired elderly: correlates of feelings of burden. Gerontologist 20, 649-655.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Canan Demir Barutcu 0000-0002-8430-5287

Hatice Mert 0000-0003-2449-2460

Project Number Bulunmamaktadır
Early Pub Date April 30, 2022
Publication Date April 30, 2022
Submission Date January 22, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Demir Barutcu, C., & Mert, H. (2022). Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients with Heart Failure and their Caregivers. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 10(1), 62-70.
AMA Demir Barutcu C, Mert H. Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients with Heart Failure and their Caregivers. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. April 2022;10(1):62-70. doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1061606
Chicago Demir Barutcu, Canan, and Hatice Mert. “Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients With Heart Failure and Their Caregivers”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10, no. 1 (April 2022): 62-70.
EndNote Demir Barutcu C, Mert H (April 1, 2022) Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients with Heart Failure and their Caregivers. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10 1 62–70.
IEEE C. Demir Barutcu and H. Mert, “Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients with Heart Failure and their Caregivers”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 62–70, 2022, doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.1061606.
ISNAD Demir Barutcu, Canan - Mert, Hatice. “Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients With Heart Failure and Their Caregivers”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10/1 (April 2022), 62-70.
JAMA Demir Barutcu C, Mert H. Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients with Heart Failure and their Caregivers. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2022;10:62–70.
MLA Demir Barutcu, Canan and Hatice Mert. “Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients With Heart Failure and Their Caregivers”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 10, no. 1, 2022, pp. 62-70, doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1061606.
Vancouver Demir Barutcu C, Mert H. Comparison of Perceived Burden of Patients with Heart Failure and their Caregivers. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2022;10(1):62-70.

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