Turkish cuisine culture varies depending on climate, geography, nature, war, migration, religious beliefs, customs, and traditions. Turkish cuisine, which has been enriched throughout history with the influence of various civilizations, has come to the fore with its flavors preferred all over the world. Ceremonial dishes, which gain meaning with certain rituals in Turkish cuisine, are eaten during ceremonies and with the participation of community members. This increases the importance of meals and shows that the food eaten is not just for satisfying hunger. Food and beverages served on special days and celebrations, religious and social festivals have a ceremonial meaning. It is understood that ceremonial meals have functions such as joy, celebration, commemoration, protection from evil spirits, status change, healing, and protection from diseases, blessings, receiving prayers, psychological relief, socialization, reinforcing unity and solidarity, gaining identity, preserving, and transmitting culture. Birth, circumcision, marriage and death, which are so-called "transition periods" in human life when ceremonial meals are held, as well as the religious Ramadan Eid, Eid al-Adha, Kandil nights, Ashura, Rain Prayer as well as various food, beverages and beverages on the days of Nevruz, Hıdırellez, Mating of Sheep and Crocus Day which are seasonal ceremonies. In Alevi culture, the dishes served during the Cem ceremony can also be included in the ceremonial food group. The food eaten in lodges and dervish lodges has a meaning as well. Almost all of these dishes are made and eaten at certain times on special occasions. In this article, ceremonial dishes within the Anatolian Turkish cuisine culture, which has a deep-rooted and rich accumulation, will be discussed and the preparation, purposes of eating place and time and meaning of the meals will be emphasized from a functional perspective. Thus, we will try to focus on the historical, social, cultural, religious, psychological and mythological foundations of these dishes, which gain meaning within the framework of the food-ritual relationship.
Keywords: Turkish Culture, Turkish Cuisine, Ritual Meals, Ritual and Function.
Turkish Culture Turkish Cuisine Ritual Meals Ritual Function
Türk Mutfağı kültürü iklim, coğrafya, doğa, savaş, göç, dinî inançlar, örf ve âdetlere bağlı olarak farklılık göstermektedir. Çeşitli uygarlıkların etkisiyle tarih boyunca zenginleşen Türk mutfağı, tüm dünyada tercih edilen lezzetleriyle ön plana çıkmıştır. Türk mutfağında belirli ritüeller ile anlam kazanan tören yemekleri, seremoniler ve toplum üyelerinin katılımı ile yenilmektedir. Bu da yemeklerin önemini arttırmakta ve yenilen yemeğin sadece açlığı giderme amaçlı olmadığını göstermektedir. Özel gün ve kutlamalarda, dinî ve toplumsal kökenli bayramlarda sunulan yiyecek ve içeceklerin törensel bir anlamı vardır. Tören yemeklerinin sevinç, kutlama, anma, kötü ruhlardan korunma, statü değişimi, şifa, hastalıklardan korunma, bereket, dua alma, nefis terbiyesi, psikolojik rahatlama, sosyalleşme, birlik ve beraberliği pekiştirme, kimlik kazanma, kültürü koruma ve aktarma gibi işlevlere sahip olduğu görülmektedir. İnsan hayatında “Geçiş dönemleri” olarak adlandırılan doğum, sünnet, evlenme ve ölüm, tören yemeklerinin yapıldığı zaman olmakla birlikte dinî nitelikte olan Ramazan bayramı, Kurban bayramı, Kandil geceleri, Aşure, Yağmur Duası ve ayrıca mevsimlik bayramlar olan Nevruz, Hıdrellez, Koç Katımı ve Çiğdem Günü etkinliklerinde çeşitli yiyecek, içecek ve yemekler hazırlanmaktadır. Alevi kültüründe Cem töreni sırasında ikram edilen yemekler de dinî tören yemekleri grubuna dâhil edilebilir. Yine dergâh ve tekkelerde yenilen yemeklerin de bir anlamı vardır. Söz konusu bu yemeklerin hemen hepsi belirli zamanlarda ve özel günlerde yapılmakta ve yenilmektedir. Bu makalede köklü ve zengin bir birikime sahip olan Anadolu sahası Türk mutfak kültürü içerisinde yer alan tören yemekleri ele alınacak ve işlevsel bir bakış açısıyla yemeklerin hazırlanma, yenme amacı, yenme yeri, zamanı ve anlamı üzerinde durulacaktır. Böylece yemek-ritüel ilişkisi çerçevesinde anlam kazanan bu yemeklerin tarihsel, toplumsal, kültürel, dinȋ, psikolojik ve mitolojik temellerine de inilmeye çalışılacaktır.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Türk Kültürü, Türk Mutfağı, Tören Yemekleri, Ritüel, İşlev.
Turkish cuisine culture varies depending on climate, geography, nature, war, migration, religious beliefs, customs, and traditions. Turkish cuisine, which has been enriched throughout history with the influence of various civilizations, has come to the fore with its flavors preferred all over the world. Ceremonial dishes, which gain meaning with certain rituals in Turkish cuisine, are eaten during ceremonies and with the participation of community members. This increases the importance of meals and shows that the food eaten is not just for satisfying hunger. Food and beverages served on special days and celebrations, religious and social festivals have a ceremonial meaning. It is understood that ceremonial meals have functions such as joy, celebration, commemoration, protection from evil spirits, status change, healing, and protection from diseases, blessings, receiving prayers, psychological relief, socialization, reinforcing unity and solidarity, gaining identity, preserving, and transmitting culture. Birth, circumcision, marriage and death, which are so-called "transition periods" in human life when ceremonial meals are held, as well as the religious Ramadan Eid, Eid al-Adha, Kandil nights, Ashura, Rain Prayer as well as various food, beverages and beverages on the days of Nevruz, Hıdırellez, Mating of Sheep and Crocus Day which are seasonal ceremonies. In Alevi culture, the dishes served during the Cem ceremony can also be included in the ceremonial food group. The food eaten in lodges and dervish lodges has a meaning as well. Almost all of these dishes are made and eaten at certain times on special occasions. In this article, ceremonial dishes within the Anatolian Turkish cuisine culture, which has a deep-rooted and rich accumulation, will be discussed and the preparation, purposes of eating place and time and meaning of the meals will be emphasized from a functional perspective. Thus, we will try to focus on the historical, social, cultural, religious, psychological and mythological foundations of these dishes, which gain meaning within the framework of the food-ritual relationship.
Keywords: Turkish Culture, Turkish Cuisine, Ritual Meals, Ritual and Function.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Türkiye Sahası Türk Halk Bilimi |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Erken Görünüm Tarihi | 23 Haziran 2024 |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 23 Haziran 2024 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 15 Nisan 2024 |
Kabul Tarihi | 16 Haziran 2024 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2024 |