Research Article
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Seasonal Analysis of Reyhanlı Dam Lake Zooplankton Fauna

Year 2024, , 47 - 57, 30.12.2024


This study was conducted seasonally in 2022 and 2023 in Reyhanlı Dam Lake (Hatay, Türkiye), which was established in 2020. Zooplankton fauna and main water quality characteristics were investigated. The average values of the water quality parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and pH) measured in the dam lake were determined to be of first class water quality. A total of 67 species were identified, of which fifty-four (54) species were Rotifera (80.60 %), 7 species were Copepoda (10.45 %) and 6 species were Cladocera (8.95 %). Brachionidae was the most abundant with 14 species, Chydoridae represented by two species and Cyclopidae were represented by 3 species. According to the frequency index, 3 species (F ≥ 76%) were classified as constant and 11 species (75% > F ≥ 51%) were classified as common. Of the 67 species recorded, only 29 species were very abundant (●) and abundant (○) in the different seasons. The highest species richness was recorded in the summer, with 54 species.

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  • Apaydın Yağcı, M. (2016). Variations in the zooplankton species structure of eutrophic lakes in Turkey. In M. N. Rashed (Ed.), Lake Sciences and Climate Change (Chapter 5, pp. 1-24). InTech Open.
  • Apostolov, A., & Marinov, T. M. (1988). Copepoda Harpacticoida (morski kharpaktikoidi). Copepoda, Harpacticoida (marine harpacticoids). Fauna Bulgarica, 18, 1–384. [in Bulgarian]
  • Arcifa, M. S., Castilho, M. S. M., & Carmouze, J. P. (1994). Composition et évolution du zooplancton dans unelagune tropicale (Brésil) au cours d ́une période marquée par une mortalité de poissons. Revue D'hydrobiologie Tropicale, 27, 251-263
  • Baribwegure, D., & Segers, H. (2001). Rotifera from Burundi: The Lepadellidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Hydrobiologia, 446/447, 247-254.
  • Bednarz, T., Starzecka, A., & Mazurkiewicz-Boroń, G. (2002). Microbiological processes accompanying the blooming of algae and cyanobacteria. Wiadomości Botaniczne, 46(1-2), 45-55 (in Polish).
  • Berzins, B., & Bertilsson, J. (1990). Occurrence of limnic microcrustaceans in relation to pH and humic content in Swedish water bodies. Hydrobiologia, 199, 65-71.
  • Borutsky, E. V. (1964). Freshwater Harpacticoida. Fauna of U.S.S.R. (Crustacea), Vol. 3. Israel Program for Scientific Translations 607.
  • Bozkurt, A., & Genç, M. A. (2018). Zooplankton fauna of some temporary volcanic lakes in Gaziantep. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research, 4(2), 118- 121.
  • Braioni, M. G., & Gelmini, D. (1983). Rotiferi Monogononti. Guida per il Riconoscimento Delle Specie Animali Delle Acque Interne Italiane. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (in Italian).
  • Brito, S. L., Maia-Barbosa, P. M., & Pinto-Coelho, R. M. (2011). Zooplankton as an indicator of trophic conditions in two large reservoirs in Brazil. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 16(4), 253-264.
  • Brun, P., Zimmermann, N. E., Graham, C. H., Lavergne, S., Pellissier, L., Münkemüller, T., & Thuiller, W. (2019). The productivity-biodiversity relationship varies across diversity dimensions. Natural Communation, 10, 5691. 13678-1
  • Ceirans, A. (2007). Zooplankton indicators of trophy in Latvian lakes. Acta Universitatis Latviensis, 723, 61-69.
  • Crosetti, D., & Margaritora, F. G. (1987). Distribution and life cycles of cladocerans in temporary pools from central Italy. Freshwater Biology, 18, 165-175.
  • Damian-Georgescu, A. (1970). Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania, Crustacea. Vol. IV. Fasc. 11. Copepoda, Harpacticoida. Ed. Acad. R.P.R.
  • De Manuel Barrabin, J. (2000). The rotifers of Spanish reservoirs: Ecological, systematical and zoogeographical remarks. Limnetica, 19, 91-167.
  • De Ridder, M., & Segers, H. (1997). Rotifera Monogononta in six zoogeographical regions after publications between 1960-1992. Van Goethem, J. (Ed.), Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 481.
  • De Smet, W. H. (1993). Report on rotifers from Barentsoya, Svalbard (78°30’N). Fauna Norvegica Series, A 14, 1-26.
  • De Smet, W. H. (1996). The Prolidae (Monogononta). Vol. 4. SPB Academic Publishing.
  • Defaye, D., & Dussart, B. (2011). World directory of Crustacea: Copepoda of inland waters. Backhuys & Margraf, Weikersheim.
  • Dorak, Z. (2013). Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya river basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables. Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 19(1), 1- 22.
  • Dorak, Z., Köker, L., Gaygusuz, Ö., Gürevin, C., Akçaalan, R. & Albay, M. (2019). Zooplankton biodiversity in reservoirs of different geographical regions of Türkiye: Composition and distribution related with some environmental conditions. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 34(1): 29-38.
  • Dussart, B. (1967). Les Copepodes des eaux continentales d'europe occidentale, tomeı, calanoides et harpacticoides. Editions N. Boubee, et cie, Paris, 500 pp.
  • Dussart, B. H. (1969). Les Copepodes de eaux continentales d'Europe occidentale. Tome 2, Cyclopoides et biologie. Boubée et Cie.
  • Estlander, S., Nurminen, L., Olin, M., Vinni, M., & Horppila, J. (2009). Seasonal fluctuations in macrophyte cover and water transparency of four brown-water lakes: implications for crustacean zooplankton in littoral and pelagic habitats. Hydrobiologia, 620, 109-120.
  • Fontaneto, D., De Smet, W. H., & Ricci, C. (2006). Rotifers in thalassic environments: Re-evaluation of an inconspicuous taxon. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86(4), 623-656.
  • Hansen, A. M. & Jeppesen, E. (1992). Life cycle of Cyclops vicinus in relation to food availability, predation, diapause and temperature. Journal of Plankton Research, 14(4), 591-605.
  • Hart, R. C. (1990). Copepod post-embryonic durations: pattern, conformity, and predictability. The realities of isochronal and equiproportional development, and trends in the copepodids–naupliar duration ratio. Hydrobiologia, 206, 175-206.
  • Heneash, A. M. M., & Alprol, A. E. (2020). Monitoring of water quality and zooplankton community in presence of different dietary levels of commercial wood charcoal of red tilapia. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 11(6), 592. 9546.20.11.592
  • Herzig, A. (1987). The analysis of planktonic rotifer populations: Plea for long-term investigations. Hydrobiologia, 147, 163-180.
  • Hingley, M. (1993). Microscopic Life in Sphagnum. Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd.
  • Holynska, M., Reid, J. W., & Ueda, H. (2003). Genus Mesocyclops Sars, 1914. In H. Ueda & J. W. Reid (Eds.), Copepoda: Cyclopoida Genera Mesocyclops and Thermocyclops (pp. 12-214). Backhuys Publishers.
  • Hossain, M. M. M., Ferdoushi, J., & Rupom, A. (2018). Biology of anchor worms (Lernaea cyprinacea). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(1), 910-917.
  • Hutchinson, G. E. (1967). A treatise on limnology. Vol. 2. Introduction to lake biology and the limnoplankton. Wiley.
  • İpek Alış, N., & Saler, S. (2016). Zooplankton Fauna of Özlüce Dam Lake (Bingöl - Turkey). BEU Journal of Science, 5(1), 86-90.
  • Ismail, A. H., & Adnan, M. A. A. (2016). Zooplankton composition and abundance as indicators of eutrophication in two small man-made lakes. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 27(Supp. 1), 31-38.
  • Ivanova, M. B., & Kazantseva, T. I. (2006). Effect of water pH and total dissolved solids on the species diversity of pelagic zooplankton in lakes: A statistical analysis. Russian Journal of Ecology, 37(4), 264-270.
  • Jamila, I., Yousuf, A. R., & Parveen, M. (2014). Rotifer community of Manasbal Lake of Kashmir. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 1(6), 190-198.
  • Jana, B. B. & Pal, G. P. (1985). Life history parameters of Moina micrura (Kurz.) grown in different culturing media. Water Research, 19, 863-867.
  • Jersabek, C. D., & Bolortsetseg, E. (2010). Mongolian rotifers (Rotifera, Monogononta): A checklist with annotations on global distribution and autecology. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 159, 119-168.
  • Karaytug, S. (1999). Genera Paracyclops, Ochridacyclops and Key to the Eucyclopinae. Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World. Backhuys.
  • Karpowicz, M., Ejsmont-Karabin, J., Kozłowska, J., Feniova, I., & Dzialowski, A. R. (2020). Zooplankton community responses to oxygen stress. Water, 12, 706.
  • Keppeler, E. C. (2003). Comparative study of the zooplankton composition of two lacustrine ecosystems of southwestern Amazonia. Acta Scientiarum, 25, 467–477.
  • Keppeler, E. C., & Hardy, E. R. (2004). Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the water column of Lago Amapá, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 21(2), 169-177.
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Reyhanlı Baraj Gölü Zooplankton Faunasının Mevsimsel Analizi

Year 2024, , 47 - 57, 30.12.2024


Bu çalışma, 2020 yılında inşaası tamamlanan Reyhanlı Baraj Gölü'nde 2022 ve 2023 yıllarında mevsimsel olarak yürütülmüştür. Bazı su kalitesi özellikleri ve zooplankton faunası araştırılmıştır. Su kalitesi parametrelerinin ortalama değerleri; Su sıcaklığı 19,89±5,80°C, çözünmüş oksijen 8,75±0,59 mgL-1, iletkenlik 187±43,23 μS cm-1 ve pH 8,18±0,51 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Elli dört (54) türün Rotifera (%80,60), 7 türün Kopepoda (%10,45) ve 6 türün Kladosera (%8,95) olmak üzere toplam 67 tür tespit edilmiştir. Brachionidae 14 türle en fazla bulunan tür olurken, Chydoridae iki türle, Cyclopidae ise 3 türle temsil edildi. Kaydedilen 67 türden yalnızca 29 türün farklı mevsimlerde çok bol (+++) ve bol (++) olduğu, diğer türlerin ise sayıca daha az olduğu görüldü. Zooplankton türlerinin çoğu yaz aylarında 54 türle kaydedilmiştir.

Project Number



  • Apaydın Yağcı, M. (2016). Variations in the zooplankton species structure of eutrophic lakes in Turkey. In M. N. Rashed (Ed.), Lake Sciences and Climate Change (Chapter 5, pp. 1-24). InTech Open.
  • Apostolov, A., & Marinov, T. M. (1988). Copepoda Harpacticoida (morski kharpaktikoidi). Copepoda, Harpacticoida (marine harpacticoids). Fauna Bulgarica, 18, 1–384. [in Bulgarian]
  • Arcifa, M. S., Castilho, M. S. M., & Carmouze, J. P. (1994). Composition et évolution du zooplancton dans unelagune tropicale (Brésil) au cours d ́une période marquée par une mortalité de poissons. Revue D'hydrobiologie Tropicale, 27, 251-263
  • Baribwegure, D., & Segers, H. (2001). Rotifera from Burundi: The Lepadellidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Hydrobiologia, 446/447, 247-254.
  • Bednarz, T., Starzecka, A., & Mazurkiewicz-Boroń, G. (2002). Microbiological processes accompanying the blooming of algae and cyanobacteria. Wiadomości Botaniczne, 46(1-2), 45-55 (in Polish).
  • Berzins, B., & Bertilsson, J. (1990). Occurrence of limnic microcrustaceans in relation to pH and humic content in Swedish water bodies. Hydrobiologia, 199, 65-71.
  • Borutsky, E. V. (1964). Freshwater Harpacticoida. Fauna of U.S.S.R. (Crustacea), Vol. 3. Israel Program for Scientific Translations 607.
  • Bozkurt, A., & Genç, M. A. (2018). Zooplankton fauna of some temporary volcanic lakes in Gaziantep. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research, 4(2), 118- 121.
  • Braioni, M. G., & Gelmini, D. (1983). Rotiferi Monogononti. Guida per il Riconoscimento Delle Specie Animali Delle Acque Interne Italiane. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (in Italian).
  • Brito, S. L., Maia-Barbosa, P. M., & Pinto-Coelho, R. M. (2011). Zooplankton as an indicator of trophic conditions in two large reservoirs in Brazil. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 16(4), 253-264.
  • Brun, P., Zimmermann, N. E., Graham, C. H., Lavergne, S., Pellissier, L., Münkemüller, T., & Thuiller, W. (2019). The productivity-biodiversity relationship varies across diversity dimensions. Natural Communation, 10, 5691. 13678-1
  • Ceirans, A. (2007). Zooplankton indicators of trophy in Latvian lakes. Acta Universitatis Latviensis, 723, 61-69.
  • Crosetti, D., & Margaritora, F. G. (1987). Distribution and life cycles of cladocerans in temporary pools from central Italy. Freshwater Biology, 18, 165-175.
  • Damian-Georgescu, A. (1970). Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania, Crustacea. Vol. IV. Fasc. 11. Copepoda, Harpacticoida. Ed. Acad. R.P.R.
  • De Manuel Barrabin, J. (2000). The rotifers of Spanish reservoirs: Ecological, systematical and zoogeographical remarks. Limnetica, 19, 91-167.
  • De Ridder, M., & Segers, H. (1997). Rotifera Monogononta in six zoogeographical regions after publications between 1960-1992. Van Goethem, J. (Ed.), Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 481.
  • De Smet, W. H. (1993). Report on rotifers from Barentsoya, Svalbard (78°30’N). Fauna Norvegica Series, A 14, 1-26.
  • De Smet, W. H. (1996). The Prolidae (Monogononta). Vol. 4. SPB Academic Publishing.
  • Defaye, D., & Dussart, B. (2011). World directory of Crustacea: Copepoda of inland waters. Backhuys & Margraf, Weikersheim.
  • Dorak, Z. (2013). Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya river basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables. Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 19(1), 1- 22.
  • Dorak, Z., Köker, L., Gaygusuz, Ö., Gürevin, C., Akçaalan, R. & Albay, M. (2019). Zooplankton biodiversity in reservoirs of different geographical regions of Türkiye: Composition and distribution related with some environmental conditions. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 34(1): 29-38.
  • Dussart, B. (1967). Les Copepodes des eaux continentales d'europe occidentale, tomeı, calanoides et harpacticoides. Editions N. Boubee, et cie, Paris, 500 pp.
  • Dussart, B. H. (1969). Les Copepodes de eaux continentales d'Europe occidentale. Tome 2, Cyclopoides et biologie. Boubée et Cie.
  • Estlander, S., Nurminen, L., Olin, M., Vinni, M., & Horppila, J. (2009). Seasonal fluctuations in macrophyte cover and water transparency of four brown-water lakes: implications for crustacean zooplankton in littoral and pelagic habitats. Hydrobiologia, 620, 109-120.
  • Fontaneto, D., De Smet, W. H., & Ricci, C. (2006). Rotifers in thalassic environments: Re-evaluation of an inconspicuous taxon. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86(4), 623-656.
  • Hansen, A. M. & Jeppesen, E. (1992). Life cycle of Cyclops vicinus in relation to food availability, predation, diapause and temperature. Journal of Plankton Research, 14(4), 591-605.
  • Hart, R. C. (1990). Copepod post-embryonic durations: pattern, conformity, and predictability. The realities of isochronal and equiproportional development, and trends in the copepodids–naupliar duration ratio. Hydrobiologia, 206, 175-206.
  • Heneash, A. M. M., & Alprol, A. E. (2020). Monitoring of water quality and zooplankton community in presence of different dietary levels of commercial wood charcoal of red tilapia. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 11(6), 592. 9546.20.11.592
  • Herzig, A. (1987). The analysis of planktonic rotifer populations: Plea for long-term investigations. Hydrobiologia, 147, 163-180.
  • Hingley, M. (1993). Microscopic Life in Sphagnum. Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd.
  • Holynska, M., Reid, J. W., & Ueda, H. (2003). Genus Mesocyclops Sars, 1914. In H. Ueda & J. W. Reid (Eds.), Copepoda: Cyclopoida Genera Mesocyclops and Thermocyclops (pp. 12-214). Backhuys Publishers.
  • Hossain, M. M. M., Ferdoushi, J., & Rupom, A. (2018). Biology of anchor worms (Lernaea cyprinacea). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(1), 910-917.
  • Hutchinson, G. E. (1967). A treatise on limnology. Vol. 2. Introduction to lake biology and the limnoplankton. Wiley.
  • İpek Alış, N., & Saler, S. (2016). Zooplankton Fauna of Özlüce Dam Lake (Bingöl - Turkey). BEU Journal of Science, 5(1), 86-90.
  • Ismail, A. H., & Adnan, M. A. A. (2016). Zooplankton composition and abundance as indicators of eutrophication in two small man-made lakes. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 27(Supp. 1), 31-38.
  • Ivanova, M. B., & Kazantseva, T. I. (2006). Effect of water pH and total dissolved solids on the species diversity of pelagic zooplankton in lakes: A statistical analysis. Russian Journal of Ecology, 37(4), 264-270.
  • Jamila, I., Yousuf, A. R., & Parveen, M. (2014). Rotifer community of Manasbal Lake of Kashmir. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 1(6), 190-198.
  • Jana, B. B. & Pal, G. P. (1985). Life history parameters of Moina micrura (Kurz.) grown in different culturing media. Water Research, 19, 863-867.
  • Jersabek, C. D., & Bolortsetseg, E. (2010). Mongolian rotifers (Rotifera, Monogononta): A checklist with annotations on global distribution and autecology. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 159, 119-168.
  • Karaytug, S. (1999). Genera Paracyclops, Ochridacyclops and Key to the Eucyclopinae. Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World. Backhuys.
  • Karpowicz, M., Ejsmont-Karabin, J., Kozłowska, J., Feniova, I., & Dzialowski, A. R. (2020). Zooplankton community responses to oxygen stress. Water, 12, 706.
  • Keppeler, E. C. (2003). Comparative study of the zooplankton composition of two lacustrine ecosystems of southwestern Amazonia. Acta Scientiarum, 25, 467–477.
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There are 80 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Hydrobiology
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Bozkurt 0000-0001-6673-550X

Project Number -
Early Pub Date December 5, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date May 21, 2024
Acceptance Date September 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Bozkurt, A. (2024). Seasonal Analysis of Reyhanlı Dam Lake Zooplankton Fauna. Marine and Life Sciences, 6(2), 47-57.

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