Syngnathiformes ordosu türlerinde Vücut yüzey alanı ve Aspect ratio ait bazı tespitler
Year 2024,
, 101 - 104, 30.12.2024
Şule Gürkan
Ertan Taşkavak
Simge Bozkaya
Balıklarda yüzme yeteneği vücut şekliyle doğrudan ilişkili olup yüzme hızında ve vücut yüzey alanının belirlenmesinde farklı değerlerle ifade edilmektedir. Vücudun yüzey alanı hesaplanmasında boy yada ağırlığa bağlı sonuçlarla ortaya konarak elde edilen sabit değerin pelajik ve bentik türlere göre farklı olduğu bilinmektedir. Bununla birlikte en-boy oranı besin tüketim şekliyle yakından ilişkili olduğu kadar doğal ortamlarında mevcut avcılarından kaçma hareketini gerçekleştirmede etkin olan yüzme hızıyla da bağlantılıdır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye kıyılarından yakalanan Syngnathiformes ordosuna ait dokuz türe ait bireyde vücut yüzey alanı ve aspact ratio değerlerine ait sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar ordo üyeleri için karşılaştırma niteliğindedir.
- Ayana, P. P., & Ganga, U. (2019). Aspect ratio of marine fishes from India. Marine Fisheries Information Service Technical & Extension Series No. 241:10-13.
- Bainbridge, R. (1963). Caudal fin and body movement in the propulsion of some fish. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 40(1), 23-56.
- Blake, R. W. (1983). Functional design and burst-and-coast swimming in fishes. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 61(11), 2491-2494.
- Fisher, R., & Bellwood, D. (2002). The influence of swimming speed on sustained swimming performance of late-stage reef fish larvae. Marine Biology, 140, 801-807.
- Gray, I. E. (1953). The relation of body weight to body surface area in marine fishes. The Biological Bulletin, 105(2), 285-288.
- Jaworski, A. & Holm, J. C. (1992). Distribution and structure of the population of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer, on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. under typical rearing conditions. Aquaculture Research, 23(5), 577–589.
- Kayser, C. (1951). La loi des surfaces. Revolutionary Science, 89(5), 267-278.
- Langerhans, R. B., & Reznick, D. N. (2010). Ecology and evolution of swimming performance in fishes: predicting evolution with biomechanics. Fish locomotion: an eco-ethological perspective, 200, 248.
- O'Shea, B., Mordue-Luntz, A. J., Fryer, R J., Pert, C. C., & Bricknell, I. R. (2006). Determination of the surface area of a fish. Journal of Fish Diseases, 29(7), 437-440.
- Pauly, D. (1989). A simple index of metabolic level in fishes. Fishbyte, 7(1), 22.
- Ricker, W.E. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Bulletin, 191, 1-382.
- Sambilay, V. C. Jr. (1990). Interrelationships between swimming speed, caudal fin aspect ratio and body length of fishes. Fishbyte, 8(3),16-20.
- Sébert, P., Vettier, A., & Belhomme, M. (2004). A simple relationship to calculate eel surface area. Animal Biology, 54(2), 131-136.
- Videler, J. J. (1993). Fish swimming. In Chapman and Hall, London. pp. 260.
- Webb, P. W. (1984). Form and function in fish swimming. Scientific American, 251: 58-68.
- Westneat, Mark W. & Wainwright, Stephen A. (2001). Mechanical design for swimming: muscle, tendon and bone. In Block B., & Stevens, D. (Eds.) Tuna: Physiology, Ecology and Evolution. (pp. 271-311). Academic Press.
Observations on Body Surface Area and Aspect Ratio in Various Species of the Order Syngnathiformes
Year 2024,
, 101 - 104, 30.12.2024
Şule Gürkan
Ertan Taşkavak
Simge Bozkaya
Swimming ability in fish is directly related to body shape, manifesting in various values for swimming speed and body surface area. The constant value used in calculating body surface area derived from length or weight measurements differs between pelagic and benthic species. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is closely related to the feeding pattern, as well as being connected to the swimming speed which is effective in executing escape movements from existing predators in their natural environments. This study presents body surface area and aspect ratio values for nine Syngnathiformes species caught off Turkish coasts. It aims to provide a comparative scientific contribution for members of this order.
- Ayana, P. P., & Ganga, U. (2019). Aspect ratio of marine fishes from India. Marine Fisheries Information Service Technical & Extension Series No. 241:10-13.
- Bainbridge, R. (1963). Caudal fin and body movement in the propulsion of some fish. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 40(1), 23-56.
- Blake, R. W. (1983). Functional design and burst-and-coast swimming in fishes. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 61(11), 2491-2494.
- Fisher, R., & Bellwood, D. (2002). The influence of swimming speed on sustained swimming performance of late-stage reef fish larvae. Marine Biology, 140, 801-807.
- Gray, I. E. (1953). The relation of body weight to body surface area in marine fishes. The Biological Bulletin, 105(2), 285-288.
- Jaworski, A. & Holm, J. C. (1992). Distribution and structure of the population of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer, on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. under typical rearing conditions. Aquaculture Research, 23(5), 577–589.
- Kayser, C. (1951). La loi des surfaces. Revolutionary Science, 89(5), 267-278.
- Langerhans, R. B., & Reznick, D. N. (2010). Ecology and evolution of swimming performance in fishes: predicting evolution with biomechanics. Fish locomotion: an eco-ethological perspective, 200, 248.
- O'Shea, B., Mordue-Luntz, A. J., Fryer, R J., Pert, C. C., & Bricknell, I. R. (2006). Determination of the surface area of a fish. Journal of Fish Diseases, 29(7), 437-440.
- Pauly, D. (1989). A simple index of metabolic level in fishes. Fishbyte, 7(1), 22.
- Ricker, W.E. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Bulletin, 191, 1-382.
- Sambilay, V. C. Jr. (1990). Interrelationships between swimming speed, caudal fin aspect ratio and body length of fishes. Fishbyte, 8(3),16-20.
- Sébert, P., Vettier, A., & Belhomme, M. (2004). A simple relationship to calculate eel surface area. Animal Biology, 54(2), 131-136.
- Videler, J. J. (1993). Fish swimming. In Chapman and Hall, London. pp. 260.
- Webb, P. W. (1984). Form and function in fish swimming. Scientific American, 251: 58-68.
- Westneat, Mark W. & Wainwright, Stephen A. (2001). Mechanical design for swimming: muscle, tendon and bone. In Block B., & Stevens, D. (Eds.) Tuna: Physiology, Ecology and Evolution. (pp. 271-311). Academic Press.