Year 2025,
, 43 - 48, 29.01.2025
Rifat Mert Gülmez
Yunus Dönder
Sedat Çarkıt
Yusuf Sevim
- Özer B, Tatar C, Benek S, et al. The comparison of anterior
and posterior herniorraphy operations in recurrent inguinal
hernias. Med Bull Haseki 2016; 54:90-3. doi: 10.4274/
- Yu PW, Hao YX. [Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment on
the adult groin hernia]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 2018; 56:
495-8. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0529-5815.2018.08.002.
- Öberg S, Andresen K, Rosenberg J. Etiology of inguinal
hernias: A comprehensive review. Front Surg 2017; 4: 52. doi:
- Simons M P, Aufenacker T, Bay-Nielsen M, et al. European
Hernia Society guidelines on the treatment of inguinal hernia
in adult patients. Hernia 2009; 13: 343-403. doi: 10.1007/
- Huang C C, Tai F C, Chou T H, et al. Quality of life of inguinal
hernia patients in Taiwan: The application of the herniaspecific
quality of life assessment instrument. PLoS One 2017;
12: e0183138. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183138.
- Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz M B.
Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of selfreport
measures. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2000; 25: 3186-91. doi:
- Guillemin F, Bombardier C, Beaton D. Cross-cultural
adaptation of health-related quality of life measures: literature
review and proposed guidelines. J Clin Epidemiol 1993; 46:
1417-32. doi: 10.1016/0895-4356(93)90142-n.
- Cronbach L J. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure
of tests. Psychometrika 1951; 16: 297-334. doi: 10.1007/
- Turan E, Arslan K, Erenoğlu B, et al. Kasık fıtıklarında
Lichtenstein ve Desarda onarımlarının postoperatif kronik
ağrı ve nüks yönünden karşılaştırılması:prospektif randomize
bir çalışma. Med J SDU 2022; 29:454-61. doi: 10.17343/
- Köckerling F, Simons M P. Current concepts of inguinal hernia
repair. Visc Med 2018; 34: 145-50. doi: 10.1159/000487278.
- World Health Organization. Division of Mental Health and
Prevention of Substance, WHOQOL: measuring quality of
life. 1997, World Health Organization: Geneva.
- Pequeno N P F, Cabral N L A, Marchioni D M, Lima S, Lyra C
O. Quality of life assessment instruments for adults: a systematic
review of population-based studies. Health Qual Life Outcomes
2020; 18: 208. doi: 10.1186/s12955.020.01347-7.
- Urbach D R. Measuring quality of life after surgery. Surg
Innov 2005; 12: 161-5. doi: 10.1177/155.335.060501200216.
- Parseliunas A, Paskauskas S, Simatoniene V, Vaitekunas J,
Venskutonis D. Adaptation and validation of the Carolinas
Comfort Scale: a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study.
Hernia 2022; 26: 735-44. doi: 10.1007/s10029.021.02399-4.
- Heniford B T, Lincourt A, Walters A, et al. Carolinas Comfort
Scale as a measure of hernia repair quality of life: A reappraisal
utilizing 3788 international patients. Ann Surg 2016; 267: 1.
doi: 10.1097/SLA.000.000.0000002027.
- Staerkle R F, Vuille-Dit-Bille R N, Fink L, Soll C, Villiger P.
Chronic pain and quality of life after inguinal hernia repair
using the COMI-hernia score. Langenbecks Arch Surg 2017;
402: 935-47. doi: 10.1007/s00423.017.1592-7.
- Fränneby U, Gunnarsson U, Andersson M, et al. Validation
of an Inguinal Pain Questionnaire for assessment of chronic
pain after groin hernia repair. Br J Surg 2008; 95: 488-93. doi:
- Kehlet H, Bay-Nielsen M, Kingsnorth A. Chronic
postherniorrhaphy pain – a call for uniform assessment.
Hernia 2002; 6: 178-81. doi: 10.1007/s10029.002.0082-0.
- Loos M J, Scheltinga M R, Roumen R M. Tailored neurectomy
for treatment of postherniorrhaphy inguinal neuralgia.
Surgery 2010; 147: 275-81. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2009.08.008.
- Croghan S M, Fleming C A , Mohan H M, et al. Retention of
urine after inguinal hernia elective repair (RETAINER study I
and II). Int J Surg Protoc 2021; 25: 42-54. doi: 10.29337/ijsp.137.
- Cihan A, Ozdemir H, Uçan B H, et al. Fade or fate. Surg
Endosc 2006; 20: 325-8. doi: 10.1007/s00464.005.0052-6.
- Eklund A, Rudberg C, Smedberg S, et al. Short-term results
of a randomized clinical trial comparing Lichtenstein open
repair with totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal hernia
repair. Br J Surg 2006; 93: 1060-8. doi: 10.1002/bjs.5405.
Turkish validation of the Hernia-Specific Quality of Life Assessment Instrument
Year 2025,
, 43 - 48, 29.01.2025
Rifat Mert Gülmez
Yunus Dönder
Sedat Çarkıt
Yusuf Sevim
Objective: In this study, we aimed to verify the validity of the Hernia Specific Quality of Life (HERQL) questionnaire, which measures
functional performance and postoperative quality of life, in the Turkish language and also to evaluate the quality of life of our patients.
Patients and Methods: One hundred and one patients who underwent inguinal hernia repair at Kayseri City Training and Research
Hospital, Department of General Surgery between July 2021 and September 2021 were prospectively included in this study. The
HERQL questionnaire was administered to patients preoperatively, then on the first day and at the third month postoperatively.
Quality of life, summative pain and satisfaction scores were determined as a result of the data. These scores were used for the validation
of the questionnaire in Turkish. Additionally, preoperative and postoperative scores were compared with each other.
Results: The internal consistency analysis was performed and it was determined that the questionnaire had good reliability in all scales.
Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that all values had a good fit to the established model.
Conclusion: Our finding suggest that the HERQL questionnaire has a good reliability and can be used in the Turkish population.
- Özer B, Tatar C, Benek S, et al. The comparison of anterior
and posterior herniorraphy operations in recurrent inguinal
hernias. Med Bull Haseki 2016; 54:90-3. doi: 10.4274/
- Yu PW, Hao YX. [Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment on
the adult groin hernia]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 2018; 56:
495-8. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0529-5815.2018.08.002.
- Öberg S, Andresen K, Rosenberg J. Etiology of inguinal
hernias: A comprehensive review. Front Surg 2017; 4: 52. doi:
- Simons M P, Aufenacker T, Bay-Nielsen M, et al. European
Hernia Society guidelines on the treatment of inguinal hernia
in adult patients. Hernia 2009; 13: 343-403. doi: 10.1007/
- Huang C C, Tai F C, Chou T H, et al. Quality of life of inguinal
hernia patients in Taiwan: The application of the herniaspecific
quality of life assessment instrument. PLoS One 2017;
12: e0183138. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183138.
- Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz M B.
Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of selfreport
measures. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2000; 25: 3186-91. doi:
- Guillemin F, Bombardier C, Beaton D. Cross-cultural
adaptation of health-related quality of life measures: literature
review and proposed guidelines. J Clin Epidemiol 1993; 46:
1417-32. doi: 10.1016/0895-4356(93)90142-n.
- Cronbach L J. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure
of tests. Psychometrika 1951; 16: 297-334. doi: 10.1007/
- Turan E, Arslan K, Erenoğlu B, et al. Kasık fıtıklarında
Lichtenstein ve Desarda onarımlarının postoperatif kronik
ağrı ve nüks yönünden karşılaştırılması:prospektif randomize
bir çalışma. Med J SDU 2022; 29:454-61. doi: 10.17343/
- Köckerling F, Simons M P. Current concepts of inguinal hernia
repair. Visc Med 2018; 34: 145-50. doi: 10.1159/000487278.
- World Health Organization. Division of Mental Health and
Prevention of Substance, WHOQOL: measuring quality of
life. 1997, World Health Organization: Geneva.
- Pequeno N P F, Cabral N L A, Marchioni D M, Lima S, Lyra C
O. Quality of life assessment instruments for adults: a systematic
review of population-based studies. Health Qual Life Outcomes
2020; 18: 208. doi: 10.1186/s12955.020.01347-7.
- Urbach D R. Measuring quality of life after surgery. Surg
Innov 2005; 12: 161-5. doi: 10.1177/155.335.060501200216.
- Parseliunas A, Paskauskas S, Simatoniene V, Vaitekunas J,
Venskutonis D. Adaptation and validation of the Carolinas
Comfort Scale: a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study.
Hernia 2022; 26: 735-44. doi: 10.1007/s10029.021.02399-4.
- Heniford B T, Lincourt A, Walters A, et al. Carolinas Comfort
Scale as a measure of hernia repair quality of life: A reappraisal
utilizing 3788 international patients. Ann Surg 2016; 267: 1.
doi: 10.1097/SLA.000.000.0000002027.
- Staerkle R F, Vuille-Dit-Bille R N, Fink L, Soll C, Villiger P.
Chronic pain and quality of life after inguinal hernia repair
using the COMI-hernia score. Langenbecks Arch Surg 2017;
402: 935-47. doi: 10.1007/s00423.017.1592-7.
- Fränneby U, Gunnarsson U, Andersson M, et al. Validation
of an Inguinal Pain Questionnaire for assessment of chronic
pain after groin hernia repair. Br J Surg 2008; 95: 488-93. doi:
- Kehlet H, Bay-Nielsen M, Kingsnorth A. Chronic
postherniorrhaphy pain – a call for uniform assessment.
Hernia 2002; 6: 178-81. doi: 10.1007/s10029.002.0082-0.
- Loos M J, Scheltinga M R, Roumen R M. Tailored neurectomy
for treatment of postherniorrhaphy inguinal neuralgia.
Surgery 2010; 147: 275-81. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2009.08.008.
- Croghan S M, Fleming C A , Mohan H M, et al. Retention of
urine after inguinal hernia elective repair (RETAINER study I
and II). Int J Surg Protoc 2021; 25: 42-54. doi: 10.29337/ijsp.137.
- Cihan A, Ozdemir H, Uçan B H, et al. Fade or fate. Surg
Endosc 2006; 20: 325-8. doi: 10.1007/s00464.005.0052-6.
- Eklund A, Rudberg C, Smedberg S, et al. Short-term results
of a randomized clinical trial comparing Lichtenstein open
repair with totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal hernia
repair. Br J Surg 2006; 93: 1060-8. doi: 10.1002/bjs.5405.