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Year 2001, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 186 - 191, 03.12.2016


The cerebral hemispheres are subdivided into a number of lobes by sulci and fissures. The most striking sulci on the convex surface of the brain are the lateral sulcus and the central sulcus. The central sulcus (of Rolando) is a deep and usually continuous furrow running downward and slightly forward from the middle of the superior border of the hemisphere to the lateral sulcus without quite reaching the latter. The sulcus shows two kneelike bends and usually incises the superior border to reach the medial surface. The vertical precentral sulcus runs parallel to the central sulcus and it is sometimes broken up into superior and inferior segments. The postcentral sulcus is also usually broken up into superior and inferior segments and runs parallel to the central sulcus (1).


  • Truex RC, Carpenter MB. Human Heuroanatomy, 6i/7 edition. Baltimore: The William & Wilkins, 1989:44-45.
  • Richman DP, Steward M, Hutchinson W, Caviness l/S. Mechanical model of brain convolutional development. Science 1975;189:18-21.
  • Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M, Bannister LH. Cray's Anatomy, 38 th edition. Churchill Livingstone, 1992:192-193.
  • Turner OA. Growth and developmental of the cerebral cortical pattern in man. Arch neurology Psychiatry 1948;59:1-12.
  • Hu X, Tan RR, Levin DM, et al. Three
  • dimensional magnetic resonance images of the brain: application to neurosurgical
  • planning. J Heurosurg 1990;72:433-440
  • Bucholz RD. The central sulcus and surgical planinng. AJHR 1993;14:926-927.
  • Ebeling U, Steinmetz H, Huang Y, Rahn T. Topography and identification of the inferior
  • 8 9
  • K. Mine Erbil, et al
  • precentral sulcus in MR imaging. AJriR 1989;10:937-942.
  • Fox FT, Mintun MA, Raichle ME, Miezin FM, Allman JM, Van Essan DC. Mapping human visual cortex with positron emission tomography. Nature 1986:323:806-809.
  • Rat a da K. MR imaging of brain surface structures: surface anatomy scanning (SAS). Neuroradiology 1990:32:439-448.
  • King RB, Schell OR. Cortical localization and monitoring during cerebral operations. J Neurosurg 1987;67:210-219.
  • Mueller WM, Yet kin FZ, flammeke TA, et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging mapping of the motor cortex in patients with cerebral tumors. Neurosurgery 1996:39:515- 521.
  • Ojemann G, Ojemann J, Lettich E, Berger M. Cortical language localization in left, dominant hemisphere. J Neurosurg 1989:71:316-326.
  • Orrison WW, Davis LE, Sullivan GW, Mettler FA, Flynn ER. Anatomic localization of cerebral cortical function by magnetoencephalography combined with MR imaging and CT. AJNR 1990;11:713-716.
  • Galaburda AM, LeMay M, Kemper TL, Geschwind N. Right- left asymmetries in the brain. Science 1978; 199:852-856.
  • Suzuki A, Yasui N. Intraoperative localization of the central sulcus by cortical somatosensory evoked potentials in brain tumor. J Neurosurg 1992,-76:867-870.
  • Vanier M, Lecours AR, Ethier R, et al. Proportional localization system for anatomical interpretation of cerebral computed tomograms. JJ Comput /Iss Tomogr 1985:9:715-724.
  • Vannier MW, Brunsden BS, Hildebolt CF, et al. Brain surface cortical sulcal lengths: Quantification with three dimentional MR imaging. Radiology 1991 ; 180:479-484.
  • Haslam RHA, Dalby JT, Johns RD, Rademaker AW. Cerebral asymmetry in developmental dyslexia. Arch Neurol 1981 ,-38:679-682.
  • flier DB, Le May M, Rosen berger PB, Perlo VP.
  • Developmental dyslexia. Arch Neurol
  • ;35:90-92.
  • Nier DB, Le May M, Rosenberger PB. Autism and unfavorable left right asymmetries of the brain. Autism Developm Disor 1979:9:153- 159.
  • Steinmetz fl, Fürst G, Freund fIJ. Variation of perisylvian and calcarine anatomic landmarks
  • within stereotaxic proportional coordinates. AJNR 1990; I I: I 123-1 130.
  • Steinmetz ft, Ebeling U, Huang Y, Kahn T. Sulcus topography of the parietal opercular region: An anatomic and MR study. Brain and Lang 1990:38:515-533.
  • Erbil KM, Onderoglu S, Yener N, Cumhur M, Cila A. Localization of the central sulcus and adjacent sulci in human: a study by MR1. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 1998:75:155-162.
  • Heinsen H, Gossman E, Rub U, et at. Variability in the human entorhinal region may confound neuropsychiatric diagnoses. Acta Anat 1996;57:226-237.
  • Disbrow E, Roberts T, Krubitzer L. Somatotopic organization of cortical fields in the lateral sulcus of homo sapiens: Evidence for SI I and PV. Compar Neurol 2000;4 18:1 - 21.
  • Missir O, Dutheil-Desclercs C, Medcr JF, Musolino A, Fredy D. Central sulcus patterns at MRI. J Neuroradiol 1989; 16:133-144.
  • Whitaker HA, Seines OA. Anatomical variations in the cortex: Individual differences and the problem of the localization of language functions. Ann NY Aca Sci 844-854.
  • Keyserlingk DG, Niemann K, Wasel J. A quantative approach to spatial variation of human cerebral sulci. Acta Anat 1988;131:127-131.
  • LeMay M, Culebras A. Human brain- Morphologic differences in the hemispheres demonstrable by carotid arteriography. 1972:287:168-170.
  • Kido DK, LeMay M, Levinson AW, Benson WE. Computed tomographic localization of the precentral gyrus. Radiology 1980; 135:373- 377.
  • Berger MS, Cohen WA, Ojemann GA. Correlation of motor cortex brain mapping data with magnetic resonance imaging. J Neurosurg 1990;72:383-387.
  • Iwasaki S, Nakagawa H, Fukusumi A, et al. Identification of pre-and postcentral gyri on CT and MR images on the basis of the medullary pattern of cerebral white matter. Radiology 1991;79:207-213.
  • Falk D, Hildebolt C, Cheverud J, Kohn LAP, Figiel G, Vannier M. Human cortical asymmetries determined with 3D MR technology. J Neurosci Methods 1991;39:185-191.
  • Naidich TP. MR imaging of brain surface anatomy. Neuroradiology 1991,-33:95-99.
  • 9 0
  • Central Cerebral Sulcus
  • LeMay M. Asymmetries of the skull and handedness. J Meurol Sci 1977;32:243-253.
  • Wada JA, Clarke R, Hamm A. Cerebral hemispheric asymmetry in humans. Arch H euro I 1975;32:239-246.
  • Tan Ü, Çalışkan S. Asymmetries in the cerebral dlmentlons and fissures of the dog. Int J Heurosci 1987;32:943-952.
  • Oreitz T, Bohm C, Holte S, Eriksson L. A
  • computerized brain atlas: Construction,
  • anatomical content, and some applications. Comput Assist Tomogra 1991; 15:26-38.
  • Sobe I DF, Gailen CC, Schwartz BJ, et al. Locating the central sulcus: Comparison of MR anatomic and magnetoencephaiographic functional methods. AJMR 1993; 14:915-925.
  • Gailen CC, Sobel DF, Waltz T, et al. rioninvasive presurgical neuromagnetic mapping of somatosensory cortex, neurosurgery 1993;33:260-268.
  • Ya$argil MG. Microneurosurgery, new York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 1994:19-24.
  • Buchner H, Adams L, Knepper A, et al. Preoperative localization of the central sulcus by dipole source analysis of early somatosensory evoked potentials and three dimentlonal magnetic resonance imaging. J neurosurg 1994;80:849-856.
  • naidich TP, Valavanis AG, Rubik S. Anatomic relationships along the low- middle convexity: Part I- normal specimens and magnetic resonance imaging. neurosurgery 1995:36:51 7-532.
  • Sandor S, Leahy R. Surface based labeling of cortical anatomy using a deformable atlas. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 1997;16:41-54.
  • Yoshiura T, Iwanaga S, Yamada R, et al. Perlrolandic cortex in infants: Signal intensity on MRI as a landmark of the sensorimotor cortex. Radiology 1998:207:385-388.
Year 2001, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 186 - 191, 03.12.2016



  • Truex RC, Carpenter MB. Human Heuroanatomy, 6i/7 edition. Baltimore: The William & Wilkins, 1989:44-45.
  • Richman DP, Steward M, Hutchinson W, Caviness l/S. Mechanical model of brain convolutional development. Science 1975;189:18-21.
  • Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M, Bannister LH. Cray's Anatomy, 38 th edition. Churchill Livingstone, 1992:192-193.
  • Turner OA. Growth and developmental of the cerebral cortical pattern in man. Arch neurology Psychiatry 1948;59:1-12.
  • Hu X, Tan RR, Levin DM, et al. Three
  • dimensional magnetic resonance images of the brain: application to neurosurgical
  • planning. J Heurosurg 1990;72:433-440
  • Bucholz RD. The central sulcus and surgical planinng. AJHR 1993;14:926-927.
  • Ebeling U, Steinmetz H, Huang Y, Rahn T. Topography and identification of the inferior
  • 8 9
  • K. Mine Erbil, et al
  • precentral sulcus in MR imaging. AJriR 1989;10:937-942.
  • Fox FT, Mintun MA, Raichle ME, Miezin FM, Allman JM, Van Essan DC. Mapping human visual cortex with positron emission tomography. Nature 1986:323:806-809.
  • Rat a da K. MR imaging of brain surface structures: surface anatomy scanning (SAS). Neuroradiology 1990:32:439-448.
  • King RB, Schell OR. Cortical localization and monitoring during cerebral operations. J Neurosurg 1987;67:210-219.
  • Mueller WM, Yet kin FZ, flammeke TA, et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging mapping of the motor cortex in patients with cerebral tumors. Neurosurgery 1996:39:515- 521.
  • Ojemann G, Ojemann J, Lettich E, Berger M. Cortical language localization in left, dominant hemisphere. J Neurosurg 1989:71:316-326.
  • Orrison WW, Davis LE, Sullivan GW, Mettler FA, Flynn ER. Anatomic localization of cerebral cortical function by magnetoencephalography combined with MR imaging and CT. AJNR 1990;11:713-716.
  • Galaburda AM, LeMay M, Kemper TL, Geschwind N. Right- left asymmetries in the brain. Science 1978; 199:852-856.
  • Suzuki A, Yasui N. Intraoperative localization of the central sulcus by cortical somatosensory evoked potentials in brain tumor. J Neurosurg 1992,-76:867-870.
  • Vanier M, Lecours AR, Ethier R, et al. Proportional localization system for anatomical interpretation of cerebral computed tomograms. JJ Comput /Iss Tomogr 1985:9:715-724.
  • Vannier MW, Brunsden BS, Hildebolt CF, et al. Brain surface cortical sulcal lengths: Quantification with three dimentional MR imaging. Radiology 1991 ; 180:479-484.
  • Haslam RHA, Dalby JT, Johns RD, Rademaker AW. Cerebral asymmetry in developmental dyslexia. Arch Neurol 1981 ,-38:679-682.
  • flier DB, Le May M, Rosen berger PB, Perlo VP.
  • Developmental dyslexia. Arch Neurol
  • ;35:90-92.
  • Nier DB, Le May M, Rosenberger PB. Autism and unfavorable left right asymmetries of the brain. Autism Developm Disor 1979:9:153- 159.
  • Steinmetz fl, Fürst G, Freund fIJ. Variation of perisylvian and calcarine anatomic landmarks
  • within stereotaxic proportional coordinates. AJNR 1990; I I: I 123-1 130.
  • Steinmetz ft, Ebeling U, Huang Y, Kahn T. Sulcus topography of the parietal opercular region: An anatomic and MR study. Brain and Lang 1990:38:515-533.
  • Erbil KM, Onderoglu S, Yener N, Cumhur M, Cila A. Localization of the central sulcus and adjacent sulci in human: a study by MR1. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 1998:75:155-162.
  • Heinsen H, Gossman E, Rub U, et at. Variability in the human entorhinal region may confound neuropsychiatric diagnoses. Acta Anat 1996;57:226-237.
  • Disbrow E, Roberts T, Krubitzer L. Somatotopic organization of cortical fields in the lateral sulcus of homo sapiens: Evidence for SI I and PV. Compar Neurol 2000;4 18:1 - 21.
  • Missir O, Dutheil-Desclercs C, Medcr JF, Musolino A, Fredy D. Central sulcus patterns at MRI. J Neuroradiol 1989; 16:133-144.
  • Whitaker HA, Seines OA. Anatomical variations in the cortex: Individual differences and the problem of the localization of language functions. Ann NY Aca Sci 844-854.
  • Keyserlingk DG, Niemann K, Wasel J. A quantative approach to spatial variation of human cerebral sulci. Acta Anat 1988;131:127-131.
  • LeMay M, Culebras A. Human brain- Morphologic differences in the hemispheres demonstrable by carotid arteriography. 1972:287:168-170.
  • Kido DK, LeMay M, Levinson AW, Benson WE. Computed tomographic localization of the precentral gyrus. Radiology 1980; 135:373- 377.
  • Berger MS, Cohen WA, Ojemann GA. Correlation of motor cortex brain mapping data with magnetic resonance imaging. J Neurosurg 1990;72:383-387.
  • Iwasaki S, Nakagawa H, Fukusumi A, et al. Identification of pre-and postcentral gyri on CT and MR images on the basis of the medullary pattern of cerebral white matter. Radiology 1991;79:207-213.
  • Falk D, Hildebolt C, Cheverud J, Kohn LAP, Figiel G, Vannier M. Human cortical asymmetries determined with 3D MR technology. J Neurosci Methods 1991;39:185-191.
  • Naidich TP. MR imaging of brain surface anatomy. Neuroradiology 1991,-33:95-99.
  • 9 0
  • Central Cerebral Sulcus
  • LeMay M. Asymmetries of the skull and handedness. J Meurol Sci 1977;32:243-253.
  • Wada JA, Clarke R, Hamm A. Cerebral hemispheric asymmetry in humans. Arch H euro I 1975;32:239-246.
  • Tan Ü, Çalışkan S. Asymmetries in the cerebral dlmentlons and fissures of the dog. Int J Heurosci 1987;32:943-952.
  • Oreitz T, Bohm C, Holte S, Eriksson L. A
  • computerized brain atlas: Construction,
  • anatomical content, and some applications. Comput Assist Tomogra 1991; 15:26-38.
  • Sobe I DF, Gailen CC, Schwartz BJ, et al. Locating the central sulcus: Comparison of MR anatomic and magnetoencephaiographic functional methods. AJMR 1993; 14:915-925.
  • Gailen CC, Sobel DF, Waltz T, et al. rioninvasive presurgical neuromagnetic mapping of somatosensory cortex, neurosurgery 1993;33:260-268.
  • Ya$argil MG. Microneurosurgery, new York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 1994:19-24.
  • Buchner H, Adams L, Knepper A, et al. Preoperative localization of the central sulcus by dipole source analysis of early somatosensory evoked potentials and three dimentlonal magnetic resonance imaging. J neurosurg 1994;80:849-856.
  • naidich TP, Valavanis AG, Rubik S. Anatomic relationships along the low- middle convexity: Part I- normal specimens and magnetic resonance imaging. neurosurgery 1995:36:51 7-532.
  • Sandor S, Leahy R. Surface based labeling of cortical anatomy using a deformable atlas. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 1997;16:41-54.
  • Yoshiura T, Iwanaga S, Yamada R, et al. Perlrolandic cortex in infants: Signal intensity on MRI as a landmark of the sensorimotor cortex. Radiology 1998:207:385-388.
There are 57 citations in total.


Journal Section Reviews

Mine Erbil This is me

Mustafa Aldur This is me

Deniz Demiryürek This is me

Alp Bayramoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 3, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2001 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Erbil, M., Aldur, M., Demiryürek, D., Bayramoğlu, A. (2016). CENTRAL CEREBRAL SULCUS: ANATOMY, IMAGING METHODS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. Marmara Medical Journal, 14(3), 186-191.
AMA Erbil M, Aldur M, Demiryürek D, Bayramoğlu A. CENTRAL CEREBRAL SULCUS: ANATOMY, IMAGING METHODS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. Marmara Med J. June 2016;14(3):186-191.
Chicago Erbil, Mine, Mustafa Aldur, Deniz Demiryürek, and Alp Bayramoğlu. “CENTRAL CEREBRAL SULCUS: ANATOMY, IMAGING METHODS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE”. Marmara Medical Journal 14, no. 3 (June 2016): 186-91.
EndNote Erbil M, Aldur M, Demiryürek D, Bayramoğlu A (June 1, 2016) CENTRAL CEREBRAL SULCUS: ANATOMY, IMAGING METHODS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. Marmara Medical Journal 14 3 186–191.
IEEE M. Erbil, M. Aldur, D. Demiryürek, and A. Bayramoğlu, “CENTRAL CEREBRAL SULCUS: ANATOMY, IMAGING METHODS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE”, Marmara Med J, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 186–191, 2016.
ISNAD Erbil, Mine et al. “CENTRAL CEREBRAL SULCUS: ANATOMY, IMAGING METHODS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE”. Marmara Medical Journal 14/3 (June 2016), 186-191.
MLA Erbil, Mine et al. “CENTRAL CEREBRAL SULCUS: ANATOMY, IMAGING METHODS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE”. Marmara Medical Journal, vol. 14, no. 3, 2016, pp. 186-91.
Vancouver Erbil M, Aldur M, Demiryürek D, Bayramoğlu A. CENTRAL CEREBRAL SULCUS: ANATOMY, IMAGING METHODS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. Marmara Med J. 2016;14(3):186-91.