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Year 2008, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 210 - 219, 24.06.2015




  • 1. Bequele A, Boyden J. Working children: current trends and policy responses. Int Labour Rev 1998; 2:153-171.
  • 2. wsletter/Gohnet9eng.pdf
  • 3. Child protection- Child labour (online), available from < http://>, (accessed 2006-09-02).
  • 4. ÇocukİşgücüAraştırması2006 (online), available from, (accessed 2006-10-08).
  • 5. Syed KA, Mirza A, Sultana R, Rana I. Child labour: socioeconomic consequences. Pakistan and Gulf Economist 1991;10:36-39.
  • 6. Child Labour in India: Causes, governmental policies and the role of education (online), available from <http:// htm.>, accessed 2005-11-12.
  • 7. Barker G, Knaul F. Exploited entrepreneurs: street and working children in developing countries (online), available from < (accessed 2006-10-08).
  • 8. Gharabieh M, Hoeman P, Hoeman S. Health hazards and risks for abuse among child labor in Jordan. J Pediatric Nurs 2003;18:140-147.
  • 9. Division of Mental Health and Prevention of Substance Abuse: WHOQOL Measuring Quality of Life. WHO: 1997.
  • 10. Rajmil L, Herdman M, Sanmed M J. Generic health related quality of life instruments in children and adolescents: a qualitative analysis of content. J Adolesc Health 2004;34:37-45.
  • 11. Sieberer UR.The challenge of assessing the health related Quality of Life of children. In Proceedings of the 1st Health Related Quality of Life Symposium : 8-10 April 2004 Izmir/Turkey : 17.
  • 12. Jirojanakul P, Skevington SM, Hudson J. Predicting young children’s quality of life. Soc.Sci.Med. 2003; 7: 1277-1288.
  • 13. Spurrier NJ, Sawyer MG, Clark JJ, Baghrust P. Socioeconomic differentials in the health –related quality of life of Australian Children:results of a national study. Aust NZ J Public Health 2003; 1:27-33
  • 14. Weller NF, Kelder SH Cooper SP, Bason-Engquist K. School-year emploment among high school students: effects on academic, social and physical functioning. Adolescence 2003;38:441-458.
  • 15. Eiser C, Morse R. A review of measures of quality of life for children with chronic illness. Arch Dis Child 2001; 84: 205-211.
  • 16. Swaminathon M. Economic growth and the persistance of child labor: evidence from an Indian city. World Dev. 1988; 8:1513-1528.
  • 17. Landgraf JM, Ware JE, Schor E, et al. Comparison of health status profiles for children with medical conditions preliminary psychometric and clinical results from children’s health and quality of life project. Paper prepared for the 10th annual meeting for Health Services Research. Washington, 1993
  • 18. Landgraf JM, Abetz, L, Ware J.E : The CHQ: A User’s Manual. 1st ed. The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, MA, 1996
  • 19. Verrips GH, Vogels AGC, Verloove-Vanhorick SP, et al.: Health-related quality of life measure for children – the TACQOL. J Appl Therapeutics 1997,1. 357-360.
  • 20. Simeoni MC, Auquier P, Gentile S, et al.: Results of the conceptualisation and validity of a new French health related quality of life instrument in adolescence. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research: 1998 Baltimore
  • 21. Varni JW, Seid M, Knight TS, Uzark K, Szer IS. The PedsQL 4.0 generic core scales: sensitivity, responsiveness, and impact on clinical decision-making. J Behav Med. 2002,25.175–193.
  • 22. Ravens-Sieberer U, Gosch A, Abel T, et al. and the European KIDSCREEN group. Quality of life in children and adolescents– a European public health perspective. Soz Präventivmed 2001,46, 294–302 .
  • 23. Bullinger M, Schmidt S, Petersen C.. Assessing quality of life of children with chronic health conditions and disabilities: a European approach. Int J Rehabil Res 2002İ 25:1-11.
  • 24. Bruil J, Maes S, le Coq L, Boeke J: The development of the how are you (HAY), a quality of life questionnaire for children with a chronic illness. Quality of Life Newsletter 1996, 13: 9.
  • 25. Ravens-Sieberer U, Bullinger M.Assessing the health related quality of life in chronically ill children with the German KINDL: first psychometric and contentanalytical results. Qol Life Res 1998; 7: 399-408.
  • 26. Bullinger M, Mackensen S, Kirchberger I: KINDL – ein fragebogen zur gesundheitsbezogenen lebensqualität von kindern. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie.1994; 2: 64-67.
  • 27. Eser E, Yüksel H, Baydur H, Bilge B, Dündar PE, Pala T, Oral A: KIDDO_KINDL Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği Türkçe Sürümü Geçerlilik Ve Güvenirlik Sonuçları. In Proceedings of the 1st Health Related Quality of Life Symposium: 8-10 April 2004 Izmir/Turkey . 2004: 78.
  • 28. Pratt HD, Greydanus DE: Adolescent violence: concepts for a new millennium. Adolesc. Med. 2000; 11:103-129.
  • 29. Onyskiw JE. Health and use of health services of children exposed to violence in their families. Can J Public Health 2002;93:416-420.
  • 30. Daane DM. Child and adolescent violence. Orthop.Nurs 2003;22: 23-29.
  • 31. Bernal D, Snyder D, Mc Daniel M: The age and job satisfaction relationship: does its shape and strength still evade us?. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1998;53: 287-293.
  • 32. Bisegger C, Cloetta B, von Rueden U, Abel T, RavensSieberer U: Health-related quality of life: gender differences in childhood and adolescence. Soz Praventivmed 2005;50: 281-291.
  • 33. Zahran HS, Kobau R, Moriarty DG, Zack MM, Holt J, Donehoo R; Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Health-related quality of life surveillance- United States, 1993-2002. MMWR Surveillance Summ 2005;54: 1-35.
  • 34. Mazur J, Woynarowska B: Risk behaviors syndrome and subjective health and life satisfaction in youth aged 15 years. Med Wieku Rozwoj 2004; 8: 567-583.
  • 35. Khang YH, Cho SF, Yang S, Lee MS: Socioeconomic differentials in health and health related behaviors: finding from the Korea Youth Panel Survey. J Prev Med Pub Health. 2005; 38: 391-400.
  • 36. Brooks TL, Harris SK, Thrall JS, Woods ER: Association of adolescent risk behaviors with mental health symptoms in high school students. J Adolesc Health 2002;31: 240-246.
  • 37. Artazcoz L, Borrel C, Benach J: Gender inequalities in health among workers: the relation with family demands. J Epidemiol Community Health 2001;55: 639- 647.
  • 38. Özçevikel A: İzmir Bornova Meslek Eğitim Merkezinde Eğitim Gören Çıraklarda Risk Alma Davranışları ve Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesi, PhD Thesis. Dokuz Eylül University, Public Health Department; 2003.
  • 39. Foster J: Why Does Child Labor occur? (online), available from < www.earlham/Globalprobs/children/Amye.html.>, (accessed 2006-12-09).


Year 2008, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 210 - 219, 24.06.2015


Amaç: Çocuk işçiliği ile ilgili literatürde daha çok sosyoekonomik faktörler tartışılmakta yaşam kalitesin eilişkin pek az çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu kesitsel araştırmada Manisa'da 14-16 yaşındaki işçilerde yaşam kalitesi sosyoekonomik ve işle ilgili değişkenleri incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Manisa'da Çıraklık Eğitim Merkezi'ne devam eden 266 öğrenci çalışma grubunu oluşturmuştur.Araştırma grubunun yaşam kalitesi KINDL-R adolesan versiyonu ile değerlendirilmiştir.Veri analizinde %95 güven aralığında olasılık hızları hesaplanmış,çok değişkenli analizde lojistik regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: İkiyüz elli üç adolesan işçinin %77.9'u erkek, yaş ortalaması 15.6(0.5) dır. Lojistik regresyon analizine göre; kız cinste olmak (OR=2.9), ailenin sağlık güvencesinin olmaması (OR=2.3), aile içi şiddete maruz kalma(OR=3.7) ve işe devamsızlık(OR=2.4) toplam yaşam kalitesi ile ilişkilidir. Ailenin sağlık güvencesinin olmaması, aile gelirinin yetersizliği, alkol kullanımı, aile içi şiddete maruz kalma, iş doyumsuzluğu ve babanın eğitimsiz oluşu KINDL-R yaşam kalitesi ölçeğinin altı alanının kötü oluşuyla ilişkilidir. Sonuç:Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre,adolesan işçilerin yaşam kaliteleri sosyoekonomik, aile ve işle ilgili değişkenlerle ilişkili bulunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: yaşam kalitesi, adolesan işçiler, KINDL-R


  • 1. Bequele A, Boyden J. Working children: current trends and policy responses. Int Labour Rev 1998; 2:153-171.
  • 2. wsletter/Gohnet9eng.pdf
  • 3. Child protection- Child labour (online), available from < http://>, (accessed 2006-09-02).
  • 4. ÇocukİşgücüAraştırması2006 (online), available from, (accessed 2006-10-08).
  • 5. Syed KA, Mirza A, Sultana R, Rana I. Child labour: socioeconomic consequences. Pakistan and Gulf Economist 1991;10:36-39.
  • 6. Child Labour in India: Causes, governmental policies and the role of education (online), available from <http:// htm.>, accessed 2005-11-12.
  • 7. Barker G, Knaul F. Exploited entrepreneurs: street and working children in developing countries (online), available from < (accessed 2006-10-08).
  • 8. Gharabieh M, Hoeman P, Hoeman S. Health hazards and risks for abuse among child labor in Jordan. J Pediatric Nurs 2003;18:140-147.
  • 9. Division of Mental Health and Prevention of Substance Abuse: WHOQOL Measuring Quality of Life. WHO: 1997.
  • 10. Rajmil L, Herdman M, Sanmed M J. Generic health related quality of life instruments in children and adolescents: a qualitative analysis of content. J Adolesc Health 2004;34:37-45.
  • 11. Sieberer UR.The challenge of assessing the health related Quality of Life of children. In Proceedings of the 1st Health Related Quality of Life Symposium : 8-10 April 2004 Izmir/Turkey : 17.
  • 12. Jirojanakul P, Skevington SM, Hudson J. Predicting young children’s quality of life. Soc.Sci.Med. 2003; 7: 1277-1288.
  • 13. Spurrier NJ, Sawyer MG, Clark JJ, Baghrust P. Socioeconomic differentials in the health –related quality of life of Australian Children:results of a national study. Aust NZ J Public Health 2003; 1:27-33
  • 14. Weller NF, Kelder SH Cooper SP, Bason-Engquist K. School-year emploment among high school students: effects on academic, social and physical functioning. Adolescence 2003;38:441-458.
  • 15. Eiser C, Morse R. A review of measures of quality of life for children with chronic illness. Arch Dis Child 2001; 84: 205-211.
  • 16. Swaminathon M. Economic growth and the persistance of child labor: evidence from an Indian city. World Dev. 1988; 8:1513-1528.
  • 17. Landgraf JM, Ware JE, Schor E, et al. Comparison of health status profiles for children with medical conditions preliminary psychometric and clinical results from children’s health and quality of life project. Paper prepared for the 10th annual meeting for Health Services Research. Washington, 1993
  • 18. Landgraf JM, Abetz, L, Ware J.E : The CHQ: A User’s Manual. 1st ed. The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, MA, 1996
  • 19. Verrips GH, Vogels AGC, Verloove-Vanhorick SP, et al.: Health-related quality of life measure for children – the TACQOL. J Appl Therapeutics 1997,1. 357-360.
  • 20. Simeoni MC, Auquier P, Gentile S, et al.: Results of the conceptualisation and validity of a new French health related quality of life instrument in adolescence. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research: 1998 Baltimore
  • 21. Varni JW, Seid M, Knight TS, Uzark K, Szer IS. The PedsQL 4.0 generic core scales: sensitivity, responsiveness, and impact on clinical decision-making. J Behav Med. 2002,25.175–193.
  • 22. Ravens-Sieberer U, Gosch A, Abel T, et al. and the European KIDSCREEN group. Quality of life in children and adolescents– a European public health perspective. Soz Präventivmed 2001,46, 294–302 .
  • 23. Bullinger M, Schmidt S, Petersen C.. Assessing quality of life of children with chronic health conditions and disabilities: a European approach. Int J Rehabil Res 2002İ 25:1-11.
  • 24. Bruil J, Maes S, le Coq L, Boeke J: The development of the how are you (HAY), a quality of life questionnaire for children with a chronic illness. Quality of Life Newsletter 1996, 13: 9.
  • 25. Ravens-Sieberer U, Bullinger M.Assessing the health related quality of life in chronically ill children with the German KINDL: first psychometric and contentanalytical results. Qol Life Res 1998; 7: 399-408.
  • 26. Bullinger M, Mackensen S, Kirchberger I: KINDL – ein fragebogen zur gesundheitsbezogenen lebensqualität von kindern. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie.1994; 2: 64-67.
  • 27. Eser E, Yüksel H, Baydur H, Bilge B, Dündar PE, Pala T, Oral A: KIDDO_KINDL Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği Türkçe Sürümü Geçerlilik Ve Güvenirlik Sonuçları. In Proceedings of the 1st Health Related Quality of Life Symposium: 8-10 April 2004 Izmir/Turkey . 2004: 78.
  • 28. Pratt HD, Greydanus DE: Adolescent violence: concepts for a new millennium. Adolesc. Med. 2000; 11:103-129.
  • 29. Onyskiw JE. Health and use of health services of children exposed to violence in their families. Can J Public Health 2002;93:416-420.
  • 30. Daane DM. Child and adolescent violence. Orthop.Nurs 2003;22: 23-29.
  • 31. Bernal D, Snyder D, Mc Daniel M: The age and job satisfaction relationship: does its shape and strength still evade us?. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1998;53: 287-293.
  • 32. Bisegger C, Cloetta B, von Rueden U, Abel T, RavensSieberer U: Health-related quality of life: gender differences in childhood and adolescence. Soz Praventivmed 2005;50: 281-291.
  • 33. Zahran HS, Kobau R, Moriarty DG, Zack MM, Holt J, Donehoo R; Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Health-related quality of life surveillance- United States, 1993-2002. MMWR Surveillance Summ 2005;54: 1-35.
  • 34. Mazur J, Woynarowska B: Risk behaviors syndrome and subjective health and life satisfaction in youth aged 15 years. Med Wieku Rozwoj 2004; 8: 567-583.
  • 35. Khang YH, Cho SF, Yang S, Lee MS: Socioeconomic differentials in health and health related behaviors: finding from the Korea Youth Panel Survey. J Prev Med Pub Health. 2005; 38: 391-400.
  • 36. Brooks TL, Harris SK, Thrall JS, Woods ER: Association of adolescent risk behaviors with mental health symptoms in high school students. J Adolesc Health 2002;31: 240-246.
  • 37. Artazcoz L, Borrel C, Benach J: Gender inequalities in health among workers: the relation with family demands. J Epidemiol Community Health 2001;55: 639- 647.
  • 38. Özçevikel A: İzmir Bornova Meslek Eğitim Merkezinde Eğitim Gören Çıraklarda Risk Alma Davranışları ve Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesi, PhD Thesis. Dokuz Eylül University, Public Health Department; 2003.
  • 39. Foster J: Why Does Child Labor occur? (online), available from < www.earlham/Globalprobs/children/Amye.html.>, (accessed 2006-12-09).
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Pınar Erbay Dündar This is me

Hakan Baydur This is me

Erhan Eser This is me

Bedri Bilge This is me

Nasır Nesanır This is me

Tümer Pala This is me

Alp Ergör This is me

Ahmet Oral This is me

Publication Date June 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 21 Issue: 3


APA Erbay Dündar, P., Baydur, H., Eser, E., Bilge, B., et al. (2015). MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ. Marmara Medical Journal, 21(3), 210-219.
AMA Erbay Dündar P, Baydur H, Eser E, Bilge B, Nesanır N, Pala T, Ergör A, Oral A. MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ. Marmara Med J. August 2015;21(3):210-219.
Chicago Erbay Dündar, Pınar, Hakan Baydur, Erhan Eser, Bedri Bilge, Nasır Nesanır, Tümer Pala, Alp Ergör, and Ahmet Oral. “MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ”. Marmara Medical Journal 21, no. 3 (August 2015): 210-19.
EndNote Erbay Dündar P, Baydur H, Eser E, Bilge B, Nesanır N, Pala T, Ergör A, Oral A (August 1, 2015) MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ. Marmara Medical Journal 21 3 210–219.
IEEE P. Erbay Dündar, H. Baydur, E. Eser, B. Bilge, N. Nesanır, T. Pala, A. Ergör, and A. Oral, “MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ”, Marmara Med J, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 210–219, 2015.
ISNAD Erbay Dündar, Pınar et al. “MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ”. Marmara Medical Journal 21/3 (August 2015), 210-219.
JAMA Erbay Dündar P, Baydur H, Eser E, Bilge B, Nesanır N, Pala T, Ergör A, Oral A. MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ. Marmara Med J. 2015;21:210–219.
MLA Erbay Dündar, Pınar et al. “MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ”. Marmara Medical Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, 2015, pp. 210-9.
Vancouver Erbay Dündar P, Baydur H, Eser E, Bilge B, Nesanır N, Pala T, Ergör A, Oral A. MANİSA ÇIRAKLIK EĞİTİM MERKEZİNDE 14-16 YAŞINDAKİ İŞÇİLERDE YAŞAM KALİTESİ. Marmara Med J. 2015;21(3):210-9.