Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 75 - 82, 31.05.2020



  • [1] Kaya MC. Adolescent Health: Prevention and Early Detection. Istanbul: Medikal Akademi Yayıncılık, 2015; 11-20.
  • [2] World Health Organization. Adolescents: health risks and solutions web sites. Available at: mediacentre/factsheets/fs345/en/. Accessed July 26, 2017.
  • [3] Chandra-Mouli V, Lane C, Wong S. What does not work in adolescent sexual and reproductive health: a review of evidence on interventions commonly accepted as best practices. Glob Health Sci Pract 2015; 3:333-40. doi: 10.9745/ GHSP-D-15-00126.
  • [4] Aslan S, Erdir B, Kabasakal I, et al. Sexual and reproductive health knowledge of the students in Sakip Sabanci High School. Paper presented at: 17th Marmara Student Congress; 2017 May 12-14; Istanbul, Turkey.
  • [5] Karatas N, Boncukcu E, Demirkiran H, et al. Knowledge level of Trakya University medical school students about sexually transmitted diseases. Turk Med Student J2014;1:65-8.
  • [6] Kirmizitoprak E, Simsek Z. The effect of peer-education on sexually transmitted diseases and safer sexual life knowledge and behaviour of young people. TAF Prev Med Bull 2011;10: 463-472. doi: 10.5455/pmb.201.011.19041649.
  • [7] Strange V, Forrest S, Oakley A. Peer-led sex educationcharacteristics of peer educators and their perceptions of the impact on them of participation in a peer education programme. Health Educ Res 2002;17:327-7.
  • [8] Karadag O, translator. Akran Eğitimi, Eğitimci Eğitimi Rehberi. [Peer Education, Educator Training Guide] Ankara (TR): Semih Ofset, 2004. Turkish.
  • [9] Maxwell KA. Friends: the role of peer influence across adolescent risk behaviors. J Youth Adolesc 2002;31:267-77. doi:
  • [10] Jennings JM, Howard S, Perotte CL. Effects of a school-based sexuality education program on peer educators: the Teen PEP model. Health Educ Res 2014;29:319-29. doi:10.1093/her/ cyt153.
  • [11] Mason H. Peer education: Promoting healthy behaviors. Fact Sheet Advocates Youth. 2003; 3-4. Available at: https://www. documents/fspeered.pdf Accessed 13.11.2019.
  • [12] Kirkpatrick J, Kirkpatrick W. An Introduction to the New World Kirkpatrick Model. Newnan (GA): Kirkpatrick Partners, LLC, 2015.
  • [13] General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning, Ministry of Health, Republic of Turkey. Gençlik Danışmanlık ve Sağlık Hizmet Merkezi Yönetici Rehberi [Counseling and health service center for young people: executive guide.] Ankara: Ministry of Health, 2007. Turkish.
  • [14] Zeyneloglu S. Attitudes of nursing students enrolled at universities in Ankara towards gender roles [dissertation]. Ankara, Turkey: Hacettepe University, 2008.
  • [15] United Nations. New York (NY): UN. Report of the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 5-13 September 1994; 1995. Available at: https://www. Accessed September 26, 2017.
  • [16] Atun R, Aydin S, Chakraborty S, et al. Universal health coverage in Turkey: enhancement of equity. Lancet 2013;382:65-99. doi:
  • [17] Aktan AO, Pala K, Ilhan B. Health-care reform in Turkey: far from perfect. Lancet 2014;383:25-6. doi: http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62725-7.
  • [18] Cokar M, Nalbant H. Cinsel Sağlık Bilgileri Eğitimi-Öğretmen El Kitabı. [Sexual health informations-teacher handbook] Human Source Development Foundation. 2000. Turkish.
  • [19] Chandra-Mouli V, Parameshwar PS, Parry M, et al. A neverbefore opportunity to strengthen investment and action on adolescent contraception, and what we must do to make full use of it. Reproductive Health 2017;14:85. doi:10.1186/ s12978.017.0347-9.
  • [20] Pak T, Ulgen MA, Eren R, et al. Marmara University Faculty of Medicine 2016-2017 phase-1 students’ attitudes toward gender roles. Poster session presented at Marmara Student Congress; 2017 May 12-14; Istanbul Turkey.
  • [21] Celik AS, Pasinlioglu T, Tan G, et al. Üniversite öğrencilerinin cinsiyet eşitliği tutumlarının belirlenmesi [Determination of university students’ attitudes about gender equality]. F N Hem Derg 2013;21: 181-6. Turkish.
  • [22] Ebreo A, Feist-Price S, Siewe Y, et al. Effects of peer education on the peer educators in a school-based HIV prevention program: where should peer education research go from here? Health Educ Behav 2002;29:411-23. doi: 10.1177/109.019.810202900402.
  • [23] Badura AS, Millard M, Peluso EA, et al. Effects of peer education training on peer educators: Leadership, self-esteem, health knowledge, and health behaviors. J Coll Stud Dev 2000;41:471.
  • [24] Ehrhardt BL, Krumboltz JD, Koopman C. Training peer sexual health educators: Changes in knowledge, counseling selfefficacy, and sexual risk behavior. Am J Sex Educ 2008;2:39- 55. doi:
  • [25] Dag H , Donmez S , Sirin A , Kavlak O. Üniversite gençliğinin cinsel ve üreme sağlığıyla ilgili bilgi düzeyleri ve akran eğitimi. [University youth reproductive and sexual health knowledge and peer education] Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences 2010;15:10-17. Turkish.
  • [26] Tolli MV. Effectiveness of peer education interventions for HIV prevention, adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health promotion for young people: a systematic review of European studies. Health Educ Res 2012;27:904-13. doi:
  • [27] Harden A, Oakley A, Oliver S. Peer-delivered health promotion for young people: a systematic review of different study designs. Health Educ J 2001;60:339-53. doi:10.1177/00 1.789.690106000406.
  • [28] Michielsen K, Beauclair R, Delva W, Roelens K, Van Rossem R, Temmerman M. Effectiveness of a peerled HIV prevention intervention in secondary schools in Rwanda: results from a non-randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2012;12:729. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-729.

The impact of training of peer educator on sexual and reproductive health: An interventional study

Year 2020, Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 75 - 82, 31.05.2020


Objectives: This study aims to reveal the knowledge and attitude change that a well-structured sexual and reproductive health (SRH)
peer educator training creates in volunteer preclinical students from Marmara University School of Medicine.
Materials and Methods: Participants (n=29) were given 28 hours of training on 13 subjects by professionals. Those who attended and
completed all sessions were certified as “peer educator” (Group 1,n=12). Group 2 (n=17) participated only in the first 8 sessions. SRH
attitudes and knowledge levels of participants were evaluated. Data was analysed in SPSS-11.0 programme.
Results: Females constitute 51.7% of the participants. All participants had the similar level of “egalitarian” point of view (p:0.859). SRH
final attitude score of Group 1 was higher than preliminary attitude score (p:0.008) and SRH final attitude score of Group 2 (p:0.033).
The mean SRH knowledge score of Group 1 was 38.3±4.65, while that of Group 2 was 26.76±4.16 (p:0.0001).
Conclusion: It has been shown that a well-structured peer educator training can increase the knowledge of volunteer medical students
and make a positive attitude change. After the implementation of the “Health Transformation Programme” in Turkey, adolescents
were ignored. So, with peer educator trainings, trained educators will be able to help those adolescents and offer unprejudiced and
egalitarian services to their patients when they become physicians.


  • [1] Kaya MC. Adolescent Health: Prevention and Early Detection. Istanbul: Medikal Akademi Yayıncılık, 2015; 11-20.
  • [2] World Health Organization. Adolescents: health risks and solutions web sites. Available at: mediacentre/factsheets/fs345/en/. Accessed July 26, 2017.
  • [3] Chandra-Mouli V, Lane C, Wong S. What does not work in adolescent sexual and reproductive health: a review of evidence on interventions commonly accepted as best practices. Glob Health Sci Pract 2015; 3:333-40. doi: 10.9745/ GHSP-D-15-00126.
  • [4] Aslan S, Erdir B, Kabasakal I, et al. Sexual and reproductive health knowledge of the students in Sakip Sabanci High School. Paper presented at: 17th Marmara Student Congress; 2017 May 12-14; Istanbul, Turkey.
  • [5] Karatas N, Boncukcu E, Demirkiran H, et al. Knowledge level of Trakya University medical school students about sexually transmitted diseases. Turk Med Student J2014;1:65-8.
  • [6] Kirmizitoprak E, Simsek Z. The effect of peer-education on sexually transmitted diseases and safer sexual life knowledge and behaviour of young people. TAF Prev Med Bull 2011;10: 463-472. doi: 10.5455/pmb.201.011.19041649.
  • [7] Strange V, Forrest S, Oakley A. Peer-led sex educationcharacteristics of peer educators and their perceptions of the impact on them of participation in a peer education programme. Health Educ Res 2002;17:327-7.
  • [8] Karadag O, translator. Akran Eğitimi, Eğitimci Eğitimi Rehberi. [Peer Education, Educator Training Guide] Ankara (TR): Semih Ofset, 2004. Turkish.
  • [9] Maxwell KA. Friends: the role of peer influence across adolescent risk behaviors. J Youth Adolesc 2002;31:267-77. doi:
  • [10] Jennings JM, Howard S, Perotte CL. Effects of a school-based sexuality education program on peer educators: the Teen PEP model. Health Educ Res 2014;29:319-29. doi:10.1093/her/ cyt153.
  • [11] Mason H. Peer education: Promoting healthy behaviors. Fact Sheet Advocates Youth. 2003; 3-4. Available at: https://www. documents/fspeered.pdf Accessed 13.11.2019.
  • [12] Kirkpatrick J, Kirkpatrick W. An Introduction to the New World Kirkpatrick Model. Newnan (GA): Kirkpatrick Partners, LLC, 2015.
  • [13] General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning, Ministry of Health, Republic of Turkey. Gençlik Danışmanlık ve Sağlık Hizmet Merkezi Yönetici Rehberi [Counseling and health service center for young people: executive guide.] Ankara: Ministry of Health, 2007. Turkish.
  • [14] Zeyneloglu S. Attitudes of nursing students enrolled at universities in Ankara towards gender roles [dissertation]. Ankara, Turkey: Hacettepe University, 2008.
  • [15] United Nations. New York (NY): UN. Report of the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 5-13 September 1994; 1995. Available at: https://www. Accessed September 26, 2017.
  • [16] Atun R, Aydin S, Chakraborty S, et al. Universal health coverage in Turkey: enhancement of equity. Lancet 2013;382:65-99. doi:
  • [17] Aktan AO, Pala K, Ilhan B. Health-care reform in Turkey: far from perfect. Lancet 2014;383:25-6. doi: http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62725-7.
  • [18] Cokar M, Nalbant H. Cinsel Sağlık Bilgileri Eğitimi-Öğretmen El Kitabı. [Sexual health informations-teacher handbook] Human Source Development Foundation. 2000. Turkish.
  • [19] Chandra-Mouli V, Parameshwar PS, Parry M, et al. A neverbefore opportunity to strengthen investment and action on adolescent contraception, and what we must do to make full use of it. Reproductive Health 2017;14:85. doi:10.1186/ s12978.017.0347-9.
  • [20] Pak T, Ulgen MA, Eren R, et al. Marmara University Faculty of Medicine 2016-2017 phase-1 students’ attitudes toward gender roles. Poster session presented at Marmara Student Congress; 2017 May 12-14; Istanbul Turkey.
  • [21] Celik AS, Pasinlioglu T, Tan G, et al. Üniversite öğrencilerinin cinsiyet eşitliği tutumlarının belirlenmesi [Determination of university students’ attitudes about gender equality]. F N Hem Derg 2013;21: 181-6. Turkish.
  • [22] Ebreo A, Feist-Price S, Siewe Y, et al. Effects of peer education on the peer educators in a school-based HIV prevention program: where should peer education research go from here? Health Educ Behav 2002;29:411-23. doi: 10.1177/109.019.810202900402.
  • [23] Badura AS, Millard M, Peluso EA, et al. Effects of peer education training on peer educators: Leadership, self-esteem, health knowledge, and health behaviors. J Coll Stud Dev 2000;41:471.
  • [24] Ehrhardt BL, Krumboltz JD, Koopman C. Training peer sexual health educators: Changes in knowledge, counseling selfefficacy, and sexual risk behavior. Am J Sex Educ 2008;2:39- 55. doi:
  • [25] Dag H , Donmez S , Sirin A , Kavlak O. Üniversite gençliğinin cinsel ve üreme sağlığıyla ilgili bilgi düzeyleri ve akran eğitimi. [University youth reproductive and sexual health knowledge and peer education] Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences 2010;15:10-17. Turkish.
  • [26] Tolli MV. Effectiveness of peer education interventions for HIV prevention, adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health promotion for young people: a systematic review of European studies. Health Educ Res 2012;27:904-13. doi:
  • [27] Harden A, Oakley A, Oliver S. Peer-delivered health promotion for young people: a systematic review of different study designs. Health Educ J 2001;60:339-53. doi:10.1177/00 1.789.690106000406.
  • [28] Michielsen K, Beauclair R, Delva W, Roelens K, Van Rossem R, Temmerman M. Effectiveness of a peerled HIV prevention intervention in secondary schools in Rwanda: results from a non-randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2012;12:729. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-729.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Research

Ayse Nilufer Ozaydın This is me

Anil Cıfter This is me

Berk Bozdogan This is me

Nergis Kıcı This is me

Publication Date May 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 33 Issue: 2


APA Ozaydın, A. N., Cıfter, A., Bozdogan, B., Kıcı, N. (2020). The impact of training of peer educator on sexual and reproductive health: An interventional study. Marmara Medical Journal, 33(2), 75-82.
AMA Ozaydın AN, Cıfter A, Bozdogan B, Kıcı N. The impact of training of peer educator on sexual and reproductive health: An interventional study. Marmara Med J. May 2020;33(2):75-82. doi:10.5472/marumj.738403
Chicago Ozaydın, Ayse Nilufer, Anil Cıfter, Berk Bozdogan, and Nergis Kıcı. “The Impact of Training of Peer Educator on Sexual and Reproductive Health: An Interventional Study”. Marmara Medical Journal 33, no. 2 (May 2020): 75-82.
EndNote Ozaydın AN, Cıfter A, Bozdogan B, Kıcı N (May 1, 2020) The impact of training of peer educator on sexual and reproductive health: An interventional study. Marmara Medical Journal 33 2 75–82.
IEEE A. N. Ozaydın, A. Cıfter, B. Bozdogan, and N. Kıcı, “The impact of training of peer educator on sexual and reproductive health: An interventional study”, Marmara Med J, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 75–82, 2020, doi: 10.5472/marumj.738403.
ISNAD Ozaydın, Ayse Nilufer et al. “The Impact of Training of Peer Educator on Sexual and Reproductive Health: An Interventional Study”. Marmara Medical Journal 33/2 (May 2020), 75-82.
JAMA Ozaydın AN, Cıfter A, Bozdogan B, Kıcı N. The impact of training of peer educator on sexual and reproductive health: An interventional study. Marmara Med J. 2020;33:75–82.
MLA Ozaydın, Ayse Nilufer et al. “The Impact of Training of Peer Educator on Sexual and Reproductive Health: An Interventional Study”. Marmara Medical Journal, vol. 33, no. 2, 2020, pp. 75-82, doi:10.5472/marumj.738403.
Vancouver Ozaydın AN, Cıfter A, Bozdogan B, Kıcı N. The impact of training of peer educator on sexual and reproductive health: An interventional study. Marmara Med J. 2020;33(2):75-82.